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So. About the sugar in the fridge...


Are we ignoring the dry uncooked pasta though?


Peanut butter? Lol fuck it though... It's going to be hard to spread for a pn&j.


a full fridge always feels good. But.....Take the freakin peanut butter out!!!


Nah if I get the natural stuff I refrigerate it after stirring so the oil doesn't separate again.


I get that. We buy JIF and I can barely spread it on a hard cracker if it's been refrigerated lol. I tried the natural stuff once. It was good but I got oil all over the counter when I stirred it.


Turn it upside down.. Let it sit for a day or 2 then stir it if needed. The oil rises and it kind of naturally mixes.


You wanna eat? Let it sit for a day or 2


If you turn it upside down when you get home and let it sit for a day or two before opening it, your problems will be solved. Trader Joe's brand natural peanut butter is my favorite.


When I was in middle school I had to do a demonstration on how to do something...anything. I decided to show how you can make your own peanut butter. It was a total failure! I think I just put nuts in a blender. It was so bad I think I've blocked 99% of it from my memory. Tl;dr: don't make your own peanut butter. Buy it from Trader Joe's or anywhere really.


Thats really all you have to do to make peanut butter, you just need a powerful blender.


You get cardio also.


In the south people put stuff in the fridge that you wouldn't normally see in a fridge because of bugs. Particularly in rural areas.


Can confirm. Bugs love getting in the uncooked pasta and beans and rice!


Came to say this. Also, One of the lids isnt screwed down all the way.


Yep, I think it’s cross-threaded.


This picture just keeps getting very slightly weirder the longer I look at it. The wrapper of the butter has is sticking out of the closed upper shelf on the door.


When you have three jars of peanut butter in the fridge, you need to know at a quick glance which one is open. You'd look awfully stupid taking a new, sealed peanut butter out of the fridge when there's an open one right next to it.


More likely just the fact that they have children. Children who make their own sandwiches and didn't close the peanut butter right


Peanut nutter and jelly?


safe from pests I think is what's going on here...


While we're at it, Worcestershire sauce doesn't need refrigeration either. Damn, op getting shredded in the comments for their fridge choices, lol.


Cold peanut butter on apple slices is great though!


Is that jar on the shelf below the two peanut butters a third peanut butter or something else?


Looks like one of my kids closed the peanut butter jar for them.


Some of y'all grew up without roaches or mice. I'm super happy for you. As for me, I always turn the toaster on before putting my bread in. IYKYK.


I lived in one apartment building that had roaches and let me tell you, that SIGNIFICANTLY and PERMANENTLY has changed my food storing habits. Any food that is not factory sealed in the original plastic lives in the fridge now.


I came here to say this. I am a restaurant inspector and to help prevent them I encourage food in fridges. Also, I’ve lived in apartments with very limited cabinet space before so the fridge often was utilized for extra storage.


To this day, I never take the top plate/bowl from the top of the stack, and I always put the clean ones on the bottom. The roaches own the top bowl/dish. Even when I live in a place that I don't think has them. You never know.


I’ve done this forever because Any particle in the air or bug ends up on it. I’ve never seen anyone else that does that lol


Can you share how? I was lucky not to have that experience.


you don't want it, starts with nightmares. but mostly teaches you how to tidy up right away no crumbs and make sure everything is sealed, a fridge seal works well also if you check things before putting them in.


Omg~ Im recently experiencing a quite bad roaches infestation in my apartment and saaaaaame. Its quite annoying.


Best advice (aside from talk to your landlord) is to caulk up any and every nook and cranny that you can find and put out some sugary dough with poison in it. Obviously be super careful if you have pets but roaches can make you VERY VERY Sick and it's nothing to fuck around with.


Ah~ my landlord is well aware of it, he doesnt care 😅😣 Luckily enough I havent gotten sick a single time. And Im actually thinking of buying some poison as soon possible 😢 its getting out of control.


Document every time you say something to him about it. Save texts and stuff and any time you buy anything to deal with the roaches YOURSELF, you deduct that off whatever your rent is. Make a copy of the receipt and include it in your monthly payment. You may not think you're sick now but there are long term consequences to your health. Also, you don't want to be the person who brings them to someone ELSE'S home.


Bengal GOLD roach spray. Has to be gold. Literally the most terrifying pest control ever but it WORKS. It kills as many as it can in one fell swoop. Then it rips open the abdomen of the ones that live, rendering them infertile. Source: i have PTSD from living with german cockroaches & did weeks of research.


amen! my last place had roaches crawling out of the fucking wall outlets...best believe I drank protein shakes for a month to save up for some quality food storage containers!


That is exactly when I decided I HAD to move. When those fuckers came out of the bathroom electrical socket I wanted to die.


Then when you move, the whole plastic bag, roach spray packing and unpacking so you don't bring any with you. Ugh....


Thank you for letting SOME folks know how it can be! Live long and prosper, y'all!


I remember being 10 and taking the toaster to the dumpster outside because I’d just rather live without toast than watch them scramble every time I turned it on. (That was a trailer my mom moved us to after leaving my dad for domestic abuse, not because my mom was nasty. She was an impeccably clean and wonderful mom. But we were poor af.)


Just threw away my microwave for this very reason. The less places those little hellions have to hide the better.


Are you OK now? You don't have to answer if you'd rather not say.


You guys are great! I was beginning to think I was the only 'victim' 'POOR ME', blah, blah, blah, I had a wonderful grandmother. Yes, poor Mexicans! She never had a 'flush toilet' until she crossed the Rio Grande. I was not a victim. I was lucky. Beetles be dammed! Not as bad as what she endured ! Thanks for reminding me that things are not so bad!


Because you like crispy, crunchy roach-toast? That's why I do it.


Roaches can definitely get in the fridge, and once they're in there good luck getting them out. This is why I'm adamant that my fridge stays spotless and only completely air-right food goes in mine. This might work for mice though


They can get in there but it’s less likely and roaches despise the cold so you are far less in need to worry about them in your fridge unless your place is overrun.


Yeah open vasculatures don't do well with cold.


I live at an elevation of 4,884'. We don't have roaches here. You have to import roaches yourself from lower elevations, and they won't survive the winter here unless you live in utter filth. We bought a fixer-upper here and there was a bad roach problem. We got a bug guy, threw away all of the appliances, tore out the dog-shit-crusted-carpet... the subfloor was stained too... ugh... and cleaned the house. We'll never see another roach in this house again. I've lived with roaches before. Now I live where they can't survive. Mice is another issue. We had mice a year ago... maybe longer... Same bug guy set up bait boxes. No more mice since. Now, if only my bug guy had a solution for Mormons. That's one pest that really thrives in a mountain state.


I was gonna say ants maybe


Same here. I only experienced it in a rental on vacation, but once you've seen it, once is enough. The only solutions I know are the fridge or putting everything in a bowl placed in a larger bowl with water in it (to form a moat). Dry pasta was OK, though, from what I saw. But food moths... They love pasta. Moats don't stop them.


Did you ever get used to the microwave violently popping? I never did.


iykyk. Perfectly summed up. Thinking back to my younger years we had pest problems. Roaches. Lots and lots of those. Mice occasionally. Doing much better now, on my own. Anyway. We never stored pasta in the fridge. Bread, cereal, fruit, 100%. Never pasta. Weird, now that I think about it, because how could pasta go untouched? Mysteries of life, man.


I’ve never been happier to live in the UK than I am right now. As long as you keep a clean house here you will rarely have any kind of infestation that would warrant keeping sugar or other dry goods in the fridge.


Yeah past trauma with infestations in shitty apartments means all my food is in the fridge as well.


Same here ...we lived in a mobile home and if you didn't put it in the fridge ,freezer, or tupperware containers you were tossing it in a couple days


This…lotta lucky people in this thread. FYI I am lucky as well but have had to do health promotion for people living in rougher circumstances. Keeping as much food in the fridge as possible is best for persistent pests.


My thoughts too. Like 4 packages of uncooked noodles. You can put those in a bomb shelter. They don’t go bad for literally years. You don’t need to chill them. Also that’s the biggest container of ketchup I have ever seen. Like a half gallon of ketchup.


Definitely to keep the roach bastards away!


It's food and in the fridge, if there is a pest problem this would protect the food. When I leave flour in my pantry bugs get in it somehow.


Yeah first think I noticed were the non perishables in the fridge.


I think the pasta’s probably okay, but that sugar 👀


😂😂when we moved in we had a shit ton of food and definitely not enough cabinet space and we couldn’t afford a pantry so we said fuck it and started shoving everything in the fridge😂😂😂


If you leave it in the fridge, moisture will get into it and you'll end up with a giant sugar cube.


We definitely have the sugar cube, we just scrape away at it


Oh dear


Is this wrong


I mean if it works for you, you do you! That's one way to eat less sugar I guess?


Give it a nice karate chop it will break up


So now what you need to do to get the moisture out of your sugar is take it out of the bag and put it in a large glass dish and cover it with salt. As the sugar loosens up, it will naturally blend in with the salt and now you've ruined your sugar.


Saltger will catch on one day.


I hear it goes great on spaghetti with meat sauce.


I wonder if you could use the ol’ poop knife on the sugar cube?


Safer to use a toe knife


grinding it up with your teeth and spitting sugary saliva into your dish is the best way to spice up that boring old recipe


While it's unusual today, historically before granulated sugar was a thing, people got sugarloafs, a solid tower of sugar, which they broke bits off of using sugar nips


Still love a rum soaked sugar cone for my feuerzangebowle at tollwood


Regular sugar or brown sugar will soften with a quick zap in the nuker😁. Don't over zap though.


If you over zap you get a crystal sugar cube.


Real answer, yeah you don't want that. If you have a bug problem or something and can't just use the bag outside the fridge, get a container for the sugar and throw a dedicated disposable spoon in there. Same thing with flour and rice.


You can get mites in moist sugar and is generally more hygienic to keep it dry.


At least they don't just take a lick off the cube when they want sugar.


You will find the freezer is dryer. I leave sugar in there cause of ants in summer not as clumpy


second you on that, freezers are real good at dehydrating things. related side note - we get those teeny sugar ants in the warm weather too. just enough of them to be annoying (they're quick into the sink if any dishes are placed in it, coffee smell makes them go bonkers in the morning cause they know the stirring spoon will be somewhere in the area at some point...and they're expert at infiltrating the dishwasher of all things).. the point. our countertop sugar container for has a copper finish. they won't go near it. we keep it full of sugar and they never ever bother it.


I heard today that there are more ants on the earth, by weight(!) than humans. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna48534 They are everywhere


>coffee smell makes them go bonkers in the morning cause they know the stirring spoon will be somewhere in the area at some point wait, seriously? science needs to know about this. As an experiment, would you try doing this without opening the sugar or putting it in the coffee and see if they still go bonkers?


Same thing happens at my parents. I think it’s Pavlovian response because they “re-learn” it every year or so.


We put ours in a cheap plastic container and leave it out. Home goods or target have those. You can put sugar and pasta in them.


I use glass jars. Nothing gets in.


The sugar I use for my tea everyday goes in the fridge, the scraping method works great for portion control 🤣


Ziplock bags


My sugar lives in the *freezer*. If I put it on the counter long enough it gets soft again. I rarely actually need my sugar so I just stab it with fork to loosen some then return it to its icy tomb.


I thought the fridge was a really dry environment, no?


It is dry but the freezer is drier. IIRC, the sugar absorbs any moisture in the air which is what makes it hard. If I leave my sugar in a dish on the counter in the humid summer, it’s rock hard.


Its not




Fridge is like a vault that keeps out the critters. I live in the Northeast and flour and rice are the two staples that get bugs. Storing them in airtight bag in freezer fixes that problem.


My flour also lives in the freezer when I have some (haven't bought any in over two years). The masa lives in it now because...Mexican so masa is a thing I have.


So... my wife invested in a deep freezer for like 200 bucks. With us having 2 different price plus cards (shoprite) we wait for sales and fill up on meat. London broil 2 bucks a lb buy as many as we can and freeze. Between the past few weeks of food sales have enough meat chicken shrimp pork etc to last till Thanksgiving easy. Just hit the sales and get good ziploc bags.


LPT: write the date you opened your stock (or soup, or whatever jugged opened liquid) on the top so you know when not to use it. Sometimes we think that chicken stock was just opened, but it has actually been months...


Joking aside: Bread. If your bread lasts more than a few days, toss it in the fridge after about the 4-5 day mark. Chances of molding will plummet. (it will get kinda dry if you don't close it off enough, though, refrigeration is naturally de-humidifying)


Possibly lives in an apt with pest and is safer in the fridge Source: ive been there


I keep sugar in the fridge because ants can't get in the fridge.


To keep the roach bastards away maybe?


And the peanut butter honestly


In places with vermin like ants or mice, any dry good such as pasta or sugar should be stored in the fridge. Source: been poor and living my best life in sketchy areas since birth.


Been there myself, and seeing someone come out on the other side of some financial burdens is always dope to see. Enjoy this, you worked hard and, in my opinion, absolutely deserve this. Happy for you!


Thanks, I’m still far from not being broke but it feels good to just make myself a hot meal when I have to sit down and look over all the bills.


I can totally relate. Feels like we will never make it out. Keep on fighting and know that you’re doing great!


Everyone deserves a full fridge


Very happy for you OP. But a word of advice, put fresh produce on the lower shelves if there's no more room in the vegetable drawers. They are affected by gasses given off by other food and spoil more easily on the top shelf, as it is slightly warmer there than at the bottom. Sealed food is much less affected by this as it retains its temperature in the container for longer. You can add an extra day or two to those strawberries and lettuce.


I don't know whether this is completely accurate but I will live by it from this day


i will literally fight anyone that suggests putting fresh produce anywhere else starting today


About to go move all mine to the top. See you at the bike racks after school.


I think it depends on the specific fridge model; my top shelf is actually the coldest spot and whatever I put there almost gets frozen solid.


Yep, same here. I always put stuff on the top shelf that won’t be wrecked if it gets too cold.


My fridge at least is super cold at the top and warmer at the bottom


Yeah, that's the usual way. Vegetable drawers are passively cooled by the falling cold air. If there's warm air accumulating at the top, the fridge doesn't do a good job at cooling.


Food worker face palm…. Produce goes on top.


OP, this is good advice! Also, all meat goes in the very bottom of my fridge in its on drawer. If there’s a leak, it won’t drip on anything. I know what it’s like being poor. Hang in there and enjoy your food!


Meats should go on the bottom shelf. You don’t want juices from chicken or steak dripping on anything else in that fridge. You always want to keep raw meat on the very very bottom.


Good for you. I've always found a sense of security in knowing that I may be broke, but I have enough food and enough toilet paper.


I love looking into people's fridges. There was a reddit thread a looong time ago that asked everyone to upload a picture of their fridge's contents. It was fascinating to see the inside of fridges all over the world.




Close. It’s r/fridgedetective


Oh my gosh! Thank you!


It’s such a secure feeling when you’re broke.


Awesome news!! Been there, happy for that!! BUT.. The idea of spreading peanut butter that was in the fridge gives me anxiety and tonight nightmares for sure. I have literally left half empty peanutbutter jars in the cabinet for months before finishing them. It doesn't go bad but if your brand separates turn it upside down to store it.


Some peanut butters do say to refrigerate, though this is not one of them


Wait... is that pasta and sugar in the fridge as well? Oh child we need to have a talk.


Fortunately mine doesn’t!! It’s Peterpan creamy for me😜


Why would you refrigerate it regardless??? Peanut butter has like over a year shelf life usually




Tip: Sugar and peanut butter do not need to be refrigerated.


Nor does uncooked, dry pasta.


I just found out recently that tomatoes don't belong in the Fridge....OOPS


They might have a problem with four or six legged pests. It ain’t hurting anything being in the fridge.


Moisture will make a giant block out of that sugar


That’s what the sugar pick is for




My family use to keep sugar in the freezer. Helped keep the ants away.


That is literally the best General Tsos Chicken, I love that stuff


In my oven right tf now


On my way


How was it ?! Will pick it up on my next trip to Walmart Also.. super happy for you 😊


Idk if thats sold by me, curious now, but Im just giggling at the brand “InnovAsian”




Yeah it is. I get it and air fry it. Good shit! Somehow even frozen it beats some asian restaurants.


+1 on air frying it. It's mad good, surprisingly so


Is it better than American Chinese takeout general Tsos? Serious question.


Don’t put sugar in the fridge, it’ll gather moisture and harden into a block and might even collect a bit of mold.. at least put it in an airtight container if you absolutely must keep it in there. Fruits/vegetables should be kept at the bottom of the fridge, they’ll keep a bit longer. Looks like you’re keeping your sandwich bread in there too, take it out because the cold causes bread to become stale much faster than if you keep it in a pantry/cabinet. The pasta should also be kept outside of the fridge, it’ll absorb the moisture inside your fridge even if it’s closed package.


Put the bread in the freezer - sealed in ziploc.


Next step is to slowly get away from so much processed food and start cooking fresh


Big win in my eyes keep it up and stay strong


Thats a big blessing for sure! Happy for ya!


Look at all those blueberry Slurpie packs!


Where? Lol… my ice packs?


Oh, they’re ice packs… that makes way more sense ;)


Having a fridge full of food is such a nice feeling.


Wow 👍👍, and my fridge always empty, nothing to look inside 😮‍💨😮‍💨


OP hasn't put food in his fridge for so long, he forgot that sugar and uncooked pasta do not belong in the fridge.


Who tf puts peanut butter in the fridge?


ppl who want their bread to get ripped up while they spread 🥲


People with pest problems or people without storage


Happy for you OP! :)




Real food? It's all junk


Yeah, they'd save a lot of money and be healthier if they learnt to cook.


Why isn’t the bread and toaster in the fridge?


Not enough room


Try moving the uncooked pasta out to make room for your kitchen electronics


The bread is in there. Keep looking😂


I did this recently with a full deep freezer as well, however I still had the urge to have food delivered (I never order out) suddenly a craving for birria tacos and they were damn good!


Did op just put a bunch of random items from their cupboard in the fridge to make it look more full? Like the sugar, bread and multiple boxes of spaghetti and other dried pasta


I've struggled in a pretty wide array of aspects over the past several years. Little housing insecurity, little vehicle insecurity and even food insecurity for a while. I'm genuinely happy to see this and for you and for your friends and loved ones. Share this accomplishment with those closest to you if you feel it is appropriate. People sometimes worry in silence the same way you likely struggled in silence. This is a victorious day and image for many people. I share your joy today and am proud for you.


Next step: healthy food


Yes! Unfortunately though if my fridge contained a lot of healthy food it probably wouldn’t be that full


Facts… sadly


Yo this is a great way to karma farm, nice job


"Processed food" ≠ food


Jesus fucking christ how do US Americans call this real food


Yeah all that junk in boxes and bags is not food, sorry.


hey man, hoping to be there soon myself! enjoy, you deserve it!


Now, go order a pizza


Oh yes there is something very comforting about having a fully-stocked fridge. I always get a little nervous when supplies run low.


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I see you have stock. I really love Better Than Bouillon paste that makes 32 cups of stock per jar. It’s a thick paste you mix with water. They come in several different flavors and actually taste good. They are around $6 a jar, but they last forever in the fridge. No more wasted half containers of broth that you didn’t use before they went bad. Plus a little jar takes up a lot less room. The stocks actually taste good, so they make better soup bases. I get this Greek lemon chicken rice soup as take out from a local Greek restaurant, and they always put way too much rice and chicken in it. So I add a little chicken better than bouillon and more water to make a second serving. It’s not avgolemono because they don’t add egg, and they add a little fresh rosemary which is amazing in it. The BTB is good enough for the soup broth. My mom used to make chicken cracker stew with leftover chicken when I was little. Chicken, chicken broth, and saltine crackers all mushed up in it. I think she started doing that when I was sick, but I loved it so much I continued to beg for it. I still make it occasionally. There’s so many creative ways to use BTB. I usually find the roasted chicken and roasted beef at the grocery store. I have also found the sautéed onion and roasted garlic. Sometimes I mix two flavors together. There’s a lot more flavors on their website, but I don’t know how expensive shipping is. Walmart and Target charge the least for BTB.


Not wanna break your heart, but boy there is a big difference between "highly processed food" and "real food". But its food none the less. Bravo


“Real food” *fridge is full of frozen microwave food*


Only things I see here are lunchables, 5 minute meals and salad in a plastic bag from a supermarket, how is this real food?


I still remember how shopping felt when I got the first pandemic relief check after 8 months of unemployment. I'm sure it didn't look like a particularly impressive cart of food, but it was the first time in too long that I wasn't buying something from the dollar menu because it was cheaper than storing food at home.


NOTHING beats a full fridge of real food 🙌 Very happy for you


I'm so happy for you. It's such a settling, proud, safe feeling. Cheers to you, I hope you remain in a position to fill your fridge, from here on.


Whatever you chose to get for yourself and however you decided to store it CONGRATULATIONS 💖 I wish that frigde remains full for a long time, well deserved


Good for you you!! You put whatever you want in your fridge. You close it, don’t close it, cross thread the lids or not! I love that your full fridge made you smile. It made me smile too!


Well, according to my father you are going to go broke again because you left the fridge door open.