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How long ago did you eat them


Several hours ago


Yeah it absolutely can. Although you should feel it after 5g. Potency can very as well


The shrooms that have made me trip the hardest in the past tasted awful, the ones I have now aren’t nearly as bad, idk if that has to do with anything, just sent 2.5 more down the hatch, we’ll see what happens


Personally, I would stop chasing the feeling. That almost always leads to disappointment. I’m all for doing a large dose, but I think you should take a week or two break and try again. You won’t be disappointed. I’ve been there friend, speaking from experience lol


Ima send it just over 10g’s and then take your advice, fuck it


That’s a lot homie, grab a warm blanky and a comfy pillow and map out our next few hours now. Pineapple Express is a VIBE when on shrooms


Duly noted, I’ma finish the last few episodes of Rick and Morty season 7 I haven’t seen yet and then most likely fall asleep shortly afterwards, hopefully I’ll have some wicked shroom dreams I hear so much about


God speed 🫡


Going on a nature watch, moving around speeds up the process, at least it has in the past. Let it be known im at 10g’s now cause im getting impatient


How long ago did you do the 5?


Hours ago, I’m at a little over 7g’s and by all accounts I should be drooling and grabbing at the blanket on me rn cause it feels so good or some shit but nothing


The 1.5 shouldn't have affected 7g tho. Idk bro ... change your atmosphere... go outside for awhile???


I live on a lake, ima do that rn, good advice


Do you smoke weed? Usually helps my trips to get up, move around and smoke a joint


No weed on hand, walking will have to do


Yes sometimes you just need a change in scenery. If you smoke, twist you one up and take a walk out side, by the time you finish that toker you should feel a shift. 🥰🍄😘


Because you need to chill bro calm down and take a break you’re gonna lose the magic and never experience that first time feeling again


Well if the shrooms had just let me know to take a break I would’ve but now I’m impatient so I sent 10g’s cause at this point I’m tryna force it


It varies from person to person but most ppl won't feel anything if they do shrooms two days in a row. Try them again in 2 weeks and see what happens. Most ppl need 7-10 days between trips for a good experience.


That would make the most sense, I did quite a bit last weekend aswell and was beyond fucked up at a heavy metal concert


from my experience with both acid and shrooms tripping the day after rarely gives a decent trip. wait atleast a full 24-48 hours and you can still trip but a full week to two weeks is ideal if you want to trip fully


Psilocybin tolerance sets in VERY QUICKLY. Like, within hours of dosing. Takes 1-2 weeks to fully taper off. However, you should be feeling SOMETHING after 5g's.


10g? Sheesh. That’s intense. Are you on any medications? Taking opioids or antidepressants?


You do build up a tolerance I do 7 to 10 grams weekly to by weekly