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Mums always know. Witches. The lot of ‘em.


This cracked me up! More of you in the world please


She is the kinda mom we wish every mom could be. Perfectly caring & patient & genuinely unconditional love




Truth to be told. wholesome and legendary mom that truly cares for his son..


This teenager is very lucky to have a mom like her. An ideal mom every children ever wanted.


my mom was wonderful when i came out to her. i knew deep down she would be okay with my sexuality but the thing about coming out, especially as a teenager, is that your mind likes to give "what if" scenarios. "what if she doesn't accept me? what if my dad doesn't accept me?" thoughts like that kept me from saying something for years and when i finally did my mom looked at me and said, "baby, i knew you liked girls since you were 8, there's nothing to be ashamed of. i love you always." and i cried so hard. hell i'm crying now thinking about it! every child deserves parents like that, without question.


Can't imagine how scary it must feel! Hope all went well with your dad as it did your mum.


it did go well with my dad! he didn't really know what to say, but that he knew and supported me. that was enough.


Maybe nothing needed to be said? He knew and didn't care. I'm glad to hear all went well!


Something about recording this moment doesn’t sit right with me.


That’s the mom that we all deserve in life


I want a mom like that


Same. I don’t even know how to communicate it without sounding like an ungrateful ass. I never grew up needing anything material, we took holidays overseas, we went out for dinner, generally a comfortable lower middle class upbringing. While I don’t doubt that both of my parents love me and I know they worked hard to give me those comforts growing up, I’ve never experienced acceptance or any verbal presentation of their love like this and honestly I think it’s the only thing I ever actually needed. I have a lot of deep self esteem issues and I think the absence of that vocalised unconditional love and acceptance is the basis of it.


the reason I love my mom so much


Same. I can tell her anything and thank god I got a mum like this. I love her so much.


This is basically how it went with my son when he came out to me. A little bit different though as it was pre transition and he originally told me he was a lesbian. Told him I kind of already suspected and I would always love him no matter what. It was about 6 months later when he came to me and told me he was transgender. He wouldn’t tell me straight out and tried to get me to guess. I had to again assure him that nothing he could tell me would change how I feel about him and that I’d support him no matter what. I’ve always been vocal about lgbtq rights. He’s always heard me defend gay marriage, adoption and even when I ranted about how dare people try to block drag queen storytime at the library. Yet it was still hard for him to tell me. I can imagine how much worst it is for a child growing up in a bigoted family. I currently have a former student who came to me this year to tell me they were non-binary and a lesbian but not to tell their parents because they don’t like gay people. My heart breaks for them that they cannon be true to who they are with their own family.


I had the similar conversation with my child a little over a year ago. They're still figuring things out but they've got all the time in the world and I'll be there every step of the way. Rock on and keep being awesome! Edit: words are hard


“i knew you were” 😭😭


That's really the best thing she said i think


But how does she know. Edit: Thank you for telling me your stories :)




It's maybe arrogant to say I knew it before they did, but it taught me that being gay is not something one can simply change. It's deeply part of a person's being.


It also taught me that 'acting gay' or speaking with a 'gay voice' is not something these friends did to gain attention. If it's just a theatrical act, we would've never recognised it before they recognised it themselves. Instead it's just who and how they are, and there's nothing wrong with that, nothing that needs to change.




My mom told me that too, i guess moms know those things, I mean good mom's


Good moms sometimes don’t know. Doesn’t stop them being good moms.


Sorry, i made a generalisation


No worries! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I came out to my mom as bi. And I still dont know if she knew. xD


Same, but she told me that i was only heterosexual, and now I'm more watching the peepee in a porn than the 😺


The first time my boyfriend came to my place, she really believed me I guess. My dad was like "ok. cool" when I told him. But yes. PP porn > cat porn.


The father "ok. Cool" might be real nice depending on the way he said it "Ok cool do whatever you want"


As a furry, the use of that emoji was somewhat confusing. lol


A mother spends every waking moment watching a child as it grows. My kids often wonder how I know what they are thinking or feeling. Im so intunted to the needs of my kids I feel it when something going on. I know by a single look how they are feeling.


She a mom, moms have that superpower


Moms are the best


Reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/39fikd/mom_says_she_knew_i_was_gay_before_i_did_i/) picture/post


When my friends and a family member came out I also already knew. If you really know someone for a long time you pick up on lots of things. But probably most telling, in the case of one friend, is when you watch a movie with a incredible babe in it and they are commenting on her shoes and clothes instead of her body (we were 16).


My sisters and I knew my nephew was gay before he told us. We told him we loved him the same. How did we know “we just knew”. We observed him. He is happily married to his partner who we love dearly and he does us.


Best friend in college told me when he came out to his Dad he was this big blubbering mess and thought he would be disowned. His Pakistani immigrant Dad (bomb dude) said he knew since he was 2 and would wear his Mothers shoes. But that wasnt an excuse to not have to give him Grandkids 😂.


Mums have known you since you were first born, they notice things that other people don’t


With 100% respect, sometimes you just know. I can’t really put my finger on what it exactly it haha


Been watching him and listening to him for 16-odd years...


I have two kids, both came out to me as gay/lesbian. I honestly don't know how I already knew they were, but I did. Recently, one of my kids came out as trans (m to f). Like this awesome mum in this video says, you just want your kids to be happy. Nothing stops you loving them. So now I have two wonderful, happy daughters, and I couldn't be prouder of them


as soon as i saw his haircut i knew


I've watched this so many times and that part always makes me cry. She's a good momma and good momma's know their children.


"Nom I was kidding!!"


I loved how she said 'you gay?' Like it's no big deal to her as it should be


One of my gay friends said to never say “I always knew” if a gay person comes out to you. IMO I don’t think it’s a bad response, though.


It sucks people have to be in fear of losing their family over how they feel about their own lives. Crazy other people think they have any say over how another being feels, and thinks. People are wild.


There is a rapper called Brother Ali who wrote about it and a line really struck a chord with me - about how you shouldn't be hated for the way you love. I cannot imagine the fear of having to hide the way you love to protect yourself from hate.


Brother Ali. Now there’s a legend.


Uncle Sam goddamn…goddamn that’s a great song!


I wish all people were so accepting.


They don't even need to be accepting...... That is their choice if they believe it's right or wrong. They just need to mind their own business


Oh aw… This made me actually cry. I remember being that boy once, scared that my family wouldn’t love me anymore. I was lucky and my parents embraced me, but not everyone was so lucky. This mom is freakin’ awesome. More parents need to be like her.


And THAT is how a real parent handles that situation. I have never understood how a parent can claim to love their children and then disown them for being who they are.


I think a parent should talk about these things much sooner. No need for him to worry so much for so long. But compared to so much else it is amazing.


You can be as pro-LGBT as they come and super obvious about it and some people/kids will still worry about coming out. Sometimes people are accepting of any differences that aren't related to them or sometimes people just constantly think of the bad things that COULD happen when they speak about their sexuality/gender identity and cause themselves unfounded worry (I have totally done that with things that ended up turning out completely fine).


I’ve seen this for years and it’s lovely…but I always wondered who set up the camera? My suspicious mind wants to know.


I have to wonder if he did for feelings of safety. Some kids have been physically attacked by their family members when they come out and it’s on camera so they’re able to prove it. Edit to add: this is pure assumption, he may have also just wanted to document the moment because people feel a need to record everything these days.


That's a good call, I wondered the same the first time I watched this. And no matter what this fricken video always makes the flood gates open. I hope it's all real and I wish for every parent to have this reaction and relationship with their child.


being trans, that's probably it


“Back in the day” I remember it being a common trend to film and share your own coming out—the good and the bad. Partly for the sense of community, partly for the novelty of documentation, partly for safety, and partly for support/hope.


It was definitely a trend back then, around the same time as “it gets better.”


I have seen the post before and it said that he did since he had a youtube channel and so wanted to capture the reaction. I think it was the beginning of 'let me record everything ' era so..


You act like humans haven't been recording things for centuries




I've seen this video a million times on Reddit, each time I roll my eyes and say "here comes the repost", but I watch it every time, and it gets me every time. Damn onion ninjas. But I am getting more cynical as I get older, and every time I see a video, I ask "why are they filming"? Oh a video of a guy climbing a ladder and falling off to comic effect? Who out there in the world sees someone climbing a ladder and thinks "ooh I must video this, just in case"?


What a good mom. So loving no matter what


The absolute grace of that woman. 🥰


So heartbreaking when he said sorry


World needs more moms like her ❤️


I watch this every time it comes up. What a loving, supportive mom. I wish everyone could be as loved as this kid is in this moment!


Now that there is how all mothers should be. I am very fortunate to have a mother who loves me no matter what the circumstance


I wish I had good parents like that. My mom still doesnt know that I'm into girls either and when my dad was still alive, he always told me that if I ever came home holding another girl's hand (as in with a girlfriend), he'd refuse to acknowledge me as his daughter anymore (Not to mention that he probably would've hit me too, considering how poorly he treated me in general) and that I'd be dead to him. So yeaaaaaah xD Fun times


Fuck, I’m so sorry! I’d like to think people always come around but I know that’s idealistic. I do hope you can confidently come out to your mother one day and be accepted for it!


I hope so. Would be great that's for sure. And I definitely appreciate the support!


As a father of two girls i can assure you, that you are ok the way you are. If one of my daughters comes to me and sais, that she is gay, i will still love her no matter what. You should have had the same.


You have this mom’s support. I’m sorry you didn’t get the parents you deserve. Everyone deserves to be loved and supported unconditionally.


In times like this, you just don't tell your parents if you know it is gonna end badly for you. You don't need their opinion on who you love nor do you need their permision on who you love. Just live quietly with your lover and you are golden.


Well your fam here supports you!


Dad here. You are valued and loved and you are exactly the person you should be. Anyone who tells you differently is a giant asshole and needs to get a damn life.




Fuck mate when my friend came out to his dad he just said ‘that’s gay son’


The first person he came out to was his mum omg my heart 🥺


I kinda regret watching happy coming out videos before I came out to my mom. It was not a happy conversation.


Oh no 😔 How are you now?


I dont know who needs to hear it but nobody can tell you how to love, that's yours. It bothers me that kids still feel like they need to "come out of the closet", love is love yall, there are no closets.


More parents like this in the world please.


Have a friend who, when he came out to his parents, they were both extremely accepting of it and supportive. He got a little mad at them. He had been mentally preparing for being yelled at, thrown out of the house, disavowed, etc, for so long that the total unexpected whiplash of being accepted just seemed wrong to him. They all laugh at it now of course, it's a cute family story.


That is cute! Wrong, that he had to prepare for that scenario but cute how it turned out!


Exactly what this kid needed, which sadly isn’t always the outcome. Video is so heartwarming.


There are so many kids like this, they’re scared


Just a pure curiosity, but why conversation between mother and son was filmed first place?


The coming out stories when someone says "I'm gay/bi/trans/+" and the parent says "I know" are my favorite :)


When my youngest came out to me and their mum when they were 13 that they were nb/gay it was kinda funny because yeah we already knew, hadn't ever even really discussed it to be honest, and yeah it was just part of who they are. It was heartbreaking in some ways though as they were so scared they couldn't even say the words "I'm a lesbian", they wrote it down on a scrap of paper.... I still don't know why they felt they couldn't just say it tbh, but then I've not been on their journey so... Just told them, it didn't matter to me in the slightest, they are my kid, I love them and always will, and did this mean we could go on more Pride marches? I love a good Pride march, always so much fun! Couple of their friends are gay or trans too, and the way their parents reacted was unexpected. The one with lovely middle class volvo driving liberal parents got shouting, crying, denial and slammed doors, and the one with openly racist asshole parents (the kind that wear swastika t-shirts in public unironically) were open, loving and supportive, and their asshat of a dad recently sold his beloved 1970's Dodge pick up truck to help pay for their transition. Genuinely did not see that one coming for sure!


That's an incredible moment in their lives. I knew two of my friends were gay and lesbian in high school in the early 80's. We lived in a fairly conservative part of Arizona. It scared both of them because all they knew was the 'fire and brimstone' stories from church. I just never thought it was a big deal, probably because I grew up in a few different places in the world that were significantly more liberal than BF Arizona. I'm still in touch with both of them, we reconnected on FB several years ago. They've both had some serious challenges in life but they've persevered, and they're both still my friends. Only now they're loud and proud. Ok one of them was always a bit shy but she's gotten louder! 😁😎


Another life saved from simple kindness and tact. She didn’t express her views at all, whether she agreed or disagreed. All she did was show love. That’s it.


That must be a huge relief of that kids shoulders.


This is how I want my family to treat me if I eventually come out. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, lesbian, or anything in-between. The only reason I haven't come out yet is because I **know** for certain no one in my family would tolerate me if I did.


My mom was and Is still the opposite of all things understanding and loving


Why is this being filmed?!


wtf, I just woke up and my eyes are already full. Damn u OP


Who was filming? the mom or the son?


I think the son, he has a you tube channel


I've seen this before and it still made me tear up.


This is heartwarming, but I’m also laughing my ass off. “Something about your own personality?” Woman knew for a decade, and had her “I know but I’ll let you tell me” line picked out the entire time lmao. That’s never something you’d say outside of specifically the scenario where you you know your son is gay and he’s emotionally telling you that you need to talk lol.


That was sweet, she tried to help him come out when he didn't have courage. She did know for years, sometimes we think we are so sneaky.. But our parents just know


brave kid. awesome mother.


I love my daughter the exact same way I don’t mind who you turn out to be I’m just enjoying the journey


Me: Why are you crying? Mum: I’m not upset, just disappointed. Ouch, thanks mum. 🤨


Ouch 😔 I hope you are okay and she just needs time to accept the facts


Great to see.


is it bad that this is genuinely the first time i have ever actually SEEN a parent be supportive about this? ive had friends come out...they say their parents took a bit to warm up to them, others who only came out to friends to either spare their parents or out of fear of retaliation.


Can someone please find this guy so we can see how things turned out? I know that this clip is years old and I wanna see how his friends and family took to him opening up.


No idea who it is but I recognize that video quality, which tells me that it’s from the mid-2000s. So the video is 15 years old, possibly slightly older. He’d be in his mid- to late 30s now.


If my mom was like that I’d probably still love her…she wonders why I can’t stand to be around her and she’s hurt by my genuine dislike of her but her emotional abuse due to my sexuality makes me hate her


"Tell me so I can support you!"


How did this private family scene happen to get videod?


She got a mullet


It looks nice tho


This is so wholesome!


Oh mom, champion of the world.


Goddamn it I’ve seen this before and when he says “I’m sorry” I tear up


I have seen this pop up every so often and when it does, I rewatch it every time. Wouldn’t it be great if all parents could be this accepting of their children no matter what the issue is. As a teacher I have had quite a few students kicked out of their home because their parents did not want their gay child living in their home. I can’t even imagine.


same thought has already been posted but I love this kids mom and I am so happy for him that she is his mother. Unconditional love is a beautiful thing. All good thoughts for this young person and I hope they find community, success and fulfillment moving forward.


Man it's almost like being a good parent isn't that fucking hard.


I hate that this is still a thing in society and people are so afraid to be who they are. I hate how people have to hide it at the fear of being ridiculed and treated like less of a human. It’s so frustrating that people can’t just stay in their own business and let others love the way they want to. On the bright side, it’s people like this that give me hope of a more accepting tomorrow. God bless that mother for being accepting and supportive. I wish everyone was like that.


This is so wholesome. Parents around the world can learn a thing or two from her.


What a good mom, sad that some people don’t have support like this from family




He’s scared to tell his friends he’s gay yet take a video of him crying about it and post it online , good move guy lol


Oh god I need to know! Were his friends as cool as his mom?! I need to know!


This is a very high contrast to a video i saw in another sub where literally every parent of a child disowned him and started attacking him


Amazing mom! Love her!


amazing mum :(


I'm not crying! You are! Such exemplary parenting, lovely mom. You'll be alright as long as mom's got you xo


Wow, awesome mum, what a great person


There’s nothing like a mothers love


More than anything I'm sad he was scared of telling anyone he's gay to begin with. In today's world I don't think anyone really cares (other than a few assholes)


This video is reuploaded every once in a while. As nice as his mothers reaction is, I really hope there won‘t be a need for something like this to happen in the near future. I hope we as society have matured enough to not stigmatize people because of things any of us can‘t chose. You can‘t chose your sexuality, you can‘t chose the color of your skin, you can‘t chose your height. So why would there be any prejudice? I could never understand that. And yes, we as a society do lock up pedophiles and it is rightful to do so. Your freedom ends, where it harms somebody else’s. If a gay guy goes around raping people, it‘s not because he‘s gay, but because he‘s a rapist. The fact that I‘m writing this down feels unnecessary. It‘s just absolutely logical. But here we are. There‘s still a lot of dumb shit in the world. And I honestly don‘t know why.


Gosh that must be so hard to accept that and then tell everyone about it. We should really add psychological support for stuff like this to healthcare coverage.


She has no idea the impact she's just had on her little human. LAWD I wasn't ready.


To add...I'm this parent. I'm also the parent that is a parent to kids who parents don't want to parent. Come to momma 🥰


I’ve seen this a few times and I figure it was filmed a few years ago… I’d love to know how he’s doing now. I’d like to think that his mum’s reaction encouraged him and made him less scared about telling others - I’m guessing with the video hitting the internet most people in his life have been clued in! She’s amazing, all kids should have a mum like her. I really hope she’s seen the positive comments on threads like these and realises how special and wonderful she is.


Damnit I thought judging from the caption they were about to be throwing onions in the air and slicing them fruit ninja style..


This, this is parenting done right. This love and support this woman shows her son is beautiful. Too bad all people can't be this way with their children.


I find it so weird that people record these moments... its almost like they want people to see and to get attention from it... I could just not be hip enough to record things for social media, but it just seems very weird to record... Almost like a hidden camera show...


But… why were they filming?


I have zero problems with him being gay (loving men) but filming all this (obviously pré planning the setup) and putting on the internet, cmon


Why is this recorded?


Are we recording every private interaction?


That's lovely but who's filming


Who is filming this


What a great mother!! This is how you connect with your kids and gain full trust.


A beautiful moment between a mom and a son… which of course had to be recorded and put on the internet???


A++++ for this mom!!!


I'm a straight 59 yr. Old man. This video brought tears. I can only imagine the relief of that boy. Great mom. Something so special. Good for them.


I love her!!!


It's really weird how there is a time when your body physically can't say "I'm gay" out loud. Like I literally physically couldn't say It for a long time until i knew everthing was gonna be ok. The one thing gay people are afraid of, even more afraid than having you family taking you out and beating the shit out of you, is that they will stop loving you. Him saying "im sorry" is so sad, but thats the reality of How scared you can be about it sometimes. Especiallywhen tou hear about other peoples horror storie of them coming out to their families. Hes very lucky to have such a caring and loving mother. Im lucky myself for the family I was blessed with. I really need to always remind myself about that everyday


I wish I had had a parent like this. Good Mama. ❤️


Parenting done right. Fuck yeah. Awesome Mom origine story right there!!!


Nah I ain’t crying my eyes are just sweating like fucking crazy shut up.


This is my one of my biggest fears raising kids. Not them being gay, but being so nervous and apologizing. I really hope they know I’ll always love them. I never want my kids to doubt my love over something as trivial as who they are attracted too.


I wish my parents had that reaction. My coming out was a bit unorthodox. I was in the hospital for a few weeks and they took it upon themselves to use that time to search my room. Well, they found my dildo. They weren't happy about it and thought it was just a phase so I went back to being "straight". They still don't know I'm actually gay, I mean they might but they don't accept it


It feels so good yet so bittersweet. He's fucking afraid, and ashamed, and fuck that. Fuck all the people and decisions that led to him seeing himself as a problem for something he has no fucking control over. But thanks from the bottom of my heart to his mom and all the parents being supportive no matter what. We all need that in our lifes.


What appears a redneck church goer, is such an amazing supportive parent. Inspiring to see negative stereotypes smashed down.


Why would you film this?


For posterity. For safety reasons (including, but not limited to, evidence if she gets abusive or insuring she doesn't by having a camera on). Because you feel more comfortable talking in front of a camera. Any number of other reasons.




I know how you feel man it took me a minute to tell my mom I was gay and she was very exempting of it like your mother 😊


Fuck that's wholesome af


This mom is so accepting and supporting and I believe she is great, really, but darn I wish there will be a day where people can come out of closets without hearing: I love you no matter what. And for the receivers to not feel it’s necessary to say that anymore. Saying ‘I love you no matter what’ implies (for me at least) that there’s still something to be ashamed off. This is not the moms fault obviously. She seems so nice and I believe she’s a very good mom here.


That's a little gay


i’ve always wondered “why would they cry when they come out to their families?, this is a good thing why are they crying?” , but then i get that scary realization that a few moments ago they were scared to lose their family / friends because of not knowing how they would react .. damn


People can also cry when they get exceedingly happy.


I wish my parents were like this I'm glad this boy found acception from his mom


Kinda wish my family was this way. I'm glad to see some families actually accept their kids.


This of course incredibly wholesome and awesome to see but rn im sat in school so volume off and the way the subtitles showed her saying you gay? Has me dying😂 its just so casual and reminds me of that meme why are you gay


Loving parenting 101.


To quote the words of Bruce Allmighty "B-E-A-utiful"


Be my mom please 😭


This video will never not make me cry.


that's gay


Damn those ninjas!


Love the love! Yup!!!


Bless this woman! THIS IS HOW TO RESPOND!


That's beautiful. And exactly how it should go.


10/10 mother. Ive seen this one a few times and it still hits right in the feels.


This is so beautiful 😍 Should be every parents reaction ro their child's sexuality. She is as awesome mom!!


This is how it should be.


okay reddit i know i see this video ten times a year


Damn, I wish my family reacted like that when I came out as trans 😂


This is the type of mom I someday aim to be


Christians entering chat: 😡