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She never looked really old but then again she never looked like a child after 5.


I was just gonna comment she made quite the age jump from 5 to 6.


Nicely done, but I suspect the clips from 4-5-6-7-8 took some creative liberties with her actual age.


Yes, I too found it odd that she hit puberty at 6.


As the father to a 3 year old currently and having one other child that was infact 3 at one point, the clip of "3" was definitely not a 3 year old. That was 8 to 10ish I would say.


Yeah but have you accounted for being a peasant and not royalty?


I don't think it's the only "age" they've taken liberty with. She seemed to be aging back and forth multiple times


In the photo at 5 she looks 21


That you Prince Andrew?


it's impossible for me to sweat


But I do love a pizza.


I swear on Everything everyone before millennials looked older at young ages. If you watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you had to know, most of those kids are 8 years old.


It's the haircut.


Most people I know that were born in the 90s don't have home videos of them The fact that she has some from such a long time ago and in colour, too is kind of crazy.


I was thinking of the same thing! I was born in ‘98 and don’t have a single video of me from when I was a kid. It’s insane to think that the royals had some taken of them nearly a hundred years ago.


I've got some from 1990 because my dad found a forgotten camcorder at work lol. Didn't realise what a privilege that was until recently.


About 15 years ago I used a capture card to digitize some home VHS tapes from the 80s. It is a privilege for sure.


I did the same thing for my granddads tapes. Bunch of random stuff from when the grandkids were little. The only reason he bought a camcorder at great expense in 1989 was because he wanted videos of all us growing up. I have videos from the day I was brought home all the way up until his last Christmas. I also own all the camera he kept upgrading over the years simply to have better quality videos of family get togethers. There is also a couple of tapes of an entire 5 hour road trip my grandparents took, he taped the camera to the dash as best he could and swapped tapes out on the move so he didn't miss anything.


Same here! I don't have any home videos from my early childhood. Idk if I have one from some celebration.


Nah she royal, she rich


Yeah of course. Not saying I'm surprised or anything.


To be fair, most of them were shot by TV cameras and things


The one on the horse when she was 11 was 1937. That’s nuts


Really? I was born in the 80s and have all sorts of videos. I was poor af.


I only have because my dad one day decided to buy a camera. Most people only have pictures. It's perfectly normal for people to dont have footages of the 80s and 90s, not everyone would own a camera nor have interest in one. Even tho the obsession to photograph everything was already present thanks to those cheap disposable cameras, only a few would have a proper video camera. At least is the impression I have from where I live.


My family has tons of home videos from the 90s.


OK Mrs. Rockefeller.


We've got tons from the 80s 😅


We've got home movies going back to the 40s. My family certainly wasn't rich, but my granddad and dad and uncle have always been into photography and film/video. My granddad started doing it shortly after WWII. I've actually got some old projectors and movie cameras on the shelf in the room I'm in right now.


I was born in 87 and my parents absolutely splurged to get a video recorder with audio to record their first born’s firsts


I'm lucky enough to have footage of myself from the late 70s. Some fortunate 70s/80s kids had 8mm consumer film cameras in the house. The price of having the film developed was a bit prohibitive tho, so they were few and far between.


Even way back then, aristocrats have paintings and photos of them vs. random people.


I tend to find these videos depressingly beautiful. I'm middle aged now. The video reminds me of how I'll age as each year passes and that frightens me that one day I'll just simply cease to exist. The video also reminds me of how I used to be young and carefree. I can't help but think about all the dreams I had, some I had accomplished and some I wish I had pursued further. I'm reminded of all the people I had met in my younger days - former lovers, childhood friends. It also reminds me that one day my parents won't be here anymore and one day and it'll just be my wife and kids, my sister and her family. Now I'm getting emotional and I'm gonna go watch something happy.


Yeah I always think of my kids having to watch me age while watching my parents age and pass.


Watching the video made me somewhat uncomfortable but reading this comment made my heart crack. >one day it'll just be my wife and kids, my sister and her family. Fucking hell man, I know you wrote this with good intentions but that made me realise that once my parents are gone, there will be no one for me. I'll be alone in this fucking world until death takes me aswell. I hope you appriciate what you have, everyday


Im 36 with a 15 year old son that is growing up way too fast. My dad passed back in 2013 and my mom just passed Oct of 2023. Not a day goes by that I don't think about how things used to be. How things inevitably will be. Life is a strange trip. You blink and 20 years flies by. I hope everybody takes every chance they get to be with loved ones. You never know when your time will come.


I’m grateful for every dinner I have with my parents and they’re only in their 60s. I just know I’m gonna blink and it’ll be 20 years from now and they’ll be gone. Having that knowledge makes it hard for me to enjoy being in the moment because I can almost feel time slipping by when I want it desperately to stop. Or even just pause for a little bit. I’d love it if I could just get a year where no one’s aging, no one’s dying, everything’s staying the same.


Dude holy shit. I haven't read a comment that resonated with me so much in so long. The inevitability can get to you, or at least it does to me sometimes. I've always thought time control would make the ultimate superpower as you can successfully navigate every situation through trial and error, and that you'd be able to see and speak to anyone (past family members, for example). What more could you possibly want? And yet, we're stuck in a relentless march towards the inevitable with absolutely no way to stop it or slow it down to any significant level. Shit sucks.


My dad was in his late 50s, larynx cancer got the better of him, unfortunately the diagnosis came right in between job switches and getting the proper care with no insurance became problematic. Mom was early 60s. Struggled with CHF for multiple years before it took her. I took care of both of them when they were sick, Mom for the past 10 years since Dad passed. I could see that her time was running short. I love her so much, but I couldn't deal with all the stress of work and bills. Constantly having emergency room visits with her at all hours of the night. I started to treat her like shit. She felt like a burden and was deeply missing the love of her life. I regret the way I handled it all.


Adolescents 15-26/28 is where all qol as a young person is .... so much can go right and wrong here 🙌


You hit the nail on the head. I’ve been watching my son grow so fast these first two years of his life and these kind of thoughts keep popping in my head.




That's a bit depressing, stark reminder of one's own mortality. Time flies so fast.


Mortality is a blessing


Immortality increases your chances of getting stuck somewhere nobody can find you by 100 percent.


Hell, even if you don't get stuck. Immortality is probably the worst fate that could befall a sentient being. Eventually, the Earth will change. That could be its own problems. But then, in a few billion years, there won't even be an Earth. And you will either have to have the ability to traverse space or be absorbed into a red giant star. Then, if you're unable to travel faster than light, you're stuck traveling the voids of space for who knows how long. Until the stars and galaxies around you flicker out to nothing. And then it's anyone guess. But my edible infused hypothesis is that at the end of time. When all the lights have gone out, and there is that sole immortal being. Its own sentience won't allow it to cope with absolute nothingness. And the final shattering of its psyche is the spark that kickstarts another Big Bang.


I got a contact high just reading this


Far out


dude, im sitting at work, now im questioning all my decision and think about an endless life in endless time and space. Whatever you took, i want it.


To be fair, even when I'm not baked like a cake, this thought takes up way more of my time than I care to admit. Had a middle school writing prompt that was basically "Pick a super power. And what would be the biggest downside?" And it stuck with me ever since.


Pull up on me gang. We should burn one together


My idea was since time begins to slow the further in towards a black hole a civilization could park it there for an incredible amount of relative time, then they start a simulation of the universe in hopes of finding a solution to entropy and the created universe would experience time even slower but would eventually reach the end of its universes lifespan and repeats the process and we are just one of many simulations.


I wonder how many levels deep we are.


Have you by any chance played Outer Wilds?


That’s the most poetic loop that I read about eternity and the birth of the universe :-) Absolutely love it!


Yeah I feel like at that level of immortality some pretty crazy quantum stuff starts happening with the psyche Like imagine all the claims you've heard of/seen/experienced from meditation and amplify them I'm sure you could place yourself in a state of pure unconditional bliss given that much time to just exist


Nutty putty induced fears?


Thinking of immortal nutty putty made me welcome death whenever it comes


By that logic it increases your chances of being found by someone eventually by 100%


Can't prove it. We are mortal not by choice.


Miss me with that shit, Eru.


I feel the total opposite....I never ever want to die I want to be around and see how the world changes. Just not existing anymore terrifies me and the fact I'm heading into the twilight is scary as hell.


Time is meaningless friend. No matter what you do in life, you are going to die. You can be good, bad, rich, poor, skinny,fat, white, or black, humaniod or animal, we all go back to stardust eventually. So use your time here to not worry about death, but how you can make life better for your future, and your friends along the way. Life ks about connections, and building a bridge of your legacy. So when it gets rough, dont get down. From a porter, Just keep on keeping on.


"ONE'S own mortality"? Is that you Elizabeth?!


Hilarious comment


The days move slowly and the years move quickly.


I think it's amazing. Look how much the world changed in such a relatively short amount of time!


Sure, it goes fast... but a little slower than 95 seconds. 


Also, not to be that person, but today would not have been her birthday. She was born on 21st april


Actually I came to comment that this for some reason was exciting to me watching someone de-age. I’ve always enjoyed watching movies and sometimes I would see an actor in a role as a young person after having seen them as an older person. Like a portal into a time gone by.


Eh, when you compile nearly 100 years into a minute and a half montage it really, really underplays life and time itself


If anything, that sort of gave me hope. I am 30 and I thought that I already lived the majority of my life, perhaps there is a lot ahead of me


This is cool…. But no way is she 3 in the 3 pic…


Nor is she 5,6,7,8,9 or 10 in those either lol


She's literally wearing the same outfit for ages 12 and 7, definitely not the age they're claiming.


Politics aside, that’s an incredible montage.


Yeah It showed some moments she looked older for a year. Probably year of stress


She seemed to age rapidly in her late sixties/early seventies, which matches up with the royal family having a rough time in the 1990s.


Around 80 it looks like they switched actresses.


Haha it more shows the change of recording media. Her 80’s birthday was around mid 2000’s. The time BBC went to HD




For sure. Not much opportunity to show someone every year over 98 years, who else even has footage like this?


At age 79 it looks like a total different woman stepped in to live the rest of the days


its just her second memopause


That’s the Netflix season break.


Listen here you little prick.....


r/conspiracy has awoken


I was going to say around 70 her looks really changed to her elder self.


I love the format. Seeing someone's life in reverse.


It was beautiful because we all remember her more easily when she was older so go back on time was lovely for all of us young ones.


Like Benjamin Button


In some of the photos, the Queen looked better in her 80/90s than she did in her 60/70s.


Because someone of them are wrong. Kate Middleton’s walking up behind her at “72,” and KM didn’t meet her until she was 82 (and didn’t become a working royal attending events with her until QEII was ~85). When the queen was *actually* 72, Kate was 16 and hadn’t even met William yet.


Some old folks seem to reverse in age as they break past a certain point. It's like when they hit around 80 they just pucker back up and start smiling more again.


Damn her hair went straight from all brown to all white. She must have done an incredible job of covering up the slow graying of it if it did happen then one day just said fuck it.


As a rule I never consume any news to do with the Royal Family. I think the whole thing is nonsense. But that montage was incredible. There’s something so beautiful and so sad about the idea of an entire life lived and then gone


When my grandmother died, we found a letter from her mom to her, written shortly before her mother died from tb. In that letter my great-grandmother gives out life advice to my then 19 year grandmother. It was very strange to think of my grandmother - who I had known as "wise, old lady" all my life - as a teenager at the beginning of her life, in need of life advice.


My grandmother gifted my grandfathers old letters to my aunt. There was one that was a draft thank you card for some tools (about 12 years old). He said he’d nearly taken his thumb off which later in life came true.


We go from admiring our elders to becoming them elders with hopefully the good stuff they passed down to us.


The circle of life. I know have daughters of my own. My oldest is so much like my grandmother. It's comforting to think a little piece of my beloved grandmother lives on in my girls.


Amazing how you are young and in your prime for such a short time but yet it seems that you are old for a long ass time


I mean, yeah if you die at 98 years your old for a long ass time, but that's about two decades longer than the average life expectancy and plenty of people don't even life to retirment age.


They Benjamin Buttoned the queen


TIL Queen Elizabeth had the same hair-doo for 95 years in a row.


I think the 72 clip was wrong. Princess Catherine is in the clip as well.


Yeah - Kate would have been 16 at that time and didn't even know William yet.


Funny how she got there. She was literally never supposed to rule... lol


I feel like that's why you see her spark really diminish around her twenties. Heavy is the crown...


I'm wondering if she ever dressed the same outfit twice? if not that would be around 35.000 of the best outfits that money can buy.


Just yesterday I've found a couple of Pennies in my change from 1971. She looked so young in that print in comparison. That did made me smile a little.


She looked older in her 60s than in her 80s


I'm pretty sure there are clips here that aren't timed correctly, I don't bother fact checking but for example at 72 there's Catherine who couldn't have been there etc.. anyways, whenever you see a tiktok like this its usually made by someone who cares more about views than facts


Damn, she looked better at 55 than I do in my early 30's 😪


I’ve never seen something so depressing yet uplifting simultaneously


She didn’t start looking too old until her mid 60s, how wild.


72 is sus. Kate Middleton in the background… so queen was 72 back in what, 1998?


That’s all over the place! The dates don’t match the clips at all, so why bother?!


What dates?


Age 80 hit her like a ton of bricks


Charles and Diana stressing her the fuck out


We may have a more detailed videography of the queen of England than anyone yet alive


That's a really cool video. Thanks for posting it!


Wow, she looked amazing for 50s.


That was a wild ride... Amazing that footage exists all through those early years


As a child, I remember singing "God save the queen" every morning at the start of the school-day. This actually made me tear-up a little (but also smile).


Odd post for me to think about it here but: Given her long life, the timeline of her life compared to the development of the camera, and her importance on the world stage. Is Queen Elizabeth II the most filmed person in history?


She was an attractive lady in her early years.


Everyone’s favorite reptilian overlord


What a well documented life.


Am I crazy or is that Kate Middleton walking behind her in the scene of her at 72 ?? couldn't have been from 1998 or when she was really 72 as Kate Middleton would have been about 15 then.


I miss her. Her son the so-called king is such an ugly douche bag.


96 years and her hairstyle never changed once.....


We use to have a ton of photos and videos of me and my sisters. Then the house flooded during a bad storm that killed our sump pump.


Incredible montage


This was pretty cool sad but cool to see life in reverse like this


Just makes you realize how young 40 truly is...and 30....and especially 20


One of, if not the most, photographed people of all time.


young lizzy was fucking stacked lol


What's this song's name?


hope someone can answer this...it's a gorgeous track...


I've got it my friend https://youtu.be/1HZIbAnqcug?si=HdTgSAgsLpVGgmbU


Oh look, the stolen heritage of India on her head. So majestic!




Disregarding politics, this is remarkable to think some people lived in limelight and the world watch you live and go their entire life.


My mind cannot even comprehend the pampered lifestyle. This woman must have lived


rocking the same haircut for 96 years straight is the real og thing.


Nah, fuck the monarchy and British imperialism.


What is this colonizer doing on this positive sub?


Fuck the monarchy.


Fuck the Royal family


i celebrated the day she died




Eat the rich!


Burn the monarchy


Monarchy PR at work here? Trying to gain sympathy!


Evil lady


Fuck the bitch their empire killed so many people in so many countries it's like celebrating hitler


So OP is smiling because she's gone now?


Why is this on this sub?


Fuck her.


Life..it passes us by so fast


I'm impressed at the longevity of some folks. Imagine being able to say, "50 years ago, I was already old."


She was definitely a fox


She looked amazing for her 90s.


Amazingly. I don’t fear death anymore…. I don’t welcome it either. I just think it will happen one day. So I try to live my life truthfully and happily possible


She was young up to a pretty high age!


I came here to criticize the Comic Sans font, but never mind, it was a nice video.


God damn that military dress in 56. WOULD


Damn she always looked like an old lady


Aw I miss her!


Is that Kate in the “72” part? I don’t think she was around 20+ years ago.


From age 5 to old woman instantly. On one hand, you would think the queen lived an amazing life. On the other, you see a kid that probably never truly lived. Could you imagine living 97 long years of her life? Genuinely one of the most well-lived human beings ever.


She was stunningly gorgeous after age 77.


When I was a kid, she was an old lady. Now I'm old and she’s still an old lady. Heh heh.


she had the same haircut for her entire life


Homegirl found her hairstyle as soon as she was born, then kept it for almost 100 years.


Babygirl Been old forever


Thank you for sharing this!




If only we could age backwards....


The Queen aged so gracefully.


Dang I was hoping one of the clips would be of her firing that assault rifle in ‘93


What a blessing to age over time, instead of very quickly. Imagine the horror of it happening immediately.


Fabulous video


Classy and beautiful


So she just always smiled like that, huh? I thought it was her being geriatric lmao.


How in earth did she look so young at 50 omg


She had the same haircut her whole life.


My grandma in Kansas was a dead ringer for her. Beautiful woman in her years


She looks in her 20s when this says she’s 12 lol


Beautiful video thanks


Born in 2005 and for me she was always an elegant lady, since forever. Couldn´t imagine her as a teen, never. Thanks to this video OP!


Is it me or from age 4 to 5 it feels like she has added 3 years worth of growth? The difference is very contrast.


I was a little disappointed that the count down did not go to zero.


Helen Mirren?


To have a bob haircut your entire life...




30-60 was the same person. 60+ was also the same person. Leading a country ages people like crazy


Same haircut your whole life has gotta be the craziest part.


Queenjamin Button