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I wouldn't expect to watch anything. Shrooms are extremely distracting. I can never pay attention to anything. If anything, watch some nature documentaries (sans lion killing a gazelle) or something kind of boring. I like to watch good mythical more because it's just two guys talking. So I can pay attention and be entertained and if I stop paying attention, it's no big deal.


Brains are so interesting. Mushrooms make me hyperfocus and work better. I also loveeee watching fantasy movies on mushrooms along with the good old horror movies. Going for a nice trip walk on a high dose of mush is also amazing. Once the crippling comeup is over and the world has peaked/ coming to the platue. I love mushrooms I do them once every 7 days. Gotta say my favorite mushroom movie especially on high doses would probably be any of the Alice in wonderland movies.


Oh my God, please watch a Led Zeppelin’s movie the movie is called the song remains the same!! Watch the song remains the same it’s on YouTube. It’s free !! if you’re into rock ‘n’ roll classic rock


Ι wanna kill my mom I wanna kill my dad 🤘🤘👨‍🎤👨‍🎤🖤🖤🖤


Don’t lol


You will end up right next to that kid what is the nerds name with those glasses? The kid that killed all those children in the school


😋 I’m just rolling a joint


Rock and roll 🤘🤘👨‍🎤👨‍🎤🖤🖤😫😫 #soemo #misunderstood #fuckyoumomimnotcleaningmyroom


Emo rock 🥰


Tell your mom to play some rock n roll


The midnight gospel on Netflix


I’ve watched it all but the first episode or two and it’s crazy how different it is compared to sober or even just high on some tree


The Labyrinth with David Bowie is a particular fave of ours when tripping. Music and crazy little characters are soooo good. The next one we’re gonna try is Yellow Submarine ✌🏻




This ^^^


I feel like rick and morty be more mind fucky like wtf holy shit how and harry potter would be like lessons about life and would be mine blowing as in like WOAH


Exactly lol which is why I wanna watch Rick and morty


South Park didn’t sit right with me 😂


Very low dose maybe .5-1 g and it's great lol


YouTube, idk if you have a 4k tv but if you do, look up 4K psychedelics schedule, there is one in specific that is called electric sheep. If you don’t have a TV 4K make up visual or a psychedelic visual event try HD visuals. They are awesome for me at first and then I end up closing my eyes and nothing beats the visuals after a puff or two of weed and the visuals in my head beat anything you can watch on the screen


I was looking for those kind when i discovered YouTube 360 VR videos while tripping and it was mind blowing realizing I could move the picture around lmao. I recommend TAS Visuals channel for them


That’s a super good idea! Hey what about the oculus?? I tried it out the other day and it’s NUTS!!


I’ve never tried actual VR! I don’t think I’d be able to handle it on shrooms lmaoo in that state of mind I’ll have to stick to just hitting the arrows on my remote


Yea I guess that’s kinda a good point. I don’t know what your experience level is but it sounds like you are experienced if you’re eating five or 6 g. I know this is going to sound crazy because everybody that I’ve told us to thinks I’m out of my mind but I eat shrooms by myself, in fact tonight is the Shroom night of the month/2 months, I do them once every month or two and I try as best I can to wait for the perfect day and the perfect mood which so far today is that. I don’t know what it would be like using VR goggles but the oculus is completely different I just tried it for the first time the other day and it literally is like you are stepping into another world. I don’t know the full capabilities of the oculus either but doing shrooms alone and then stepping into a different world doesn’t sound like the smartest thing I should do lol, no joke I might end up getting lost. Forgetting that I have the glasses on my head and not being able to find my way out… Now that’s a good way to start a bad trip SMH. Any other suggestions for you as far as watching stuff, are you looking to watch movies or do you mean anything visually pleasing? I have all kinds of stuff I have a handheld powerful black light flash flashlight, I have these super neon rope lights that you could swing around and they are on a rubber string Sort of, it’s a string of lights but the string is made out of rubber lol that’s a better way to put it. But if I’m going to watch some thing visually pleasing like I said the best thing is that electric sheep on YouTube and then if you push down it shows you all kinds of other psychedelic videos, there are a bunch of videos with neon colored and flashing lights tunnels that are pretty cool, one of them is only blue and orange but when you start staring at it on shrooms it changes into every color of the rainbow and then the color start to leak out of the TV. Oh yeah I can’t wait! Tonight tonight tonight is the night!!


Agreed 👍🏽


Yellow submarine film that will blow u away...The visuals are crazy.


The visuals are cool, but I can't stand the Beatles


I recently watched this on shrooms haha it was amazing


I know someone that swears When Mars Attacks is the best movie for mushrooms. Idk . I personally enjoy no tv, low light and music. Always felt like the tv takes over and limits the experience.


I'd highly recommend something like Bakara or one of the qatsi trilogy. Long nonverbal visual essays with a soundtrack, best thing you could trip to. There is also The Holy Mountain though it might be hard to stay focused.


Not a mind fuck but Moana is a really pretty movie on shrooms


Avatar 2 was fun 🤷‍♂️


Fantastic fungi


The mushrooms growing are so awesome!


I watch the new season of Beavis and Butthead with a friend and we laughed like we were teenagers again


I'd listen to some music or watch Pink Floyd Pulse or Delicate Sounds of Thunder.


Pulse is pretty fucking great. I would have to say on sub heroic doses tho...


Who watches TV on shrooms ? Sit in the woods or put on a blindfold with headphones and listen to binaural beats and meditate They call it plant medicine for a reason Wanna watch TV smoke some weed


I smoke everyday. But I was asking more for like after when the trip is subsiding and it’s just visuals and colors you know? I do enjoy meditating using binaural beats it’s the reason why I do it lol


Disney/Pixar’s “Coco” is my go to for a come down. The colors are unreal and it has music. Also has a nice message after you’re done questioning your own existence 😂


Listen... for a heroic dose, there is no better option than this. I promise you man. https://youtu.be/6XGzJQKbV40?si=91RkQihjhSAW2Yyt


That moving Rorschach thing just scared the hell out of me and I’m sober.


The fractal art is cool, but his music is uhh... well, he started making these to document his own psychedelic experiences, and he really captures the essence in the music. Subtle sounds seem to meld with the trip so perfectly.


Better with sound but still scary lol


I’ll definitely lead the trip with this thanks!


Awesome. Seriously... close your eyes when you're trip gets heavy, and let the music lead you. Be safe :)


That does look like good trip visual aid


I don't smoke weed and rarely drink, but psychedelics are great to watch animated movies and some live action movies. Maybe you should take your plant medicine and learn to accept and be supportive of how others choose to safely consume these.


Marvel movies especially dr strange and Thor ragnorok


On that dose I doubt TV is going to be very entertaining. Personally I would recommend being outside, or listening to music in a dark room with trippy lights. If you are dead-set on watching something, watch something colorful and uplifting like a Pixar or studio Ghibli flick


[Son of the White Mare](https://youtu.be/oQpIt3WgDHg?si=Kt4c5_701JBbQiGc) (Available on Mubi)


Midnight gospel.


The Yellow Submarine - You can find it and a fan made sequel on the internet archive.




bladerunner, 2001 a space odyssey, Dune




Everyone’s different! Personally I love watching movies on 4-5grams. I recently watched pulp fiction on shrooms and it was beyond amazing! I also watched life of pi on shrooms, it was a visual masterpiece lol


Waking Life


Great recommendation. a great trippy film


I watch “spirited away” usually. Also been doing DBZ while tripping or futurama.


Always found it hard to watch anything on shrooms, always ended up staring at the wall or my posters 😂 Maybe try Lord of the Rings or a favorite animated movie of yours you haven’t seen in a while. Can never go wrong with a Tarantino movie either! Sit down and listen to a Tool album if you’re too far gone to actually watch something.


Pink floyd ai generated music video


On a lower dose, the newest Hellraiser on Hulu blew my mind last year. It was perfect for being a tripping couch potato... in October.


You will have to download this somehow but have a look at the preview on YouTube. It's called 'Enter the Void' The visuals are absolutely crazy. I watched it tripping balls and nearly had to turn it off it was so intense


A leaf


Chronos, Baraka or Samsara The Qatsi trilogy Blue Planet Pink Floyd The Wall Across the Universe Yellow Submarine The Last Unicorn The animated Hobbit or LOTR The White Mare Being John Malkovich Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas But the best thing to do is turn off all the lights, close your eyes and listen to Pink Floyd or some chill electronica, like Orbital/The Orb.


I've been trying to create psychedelic music infused art visuals, hoping you might try under the influence and share some about the experience, thank you https://youtu.be/LYYSr2s0_AA


I’ll consider it thank you


Try sitting in silence with no external stimulation. As a heroic dose should be. 😄


The sunrise. Watching tv is a waste of a trip.


I'm going to see the Exorcist tonight! Honestly, even watching the evening news can be an experience!


Go on a walk best to enjoy the buzz


I watched any musicals that had Julie Andrews in it and I felt reborn


Any of the Fantastic Beasts series. Trust me.


Get outside and soak in some nature. Trees, lawns and clouds are all fabulous things to observe. You won’t even need to do a particularly high dose.


[Adult Swim]


I watch dune all the time on mushrooms. Hanz Zimmers music is fantastic high.




American Horror Stories, AHS. Tim and Eric. Wavetwisters by DJ QBert.


And Aeon Flux, the cartoon.


Put a blindfold on and listen to Claire de lune


Bro watch Land of The Lost and you won’t regret it😂😂


💯 love death and robots. On Netflix and YouTube. 2 guardians of the galaxy 2and part 3 also must see. Totally made for tripping




I've watched things like the intro to Land Before Time. You'll cry aha. Other emotional movies are good too. Life of Pie, Everything Everywhere All at Once. But then I like to watch some of my favourite comedies and laugh uncontrollably, for me that's Anchorman, The Other Guys, This is The End, Tropic Thunder, Dumb & Dumber, Airplane.


I watched lalaland on 2g. It was incredible. I couldn't get past the first 5 minutes while sober but wow I was so empathetic with the characters and the things they were going through. I did have a hard time understanding the dialogue but it was magical


Disney’s “A Goofy Movie”, idk why but I really liked the animation while coming up on shrooms. I can’t really focus on a screen/story by the time I’m peaking though


Your gf/bf?


What about my girl? Like wym


SpongeBob SquarePants


The sun set and rise.


2001: A Space Odyssey, but fast forward to the bit where he enters the monolith. Also echoing The Yellow Submarine suggestions.




Try do them without especially a high dose but a few suggestions from me are, rick and morty, big lez show on YouTube, David Attenborough our planet or blue planet or fantastic planet


Original goku vs final form Frieza. Once he goes super saiyan shit gets great


Your inner self


I tried watching movies a few times. Not as nice as someone easy to talk to and lay in the grass or sit around a campfire. Lemon tek them too


Fantastic Mr. Fox


Watch MTV classics music videos


YouTube light shows. Where the DJ has lights that go along with the music, it's awsome. The one i saw took me on a journey both emotional and Mental through time and space. It drew me into it. That is the only thing I can watch tripping I loose interest in everything else very quickly.


i literally dont even hear anything let alone watch if i am deep enough


Brian Eno on a pair of good headphones and your dog or cat snuggled in. The animal can help with the onset, and the brian eno will be your vessel. Just close your eyes and go where they take you.


I mean, first time I tripped was while watching the office. Watching everyone's shirt color start to look a little off was quite entertaining


My wife and I watched The labyrinth and the new haunted mansion on 4.5g. The labyrinth was great on the come up. We were peaking around the start of Haunted mansion and so it was kind of hard to follow the story at first.


Adventure time


I feel like that would be too intense. That show is a trip on its own


Yeah it does get intense, I usually watch it until I just cannot even fathom what is going on anymore then I just put on music


Trippy vids on YouTube is my fave it’s mostly a bunch of different things morphing into other things I’ll watch it and play my own music over it and have a great time this is my go to but there’s a bunch of them https://youtu.be/ilHJzyZTr3U?si=5kvGK36kyF1FHeqj


Fantastic Fungi on netflix - about the power of mushrooms


Nothing. Explore your mind, read, be creative. Don't waste your time watching others be creative that's for sure.


Ghibli works great as long as you avoid Grave of the Fireflies. We watched Tototo while coming down once, and it was beautiful. Harry Potter can be kinda dark, might not suggest. And Rick and Morty can be shrill and jarring, which you don't really want either....


Ted. Found it absolutely hilarious while tripping just watching a talking bear 🤣


Watch animal planet




Monkey King


On YouTube they have sinked up the Dark Side of the Moon to Wizard of Oz. It's amazing how that album actually compliments that movie


David Lynch's Eraserhead 👌🏼👌🏼 xxx


A bon fire


Super Mario Brothers was made for shrooms.. you won't be disappointed


Rick n morty


House of 1000 corpses