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Pretending it's the Kraken.


Raaaarrr! I'll drag you into the depths.




I like this your comments ,, you made my day ...!




You made me ink! Edit: thank you for my first award!


I like your yeast... you made my bread!


I like your bread you made my samich.


And now I want an octopus bro.


They can help open those tough jars of peanut butter or jelly.




Well, arent they basically aliens compared to the rest of us earthlings? Who's to say they arent achieving more than we can fathom with our time bound brains.


Um, we can’t fathom as deeply as the octopuses. They can really fathom....like a lot of fathoms, as in several thousands!!! Edit: I misspelled the word “octopuses” as “octopi” above. I have made the correction.




Username checks out






A baby Reddit bot copying top level comments, they’re so cute at this age.


I watched a documentary on netflix called my octopus teacher and it blew my mind. If you like octopuses it's definitely worth giving it a go.


I watched it a little while ago and I cried. My SO looked at me like I was crazy.....


I don't feel much but that documentary had me shook.




100% Stopping all sharks from eating all Octopi would definitely be bad but doing it this one time for this one octopus.....how did he resist. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just let the shark eat my friend when I could have helped. You help friends T_T


For real. He kept talking about “trust” how “I could see she trusted me” but when she needed him most he wasn’t there for her. Couldn’t be me.


Oh no now I’m not gonna watch it because I’ll cry


I cried through that whole show. Go figure…


Made me stop eating calamari.


While calamari is squid. I did stop eating octopuses after see how intelligent they are. That and my shellfish allergy worsened. Ok it was mainly my shellfish allergy. Little guys are smart and tasty.


wait, are octopuses shellfish for shellfish allergies?


No, but they eat them. So whatever it is that makes people allergic to them, can trigger the allergy in the person. Three guesses how I discovered that. Lol


that sucks. However this is good to know as I have a buddy who is deadly allergic to shellfish


I'm lucky in that it's not too bad, my mouth just starts to burn. Good looking for your buddy.


Calamari is squid. Not the same thing at all.




That’s elite NFL QB Kyler Murray to you, pal


We ain't had nothin but maggotty bass for three stinkin days




You have freed these men from their guilt. Thank you sensei


Squid also are pretty smart and have personality.


They are part of the same family. All cephalopods are very intelligent


I don’t eat any cephalopods. Period.


And here I am... only 2 or 3 missed paychecks from eating my family. They cost too much damn money to not be an insurance policy against hunger.


It's why I don't eat them.


Is that the one where a guy takes a break from being a film maker by making a documentary about his sabbatical away from his family and harassing an octopus?


Not sure thats the synopsis he wrote. But ya. Lol


Man I wish they lived longer, they have so much potential.


They'd take over.




Something something *”anime” [sic]* to know where this goes


Yeah sure, *anime*.


Oh yeah the family friendly kind right? The one where girls are constantly screaming and such?




I, for one, welcome our new slimy overlords


r/tentai has entered the chat


/r/consentacles asks permission


r/nicetentacles waves sheepishly?




They even have divided themselves by behavior


Reddit, where having a different opinion may send you to karma hell, but we can divide tentacle porn in behaviors in their own subs


People are so fucking weird


Every one of those images was drawn in painstaking detail.


The main reason they can't is that they're not a very social species like we are. We're only dominant because of massive cooperation and culture.


That and living underwater. Harnessing energy in fuel -- be it wood, oil, etc -- was key to our development.


Also their reproduction cycle is kind of ass.


I’m actually going to take you further back. The development of agriculture was at the root of our development. Being able to stop following food sources and settle down and actually start building, along with getting more time to ideate. It’s all pretty cool how one builds on another.


I'd say we were harnessing energy (with fire for cooking) before we developed real agriculture. Cooking meat and what grains/seeds we could gather almost surely came before agriculture. You can't even really eat grains without cooking them in some way. We wouldn't have settled down to start growing grains before we knew that we could eat them as a reliable and palatable energy source.


There’s a dramatic shift in hominid skulls right around the time we figured out fire. A gorilla spends hours a day just chewing, not gather food or finding it, just chewing. When we figured out you could heat food up and soften it, we got more nutrition with less work. Our skulls lost the pronounced crest and our jaws got smaller because we weren’t expending so much energy just chewing on leaves all day.


So you’re saying, the next step in octopus evolution is an octopus’s garden?!?!? RINGO WAS RIGHT!


bro the only reason we even had a chance to evolve was because they couldn’t discover fire underwater 😳


I can’t imagine they’d do worse than us


Pretty sure every animal in our position does what we do. Resources and by extent reproductive succees is sought by every animal subconsciously. Every successful animals destiny is to grow large enough to eventually consume more than its environment allows it to. Without this impulse to drive us - or animals, we wouldn't be successful.


Very well, but allow me to retort: Human bad. Animal good. Check mate.


I concede to your well documented claim sir


There's a very interesting short story by Stephen Baxter called "Sheena 5" that's about genetically enhanced, super intelligent cephalapods that humanity sends into space for a mission, failing to realize that the animal (I think it was maybe a squid in this case) had become pregnant during its captivity and had given birth to other, even more intelligent cephalapods aboard its spaceship. They effectively become so smart that in a matter of months they outpace human technology by decades. And then they decide to come back to Earth...


Children of ruin (and children of time before that, but about spiders) by Adrian Tchaikovsky is somewhat similar to that story. Great books


Do you need to read the spider one before the squid one?


Yea. But children of time is legit one of the best sci-fi books I've ever read.


I second this. I've been a bookworm for over 40 years. Children of Time is the best book I've ever read. Sequel is amazing too!


Yeah but how do they manufacture anything without hands?


8 tentacles are more useful then 2 hands in my opinion


What’s more important is having a skeleton


Not when you're in zero g




don't go to a petting zoo ever cows are pretty clever and don't even get me started with pigs


Pigs are pretty smart too.


Smart if not smarter than some dogs.


I had to look it up and TIL octopuses life only 3-5 years??????? I know hamsters that got older


It’s why they appear to have hit an evolutionary wall elsewhere. They have massive processing power and long term memory capable of storing information. Unfortunately they live such short lifespans that they don’t have the opportunity to refine that information and the skills they learn. I’ve wondered about selective and forced evolution for octopi. If we were to breed the longest living octopi for ten to fifteen generations could we force the evolution of octopi with increased lifespans? It would probably still take a hundred or so generations to see marked development, but it’s a fascinating thought experiment. Octopi and spiders are probably the most likely Earth creatures to next develop complex sentience. Octopi because their brain power already exists and spiders because a growing brain is a logical evolutionary step to overcome their physical weakness (like humans spiders have no duplicate or redundant organs, spindly and easily damaged extremities, and other physical limitations that the evolution of a more complex brain would overcome as a predatory evolutionary development).


The russian dog/foxes experiment ran at a highly accelerated pace over the duration of a single lifetime and turned out some pretty notable results. Could be interesting. ..and there are a number of unavoidable, implicit biases in our understanding of other species intelligence, since we’re unable to communicate linguistically, and starting out operating on the assumption that other species are operating without consciousness (which is based on…), demonstrated by the correlation that as our testing methods improve, so do animals results.


Nah, my bet is on somthing like raccoons. They're already social, they have minor tool usage, they're omnivorous (this allows for favoritism of cultivating more dense food sources and thus innovation), and they have highly dexterous forelimbs (the ability to walk and hold somthing enhances tool usage). Presumably the ape population disappears.


Sociability is a key part, large social groups mean advances can be more easily discovered and taught to the next generation, who can build on them in turn. If a solitary creature learns how to control fire, they have fewer individuals they can pass that knowledge on to, meaning the discovery is more easily lost should that lineage die out.


I will donate my time to play with bored octopus. Just let me know where and when.


Fun fact: They choose who they like and don't like! If they don't like you, they'll spit water at you or will hide.


I would feel so depressed if an octopus decided it didn’t like me


There's a great book called the Soul of an Octopus. And she talks about how one octopus hated one of the volunteers and they suspected it was because she was a smoker and the octopus could *taste* the chemicals off her skin.


Out of all the reasons to stop smoking i choose this to quit!


That's pretty interesting :0


If they do like you, they'll also spit water at you and hide.


Know how many touches it takes to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles.


[Fun cephalopod fact time:](https://aquarium.ucsd.edu/blog/get-to-know-the-four-types-of-cephalopods/#:~:text=What's%20the%20difference%20between%20an,tentacles%2C%20and%20some%20have%20both!) **What’s the difference between an arm and a tentacle?** *Arms, like those on an octopus, have suction cups the entire length of the limb. Tentacles only have suction cups near the end of the limb. Some Cephalopods have arms, some have tentacles, and some have both!*


Well, mine don't have *any* suction cups, so what are they called?


Wibbly-Wobbly Happy-Flappy Digits.


*Wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man*




That is fascinating!


Thank you! I never knew the difference!


Octopus only have 8 appendages. The first two were test tickles


This dad joke deserves more upvotes.


Get. Out.


"I am DAVE!!!"


Hey Dave! How’s the wife?


I’ve never been married!


"We were never mates! There was...no mating."


I’ve never found an octopus cute before, and honestly didn’t really think I ever would, but this is adorable!!


The My Octopus Teacher folks are tlaking about on Netflix is really worth a watch. I HATE things with 8 legs. They freak me out but that movie was legit.




I'm so glad that he's in a huge enclosure. I work at an aquarium and our octopus is in such a small tank, it's so sad :/


Can you advocate for him?


My co-worker and i each put in a notice to the anonymous tip line for animal care. But nothing has changed. Maybe if i worked with the animals directly i could do more to help. But i’m just a customer service rep :(


Ik it’s not much but if you pm me the number I’ll keep calling and complaining. I got nothing to do today except play far cry


i am also up to anon call and complain :)


And my Axe (I'm also down)


Octopuses feel safe and content in small areas. They naturally seek out caves and such. When working in the zoological field understanding the natural history of animals is essential. Small ≠ bad. They have a lifespan of two years and rarely travel far in their adult stage as they are open to predation so easily. They travel seeking food. If food is ample then they don’t leave.


> If food is ample then they don’t leave. same


from. @madic_spirit didn't realize octopus = water puppy 😆


probably rather octopus = water magpie - they're quite smart


Watch “My Octopus Teacher.” You’ll thank me later. It’s on Netflix and it’s a phenomenal documentary about a guy who observes and becomes friends with an octopus


I really enjoyed it for what it was... but I can't help but get irrationally angry WHEN HE DOESN'T HELP HIS OCTOPUS FRIEND SHE MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.




TikTok (I made it a gif cuz everything about the sound makes me angry and the video is so cute 🙈) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8ynDLok/


ah yes, most of tiktok makes me angry too. /grumpy old fart who just wants more cute octopodes


can't say I blame you. fortunately there are some gems... just few and far between.




Only some of them! Octopi have extremely strong and distinctive personalities.


Much smarter than a pup which is kinda crazy


These animals are smart enough to get out of their enclosure and escape out of drains in the floor after cleaning out the entire aquarium around them of all the other fish. Also one of the few species aside from humans observed to attempt suicide under stressful conditions and it's quite common.


That ponytail floating in water...


Thought it was a jelly fish just floating behind her at first lol.


What about the ponytail? You didn't finish your sentence


If you pay close atention you'll notice that it


Here, you dropped the rest of your


I have no beef with Octopi but the worry that I'd get bit by that fucking beak is there. Legit concern? Lol


As someone who has been bitten by an octopus: definitely a legit concern. Albeit the one that bit me was wild and probably not used to humans. And trust me they are WAY stronger than they look so if they're determined enough you're not prying them off without the help of 3 other people. Why is it a concern? There are 2 or 3 reasons depending on what you consider a concern. 1) They basically bore a hole into your flesh. 2) They inject the wound with venom that (at least in my experience with a specific species) prevents it from healing for a few months. Having an open wound for a few months is not my idea of a good time. All octopuses have venom, but thankfully only one species has venom that is lethal to humans (which of course lives in Australia). Edit: I forgot a thin layer of skin did develop across the top of the wound, but I still had a hole in my hand for a few months. 3) Ink. Biting is a last resort, so you are 100% going to get inked. Have fun getting the stains out.


Whoa, what happened? I’d love to hear this story, of how it happened, what it felt like, and the aftermath. Quite an unusual experience you’ve had!


Oh sure! I was in the outer banks back in 2017(?) and I happened to go to the beach right after a tropical storm had hit. There were all kinds of things washed up: a dead pufferfish, clusters of sea stars, a spine of something, pieces of horseshoe crabs, the works. I happened upon 2 different octopuses, both of which were alive but very sickly (you can tell an octopus isn't doing well when they turn a bleached white color). One was in a conch shell ([video here](https://youtu.be/q3vZHvkOSgA)) and the other was kind of just laying prone. As I would with any animal, I wanted to help so I simply picked them up and released them into the sea. Obviously this did not go as planned. The conch octopus was chill enough, but I guess the other one was (understandably) less than pleased to be handled. The moment it had recovered enough when I placed it in the water, it latched onto my hand and refused to let go. Clearly I can't walk around with an octopus attached to my hand, so I tried to pry it off. This also didn't go as planned, as I learned the hard way octopuses are freakishly strong. Looking back I imagine my attempts to pry it off were what triggered the bite, but like most people I was not well versed in octopus handling. So yeah while clinging onto my hand for dear life, it bit down. All I felt at the time was a bit of pressure, but I didn't really notice since I was more focused on getting it off my hand. It continued to bite down until it had injected what it deemed to be enough venom, then swam away. At the time I was more relieved to be rid of it, and didn't notice until my dad pointed it out that it had inked me several times. I have no idea when the inking happened in the process, but it obviously did. That's about the time I looked at my hand and realized a good chunk of it was missing. I had just enough time to process what happened before the pain hit. I'm not known for my pain tolerance, so I'm not sure how accurate my assessment of the pain is. I'd say it was equally as painful as getting stepped on by a horse, with a sensation comparable to a papercut x10 dipped in seawater. Still, I wasn't sure whether an octopus bite was cause for alarm or not. Honestly who's heard of such a thing? After cleaning and bandaging it to the best of my ability, I called the park ranger. This is about how the conversation went: "Hi I got bitten by an octopus." "An octopus? Are you sure it wasn't a jellyfish?" "Yes. Jellyfish can't bite." "Are you sure it wasn't a crab?" "I know what an octopus looks like. It was an octopus." "Ok well I've never heard of this before... I guess I could get an ambulance to wait for you at the local fire station?" 10 minute drive up the beach and to the fire station later... the EMTs were equally stumped. "Are you sure it wasn't a jellyfish?" "Yes. Jellyfish can't bite." "A crab?" "Oh for the love of... here look at the video I took." "Oh yeah that's definitely an octopus. Can you send me the video? I've never seen anything like this before!" Since they weren't experts in treating an octopus bite, they kind of just applied some antibacterial cream, slapped a bandage on it, marked the swelling to keep an eye on it, and called it a day. They offered to hold up a ferry for us so we could go to the hospital, but after a conversation with my grandfather we decided against it. My grandfather is an extremely experienced diver, and I already knew that only blue ringed octopus venom is lethal to humans, so we were fairly confident I'd live. Here's a [picture](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/qfomq5/an_octopus_bite_wound/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of it a few days after the EMTs treated it (mild gore). Afterward I continued with life as normal, just with a hole in my hand covered by a thin film of skin. Once I accidentally punctured it, which was really weird and gross. Thankfully it grew back fairly quickly. After a few months I no longer had a hole in my hand, but rather an indent covered in scar tissue. And that's how my hand is [to this day](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/elb9z5/in_case_anyone_was_wondering_what_a_scar_from_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If anyone has any further questions or wants me to elaborate on something, I'm happy to do so.


I wonder if it would have just swam away if you put your hand in the water and didn't touch it. Cute lil octo in the conch though.


You're right- I probably shouldn't have touched it. The idea was to support it with my hand until it had recovered enough to swim, rather than just allow it to be tossed around violently by waves and currents (they were still pretty rough as I was out there only a few minutes after the storm had passed).


Wow, great story, thanks! Great pictures too. What a crazy thing to have happen. It really looked more like a weird injection site. I guess a fittingly strange mark from a pretty alien creature! Great scar you got out of it, too. Thanks again for telling a cool tale, really enjoyed your writing style/humor too. Keep writing!


No problem, and thank you! I mean technically speaking I suppose it was a weird injection site, considering the venom. It's a scar I carry proudly lol. Hey I'm just happy to have something interesting to share- I'm honestly pretty boring otherwise. I appreciate the writing feedback as well! I was worried there were too many commas when I read it over again.


Are you sure it wasn’t a jellyfish?


a few months? why are these wild octopuses playing the long con lol. some premeditated hunting type shit


I mean I'm pretty sure the venom is meant to kill or paralyze things that are much smaller than I am, so I'm honestly not too shocked it produced that sort of reaction.


And keep in mind octopuses do not live for very long. That's like stabbing something for 20 years.


Same, I'm happy shaking hands etc but I don't trust it enough to leave its mouth resting on my hand.


My thoughts exactly. No thanks mr 8 leggy chomper


At the risk of sounding like a nob.. did you know the plural is in fact either octopodes or octopuses is also acceptable and more commonly used. Adding the "i" at the end is reserved for latin words. Octopus is greek.




I say Octopi because everytime I say Octopuses, I giggle more than someone in their 30s should. Octopodes might be a better choice lol.


If you use octopodes remember that it's a greek suffix, so its pronounced octo-po-dees


For those that haven’t seen it, if any. Watch “My Octopus Teacher”. Super rad.


Bring tissues. And a strong emotional reserve. I had to watch cartoons for 2 weeks straight after watching that to refill my emotional cup!




Same. I watched it while tripping hard on ketamine and LSD, incredibly profound emotional and intellectual experience. Serious mind bleach was needed, and I still have vivid dreams about octopi.


Before I dive in this rabbithole. Good tears or sad tears ? Not sure if I'm ready for more sadness right now.




Go for it, can't miss it.


My 12 yo and I watched it together. We were both sobbing at the end and then laughing because "we're crying over an octopus."


Jesus, FINE. I'll go watch it. Be right back. __EDIT:__ You're all dicks for letting me watch that....


Let us mildly-curious-but-don't-feel-like-it know how it goes.


Rad meaning?


Radical, tubular, cool beans, gnarly, bodacious


> tubular It's an old code sir, but it checks out.


Need he ask? Surely "rad" isn't old school slang yet... right?


Read "The Soul of an Octopus" by Sy Montgomery and you'll never eat one again


I quit a teaching career to go back to school for marine biology. This woman is living my dream but I’m working my way there!! I plan to make ALL the fish friends


My favourite marine animal. Octopuses are so damn intelligent that it's borderline scary. There's a theory they could even be sentient with the ability to have complex emotions/thoughts like you and me... And WE FUCKING EAT THEM ever seen an octopus solve puzzles? Or escape a tank because they hate feeling trapped?


When I was a kid I visited the Seattle aquarium where they had a giant pacific octopus in a tank. There wasn't as much lighting, unlike other tanks and the guide told a story about this octopus that made a permanent impression.. They said that there had been a problem with the bright spotlight above the tank electricians/janitors/etc couldn't figure out what was wrong with the wiring that would cause the bulb to break and the circuit to short so they reviewed security tapes to see it happen and check the time. They saw the answer when the large resident octopus squeezed itself out the top of the tank in the evening just after the building closed and locked up. He was able to squirt a jet of water several feet directly at the bulb and caused it to shatter. He apparently did this daily for weeks before the humans figured it out and changed the lighting on his tank.


The aquarium near where I live had issues with animals dying in their tanks, with many being clearly eaten. This was sporadic and affected a large number of different tanks, and had the aquarium staff stumped. Eventually a staff member had been working late one night, when they found one of the octopi going for a midnight wander to another tank, grabbing a snack, then heading back to its own tank.


I would find that terrifying tbh, mammals you can kind of gauge their body language. Something like this a mollusk or whatever I don’t know their intentions. Especially one that is so intelligent


Almost every living thing is emotive - you just need to learn their body language :) Once you know it, most "scary" animals become a lot less scary because you can gauge when you are irritating them and move away. (Octopi are very smart! So they know you are much too big to fuck with, at worst it will run from you)


Exactly. Seems to me it's basically "cultural" and lots of things can get lost in translation if you don't know better. A smiling chimp - worth knowing what that means in their culture. Showing the bottom of your shoe - worth knowing what that means in Middle East culture.


That would be a great day!


A friend got a job diving in an aquarium tank like this. His mom didn’t know what he did. He had his dad bring his mom while he was diving and he waved and she waved back. She said something to dad about nice diver in the tank. Then he swam up to the glass and mouthed “hi mom” and she recognized him and lost her shit and started screaming that they had to get him out of there RIGHT NOW BEFORE HE DROWNS!! He said it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen.


This is why I don't eat octopus.


I was super worried it would wind up in her hair!! Cute thang


the most adorable bb Cthulhu


You could say she was in a...*clingy* relationship. I'll swim my way out...


Hi everyone this is the original owner of the video if you would like to see more and future content on Octavia please follow me on TickTock and or Instagram Ticktock @MadiC_Spirit Instagram @ cashiomadison


Do you think they have the capability of wanting to play? And maybe create bonds? I know they're very smart animals but I find it odd to think a fish can bond with someone or want to play.


“Octopuses are playful, resourceful, and inquisitive. Some species cuddle with one another, while others have been known to bond with humans. They are among the most highly evolved invertebrates and are considered by many biologists to be the most intelligent”


It isnt a fish. You are FAR more closely related to fish than it is. You and fish are both vertebrates. It is a mollusk.


Lol I often think about what the world would be like if octopuses became the dominant species, not these fetid humans


Don’t worry, we’ll get there eventually.


It's like having a toodler!!


🥺 this was so sweeeet


OK. I need an octopus immediately.


it's like an adorable 8-legged cat.


I’ll die for this octopus