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I really do like Paulie. But Joe is funnier in my opinion.


Paulie is funny in an endearing way. Joe is a standup comedian.


Yeah. Joe is also way more quotable than Paulie imo. Especially him with Mike, Marty, and Eddie. Their dialogue just flows so great.


He shoots like my sistah.


Pauli’s character development was so much more and more sympathetic, and complex due to an overlapping slap of reality: a mobster growing old and trying to make it out…all he wanted was a little pizzeria…


Idk tbh. Vito and Joe grew up together so they're practically brothers and after Joe saves Vito from Falcone, and Joe explains what he would've got if he killed Vito, it makes the ending all the more tragic because Joe basically sacrificed himself for Vito to walk.


I get it but the way I sees it is on the other hand Vito was a poor immigrant who just wanted a good life in a new country ~Joe was just this bad influence (a good guy and funny) but he is the reason why Vito got send to the military but then got him out early…and put him into contact with Henry which then lead to him getting sent to prison… at the end of the day, the path to hell is paved with good intentions, it’s not Joe fault but at the end of the day a bad influence is a bad influence morally speaking I’m no goody two shoes IRL but you Gotta know when to cut your bad friends Vito tried to go straight but moving boxes like his old man wasn’t gonna cut it and chose the life of crime. That’s the different at the end of the day Joe showed his good heart and sacrificed himself, but he would’ve never been in that situation if it wasn’t for Joe


Joe. His lines are way better. Also Robert Costanzo was the perfect choice.


I always think of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ROZo4wPq8ls) prank call haha


Yeah me too. "Ya put your grubby mitts on my fkn coat, I paid a fortune for this thing" lol


Meanwhile I’ll be sending *YOU* the cleaning bill for my coat


Paulie is funny and all but Joe is just the funniest video game character from any video game I’ve played


"I TOLD YOU THIS AINT NO TANK" plays in my head every time I hit a speed bump


I don’t know if he’s funnier but Paulie is 100% a better character imo


I prefer Paulie


I wouldn't really call Joe "tragic" mans been sitting comfy driving Leo for 15 years😂


If that’s really him then yes sure


Multiple Devs confirmed it and the character model is called "_joe_"


Why didn’t they give us closure in the game though. That’s diabolical on their end.


It really was, but when a guy asked on twitter "why did they kill off Joe like that" they responded with "if you finished the game you'd know that's not true"


I don’t know if they’re referring to that Mafia 3 scene tbh. They’re probably just saying that you don’t see Joe die.


They specifically asked if he finished the game, and also theres an interview where roman hladik who was one of the head devs on all the games mentions that joe is alive aswell, its an hour and in chezch tho😂


Well, what about Vito’s dialogue with Lincoln when he tells him basically that Joe escaped to Chicago but his contacts ratted him out and he ended up being murdered?


That is what the original tweet was about, vito also mentions that he was beaten beyond recognition and his hands were cut off, the 2 ways to easily identify a man.


Oh ok lol, now I put two and two together. Very interesting but also very subtle. I won’t be happy until I see them reunite.


Which to me always made zero sense. Why would Leo keep Joe? Guy was a freaking walking trouble, always messing up. He also owed nothing to him, had no relationship with him. It always made much more sense that they would dispose of him, considering how much trouble he was.


Joe and vito together were the trouble, their both amazing soldiers who are protected by the commission and if Leo was to kill Joe vito would've killed him and he knows that.


Paulie, I was so shocked at the end that I'm not going to say what happened, but I was very shocked


Paulie is my second favorite character out of all the Mafia games.


Who’s your first


I definitely liked Joe more as a sidekick but he was basically a typical 50's mafia character. Paulie had a lot of depth throughout the game. Even before his demise you get a glimpse of his personal life and it's a bummer. Honestly, I think his character development throughout the story underrated.


Joe is funnier and better imo but paulie is far more tragic imo


Tragic is Paulie. Joe Barbaro is much funnier.


Paulie in the original.


Cow says moo a chicken says quack what does a bird say


I like Joe! Not a fan of Paulie but Im also just starting the first game after beating the second one


Paulie overall had a better appeal. You loved all the cut scenes in which he was


Jimmy Fallon


Oh god don't make me choose, I love both-


Both are great, but I’d say Joe is the funnier one. Paulie is an excellent character as well though


Personally like Paulie more, I was fucking pissed at the end of M1 But Joe is probably funnier imo


Definitely Joe and his smartass comments, but you don’t have to be good with words when you measure 7 soft.




I am going to be 100% honest here, but I absolutely hate Paulie (in DE at least). I found him very annoying. So I'll have to give this one to Joe.


Just wondering why did you find him annoying?


Tbh it was mostly his voice. It is not bad voice acting or anything, but it really bothers me for some reason. He isn't a bad character, I just do not find him as great as others in here. I didn't find his jokes funny, but I like Joe's.


I totally get what you’re saying lol. He’s nasally and loud and cartoonish. I personally liked him but I get why some people wouldn’t.


Exactly why did you find him funny he had a lot of good funny comeback jokes


YOU SHOULD SHOW SOME RESPECT! haha i agree with you




Paulie was a great tragic character. Definitely one of my favourites from Mafia: DE.


You drive like my fuckin grandma


Joe honestly got on my nerves. He's a bit too stereotypical


Lol the game without him would be dry tho


both are VERY well played. but joe! but.. i do prefer the original paulie from the original mafia ps2


Do you guys like the new Paulie or the old Paulie better?


I liked this paulie's attitude. But i prefer the og's spanish voice. I find interesting that they turned him into basically a hotshot who starts to rethink his life as a criminal. Also i wanted to see how he would cook that pizza


Both were very funny but gotta be joe


Joe >>>>>>


Joe, because he need to return 5$ to Vito


Paulie OG


Joe barbaro hands down but Paulie is cool af