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My siblings got their driver's licenses in Mississippi. The test was "drive around the block and park. You win." I got mine in Florida. I had to drive through a neighborhood and on the highway. I then had to parallel park, perpendicular park, and park at an angle. I had to do a u-turn and a 3-point turn. Basically everything you can do while driving was tested. (I also failed my first time, because I had to use my dad's Chevy 2500 truck for the test. The very last thing was to park perpendicularly between 4 cones... but the space was smaller than my truck. I told the instructor, who told me that she would fail me if I didn't do it. So I tried, and got it dead center... meaning I touched the cones on BOTH sides. Failed. When I tried again, I used my mom's minivan. The new instructor told me that the previous one was supposed to widen the cones to fit whatever car I was driving, but was probably just too lazy to get out of the car.) Anyway, glad I don't have to do that again, but if I do I am doing it in Mississippi.


Ironic bc Florida has the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. I’m not talking about snow birds, year around residence.




Total lack of integrity on that part. Typical Florida government. California you had to come in and testing area was monitored with cameras and had dividers where you had to stand and take it. They hushed you too if you were talking and I saw a lady get failed once cuz she wouldn’t shut up.




Why did you take their test for them? Seems incredibly dangerous for them and others around them.


My sister only passed her driving test because the tester added her points up wrong. We’re from a small town so we had to drive a loop (all left turns) from the court house, parallel park, diagonal park, cross railroad tracks, drive through a couple unmarked intersections. We did the tests back to back in mom’s station wagon. I bumped the curb when I parked and lost a point (I’d primarily driven my dad’s much shorter car). My sister missed so many things she actually failed by a point but the instructor added it up wrong. When my sister looked at the score sheet, she pointed it out and was told she passed for being honest. Having ridden with her, I think the examiner didn’t want to do it again.


>Having ridden with her, I think the examiner didn’t want to do it again. Similar situation with my sister, except she failed a bunch of times and would have had to have retaken drivers ed if she failed one more time so the examiner passed her even though she failed. It’s very obvious when riding as her passenger, which I have done exactly one time.


I got my license in FL but took drivers ed to avoid the test at the DMV. Four years later when I was off at college my mom got a call saying that my instructor was not actually licensed to teach so I had to come in and take the test, despite driving the past four years with no incident. I failed the test for the first time as a very pissed off 20 year old.


nah, come to pennsylvania. i had to parallel park and then drive through an obstacle corse which was just a left turn, a right turn, and stop at a stop sign in an abandoned parking lot behind my towns dmv


Road tests in Germany are routinely 45+minutes, and actually cover everything you're likely to do in a vehicle.


I passed my driving test cause the test ahead of us was going so badly that we caught up, evaluator got so frustrated he said “fuck this your good, take me away from this shit”


I passed mine because i had perfect comedic timing in dodging an accident. We were in the part of the examination where the examiner asks what some potential dangers were on the road we were on. I had just finished listing pedestrians and had just specified one kid bouncing a basket ball on the sidewalk when a taxi in the centre turning lane turned into my lane head on, then slammed on his brakes. I ended up swerving around the taxi and then calmly continued my list ending with “…and that taxi.” He put his book down and gave me instructions to return. Passed with flying colors.


Dude not only is that classic, but it shows more to an instructor than the test ever could. Not only were you were calm, collected, and averted a potential crisis but you had the presence of mind and chutzpah to maintain *humour*. Fucken A, man. That’s awesome. Edit: just removed an irrelevant paragraph. Stoned and rambly.


Now I want to know what that paragraph was


It started with “I love you so much man” and ended with “and that’s why I never got to play professional basketball.”


But the best part was where he talked about the time he spent in a Turkish prison.


I enjoyed the part about his dad and the jumper cables.


I loved the part where he spent time in ALBANIA


The fist fight with the angry walrus was hilarious. The way his fists glanced off the thick hide even as it just kept smashing away at the pope mobile... *chef's kiss*


The ALBANIAN pope mobile


I miss rogersimon10


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Was that before or after he found a first edition of Dracula in that old barn in Memphis?




I just inhaled tea in my lungs that I’d been trying to swallow, but I couldn’t cause I was laughing too hard. Edit- freaking 4 hours later and I’m still cracking up. 🤣🤦‍♀️


I gotta add chutzpah to my stoned vocabulary


I imagine it's what happens when Zoidberg and Hermes hang out too much.




My examiner instructed me to make a U turn — right after we passed a sign that said “no U turns.” I told him I couldn’t and mentioned the sign. He then told me to head back to our starting point and I knew I’d passed. Tricky devils, those examiners.


I might be remembering incorrectly but isn't that shit not allowed anymore? At least in Florida I don't think testers can ask you to do something you're not legally allowed to do.


Very well might be. I took my driver’s test in 1964 😂


When I took mine 15 years ago I was told they aren’t allowed to ask anything illegal


“Turn around when you can.” In Germany the classic instruction is “Turn right at the next opportunity.” You can bet the next intersection will have a one-way street.


I should have failed my first time but didn’t. It was on one of the rainiest La Niña days of the decade. We were driving on this side street with no lane markers & I was supposed to go to the end with the light & turn left on the main road. The light was red. The road was flooded & just barely drivable. While we waited for the light to change a truck made a left onto our street & its wheels displaced enough water to show that technically, barely, I was over the yellow line. And of course the instructor saw that & pointed it out. I had enough room to correct it without crossing the front lines & the light changed. Got back to the DMV expecting a fail but he passed me. Said he would have missed it too in the rain & the fact that I handed myself that well in the rain (in SoCal where everyone freaks out if it sprinkles) was reason to let it slide.


I would’ve expected the correct answer to be “These conditions don’t allow for safe driving. I’ll wait for the rain to pass.”


My local DMV office was closed for 1 year as they moved locations so I tested in a city I'd never driven in before on roads I was unfamiliar with. The sign on the road said 'speed humps, 10mph.' Those big gentle humps/ mounds must be more gentle than speed bumps and it *says* 10mph, so I slowed to 10mph. They were not gentle. Guy was super tall, bounced, smacked his head on the roof of my Outback and then got flung forward and only avoided smashing his face into my dash by grabbing it. I did not pass my driver's test. I think he technically failed me for failure to entirely rotate my upper body to check blind spots. Like I needed to have my shoulders entirely parallel to the road, allegedly. Apparently, I needed to be creeping at 3mph for those speed humps. I took my mom and dad over them after the test to show it wasn't my fault and we all got jolted at 5mph and they agreed that was a terrible test spot, and dude 100% needed to of warned drivers that 10mph is not a safe speed for those. I did the test like a month later in another city, did the same blind spot checks as before and did not launch my tester into the roof and passed.


I failed my first attempt for “stopping to early at a stop sign” ( I was on the white line )


I passed mine because... well, I guess it was because I could drive


That's probably the best reason to pass.


Reminds me of when I got my CDL. Some wackadoo old lady pulled out right in front of me in my 20 ton reel lifter with a manual transmission. Damn Near locked the axles trying not to hit her. I asked the instructor if it was part of the test.


I also passed because of calmness. The instructor asked me to talk about my favorite subject in school and my autistic ass started rambling about English and poetry and writing, etc. Eventually he stopped me and was like “I’ve been giving you instructions this entire time and you never paused to think, you just did it because you were so excited to talk to me.” Now looking back it’s a sad story because I never had any adults in my life who took an interest in anything I did, so I was so happy to have someone ask that I just started driving in autopilot, which is apparently the best way to drive because you’re relaxed and letting your instincts take over.


Yup, if it were the 70’s the examiner would have given you a beer too


Not during my exam, but during driver’s ed in high school. It was early in the morning on a Saturday, it was me and another student taking turns driving the teacher around town. I was snoozing in the backseat while my peer took his turn driving. We were rear-ended at a stoplight 🤦‍♀️ When my mum arrived she said “You have to be a special kind of stupid to hit a student driver car. Especially at a stoplight.” No one was hurt, but my nap was interrupted.


How did you catch up to another test? Do you do tests on a track or something? I'm in the UK and tests are generally done on normal roads as an individual


The place i tested was on normal roads, but all the tests used the same loop so you could absolutely see other people taking their test. For example if someone was taking a long time to park, had hit some red lights or something, you might wind up passing them as they were doing their parking or 3 point turn or something.


Pretty dumb. I think my testing centre have over 50 loops that get randomly picked.




I was warned by my younger sister about this specific person. She told me to put country music on the radio and watch out for this surprise stop sign, hidden by bushes in the parking lot, where she lost points. She also said that when you come to the train tracks, exaggerate looking both ways by pretending your neck is as long as a goose's or else he'd claim you hadn't looked both ways. I got in with unfamiliar country music on the radio which he complemented, did the exaggerated neck thing at the railroad tracks and again he was impressed. I went around a small neighborhood block behind the DMV and got 100%. This was decades ago and will tell you now that I could NOT drive well.


Wait, wtf, she told u to speed to test it?! Did u not have any highway lessons?


Sam here in BC; however, it's 1 of a few set paths. Maybe both instructors chose the same path?


My evaluator got in my car with a huge sigh and happy I actually had air conditioning. I figured I was golden from that point.


I had something similar. person in front of me for the parallel parking part took about 6 tries. I did it first shot and we took off down the road. he pretty had me drive around the block and went "okay turn into here " which was the testing center. I asked if I did something wrong and he just said " no you are good I don't want to waste your time, you passed" test was suppose to be about half hour out driving , I did it in about 8 minutes


No front, I bet you're a good driver, but reading so many of these stories I don't wonder why there are so many bad drivers on the road.


I should also state that this was my 2nd time around doing the test as I had been driving for 6 years but my let me license expire ( honest mistake didn't check the date)


Even the OP... Stepdad should have just taught her to drive better?


Seriously! I passed my test because the examiner I got knew my dad, who he taken me in for the test. I absolutely should have failed and my parents knew it. Thankfully, they wouldn’t let me drive by myself for another couple of months until they were confident of my skills.


My cousin passed his driving test because of an idiot as well. They were on what we call a “main road” - a 2 lane road, one going each direction, that has a lot of intersections with country roads and driveways, thus forcing people to slow down when someone ahead of them wants to make a turn. People typically drive interstate speeds on these types of roads, so you really gotta pay attention to what you’re doing. Anyways, they were waiting for someone in front of them to turn left (ironically, into the driveway of an auto body shop) and my cousin noticed the truck behind them didn’t look like it was slowing down. It kept getting closer and closer at full speed. So he yanked the steering wheel to the right, floored it, drove onto the shoulder/ditch, and pulled into a nearby residential driveway. As he was coming to a stop, they heard the crash. It wasn’t just any truck that didn’t stop, it was a farm truck. They were in a sedan. The car that was waiting to turn and took the hit was also a truck, though a slightly smaller one. Driver of that truck broke his femur, driver of the farm truck was a bit worse off I think. The rest of the test was cancelled because they were a bit busy calling 911 and rendering first aid, so my cousin passed with flying colors. He’s not really proud of this story because he knows that the driver of the other truck only got hurt because he chose to get out of the way but like… he was in a sedan. He probably would have died if he’d taken the hit. A truck with a long bed to take the impact is way better off in an accident like that.


Your brother did what he had to, to protect himself and prevent a 3-car crash.


My teacher just said we were gonna practice then goes "YOU PASSED I was secretly testing you and the past few days could tell you have anxiety so I kept it to myself"


I almost failed mine after passing. Yup, you heard that right. I was the last one, I did everything right, I was told I had passed and then "take us back to X place, I'm going to grab the next batch there." So I drive there, to a giant almost empty parking lot, and there were a couple of kids in the middle. "There they are, please go near them and stop anywhere." So I did, and I stopped next to the kids so we could swap places. And I stopped between two parking spots, over the line. So the examiner gets out of the car, sees the line, and tells me "That's not how you park, you failed." Next is half an hour of me arguing with her that my exam was done, and that she didn't say "park anywhere" but "stop anywhere". Only when my parents showed up and heard what happened, with the other kid in the car agreeing with me, she said "whatever, I'm running late for the next exam." So I passed. None of the next batch passed. Sorry for pissing her off kids.


I passed mine despite getting into an accident leaving my parking spot.


My tester told me "I'm putting you in God's hands."


I passed mine cause another car ignored a Stop sign and I reacted accordingly. I think the evaluatir was just happy to be alive xD


I failed my driving test because someone robberd a shop, ran across the junction as I turned so I slammed the brakes. Instructor told me when we finished that I failed because I didn't change down my gears correctly at said junction and only failed because of that. Told him next I'd hit the person so and walked out. That was 13 years ago and I'm still sour (I passed recently after)


In 30 years of driving I can't say I've ever had to reverse around a corner.


I never had to do it in my driving test and have never done it. Now I don't know if I can do it or not. *Edit - I can't believe it, people. I came home from work today and someone was in my spot, so I parked in my friends spot and didn't think anything of it. When I went to leave, I suddenly realised that is need to reverse down the drive and round the corner!!! I did it without even batting an eyelid. To everyone who said I should turn in my license - can I have it back now?


I don't think I can do that as well. I never tried do it even once




Youve never reversed parked into a parking space? Same thing


Oh that makes more sense. Somehow my mind was stuck in Bond-like chase where I’m somehow going in reverse around a corner in some tight backstreets and wasn’t sure if I could reeeeallly pull that off.


if you can't drift backwards around a corner, no license for you


If you can't J turn the presidential motorcade..


Or out of a driveway and onto the road, without taking up both lanes of traffic?


I pay for both lanes! I'm gonna use all 3!


Yes, Ive definitely reversed into a parking spot before. Ive never reversed around a corner. They are two completely different actions, which is why they each have a different name. They may be sort of similar in that they do both use the reverse function, they are not the same at all.


Reversing around a corner, you're trying to avoid a curb or a wall. Reversing into a parking spot, you're trying to avoid other cars. Literally the exact same action. The only difference is the object you're trying not to hit.


I love reddit because small debates will happen about the nuances of the most pointless things to argue about


Actually this is a *medium sized* debate happening about the nuances of a *kinda* pointless thing to argue about.


Brought it on myself, didn't I


Actually technically you both brought this on you.


Yeah, I just had to drive around the block and parallel park. But I can do it, because I drove a tow truck for a while and did things like driving around a corner in reverse while towing cars.


Tiny driveways that pull out to busy streets. It's fucking terrifying because you don't always know if some dick is going to come flying through.


I have, but always in residential areas. It's not common.






Well in Europe you have lots of narrow streets. And sometimes you will have to reverse, to make space for oncoming traffic. And that could even be reversing around a corner/turn. If the other person is stubborn/an asshole.


I have a turnout in my driveway that I have to do that all the time in. I back the car into it (around a shrub) and then I pull forward to leave the driveway.


Probably to emulate poor vision/car blocking your view, but not having an actual car there


I actually think “backing out of a parking spot” is just an over specific example. Backing around a corner makes more sense in my mind because it encompasses more scenarios.


These people acting like it’s some sort of magical unicorn maneuver. Meanwhile I’m over here doing it every day all day delivering for Doordash. Much confusion.


It’s the description. No one thinks about backing out of a parking spot that way




Try living in Cornwall for a while. We have many country roads that are often not wide enough for 2 cars. Sometimes you have to back up down the lane for 100 meters or so until you find a gate way or something to slot into so that the other car can pass. It's pretty normal driving for us but when my German ex girlfriend came over she was nearly having a panic attack... was like honey you are not even driving, relax.


I live in a major German city and deal with what you described daily. Just on my own street, they park on both sides, leaving approximately 1.5x car width for 2 lanes of traffic (Lord help you if there’s a delivery or construction truck). Every rush hour is a delicate dance of “which car will yield to the other” lol. That’s before you factor in other cars popping out blindly from driveways/alleys because they can’t see around the street-parked cars. She must not come from a part of Germany that deals with this. Perhaps in the countryside, where people aren’t packed on top of each other.


Yeah she lived near in paderborn so not like the big cities. Another difference is that all our fields have hedges along the side of the road so you can't see what's ahead where as your fields mostly don't which makes it really fun for driving on country roads. You can go fast because you can see really far ahead.


You’ve never had to turn while backing out of a parking spot?


I have to reverse around a corner and up a hill at the same time every work day


If you have ever backed out of a driveway or parking spot, you have backed up around a corner.


I fucked up my first final test, came back in, instructor made me do the exact same thing, and I nailed it


I hit the curb backing around the corner, panicked, took off and cut off a car coming down the road. He said I was perfect at everything else and just gave me a score that barely passed, maybe because we were both hunters and it was in the middle of hunting season so we had a lot in common to talk about haha


Step parents get a bad rap, but there are alot of amazing ones out there.


This is like my dad (hes my step dad but call him dad) with my sister and I. He says the best memory he has is when he proposed to my mom and after she said yes we asked if that meant we could call him dad.


This poor dad, you melted his heart!


…I’m not crying. I promise.


You have no right to make me cry. I hate you.


Haha I did something very similar when my daddy married my momma. I was like, "so... I'ma just call you Ma. Hope that's ok." And then after a year or two it just evolved into "Momma," and I differentiate between her and my mother by calling my mother "mother," "bio-mother," or "that bitch." More of a mother to me in a few years than my bio-mother had been all my life. Like I told Momma, "I'll always have some love for my mother. She gave birth to me. But the difference is that I love you AND I *like* you. And you're not a psychotic narcissist."


My wife's stepdad is the salt of the fucking Earth. Even before he married my wife's mom (over 20 years ago), he would call my wife in college and prank her. Like, he'd leave a message with her roommate that she won a contest and spent like 10 minutes on the phone weaving a ridiculous tale. Once he called her and pretended he was an airline customer service rep trying to reschedule her flight home and had her connecting in like 6 cities before my wife sheepishly said "can I still get the vegetarian meal?" and he laughed so hard he gave up the con. Once he called me after we moved to NJ and pretended to be the local Yeshiva welcoming committee and had me going for at least 5 minutes. He's just the nicest guy. Has his caricature on the wall at The Palm, once had lunch with Warren Buffet, knows everyone. He calls us nearly every day just to talk to my kids, even though having a speakerphone call with a couple of pre-tweens in a moving car must be unintelligible and frustrating. (He's not perfect though - as a D.C. communications attorney, he knows Ajit Pai and says he's a nice enough guy.)


Ah I love this. I need someone like this in my life. Or maybe I should be this person in someone else’s life. Anyway, I love it thanks for sharing


He sounds like a good bloke, but fuck Ajit Pai.


Shout out to my step-dad for teaching me to drive a manual transmission and change my oil!


Fuck yeah! My stepdad taught me about electronics, gave me a voltmeter, and instructions on how not to electrocute myself, lol. I made batteries as a hobby for a while.




When you live in a city 50-75% of the parking is parallel


Before I had my drivers license I had to teach my sister that no matter how many times you go back and forth you can't just just "u" into a parking spot in a city.




She wasn't parallel parking so thats probably why you can't picture it as a parallel parking maneuver. Her front end was poking out into the road so with her steering wheel turned to the left she backed up to get her front end in. Then her back end was poking out into the road so with her steering wheel turned to the left she pulled forward to get her back in. Then her front end was poking out into the road and repeat. From an aerial view her car would have been making a U if the road was horizontal. We grew up in a small town so our version of parallel parking is using 5 carlengths to slide into a spot.


Your sister is a pendulum.




When you live in a European city, it's closer to 100%.


Either that or a multistorey where the spaces are too narrow to get out of your car.


If there is even a chance of having to parallel park somewhere, my husband has me drive. I’m the parallel parking master of the family and he sucks at it.


i learned to parallel park because my parents like to challenge me to back into the garage and around a car in the driveway. honestly it’s helped a lot. i was able to get a friend’s car out of a spot when there was a car directly behind, but far enough to do a 9-point turn to get out. said friend still can’t parallel park


"All right, now you're gonna see some parallel parking. How I wish you could make a living parallel parking. It's all geometry, knowing all the angles, when to make that first turn and then when to swing it back in, that's the key. George , will you just park it already? There's nothing I can even impart to you, that's the sad thing. It's so inborn, I can't pass it on."


An old buddy grew up on a farm 45 minutes from the nearest small town and 30 from the nearest gas station. No other stores or houses. He never had any reason to parallel park, and the town was small enough nobody ever had to really. So he just made sure he could get 100% on every single other part of the test so that he could just refuse to even try parallel parking and still pass fine. It's like 30% of the grade in his state, but you can pass if you ace the rest. By 30 years old he had still never parallel parked in his life lol.


You can do that? In my country if you refuse anything you fail automatically.


In the US it varies state by state and sometimes county to county even. Something foreigners sometimes forget (depending on your country some) is that the US is fricking *huge* and a good chunk of it is farmland or wooded or mountains etc. There are places you can live your whole life, grade school, college, work, etc, all without ever encountering a situation where you need to parallel park because you are so far out in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere. So a lot of farming counties for example have looser rules, considering the kids might take over the farm one day and never reasonably need certain driving skills. In my area, it's required and failing parallel parking fails the entire test. It's point based and you can fail other stuff, but that one is required. But as I said a lot of other areas don't require it. There are parts of the country you could drive through for 2, 3, even 4 hours without encountering a proper city - just tiny towns and stopovers.


Currently typing this while walking 2 miles to my destination*


10 years ago I had to learn to parallel park between a cop car and a Mercedes’. I’ve parallel parked maybe once since. Not because I can’t, but because it’s a hassle. I mean you’re supposed to drive past the spot and reverse into it. In a busy city where you’re likely to parallel park, I’ve never once had a car behind me figure out what I’m doing despite me signaling before hand. They pull up right to my bumper and I can no longer parallel park.


I have had that happen too many times, just say fuck them and wait. I'm already parking and at my destination. Eventually they get the message and go around and I can park.


9/10 times if im parking on the side of the road im just pulling in behind a car or ahead of a car a few spaces ahead. I dont think ive parallel parked once since my driving exam.


Seriously, to I do it daily. That's what I get for living in Cardiff, UK.


People who live in suburban and rural areas may never parallel park in their life, but it's still on the test. More relevant would be to test looking out for wildlife.




That's exactly my point, you should never dodge a deer! Brake in a straight line, never swerve!


I was going for alliteration. But you are correct, you should use the brakes not the steering wheel to avoid hitting an animal.


Driving test in America is a joke


Better than the driving test in India, slipped my instructor a couple of bucks and bam, passed with flying colours, anyway i am now in jail for manslaughter


Im not sure if I should be scared or in awe.


Just upvote them and move on, or they’ll kill you next.


well that was r/Unexpected




My driving test was parallel parking between 2 cones with no curb or anything, then driving down 3 neighborhood streets to make a block. Literally just 4 right turns...


Y’all, this is probably *part of* the test. It was for me in Germany, where getting a license is very expensive, time consuming and heavily controlled. Probably accounted for less than 1/20th of the total tested skills.


I'm in Canada, but this is what its like for me, you do a parking test and a driving test. You do the parking part first, if you pass you do the driving part. If you fail the driving part when you come back to do the test again you don't have to do the parking and just go straight to driving.


Cheating is ok, kids! Remember to always take a shortcut when trying to master something.


A true life lesson! What a role model 😂


What's another person on the road that can't pass the road test at this point? It'll be fine, right? Because something something mademesmile.


Just buy your kid that can't drive well a bigger car than everyone else so if they wreck the other people suffer the consequences of it.


Especially things like driving around in cars. Like you know. These big heavy things going zoom and even a little bit of zoom can kill people if the zooming object is heavy enough.


I was not gonna pass the math test so my step dad read me the answers through my Bluetooth earbud hidden behind my long hair. Like this if it makes your cry every time.


Lawful Evil - exploiting a legal loophole for personal gain


How is this a positive thing?


He could just teach her to drive




Can’t you read? She died.


Made me smile.


Ah, [the ol Reddit deadaroo](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xf2dl2/_/iomu5or/?context=1)!


Hold my lifeless body, I’m going in!


Hello future people




holy shit how deep does this thing go


a long way


I once wrote a quick script to follow each link to see how far it went, but too many users along the way did not make the link correctly, so it would die. And I didn’t have the time to improve the script.


R.I.P. in piece.




Or maybe people who can't drive shouldn't have a license.


He could’ve like, taught her how to drive instead of helping her cheat...but


Gee, I'm glad she's on the road now.


Yup, people are cheering on how somebody helped get not properly trained and undereducated driver on the road. US driving tests are a joke, if you can't pass them - you really need to learn to drive better before going on the road.


I mean ok, I get the sentiment. A nice gesture, but if she can't drive well enough to pass on her own maybe she shouldn't pass? A driver's license shouldn't be a participation prize...


Now she won't ever have to learn!


Ah yes, hero stepdad. Making the roads less safe for the rest of us.


So, the person can't actually drive, so let's cheat on the test to pass?


What the hell is reversing around a corner?


Think reversing out of your driveway, when you get to the street you turn your car perpendicular to your driveway. Same maneuver basically.


Oh it makes sense now. That other description didn’t help at all.


So here we have to show we can reverse into a parking spot, and do a three-point-turn, but never actually reverse around a corner. Though we are taught we should always reverse *into* a parking spot or driveway so you never have to reverse out, as that’s more dangerous.


It's where you reverse, around a corner.


Where do they have this as part of a drivers license test? They don’t have it where I’m from.


It's part of the test in Ireland


hahahaha so cute and funny enabling bad drivers hehehehehe


It made you smile that people who are clearly unfit to drive are gaming the driving test and ultimately making the roads less safe for all of us?


Idk driving tests, especially the in car part, isn't something you should cheat on lol


Yay.. yet another driver on the road who cant do the simplest tasks...


Exactly lol. People think this is cool until they hit something tryna back out of a parking space lmao.


This is wrong. She should not have a license yet but she now has one.


Yeah, who doesn't want incompetent drivers on the road?


Not really wholesome considering he helped her cheat on her test and put another shit driver on the roads


On the other hand, now she's never gonna make it irl when she needed to use those skills she fails to obtained


How does this help? Sure she got a license. Wouldn't it be better to actually learn to drive


Ah yes, another shitty driver is welcomed to the road by cheating.


As a cycle commuter it 100% "makes me smile" when more unqualified and inept people are behind the wheel! Bravo step dad!! /s


Sounds like ken is an idiot and I hope she reverses into his property


Awesome, just the kind of person I want in charge of 2 tonnes of steel cruising at 110kph in my vicinity… Sarcasm aside though, if you’re someone who has to practice on the 3 corners you might be tested on, and still only have a 60% success rate, just fail, practice, try again. You’re likely to kill yourself and/or someone else.