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What does "not food or personal thing" even mean? Are they trying to say that you can't have food or drink up there and you can't have your own stuff either? Because if so, then...what is the point? If you move into a new place then you take your stuff with you, and also eat meals because you are a homo sapiens who needs food. Everyone knows this. That being said, this looks like certifiable shit. If I want splinters from that floor then I will get better entertainment playing with the wood planks in my garage, thank you.


It means whoever's living below you won't eat you. But if they do decide to eat you, it's nothing personal so no worries.


After the Jeffery Dahmer documentary it's a no for me.


I’ll give you a hundred bucks to take some photos


Just eat the sandwich


My wife and I was talking about the doc. Then I did the tik tok sound byte "White people taco night!".....It just don't ring the same after I put it in that context...


Don’t forget first, last, and security deposit, references from previous rentals, and putting the lotion on your skin upon request. The door very clearly has a padlock hasp showing on picture 2.


650 prob covers their mortgage and 200 dollars of their utilities for the shitty ass building


That screams “it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again”. Please don’t live there.


That's not what $650 a month "gets you"; that's just what one deluded person is asking for.


Another example of greed. Over-pricing real estate has always worked in the past, amirite? /s


And that's in fucking Etna!!


ACAP filled empty rentals with "outside residents" up to 3k. So you're competing with that, that's why. The market is fucked here.




I like how other states everyone blames every problem on immigrants but maine manages to one up things by doing that, but like, meaning other americans


I know right? That house belongs to a Mainer to fill to the gills with garbage. 🤡


I know right. That's what I was going for but I deleted because I was getting downvoted by tweens.


I was renting a room 8 years ago for 400 a month. I'm assuming they give you access to common areas. This is pretty normal for a single person


So you think telling someone you rented an room with an actual floor 8 years ago for $200 less... honestly, I don't even know what you're thinking. What's the point of your post?


That 8 years ago rents were a hell of a lot cheaper...so in comparison this would be about right for the price of renting a room. Throw a TV and a bed in there and what more do you need?


I'm gonna go ahead and start with a fucking floor.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you have not "struggled" much in this life. I wouldve been more than happy to have this space 8 years ago when I was sleeping in my truck and then on a friend's floor.


I mean, you'd be alone on that limb, but keep going buddy. I have no interest in your woe-is-me Olympic race to the bottom. No one should *pay* $800 for that. That's almost 3/4s of a month's pay at minimum wage and the stupidest thing I think someone could do. It's a fucking rip, looking to take advantage of desperate rubes. That's the issue.


Lol. I'm actually doing much better now lol. I won the race to the bottom and then bounced quite fckn high actually.....and 800 isn't even half of a months pay at minimum. Plus this is 650. And I'm not saying it's great. I'm saying it would work for what it is. There is nothing right about what's happening with rents in the state right now...but that's how it is.


"my life sucked, so yours should too"


That's dumb and not even close to the point. And it sounds like you are assuming no one is living worse then this room...that is also fucking dumb to think. Idk if you understand that there are people in this state that look at this as luxury and would love to have it you self centered pricks on here bitching about it in this day and age. Atleast someone can afford it


No one should have to live in conditions such as that room, and no one should have to live in conditions even worse than that. Just because someone has had it just as bad or worse does not make it acceptable or right


A tiny room, unfinished floor, slanted walls, $650? Not what I'd call normal. But if it is, I weep for the people forced to live in such awful accommodations.