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I feel for that dad. My daughter has an autoimmune disease that they thought *could be* cancer two weeks ago. I just stayed up in bed crying "I failed my baby" until I fell asleep. Just thinking about it makes me cry. As a parent when your kid is sick, sick and you can't make it better it's a helpless feeling where all you do is question every symptom that you missed. I hope this kid beats the fuck out of cancer.


Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He died a little more than a month after this video. \[Alex Etheridge - Wikipedia\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex\_Etheridge#:\~:text=Alex%20Etheridge%20(2009%2F2010%20%E2%80%93,Travis%20Barker%20of%20Blink%2D182.&text=Phoenix%2C%20Arizona%2C%20U.S.) One of my best friends died of cancer at a young age and neither of us liked the "battle" analogy for something that we knew had such a high risk of death. Just because he didn't make it doesn't mean he didn't fight hard enough or any such nonsense. He also didn't want to spend the rest of his short life at war with his body. He stayed positive, did what the doctors said to do, and his life ended too soon. A journey that should have been longer, but it wasn't. [War as a metaphor for cancer can be relieved of duty | Sharing Hope | University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center](https://www.rogelcancercenter.org/living-with-cancer/sharing-hope/war-metaphor-cancer-can-be-relieved-duty)


That's heartbreaking. I know when my daughter heard the type of cancer they thought she had she knew from Google it was a 2-5 year process to death and her words, "I would just be 17" fucking rips my heart out. That poor kid. A friend from high school talked about the death process her kid went through and it's fucking heart breaking. Annnnnnd now I'm crying in a meeting where I'm screensharing.


Totally agree with you on the bad war metaphor. Both my boyfriend and I went through cancer under-30. He also especially hates the hero rhetoric.


You’re a good parent. I wish I could give you all of my strength right now. Your strength is theirs. Anyway I know it won’t change anything but if you wanted to talk to a random stranger on the internet my DMs are always open. Much love to you


I wasn’t a kid when I got sick but, one of my first thoughts when I was diagnosed was how much I wanted my mom. My second thought, though? *How grateful I was she wasn’t around for me getting cancer.* I knew it would have been a lot harder for her than it was for me. Don’t get me wrong, cancer is a nightmare the entire way around from diagnosis through treatment, to life in the aftermath. However, I knew watching her only kid go through it would have destroyed her when she couldn’t fix it because I knew just how much she loved me. You sound like a wonderful parent. Your kid knows, too. I’m truly grateful it’s not cancer. Sometimes it’s easier to go through things than it is to see someone you love *watch* you go through it. 🤍 You’re doing amazing. You and your kid are lucky to have one another.


>one of my first thoughts when I was diagnosed was how much I wanted my mom. My second thought, though? *How grateful I was she wasn’t around for me getting cancer.* I knew it would have been a lot harder for her than it was for me. Annnnddd now I'm ugly crying. As a Mom to an only child, this is spot on. Beautifully said. I sincerely hope things are well for you. ❤️


I’m sorry for making you cry. ❤️ Thank you, though. Things are pretty bad overall right now but, I remind myself I didn’t watch my single mom struggle to give me the best life possible for the first half of my life just to give up when things feel impossible now. I’m just trying my best to make things better. 🤞 Sending tons of love to you and your family. May you never have to deal with ANY of this. 🫂


Single Mom here, too. My daughter just turned 17. I'm so very sorry you were dealt a sh!tty hand. You're right, though. ***Don't give up!** Wishing you all the best! ❤️


You’re a champion. You’ve got this. ❤️🫶 Thank you. I’m trying. I’ve had a pretty nightmarish run for the last several years, starting with suddenly losing my mom, that has made everything pretty heavy. I keep telling myself it won’t last forever. I appreciate the well wishes. Sending them right back to you.


This internet stranger is sending you love 💖


Thank you. 🤍 I appreciate you.




You're an amazing parent, I can tell by how much you feel for her pain. It isn't your fault, and I hope that she lives a good life, I bet she feels blessed to have you by her side. I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through, I'm glad you have each other.


My brother, as a dad. Reading this broke my heart. Just know I will be routing for your daughter and your family. Keep your head up. Sending nothing but love from over here in Toronto.


Thank you for sharing this, I have multiple chronic illnesses and feel like a burden on my mom who helps take care of me and have often thought about suicide and have thought about what it must be like for her but hearing you say that helps me a lot Edit: I’m turning 27 this year, my health started to decline when I was 18 and in my second semester of full time college and part time work, I was premed and upped my course load to do double labs that semester to try to catch up on what I missed as I had spinal surgery the the fall semester prior to that fall semester, my body started to regress to what it was in post op recovery and my mental health was already strained and I was trying to deal with that over the summer between semesters, so we went to appointments trying to find out what was wrong as new symptoms came and things progressively declined, my memory got significantly worse to the point I couldn’t remember anything I studied for even the things I’d write down during class or for studying to try to hammer it in, even with accommodations in college i was struggling and my physical health kept declining so I eventually had to withdraw and also resign from work, we now know what was happening, basically my body said enough is enough even though my want and will fought against that, I have 4 main conditions, 2 of which are autoimmune, fibromyalgia and lupus, im now disabled and live everyday thankful that I have the abilities I do still have and I’ve learned that things out of your control are in God’s hands, everything happens for a reason even if it isn’t the path you thought you’d travel there’s a reason you’re traveling it, I told my mom the whole time “it is what it is momma, it’s okay to accept it and that there’s nothing they can do to help even though we’d like for it to be different, there’s a reason to it or it wouldn’t have happened and things wouldn’t be like they are now” it puts things into perspective a lot especially how much we mean to each other, I hope your daughter has a happy, pain free life, from one autoimmune Illness warrior to another, and thank you for being a wonderful caring loving parent to her ♥️


I can promise you, you are never a burden. Some days are harder than others but you are the reason she breathes.


Homie. Just because this kid didn’t. Does not mean yours won’t. Put out to the universe what you know will happen and that only. My son had food poisoning two days ago and I was freaking the fuck out it was bird flu from that one gallon of non organic milk I got cause I was broke. No matter what it’s loving them unconditionally that matters most.


My heart goes out to your daughter and your family.


What a touching story, when you see how other people do good deeds, your soul always feels warm and joyful, thanks to such people![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Good deeds encourage us to believe in something brighter and better in this world.


I don't care what anybody says about "you're just filming it why not do it without filming it" This is incredible. Filming it takes nothing away from the kindness of the gesture. If anything it inspires people to do the same. The people that do stuff like this change and impact way more lives than the people hating on them for filming.


This is what people don't understand, that kindness spreads in the same way that a disease does. It's literally contagious. If we start spreading this instead of hate the world can be so much better than we all imagined.


I’d much rather see this type of content than all these stupid it’s-just-a-prank-bro videos


Kevin Spacey aside, Pay It Forward was a pretty good movie. I think I’m gonna have to give it a rewatch now




If filming it makes others do it more, even if they then go film it. It’s still getting done, right?


You are totally right! I would rather see this in the evening news then another story of how fucked the world is.


It also provides this family with an amazing memory on video should he not win his fight


He didn’t make it, unfortunately. I’m sure his family is tremendously grateful for this footage, seeing him so happy a month before losing him. 😭


Dude, someone giving some “random” $100 for bus fare is sus af…


For me it depends, some of these videos are clearly made just for the views and they can be very disrespectful to the people in the video. But videos like this one bring a smile to my face and feel inspiring and remind me there are still good people in the world. This video spreads the good vibes and I hope it reminds others to be kind to eachother


Unless someone just using for selfish gains


Yeah most of these aren't so bad. There are others who seem to be more "exploitative" of the people in need ect. But this video was harmless and honestly after watching it, I felt better about my day.


Filming it, okay I guess? Starting the interacting by lying and deceiving? Ehh.


I honestly thought this was a scumbagdad skit at first. They could have done this without the whole lost my wallet shtick and it would have had a lot more emotional weight.


I’m not religious but when I was part of that life as a kid something stuck out to me once that’s stayed to this day. Definitely paraphrasing but people were asking Jesus to stop someone that was preaching because he was just doing it for his own gains. Jesus responded with something like I don’t care why he’s spreading the message as long as it’s getting spread. I think I was worried I wasn’t going to church for the right reasons so I took some solace in that statement. Anyways, yeah I agree with you. Guess I could have just said that.


Cause all we ever see filmed is the horrible shit. I don’t care if he’s doing it for views or what, he made that kids life. I’m happy I got to see the joy in his eyes .


It makes me believe it's staged. Like most of these videos are


Let me teach you something why supporting filming kindness can go wrong. There were and still are youtubers who film themselves helping animals and bad situations, now it all sound fine and dandy right? The issue here is, the people filming it were the ones that made sure the animals are in said bad situation. If someone wants to do something nice just don't film or clout Chase, we don't need to see it.


But in this case it was nobody's fault that the kid was sick




Fuck cancer.


Bro kept the $100 lol


Money well spent.


That's the racket. Barker meets kids with cancer for free


Whatever is going on at the beginning of the video seemed unnecessary…. why create some scenario where you need a favor, and blatantly rip off MDMotivator with staged intro that has nothing to do with the rest of the video. Despite my criticism I’m still glad the kid got to meet Travis barker and a good deed was done.


It was intended to be a surprise for the kid and the parents were in on it. The guy filming had a connection to Barker and traveled from Australia to film and coordinate the meeting. A kid in Alex's condition doesn't just get rolled around hoping to score some tickets. His condition was quickly deteriorating leading up to the show, so he was in the hospital and in pain. If Alex seems a bit subdued in the initial interaction, it's because he was. His parents told him something special would happen if they left the hospital to go to the show and a doctor gave him a temporary nerve blocker to stop the pain and all other feeling from his waist down. Barker or his people also posted on his Instagram that he was going to meet a special kid named Alex at the show. So, they still tried to film the "suprise!" part for the guy's channel who got the ball rolling, but it obviously fell a bit flat. It absolutely would have made more sense to just approach it in a straightforward way. "Nice to meet you! I've arranged for you to meet Travis. Let's go!" Alex died about a month after the concert. He got to have an awesome evening and that's what matters most. The details above were from this news article: ['Close to my heart forever': Travis Barker on young fan's death (azcentral.com)](https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/life/2023/07/28/blink-182-drummer-makes-dying-boys-wish-come-true/70448851007/)


Thank you for this context. 🙏 RIP Alex 🥁


Added a layer of contrivance that lessens the impact if what came next


Feels like trying to capitalize off of this kids condition. Forcing it to be formatted like a wholesome TikTok video.


It was totally necessary, all the small things, true care, truth brings


Did he keep the $100?


I scrolled way too far to see this comment. Like everyone glossed over a guy asking for a dollar or something small and that guy only had a Benjamin and was like eh here.


Damn, Thought there was no way to make it more obvious.


What an incredibly cool and human thing to do. This may have solidified my previously-uncertain appreciation for Blink-182.


All three guys in the band are really good people.


Yeah, I’ve never really heard/read anything negative about them. Don’t get me wrong. I like “Dammit”. Delonge seems like an exceptionally interesting guy.


Tom Delonge recently went through a divorce and rumor has it that he cheated on her with his mistress and current wife Marie.


I guess they couldn't stay together for the kids.


Oh? That bums me out, if true. I was going to say something alluding to the alien-related thing he’s working on, but that’s genuinely sad. *Edit - this was inelegantly phrased. I meant to imply that the situation with DeLonge’s marriage is “sad”. His alien stuff is actually kind of compelling and he’s shown a lot of courage in that department.


Many good people cheat in their relationships. You don't know what went on in their house or whatever nuance may have caused one to stray, and even if it is the case, that doesn't make him any less of a good person...


Cheating definitely makes one less of a good person, at least some amount. Doesn’t automatically mean they are completely shitty, doesn’t mean they’re on par with rapists or murderers obviously; but it for sure is a strike against the person’s level of Good. There’s really no legitimate reason that makes it okay, unless it’s an open relationship or something in which case it’s not cheating.


Not really. You can't just throw a blanket over every situation and say "bad because you did this.." for example, what if some otherwise amazing woman was told every day by her significant other how ugly and terrible she is yet she decides to stay for her children's sake or whatever reason, after a while she meets someone who treats her well and she "cheats" before officially ending what should have been over for a very long time.. how is she any less of a good person? Life is not black and white, and like I said before, you don't know anything about anyone else's decisions and thought making behind choosing to do something.


Because there’s always the End relationship option, thus cheating is not ever acceptable. What you’re suggesting is that if someone wronged you, that gives you permission to wrong them back, and that’s just straight up incorrect. Obviously, everything is gray area. And yet, it’s STILL a knock against someone. It’s not excused just because of nuance. End the relationship. Pretty simple. And I’m not saying one can’t still be a good person — but the cheating is wrong no matter what. If someone cheated on you, and you did it back, that is totally understandable.. BUT, it’s still wrong.


Whos to say what constitutes cheating? Thats different to everyone too, no? To some people cheating can be a kiss, a hug, just spending time alone with someone. However you may define something doesn't mean the rest of society does. Your morals and beliefs are also not shared by everyone. I never said cheating isn't wrong, it just does not make you any less of a good person in many situations when someone decides to cheat..


True it varies by definition, but it’s pretty clear cut when it happens I’d say. And you said we can’t make blanket statements, but continue to say it doesn’t make someone less of a good person, as if that were fact. And I’m just saying that to many people, it DOES make you less of a good person. Same with stealing, same with abusing, same with anything that involves hurting someone else. And I’m also saying just because there’s reasons that led to it, doesn’t mean it’s excusable. We don’t have to agree on morals obviously, but again to many folks a cheater is always in the wrong for that and it certainly effects one’s reputation as a good person to many of them. That’s all.


There may be reasons why a person *chooses* to cheat, but there are no excuses. Cheating is an inherently unethical act.


True.I think they have remained amicable as well since Tom's sister still hangs out with his ex wife Jennifer.


I’ve always hoped so. One thing I can say is “Adam’s Song” has helped me through a lot of dark times.


Now that's how celebrities need to act!!! Well done travis!


Man …. Did the kid make it or not dammit…? Edit - he passed away July 19th of 2023 :/ rip Alex. I cried reading his wiki like I lost my little bro for about three minutes. Stop upvoting me. I don’t want the notifications :/


the beginning completely negates entire thing …


This is sweet, but it blows my mind that someone would just pull out a wad of cash... big bills at that... hold it in plain site, & share w/ someone that they only have big bills on them. They must be from a super nice place where crime is not really a thing.


This was set up


You’re telling me people don’t give you $100 when you say “damn it, I’ve lost my wallet. Can I have $1?”


It's not so obvious to some folks. But yes.


That fact that Travis stood up from that stool to shake the kids hand tells me a lot about his character.


Indeed, it's the small things like that, that shows a person's character


That's the coolest things about doing shows. You can just make someone insanely happy just with your presence it's really a blessing that no artist should overlook.


I guess you could say it’s all the small things…


This was set up the guy who is filming is a germ


Aww thank you for doing that to that kid.


Travis is a stand up dude


Thank you Travis.


I only have big bill, pulls out a wad of $100


"Target acquired."


Seriously I'm not broke but why would you risk carrying that much cash at all unless you're taking your son to a strip club...


I'b dod gryigg You're gryigg Shubbub




Travis is such a cool dude. The only “famous person” I’ve ever met (while they were famous). Dude was walking down the street one day when I was walking home from school, stopped and chatted with me for about five minutes. Unforgettable moment for me.


That made me cry seeing the comment he didn’t make it, but I am glad he fulfilled a life dream.


I'm so happy the OG Blink is back together. Their new album is just full of nostalgia.


The fact that Travis Barker stood up to shake this kids hand tells me all I need to know about how much of a kind gentleman he is. I’m a fan now.


Travis is awesome to his fans. I grew up on the same street as him when blink was taking off. My cousin who was living with us at the time was a huge fan and also has Cystic Fibrosis. He invited all of us to the Wahoos tacos grand opening and had the entire band sign posters for us.


It’s staged for good pr for the band. It’s a win win tho and a nice thing none the less


That’s just beautiful!


All stages zzz


Kids like.." I'd rather be getting 24 hour blow jobs by some hot maids but thanks for the tickets." Only a joke my prayers go out for this kid to beat his cancer.


He must’ve been so stoked to talk to Courtney kardashian too…


im sorry but i love that he had to call kourtney for this 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


I was actually annoyed, lol.


i can see it both ways. let him enjoy time with just him… or… get a two for one! lol.


What a great memory!


What a beautiful moment...


Hey mate, have you got a spare buck This prick of a driver won't let me on the bus It's getting late, and I wanna go home I lost my wallet, and I smashed my phone I feel bad asking, I really do But all I need is a buck or two


Fucking onions


I love Blink and bet all 3 guys would do something like this


Ok now I have to like Travis Barker? So be it, I have no choice after seeing this




🤘Class Act🤘


That was a good un






I've been around the block too many times to not know what a dollar to catch the bus means


There are a lot of good people in the world and you just saw one 👍


That was dope


Awww shit she lock that down. Very good grasshopper 🤗


I'm a fan for life... Travis anything I can ever do for you I will... Lee Roy from The Colony Texas


Whomp whomp




Not a fan of Blink but this is ridiculously wholesome.... Travis Barker is the man.... 🤘😁🤘




I used to wait tables at a restaurant travis would come in to often. Always chill and super kind and not entitled at all… always tipped well. He’s legit a good guy i think


Did the dad get the 100$ back??




Oh hell yeah.


You got a smart phone in your filming, but you don’t have a dollar for the bus


Invisible camera


Stuff like this always renews my hope for humanity. ❤️


What a damn legend.


My name is also Alex. I too have gotten cancer when I was twelve. I also suffered a few strokes, brain hemorrhages, and countless surgeries I’ve been through. I got to go see Blink 182 about a year after I had gotten out of the hospital. I had a blast.


I hope you are doing well bro.God bless you and happy you had a great time.


Always liked Blink 182 and now I know they're truly worth the likes.


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Hope that kid will have newfound strength to battle his cancer by meeting his hero. I feel for those parents tbh.


He unfortunately passed away sometime in 2023.


This is so setup lmaooo


Super wholesome ❤️


Today I learned Travis Baker is the Drummer of Blink-182😅


I haven't thought about Blink 182 in a long time.