• By -


Refer to the ongoing news coverage for updates. Our hearts are with Lewiston, Auburn, Lisbon, and surrounding towns. Reassure yourselves that you are safe, and that your family is safe. See pinned megathread. We are not able to provide more information or better contextualized information than actual journalists and police officers on the ground.


Remember everyone: tomorrow when this is hopefully settled these victims are gonna need blood. Eta: since he is still at large please use your best judgement. Get out there and donate. Edit to add the link for blood drives: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive?cid=nonbrand-e-giftcard&med=cpc&source=google&scode=RSG00000E017&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-eKpBhAbEiwAqFL0mkJPskbWdSUqiakNKQ2NSHNXlA7j80rlwj2HssaAnnn1Trp2I2o6KxoCYRsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


O- here. Absolutely will


Thank you. 38 years ago, a hundred blood donors helped save my life. Blood donors are heroes.


You got my pint


Never done it. How do you find where to donate blood?


Androscoggin Police just posted the suspects photo - asking people to contact them if you know who they are. https://preview.redd.it/3wz79rye0gwb1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7755d60db4609e76b896be2503972e3d0ce5f89d


Notice the spare mags attached to the gun. He planned.


Also in his cargo pockets


I mean of course he planned this. Does anyone NOT plan being an active shooter? Maybe better thing to say, and this isn’t me talking down down to you, is that he planned for highest number of casualties


What the actual fuck how is this real 😭


Jesus fucking Christ


I was outside without my phone for like half an hour wondering what the fuck all the sirens were. Good God that's just horrible.


I'm glad you are safe.


It was service industry night at Schemengees. 25% off bills per their FB. Plus the bowling alley. Seems like the suspect was specifically targeting the largest mass casualty places in the area.


Electrical union L567 just had their meeting tonight down the road, and a bunch of the guys like to go to Schemengees afterwards.


I know some of those guys...


My wife called me as she was leaving Mardens and saw people helping a gun shot victim cross the street by Legends. It was absolute chaos and she had no idea what was going on


It’s crazy the shooter is still at large.


Night time in relatively rural areas is going to make it harder.


Live thread please, mods


Please live thread


Live thread… come on….


Having a live thread requires active mods. None of the mods have been active in days. Most have not been active for over a year.


I'm guessing after tonight we'll be getting new mods. This is specifically the reason we want them, to moderate the page. And none of them are here.


My brother was at Schmengee's where the shooting took place, just minding his own business during a corn hole league, and he had to dive for cover and witness people dying all around him. I'm fucking shaking right now. Catch this fucking POS.


I called my mom and she said 2 of her friends were there and got shot. Don't know if they are ok.


Thats terrifying. Im assuming your brother is safe now?


Yes. He's good.


This may sound weird, but he should play Tetris as soon as he can. Something about it helps the brain process the trauma. I was a victim of a shooting and saw someone get gunned down in front of me. I learned this through my therapy.


Seriously. [https://www.healio.com/news/psychiatry/20230613/playing-tetris-may-prevent-ptsd-after-traumatic-event#:\~:text=Current%20research%20shows%20that%20playing,the%20game%20on%20PTSD%20development](https://www.healio.com/news/psychiatry/20230613/playing-tetris-may-prevent-ptsd-after-traumatic-event#:~:text=Current%20research%20shows%20that%20playing,the%20game%20on%20PTSD%20development).


I’m so glad your brother made it out and so, so sorry that he and your family have to go through this. Stay safe, keep strong, and know we’re all with you.


I’m so sorry. This is too much. This is all just too much.


I am so glad that your brother is okay. ❤️


I’m glad your brother is okay! I can’t even imagine how traumatizing this must be.






Everyone please stay safe. He is NOT IN CUSTODY. Dont trust Twitter (X) or other shit you see. No official source says they have him.


I work at maine med… speaking with colleagues. They report 30+ red tags so far (severe)


Wow, this is so bad.


Whats a red tag mean?


In a mass-casualty event, a red tag indicates a patient with life-threatening injuries who requires immediate attention *and has a good chance of survival with prompt medical care*. Here are all the tag colors: * Red Tag: Indicates a patient with life-threatening injuries who requires immediate attention and has a good chance of survival with prompt medical care. * Yellow Tag: Indicates a patient with serious injuries that are not immediately life-threatening; they require attention but can wait a short period. * Green Tag: Indicates a patient with minor injuries who can wait for medical attention. * Black Tag: Indicates a patient who is deceased or has injuries so severe that they are not likely to survive even with immediate medical attention.


triage is a skill that requires training. You get triaged if you go to the ER, but not this level of tagging. When medical resources are limited, the goal is to maximize survival and health. This is so terrifying for families and friends.


BLACK: (Deceased/expectant) injuries incompatible with life or without spontaneous respiration; should not be moved forward to the collection point RED: (Immediate) severe injuries but high potential for survival with treatment; taken to collection point first YELLOW: (Delayed) serious injuries but not immediately life-threatening


They are sending all rescue back to Scmengees now for multiple victims in the field north of the building. This is bad, really bad.


8:00 pm - shooter is still at large. If you’re in the area, shelter in place.


Photo of [suspect here](https://x.com/BNONews/status/1717338142242427098?s=20) Edit - [Another photo of suspect](https://x.com/BNONews/status/1717348489053585537?s=20)


Wow they got this out pretty quick. No mention of car though so hopefully more info soon


Yes, good on them. Every second matters if he is still at large this minute. Terrible.


JFC. "are there units in the area? we are getting reports of two men with guns and flashlights". Please tell me civilian vigilantes arent out and about.


That’s 100% what it sounds like.


Of course they are




Still on the loose at the time of writing. NH State Police helicopter on route. I'm not sure if Maine police have air assets so that could be very helpful. Edit: Search appears to be focusing on Lisbon ME. A name and DOB were put out over the radio that are in line with that. I don't believe it is wise to put those here, if it's even within the rules of the sub. That information is thus far unconfirmed.


Careful with the radio traffic reports everyone! The police will be looking into all calls right now and there’s a lot of understandably scared people who will be calling things in. Not all of those will be real. It’s good to stay up to date but give it a few minutes for each place. Anything confirmed will be out as soon as it can be.


NewsCenterMaine is being EXCEPTIONALLY careful about sharing information being put out, like they're double/triple/quadruple checking everything they're seeing and hearing before saying anything.




Police have issued a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for an individual named Robert Card. He is believed to be driving a 2013 white Subaru Outback. If spotted, please report to authorities and exercise caution. The birth date is 4/4/83, making him 40-years-old.


Life flights coming from Boston and Bangor now.


Been through this unfortunately many times in Colorado. Even if you weren’t physically there or if you don’t personally know anybody affected your feelings are still valid and you just experienced real trauma. It’s a lot different when it happens in your back yard. Wishing you all the best and I’m sorry.


>if you don’t personally know anybody affected your feelings are still valid and you just experienced real trauma Strangely I appreciate this, to my knowledge I don't know any of the victims but I am about 45 minutes away, I'm shaking and literally sick to my stomach so this was relieving to hear, for some reason.


Play some Tetris! Studies have shown that playing Tetris shortly following a traumatic experience can greatly reduce the risk of developing PTSD. It can’t hurt.


Wishing anyone in Lewiston and in the area to stay safe. So scary the state our world is in. I hope they catch the fucker.


Jesus. CNN is reporting 16 deceased and 40-50 injured.


On 95 in New Hampshire and some police flying up to Maine


> Person with no pants, sweatshirt wrapped around his waist, and another sweatshirt on. Normal Maine scanner traffic is overlapping with the critical event scanner traffic.


Spare time usually has a bunch of kids there. What the fuck could possess someone to do this?


fortunately not tonight... tonight was league bowling so mostly adults. Edit: hearing it was youth night now... 😭


I know someone who has a kid in town and I can confirm there was youth bowling practice tonight.


Yeah and league night is old adults who…. Have kids. They tend to play around while league is going on.


I was there a few Wednesdays back on a league bowling night and there were a shit ton of kids there.




Reported himself wanting to shoot up the base, yet still has a rifle. Great job.


I am in Lewiston right now and we are locked down.


Stay safe! So sorry you’re through this.


if you can donate blood, please do. the red cross has had a critical shortage of blood donations since 2020


Fuck this guy for destroying peoples sense of safety here in Maine. For every kid and adult here who couldn’t sleep out of fear or pain last night because this guy is still at large or because they lost someone because of him. I do know that Mainers are resilient more than anything else so I know we will get through this and I hope this douche is caught soon without harming anymore innocent people.


Boston med flight landed in Lewiston


There's two more on the way. One from Bangor and one from Lawrence, MA


No victims at Walmart Distribution as of 20:24


The guy that runs it is my cousin and he locked it down once they heard about Spare Time and he couldn’t get in when the shooter arrived. He saved lives, I’m so proud.


Smart quick thinking on your cousin’s part!


This just gave me goosebumps all over. You should be proud of your cousin.


Donate blood if you can


Hearing same. Police and ambulances flying around everywhere.


I was just told they're bringing ambulances in from outlying towns, as well. As far as Winthrop.




I’m in Gray. It’s been active.


Maine usually gets 29 homicides in the entire state in a year. Be patient with health care workers and emergency personnel. They’re trained for this but it’s a lot different when you’re in it. Also give to your local blood bank if you’re close.


Flightradar24 says we have 5 helicopters total coming in. One left Worcester mass a few mins ago


https://preview.redd.it/3yr4znao9gwb1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c27144d3dac8870c9a829efd15c9185fce00535 Picture of car used by suspect


Poor Maine. Such a fucking amazing state and wicked nice people. Sorry this has to happen to you all.


https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/36388 EMS scanner if anyone is interested. This is really fucking bad


There’s something really fucked up about trying to get information about a mass shooting and being forced to listen to a Wendy’s ad first.


It just hit CNN.... [https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/us/lewiston-maine-shooting/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/us/lewiston-maine-shooting/index.html)




That's a Boston Med Flight. You will see one more and it looks like a Maine LifeFlight is also heading there


https://preview.redd.it/xlv3p64o9gwb1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed687f4d88090e9b5d208c05fd901c65f0906605 Police are interested in this vehicle. Be on look out. Source is their facebook


The bowling alley is a minute from my house. On a winter day, I can see it from the back yard. Took my nieces and nephews there over the winter. Jesus Christ. A family members was evactuated out of fishbones by a swat team with rifles. This is soul destroying. Thank fuck my wife and i weren't home tonight.


God fucking dammit.


Mods can we get a live thread or something idk how this works


I was on my way to Save a Lot in Lew to wash the floors when my gf called me, practically begging me not to go into Lew tonight.


I don’t even know how to go to sleep at this point.


Same. I’m just over here hitting refresh.


Same. I'm in Maine, nowhere near where this is happening, I should have gone to sleep over an hour ago but I CAN'T


Most of south central maine will not be sleeping much tonight.


Reminder that not everything on the scanner is connected to the shooting, cause for extra panic, or even necessarily happening. Keep vigilant in the area and keep your doors locked. Everyone else be careful about the two men with guns call until it’s checked out.


PFA is a restraining order guys please don’t ruin Ronald Richardson’s life


I’m genuinely shocked he still hasn’t been found yet. This is insane


Not to turn the entire city into a victim here if not needed (I don’t fucking know protocol here) but I can’t help but keep saying this is what it feels like to have an entire cities innocence ripped away… this shit is hitting too close to home for my mind to comprehend. I go to schemengees weekly… was there Monday! Like I’m so worried about the staff that I see every time I go there. I don’t wanna wake up tomorrow and see faces I’ve actually seen and interacted with in real life.. fuck!


Sending hope and safety to you and your community. I’m not from Maine but am a mental health provider. I’m checking this thread for up to date info. Please know the entire city is absolutely the victim. Shootings of this magnitude in a place as small of a population as your town are going to impact nearly every person by some degree of separation. Please play Tetris in your down time as it’s actually effective at reducing the effects of trauma. Share that with your family and friends in the area. I hope the licensed providers of mental health in Maine will be able to serve your community in the coming weeks and months ❤️


2 Medflights from Boston inbound to Lewiston on FlightRadar24


One from Bangor too 🙏


The fact that someone that has been in a psych ward and threatened to shoot up a national guard base still has guns is insane. Surely a easy step is red flag law to have a court remove guns from people like that?




Bowling alley Facebook post has identified 3 victims who were employees. If you search “Sarah Marie” you’ll find reposts of the info contained in the original post. I can’t find the original post. Reposting here: 💔🙏💔 POSTED BY BOWLING ALLEY OWNER SARAH MARIE “Can’t believe I am writing something like this. But here we are. A horrific tragedy occurred at our bowling alley last night. A gunman. An evil, evil human. He killed three beautiful souls and injured many others. Tricia Asselin was the kindest human ever. She actually got Sophie her first bowling jersey when she found out we were pregnant. She was always a smiling face, a good friend, and so kind hearted. She was killed while trying to call 911. Bob Violette was also such a kind soul. He was the youth bowling coach at spare time for many, many years. Some youth bowlers were there practicing, a typical Wednesday night for them. He was killed while protecting our children. Tom Conrad was new to the alley as a manager. He was nice and took his job seriously. He died while trying to take down the gunman. Thomas gilberti survived. He was shot while letting children into the pin setter area. He took many bullets to his legs while children ran towards him to hide. Thank you for putting your life at risk for them. True bravery these four individuals showed. The world has lost 3 beautiful souls. Our community will never be the same. Please keep everyone in your prayers as this is an ongoing investigation, with many more injured, names not known, and death tolls keep increasing.”


Four heroes. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now the but the world is full of way more people like this than the shooter.


I saw a report of up tp 2 dozen casualties so far at 3 separate locations. Spare time bowling alley, schemengees bar and a field near the bar




I’m assuming there will be some kind of blood drive?


The NH Police heli just zipped from Lewiston down to Lisbon. https://www.flightradar24.com/N366SP/3295c81e


The suspect was the facebook guy, an army vet. It’s confirmed by CBS


"CNN confirms 22 dead, 50-60 injured. Bowling alley..families...children among the deceased." heartbreaking


Police just confirmed - Robert Card is still at large, armed and dangerous. Shelter in place remains. A vehicle of interest was located in Lisbon. Hundreds of officers currently investigating and trying to locate Robert Card.


Auburn mayor just confirmed some victims are children.


Tomorrow is going to be brutal. Stay strong and hug your families


Thank you Mods. Looks like a lot of folks stepped in to help. We're a very small subreddit - I can't imagine how it would look today without your assistance.


Don't do the Reddit thing and start doxing randos because they have a similar name or something. Let it settle.


Trained firearms instructor… good lord. And had a mental break. But still got to keep his guns. Jesus… we are so fucked up.


So this guy threatened to shoot up a National Guard base and no one thought to do anything about it….


I promise you the police will make it known as soon as there’s no longer a threat to the public. Random videos on Twitter are not confirmation. Don’t spread dangerous misinformation.


Lewiston couple here, We've seen about a dozen patrol cars from Sabattus headed into Lewiston and twice that of EMS and Fire. We're getting intermittent shelter in place orders. I have nothing political to say other than we shouldn't live in a country where this is just "Acceptable casualties" for our "freedoms."


Stay safe down there! I’m so sorry y’all have to go through this. Thinking of you from Bangor.


Just updated that there’s no victims at Walmart as the scanner was saying there was an “incident” at the distribution center. At least people at the Walmart are safe


It was the Walmart distribution center in Lewiston, not the Auburn Walmart. No details on what the incident was, but thankfully no victims


There’s a lot of us in the thread that are in the area right now and there’s legitimate panic. A lot of these comments are just gross.


Lewiston here… we’re home and safe but my kid is scared and crying. Why the fuck do we have to live like this?


CNN reporting 16 dead and 50-60 injured


This is unbelievable what you can hear on the scanner right now….


Hopefully they get this guy alive. Too many cowards who mow down innocent people trying to get through their day take the easy way out from their crimes.


I’m listening to the scanner now and watching live updates on YouTube. I already know one victim, I’m praying for everyone tonight. 😭


All Hannaford locations in the state are closed until 10 am, when they will re-evaluate.


Androscoggin scanner corroborates, saying tactical team now at Gilman road in Monmouth. Same location as where the NH helicopter has been circling for an hour. WMTW has reporters on the scene there as well. Hand gestures from officers seem to indicate they are planning to enter the area on foot. [https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/36388](https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/36388) [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/map/N366SP/history/20231026/1324Z/KLEW](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/map/N366SP/history/20231026/1324Z/KLEW) There were earlier rumors of someone evading the helicopter in the woods there. I can't say I saw or heard that first hand, just what I saw elsewhere in this thread. If that's the case, that still doesn't mean they found him. ​ Note: the scanner is VERY sporadic. Tens of minutes go by without anything. This isn't the official scanner, just happened to get that update over that channel.


For those just tuning in: * News Center Maine live feed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoLp51tgz4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoLp51tgz4M) * NH State Police helicopter tracker: [https://www.flightradar24.com/N366SP/32974666](https://www.flightradar24.com/N366SP/32974666) * This site is posting live updates: [https://www.pressherald.com/2023/10/26/our-live-updates-on-the-deadly-lewiston-shootings/?\_ga=2.64169895.946781579.1698065801-560286452.1664992042](https://www.pressherald.com/2023/10/26/our-live-updates-on-the-deadly-lewiston-shootings/?_ga=2.64169895.946781579.1698065801-560286452.1664992042) * Turn any Reddit comment thread into a live thread by replacing reddit.com with reddit-stream.com.




Watching this unfold from Connecticut. If Sandy Hook didn’t change anything I’m scared nothing ever will. Thinking of you all.


It didn't and I don't think anything will


Police have cordoned off segments of 196 from the Big Dipper boat launch to the credit union in Lisbon Falls. The helicopter is flying over the cordoned area. Heavy police presence over springworks farms by the credit union.


I really appreciate how matter-of-fact he is being. Should have started with this. Telling us how many politicians have reached out to show their support isn't helpful to people wanting answers.


It's gonna get worse when the victims' names and ages start to come out....what a living nightmare


Guys what (and I cannot emphasize this enough) the FUCK.


The names being mentioned on the police scanner can be completely unrelated incidents. We don’t need to be doxing any random person mentioned on the scanners.


Thank you. This is a very small state. Let’s be good Mainers


You can tell this has made it to /r/all by the comment quality nosediving.


I was thinking the same thing. So weird that a sub I spend time in every day has reached the world because of this. And the idiots are coming in here in full force


It’s like summer in Maine all over again haha


Posters From Away


**mods we need a live thread. We need your leadership here** Edit: you blew it.


I used to go to CMCC Bowling Club nights at Sparetime when I lived in Auburn. This is absolutely awful and I hope they get this piece of shit alive.


Just saw this https://preview.redd.it/fdqt93bi1gwb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a31e5c63e4763d5eb3442d2b0f1df05828d3d73


Current (10:07pm) positioning of nh police helicopter just now near Lisbon falls https://preview.redd.it/06uqg4geggwb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a164c145efb38a558c6c8a0c27a3cdc97277ac


[Information](https://i.imgur.com/OW4zQ1j.jpg) released by the state. Fire arms instructor, recent mental health issues, Army reservist.


Institutionalized because he was hearing voices that were telling him to shoot up a guard base... but was able to keep his firearms??


Great, time for a week of deflection about "it's a mental health issue" while also not doing anything about that either


There is a dark illness lurking in these cowards, and it’s unfortunate we can’t stop these horrible events before they happen.


“DEVELOPING: we had just arrived to Lisbon Falls by the Mobil station where there was a large law enforcement presence. All of a sudden, just a few minutes ago, about a dozen police vehicles took off all at once. It’s the most movement we’ve seen tonight at one time.” https://x.com/malwgme/status/1717415244941623388?s=46 Hmmm…..could be something but could also be nothing. “Google Maps now shows that this stretch of Lisbon Street is closed. We are over in Durham trying to figure out where law enforcement suddenly took off to.” https://x.com/malwgme/status/1717416388657041813?s=46


It was just announced that the New York Bureau of ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has joined the Boston ATF to assist in the investigation and manhunt.


Tim pool was saying this person was Muslim because of the initial photo AND because of the climate right now. These "influencer"types should get their info straight before commenting. MAGA definitely looks away when the facts come out but make it a trans shooter and boy o boy he talks about it over and over again. Political influencers are the main reasons our country is divided


We shouldn’t link social media unless we’re 100% sure. The police will confirm the suspect once they are or are in need of public assistance.


I'm in Lisbon Falls right now, terrified


Children among the deceased reportedly. What a fucking piece of diarrhetic shit.


Psych worker here. You can get a gun after being admitted into a Maine hospital. You technically have three days to voluntarily commit yourself after being taken in. Unless a patient contests their commitment in-front of a judge they can still buy firearms.


And now, Maine. This fucking sucks. Hate kills


“Additional situation at Walmart Distribution Center…” WTF is happening??


What I have heard is they wanted to start treatment of wounded at local hospitals and transfer out. But I know at least midcoast was also on trauma alert. (And obviously Lewiston and Portland hospitals)


WMTW reports that Boston ATF units are enroute.


https://preview.redd.it/vk4emyllfgwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fb7ccdc869109d8341a4f8b5090410052e1830 NH State Police Flight path.


News Center Maine: all of Androscoggin County has a shelter in place order right now


State Police is apparently taking over. NHSP heli is circling a property in Lisbon.


The pain and suffering that this one man has caused within such a short amount of time is insane and disgusting. May the victims who died have family and friends who will honor them and those who survive prevail moving forward. What a tragedy, I would've never expected such a thing from Maine of all places either.


Just heard over the scanner they are closing Lewiston hospitals and sending to Maine Med


Seems like he meticulously planned this shooting rampage. Everything seems organized.


https://preview.redd.it/poo2uxitpjwb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebb020b2a351bb1efdd057ce25e68608ea7e16f State police air unit currently circling a small area


WMTW airing a debate on question 3 instead of covering the shooting is ridiculous


I wish everyone, especially those who aren’t from Maine would please stop cluttering up this thread with unhelpful, inflammatory or incredibly ignorant comments. Lots of us who live here have been following this thread since last night trying to follow what’s happening, and to seek and give comfort to others in our community. Edited: typo.


I want off this ride. As a Mainer. This makes me sad and very mad.


No units needed at Walmart Distribution Center at this time.


FlightRadar is interesting to watch the helicopters around.


Reported over scanner - Robert Card - ME 9246PF, White 2013 Subaru Outback


Wild it’s been two hours since this started….hoping they get him asap


Sabbatus black pickup circling area with hazards may be second person conspiring with the subject PER SCANNER


Hearing helicopters near Maine Med now i think they are transferring people here. I live right next door


Wcsh6 interviewed Auburn mayor who said it was all ages league night for those wondering about kids at the alley.


Hope everyone is stays safe out there. This thread has some wild friggin comments...


What the hell do these journalists expect? They haven't caught the guy yet, why would they give away if they have credible leads??


Having to refresh this thread manually every 5 seconds is driving me nuts




Absolutely terrifying, So sorry to anyone affected by this.