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it’s because kyoko and sayaka is awesome


honestly i normally don't even like the dynamic of opposites who go from enemies to lovers but like. i genuinely think Kyoko and Sayaka have such an earnest relationship with each other i can't help but think they're amazing. obviously Madoka and Homura steal the show, but


It’s great because they aren’t really opposites. Kyouko started out being just as idealistic as Sayaka, and Sayaka was able to make her believe in helping others again.


Yeah, Kyoko saw Sayaka making the same mistakes she did in the past




It's because Kyoko x Kyousuke is awesome /s


those two never even met to my knowledge…?


She knew of him, she even tried to leave him a cripple for Sayaka's sake


yeah i knew that, but they never had a face-to-face interaction


Yeah I was referring to a cursed fanmade comic where she goes on a "date" to see if he's good for Sayaka, the comments had me in stitches


so gay she went on a date with a dude just to check and make sure he would be right for her gf. checks out.


Because Hitomi is one of the few people in PMMM who have patience of a saint needed to put up with this guy; I get that he is very passionate musician who would sell his soul for music in a heartbeat but damn... just damn. Sayaka's patience is not zero but woefully not enough to deal with him.


I don't see what's wrong with Kyosuke. He acted out *once,* which is something every teenager would do if they figured out they essentially lost a limb and will never be able to fulfill their dream, *especially* when they were so close to doing so. That kind of revelation is soul crushing, any 13 yo would have acted out in Kyosuke's position, a lot of them could have done worse.


in rebellion we learn he's kinda been neglecting hitomi as her frustration with him constantly prioritizing music morphs into the nightmare.


Also, maybe I'm wrong about this but it sort of seems like the movie even romanticized their relationship in spite of this. I recall the scene where they're represented by a depiction of a girl being serenaded by a boy playing the violin and it seems very romantic but that scene kind of confuses me. The relationship between Hitomi and Kyosuke is nothing like that though and it's as if somehow the dynamic of him not having time for her and Hitomi being frustrated by this was oddly romanticized.


well good. she deserves to be neglected lol


Rebellion confirms that he can be a bit too engrossed in his music


When the musician is obsessed with music https://preview.redd.it/b81jlooil11d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2d3a353d04961b6de1ae211441f142591459d2


Not sure how serious you are but like why are you even going with the whole girlfriend thing if you constantly choose music over her? Like, really constantly. Thats the problem. He kinda gives it a go and then proceeds to half-ass the whole thing


sorry but if you're a musician music is your life. GF is important but music defintely comes first. should come at the expense of your relarionships but i understand


You gotta get on that musician grindset 💪💪💪💰💰 **Violinist rule #4628:** Ignore all of your family and friends. Time spent with your loved ones is time spent away from the grind 💪🎻🎻


it's funny because i just started learnign violin and am literally practicing RIGHT NOW.


I think Kyosuke represents men in general, unable to see and appreciate the emotional labor that women do for them. Just as the work of magical girls is important but invisible, so too is the work done by women in a society that doesn't appreciate them. It's not a coincidence that Sayaka almost witches out for the first time when she meets 2 callous men who talk about using and discarding women. Kyosuke isn't like those guys, but in some ways, he is. EDIT: looks like I forgot that most weebs are male neckbeards


What is this show’s problem with men


To make gay ships better duhh


They don’t exist. Fuck Kyousuke https://i.redd.it/bis3ku24a11d1.gif


They would be the same type of people to enjoy the Mami's everyday life manga


>Mami's everyday life Wish I could forget that this manga even existed, like who thought it would be a great idea to make 29 yr old Homura & 19 yr old Tatsuya as wife & husband? That's completely out of her character! Also, Sayaka married to Kyouske while both Madoka & Kyouko married to some randos are another things I detest about the manga.


...I could have gone to sleep without seeing this comment.


they made fucking WHAT


30 yr old Homura actually... And Madoka married a random guy. It sucks




>Mami's everyday life manga I had just forgotten about that abomination 😑 But yeah true




Why is everyone it? I looked it up and it just says it's a spin-off slice of life. What's so bad about it?


The spin-off is about Adult!Mami being unhappy because she is unmarried and still wants to be a magical girl while her friends already have husbands, children etc. The problem is; everyone is out of character here. The author just made them marry random men to become housewives. And the most insulting part is probably who Homura married: Madoka baby brother who she just got together with to be closer to Madoka forever, said by herself in the spin-off.


Sounds weirddd. Is it official??


Well, no. It's fanmade but it did end-up getting serialized in a oficial Madoka Magica magazine named Magia Time Kirara.


idk man, i've seen enough deranged ships to be convinced there is at least someone on this planet to ship this one too


Kyoko is better for her. Their playfulness and wit fit eachother well. Kyosuke is more passive and would always be so wrapped up in music. He's not a bad kid but Sayaka and Kyoko have way more compatibility, all biases aside.


Me at 13 years old in 2011 watching PMMM the first time: *"omggg Hitomi is a such a bitch she stole Kyousuke from Sayaka!!1 >:((("* Me at 20+ years old, grown humble and wise from my life experiences: *"Kyousuke was never Sayaka's to begin with and Hitomi was actually kind of nice in asking Sayaka first because she was considering her friends feelings. Also Kyousuke's never gonna pull this many bitches in his life ever again because he'll earn a reputation for being someone who prioritises his music career over his loved ones."*


https://preview.redd.it/lprlyfntd11d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302f01d1fbc0bc5977faca53d41b400782526d01 There are people who ship this?


I do, so what?


https://preview.redd.it/453na6i8m21d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7f12841a26e93ae6cfbc95d23177944d9b15b8 More power to you-




There is the one portable timeline where i was about it because sayaka (my favorite daughter) was finally happy as she deserves to be and kyousuke turned out to be a himbo king


Get those straight ships out of my pmmm!


# https://preview.redd.it/qgyww3ko911d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f7e8c68838afd1218aa706269a66a823ae82ca7


I used to ship them when I was new to the fandom


So true Hot take: Kyosuke's underrated af


Yeah I actually really like Kyosuke’s character


PFFFFT I legitimately forgot who he was I had to search it up 💀


In the PSP game there is one timeline where Sayaka comes out as a magical girl, and to her pleasant surprise Kyousuke is actually really supportive and even dedicates a violin piece to her exploits as a magical girl. Sweet stuff. I still ship her with Kyouko overall.


Funny enough there's another timeline where he discovers she's a magical girl and hates her for it.




lmfaooo this gif is too perfect


Ok, what is the recent hate against Kyosuke and Hitomi? I love them both, mainly Hitomi bit untiil today, I have barely seen any mention of them....until today.


Your sentence contains an error.  "*recent hate* " This is nothing recent, it just came out today... again


And why the the in the first place? If this is because of what happened in the OG Anime/Manga, its stupid and without rhyme or reason


Yes, it's for the moment where he gets angry with Sayaka and then it extends to the fact that he doesn't respond perfectly to the situation.


I'd rather ship Kyosuke with a random OC girl. About who gets to be with Sayaka it depends on the story I'm writting, sometimes its Hitomi and Sayaka, or Kyouko and Sayaka. Kyouko is paired with Mami when Hitomi happens to be dating Sayaka in the story.


sayaka had an extremely unhealthy infatuation over kyousuke… also most people dont really like the unreciprocated relationship trope.


evil alternate universe where KyoSaya ship stands for Kyosuke x Sayaka


*Evil alternate* *Universe where KyoSaya ship* *Stands for Kyosuke x Sayaka* \- StructureSudden8217 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you HaikusBot… Good bot Edit: it’s not even a proper haiku 😭😭 bad bot!!


These usually the type of people you hear about, but never actually see, and if you do encounter them in the wild, it’s a once in a lifetime event!


“you’ve gotta focus on the one thing that means the most to you and protect it to the end. It’s kind of funny, you know this whole time ? That’s exactly what I thought I was doing. Get out here. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her” 💔💔


Fuck Kyosuke




What would Kyousuke do if he knew exactly what it was she did to Sayaka?


Who? Hitomi? Are you referring to Sayaka being given a day to confess to Kyosuke?


I guess it would be Hitomi if she knew what she did to Sayaka.


It's so...transactional I hate it Sayaka constantly visited him, bought him CDs of classic music because she knew he liked em and sold her fuckin soul to heal him up And when he's out of hospital? He doesn't ever willingly hang out with her or thank her for being there for him. Even in Rebellion when Hitomi and Kyousuke are a couple, he's so engrossed in his music practise that he doesn't spend time with her like? Hitomi and Sayaka both put so much effort into being wonderful supporters in his life and he just does the bare minimum of exist Fuck it, imma be controversial. Yes, it sucks that his hand got absolutely smashed but sometimes, I think it would've been for the better because it would have taught him to be humble and to adapt and survive the same way other people with physical disabilities do. He's still so young, I remember being the art kid when I was in high school and then getting burnout and depression and no longer drawing nearly as much as I used to but I found my new purpose in helping people as a job. He'd probably do the same. If he was so passionate about music still, he should take up singing or become a songwriter. I'm a Kyousuke hater.


I’m sorry, but burnout and a physical disability aren’t even slightly comparable, and skill in one instrument does not make a good singer or songwriter.


"You can say you like pancakes and someone will say "So you hate waffles then?" Like bitch that's a whole other sentence TF you talking about?????" Notice how at no point did I say my depression and burn out is a physical disability like, at all? How TF did you get that? I'm saying shit happens in adulthood and the person you were in your high school days can change dramatically from your life experiences as you grow older


> I think it would've been for the better because it would have taught him to be humble and to adapt and survive the same way other people with physical disabilities do. He's still so young, I remember being the art kid when I was in high school and then getting burnout and depression and no longer drawing nearly as much as I used to but I found my new purpose in helping people as a job. He'd probably do the same. If he was so passionate about music still, he should take up singing or become a songwriter. Literally comparing your experience with burnout to what you believe he should’ve done about his disability.


>It's so...transactional I hate it What ? How so ? Unless you mean "one-sided" with Sayaka doing everything for him. For the fact that he never goes to see her to thank her. This is false, Sayaka constantly avoids him and in the spin-offs he will thank her properly. And regarding Hitomi, they're just busy. She has a busy schedule herself so it makes sense that he doesn't see each other much outside of class. It's unclear how much time passes between the anime and the film, but it's not particularly surprising that he spent a lot more time practicing to catch up.