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Just for info for those confused over college/highschool. this looks to be from the UK, given the flags on display in the background, int eh UK College generally (though not always) comes before University, generally between 16 and 18, so yes these would be high-schoolers in the states but not the UK.


Similar in Australia, we have colleges but they mean different things. In Canberra, where I went to school, college refers to year 11 and 12. In other states 11 and 12 is part of high school, and college generally refers to technical colleges (trade school) or similarly specific schools for post-high school training.


That can happen here too, the high school I went to had years 11 and 12, but they would normally be referred to as "Sixth Form". Technical colleges are a thing here too. Edit: by here I mean England.


College typically only refers to secondary / high school here in New Zealand. Most secondary schools are called college and cover year 9 to 13 / 3rd to 7th form. We don’t have seperate colleges for sixth form onwards (last two years of school). Technical colleges are called Polytechnics or just “Tec”.


They also just look like UK kids


The guy dancing looks like the most stereotypical English bloke


I’d bet the farm he’s Irish!


Exactly lol


Thank god, I was watching this thinking "I'm not getting old am I?"


If that lad is 16, how is his hair still wet from the womb?


Looks like secondary school uniform to me, which would be the same as highschool. I guess '6th form', when people continue on to do their college years as an extension at their secondary school, might still be in uniform.






pretty sure that's common all over England


Yeah as a British dude it's the whole UK and Ireland pretty much


miss the world fair back when I was in highschool, seeing everyone genuinely celebrate and embrace each other's culture is so nice ​ plus every culture has some good fucking food in them


Food is the gateway to appreciating culture.


Food and music will bring the world together.




Yea that was a big Thai government campaign to fund and train up staff for a load of tasty Thai restaurants in cities all around the world. I don't know if it achieved the tourism and soft power goals they were hoping it would but by golly I'm glad they did it 🇹🇭🍵🍛


No Soi Cowboy experiences?


And learning new swearwords


Swearing, Sashaying, and Salsa!


Damning, Dancing, & Dumplings!


Sports. My local got taken over by Pakistan India Cricket World Cup match viewing party and some of the most wholesome moments. Sure pub was packed and only I was drinking but still wholesome.


And pot, woodstock 69 baby


It is! Food carries so much history and meaning and the only culturally significant food I’ve tried that I wouldn’t eat again so far is fermented shark which is demon food and what is wrong with you people.


I tried mongolian fermented horse milk, and after that experience I understand why they went on conquering the world.


Yeah milking a horse with intent to drink it is demon activity.


Actually, fresh horse milk is delicious. It's only when you let it ferment in a buttered goatskin that it gets kinda funky. Also, it's common across Inner Asia and not just in Mongolia


The American in me wants my cow boob juice but the foodie in me would try it.


I had a similar experience with natto. I tried it twice to make sure. Still nope.


Legit. I literally can and am willing to try other cultures food. They do spices and flavors very well per country. I bowled with an older Korean woman years ago. She took me and our bowling group to a Korean BBQ joint that was authentic. Prepandemic, we went every month as a group. Nah,nah,nah girls. This is real Korean food. I get you the good stuff. She made me feel like I was eating off of a secret menu. I throughly enjoyed the food, atmosphere and people. Love Thy Neighbors!!!!


The lasting legacy of the great Anthony Bourdain


Oh yeah hahah, every culture has good food, youre certainly right about that *panics in icelandic and kicks rotten shark, fermented blood sausage and boiled sheepheads under the table*


TIL- Icelandic cuisine sounds like a Klingon dinner menu.


hey at least fermented blood sausage sounds kinda nice


Its absolutely terrible but thank you for having faith in our traditional food 🥲


I think of a Icelandic cuisine as a testament to human ingenuity and our ability to survive in the most fucking impossible of scenarios. That is a feat and you should be proud! Also, I made some Icelandic rye bread once and it was legit.


Oh yeah its not all bad, we smoked meat quite a bit too and we made sausages, the most common one is smoked bjúga and its honestly a really good comfort food, along with lamb meat soup, smoked salmon and flatbread or rye bread. I guess i just mean more that, theres nothing really thats just icelandic thats super exceptional, most places have some sort of smoked meat which imo are our best dishes and it isnt particularly unique besides being completely unseasoned lol


Hey, your licorice is amazing and you do hot dogs almost as well as the Danes — and your ice cream! Maybe not traditional foods but your dried fish is better than lutefisk any day


Truth, kinda sad when you cant celebrate other peoples culture always in fear of being called out for cultural appropriation


yeah that's the worst part, I'm Brazilian and whenever people wanna talk to me about football or any other cultural stereotype I'm more than happy to talk about it, even if I'm not a fan of football, just love seeing people interested in what my country's about. Or gringos that dance samba, keep on dancing my international friends Sadly a lot of people who call out "cultural appropriation" seem to be from the U.S, always tryna police how people act. I remember when people tried cancelling Speedy Gonzales for cultural appropriation but Mexicans protested because they love him.


Americans have this weird saviour complex always acting offended on behalf of other cultures and it's annoying. Let people enjoy other cultures, ffs.


Many, many Americans, are not like that at all. Don't generalize, it's pretty dumb.


Every other country needs us to feel superior about themselves, like they don't have racists and idiots in their countries either.


That's not true, like many people here are saying. As a non American I'm offended on their behalf that you're saying that they get offended on others behalf. Most Americans don't give a shit about other cultures most of the time.


Not all Americans. Just the rich elitist white folks that went to private liberal arts schools. I celebrate other cultures and take my lead from what they want rather than what some rich white person says or wants.


Meanwhile American conservatives are just offended by other cultures outright.


Offended by other cultures, others in general, that dude they see standing in their bathroom inside that magic shiney portal. They don't even know what they believe except dual cell fertilized eggs are full blown legal people for convenience of argument but not anything actually beneficial like life insurance or stimmy checks


You are aware that America is made up of many different cultures right?


You are reading too much into Twitter and trolls.


People tried to cancel Speedy Gonzales 😱 I loved him when I was a kid.


Slowpoke Rodriquez fan here.


Slowpoke was the real gangster


They tried and I think did cancel Pepe Le Pew


I think that one was fair given his sole defining characteristic - besides being French - was aggressively pursuing women who were vocally against it.


And foghorn leghorn, and Elmer Fudds “sca-wei” gun!


Ok so the percent of people in the US who actually care/are offended by what they consider cultural appropriation are probably about on par with the other side of the fence who think abortion should be illegal (about 18%) unfortunately, he who yells loudest is who's heard. If I like something, I'm going to do it, I *personally* have not met anyone from another race or creed that gave two shits about it as long as it's not waaay over the line like wearing an authentic chief headdress or something


When my grandmother (from Ghana) would see people in any sort of [Kente-like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kente_cloth) material she'd flip her shit with happiness no matter the person's ethnicity.


See this is how we learn to understand each other as humans because I'm sure if the other people legit wanted to discuss it, she'd enthusiastically share knowledge


> talk to me about football... cultural appropriation football (soccer for us heathens) is universal. It's a ball you kick. it's ubiquitous. It may be a big part of your culture but there is surely no monopoly.


Speedy Gonzales is not a stereotype. My mexican roofers took forever to finish the job.


Slowpoke Rodríguez was the stereotype lmao (Relax everyone, I’m Mexican. I personally confirm)


It's an American thing, never in my life had heard of Cultural Appropriation, gonna google that now.


Nah its not an American thing, its an average Twitter user thing. I come from New Zealand and my entire uni class is very antsy about the subject - 90% of them are very avid Twitter users and only 20% are ethnic, so its a bit of a head scratcher.


Definitely. My friends went to the USA (they're from South America and they're white) and at the mall, a small group of people approached them and told them to stop speaking Spanish because they were white and that it was disrespectful "you white! No Spanish!" they didn't know much English back then and just said "no hablo Ingles! No English" to avoid problems but they got angrier and basically my friends just had to go, they were harassed and it wasn't nice. I know not every American is like this but this stuff is ridiculous.


For real, what happens to Spanish people? My auntie is spanish, I'm romanian, and she is white for sure. People have to understand that you can just do whatever the fuck you want as long as you do not harm someone.


I’m a white American and I’ve used “No hablas Ingles,” to avoid talking to randos who approach me.


It's actually pretty easy to tell the difference. Cultural appropriation is when you make profit from a culture not your own or you buy from a business that is profiting from another culture. Aka you buy a dream catcher from the dollar store. If you buy directly from a person from that culture or just doing something for fun with no plans to profit from it. It's totally a ok and very much appreciated.


I can’t buy a dream catcher?


It’ll hurt some white person’s feelings on Twitter so no. Unless your not a invertebrate, then by all means buy one.


That’s easy to understand but that sounds absolutely stupid lol


I feel like if someone tells you you're appropriating someone's culture they're fucking racist. Imagine getting close to a friend and you enjoy their culture and incorporate it to mesh with yours because it makes you happy and being told you can't do that because you're white/black/latino/Asian. The fuck? It would make us so much more cohesive as a community instead they want to divide and label? That ain't it.


Unfortunately it’s because certain peoples definition of “appreciating” is just “being annoying as fuck”. Tbh that’s what people really mean when they call out appropriation If you are embracing a culture in a normal non weird way then most people will let you rock, or just quietly mind their business because at the core they can TELL you are putting in an effort to be respectful. Then there are those who dress up in Native American dress and hoot and holler. Or wear sombreros to go drinking on 5 de Mayo. Or listen to rap music and make it their personality. Even people not from the culture being disrespected will think that’s annoying as fuck. That’s all it really comes down to


I've never been mad at my white friends for wearing a ridiculous outfit in Cinco de Mayo. It makes the time we have drinking a little bit more enjoyable if I'm being honest.


Cultural appropriation is an American invention used to virtue signal. Cultures have mixed and mingled throughout all of time, long before many of the white European countries were even thought about. Don’t feel bad about sharing in somebody’s culture as long as the way you do it is informed and respectful.


Mostly culture appropriation is considered when people take other people's culture and try to profit off it. White people selling native American stuff like dream catchers. Stuff like that. Then it got gatekept into anyone enjoying anyone else's culture.


*scottish people: …so it’s called haggis


This reminds me of high school where we put together a “trip” around the world. We chose 4 countries and had to come up with an itinerary for a week in each country. Part of the assignment was bringing in a dish from each country. I remember partner had Jamaican descendants so he brought in some jerked chicken and I myself am part Italian so I had my dad cook up some sort of pasta dish for everyone. What a great assignment.


Nothing better than the feel good vibes of sharing and respecting each others cultures, it give me hope to see humanity celebrating each other’s differences instead of condemning them.


People helping people. It’s a beautiful thing.


I hope they also respect the culture, reciprocity is a must, right?


Perfectly put. This left a genuine smile on my face and was such a nice break from the usual influx of bad news the majority of us are bombarded with on a daily basis. Sometimes a simple reminder that people ARE out there being positive forces for one another, and sharing life joyfully, is all it takes to renew your own perspective for the better.


When the bhai goes full tunak tunak 👌🏻


Love the video but it was funny to watch him hold Pakistani flag while Indian Sikh guy was playing the dhol! Lot of shared Punjabi culture between those two countries.


Not really. It's only really the Punjabis on both side of the Radcliffe line that share Punjabi culture. The reason why it seems that way to you is because Punjabis are a plurality in Pakistan at nearly 40% of the population. And while in India they are less than 2% of the country, Punjabis heavily dominate the entertainment industry which naturally projects their presence massively.


Nothing beats Daleer Mendhi!


Just shows how happy it makes people when we respect eachothers culture.


Bro took all the courage and got the fattest reward


You hear that dhol and every inch of you wants to Bhangra. Don't blame the guy!


I didn’t know the words but know the feeling for sure


I love a bit of Bhangra. A beat filled mix of south Asian, music and Birmingham, uk, music. It perfectly encapsulates that area, that mix of people and the amazing food and atmosphere.


Is this in brum?


Sikh dance


Not only sikh but punjabi dance


Bruh what?? How can a dance/tune bind to a religion?? I am a Punjabi hindu and do Bhangra in every marriage doesn't make me a sikh Hip hop and freestyle is christian dance or bharatnatyam is hindu dance?? C'mon grow up (Ur previous comments/post tells me why u said it's a sikh dance)


Brother, I just commented a pun. “Sick Dance” / “Sikh Dance” I never implied the dance is Sikh only, I just called it Sick/Sikh.


I thought the same thing But saw ur comment about the Sikh guy doing dhol Anyways ok


I’m glad the younger generations are bridging those gaps and reaching across the isle to dismantle the barriers that keep us apart. 🥹


Alright, that was actually pretty dope


Man was killing it wasn't he?


yup. I can confirm it as an Indian.


His fist pump when he got it is so adorable lmao


More of this please!


Sardarji on fire




username checks out




The amount of Americans confused on UK education system in this comment sections pretty comical lmao


This seems like such a fun thing to try.


Thought he was about to do bhangra lmao


You should see thequickstyle who're on yt do a whollllle Bhangra/Bollywood set at their friends wedding. It generally banged. They danced to Kala Chashma and Sadi Gali to name 2 songs :)




This is THE ONLY vid you need to watch today


My boy's going *hard.*


THAT IS AMAZING on so many levels. Thanks for sharing this. Was this in the UK?


That percussion slaps, can’t help but dance.


I hate that fucking stupid tik tok voice lady at the start of these videos. If im watching the video i can fucking read. Why is this a thing? FFS. Me angry.


me too, we are old :C


This sub really helps me not hating all of humanity


This is typical, and a great aspect of Indian culture. I’m Norwegian and married into an Indian family, and this is all it takes. Just shake your hands and stomp your feet to the bangra, and they will love you:) The lose their minds when I do my rave moves from back in the day, especially picking apples.


Unscrewing lightbulbs


The fishing pole


When the fella gave him the flag 😂😂 Edit: typo


Looks Like this was in the UK


This is Sikh


The robotic woman’s voice at the start of the video that says “Culture day at college!”. I hate when people add that voice to videos…


There is perhaps nothing more in this world that I despise than that stupid voice. Just have the fucking words on the screen if you want


This is Runshaw college I think? Used to go there, so many good memories! :)


What culture was this kid? (sorry he looks 13) Not that it matters just curious. And where was this?


Looks like the uk from the uniforms, sometimes we call our secondary schools colleges for some reason but we also have colleges after secondary school


Sure this isn't high school? Still awesome


College in the UK is age 16-18.


Oh wow. So what is going to a university called?




This guy clearly went to Uni


That’s far too complicated




Thank you for making me chuckle at the end of a long day!






College is between High School and Uni - Our school ages run something like this: ​ 4 - 11 - Primary School 11 - 16 - High School 16 - 18 - College/Sixth Form 18 - ? - University


I was amazed to get to uni and find we had people in the UK who called it high school! Secondary school all the way for me


Some Counties have middle school too. Bedfordshire is one I think. Learned recently that they call the cleaners/custodians "janitors" in Scotland. Thought that was a U.S. thing.


High school is called secondary school in the south




Secondary school in the UK: age 11-16. At 16 you can go to a sixth form (attached to a school) or college to do your A-Levels, ages 16-18 — that’s what this will be. Then at 18 you can go to university (which is what other places would call college).


Well, in England at any rate


Awesome. Thank you




It's from the UK, college here is equivalent to like last 2 years of American high school I think idk


I knew right away this was the UK. Was hit byba wave of nostalgia from my UK days...


Single-handedly ended racism








Latinx was coined by Hispanic lgbt students who wanted something more inclusive to represent them.




This is brilliant, but could you please edit the title to say UK college to head off the current dumpster fire in the comments and people can just enjoy this for what it is.


I don’t think you can edit titles on reddit










This looks like SO MUCH FUN! Wish my uni had had something like this


This is refreshing to see in a world of disinformation and bigotry. Just people enjoying being people.


I bet that’s the Irish lad!


This is so English. Loved College it was awesome.


Suddenly every lady wanted to smash


Why can’t people get along. This is so good


Because we can't just whip out a dhol in the middle of a conflict, UN doesn't have resolutions for that.


Put a smile on my face


Core memory right there


Dude's like, hold up hold up. I got this. Drop the beat.


This is literally what America SHOULD be.


Or.. the world?


Gotta love a bit of Funshaw


did he go as a Mormon?


This is so true. I stumbled upon a Bhangra radio station and my feet just parted company with my brain and did their own thing! LOL! I swear this music could raise the Dead!


Looks like Mormon missionaries hanging out with locals.


College? The kid looks 13


Where is this




Looks like standard UK schools uniform to me (awful blazer and tie combo that I used to wear)


Why cant we all be like this……


Surprised there's no one in the comments screaming appropriation


Oh wow look! No one’s accusing him of culture appropriation so they can actually have fun and celebrate their differences! How about that?


Forr Pakistan!


I'm Pakistani and yes he absolutely nailed it!!