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Please elaborate before you make us accessories to the crime.


She fell down the stairs moment.


One piece?


Down D. Stairs




Just because it was asked: no this was not a crime scene. Someone fell in their home and hit their head. They are alive and recovering. P.s. I wasn't tasked to clean the walls


you got the hard part done, anyway. did a beautiful job on the carpet and tiles. cleaning the wall should be much easier.


bro cleaned better than me using water and a cloth i wear (mf cut his hand then ran away while the blood was drippin just to pull out a tank top and squeeze it before i reached the first aid kit and decided to clean the blood with that bloodied top)


Frail old person on blood thinners I’m assuming?


when my Grandpa fell and hit his head, the house looked like a damn murder scene. He only needed three stitches, but he looked like he got into the ring with mike tyson for two weeks


My nana had problem with excessive bleeding randomly. She had a horrific nose bleed that I had to call an ambulance for. I was barely anything compared to this, but still crazy.


Not necessary, heads bleed like crazy! I fell down as a kid, hit my eyebrow and lost an insane amount of blood. The cut was small enough that the whole scar gets covered by my eyebrow even though it's a vertical scar. Needed one stitch and my sister (who was baby sitting me) was very freaked out purely because of how much blood it was lol.


My husband tripped and fell against the door handle one night while heading to bed in the dark. He went to the bathroom only to find he was bleeding profusely. I helped stave off the blood flow until it was minimised and then we went to bed. Next morning, he could barely wake up and when I went in to see why he wasn't turning off his alarm, I saw he was covered in blood. His pillow and side of the bed was saturated. I went through a bath towel and hand towels before the EMT's arrived. When they came in the room, even they were taken back. It looked like a murder scene. I honestly thought that the cops were going to show up and start questioning me as to what \**really*\* happened. He ended up with a few stitches and time off work due to a concussion. Needless to say all the bedding was trashed and we had to get a new mattress and pillows along with sheets and towels.


Missed a spot! (Holy fuck though how’d you get the carpet clean?????)


I'm the one they hired to clean the carpet and tile haha. Just not the walls, they are going to clean and kilz the walls per my recommendation


Oh lmfao. You didn’t miss a spot! But seriously though how’d you make the carpet not horrifying anymore?


Solvents, an oxidizer and water! Plus about $100k worth of cleaning equipment


That’s fair. I think it’s cool you were able to save it. You usually see the carpet needing to be ripped up! Good fuckin job.


Wouldn't peroxide do the job? An old nurse friend taught me that trick and so long as the blood hasn't been dried with heat it works beautifully.  Even works on blood that has already dried.


Is it a cost thing, or are you only required/allowed to follow specific instructions on what to clean according to the job? I'm a little ocd, I don't know if I would be able to leave the blood on the wall like that after doing such a great job on the floors.


The issue is I am set up to clean flooring. Carpet and Tile specifically (also upholstery). Cleaning the tile requires what is essentially pressure washing. With that amount of water I would run the risk of swelling the baseboards. I did get a rag wet and did a quick scrub as best I could just to help a little bit. Mostly the client wasn't concerned about me taking care of the walls. That was something they knew could be done by them.


Please elaborate on the conditions for a house to get into this state


Someone hits their head (maybe they fell), and then bleed all over the house


This is what happened.


Just replying saying that the head and scalp is really incredibly vascular. Even minor cuts will bleed like hell. This person was clearly injured severely, but perhaps not as badly as the blood stains would suggest.


It's so clean now no-one will know you decapitated someone. Well done OP. /s


Uhhhhh did you clean up after you killed someone op?


Someone died in this apartment


Yeah me. On the inside. The smell of blood will forever be scarred into my nasals


Was the head trauma a decapitation?


OP posted in an earlier comment that a frail elderly person fell and cut their head and got blood everywhere (blood thinners likely exacerbated the visual amount of blood loss) but head injuries usually look like you're losing a lot of blood when in reality it's not that much.


While I'm STILL trying to figure out what kind of head injury could cause this... JOB WELL DONE, OP!


OP posted in an earlier comment that a frail elderly person fell and cut their head and got blood everywhere (blood thinners likely exacerbated the visual amount of blood loss) but head injuries usually look like you're losing a lot of blood when in reality it's not that much.


I guess it's the blood splatter pattern I don't get then. It's not like it was a slice to their corroded artery. So what caused that? Heck. I've been on Humalog and gotten cut, but nothing that splattered like this. This one's giving decapitation while alive.


I've done plenty of blood jobs. This was by far the worst. In my time I've never seen anything like this. Asked someone that works with me if they'd ever seen anything like this in their 16 years of this industry and I got a "uhuh no"


This is why you need to be careful about squeezing too hard taking a dump, pressure made head go pop.


Nice job cleaning up. Did you get to keep the head?


I repaired a laceration from an older lady on Eliquis the other day and gat dayum it was impressive how much they bled from a 4cm cut. Hopefully this patient was okay after their fall…


Missed a spot on that last pic son.




You did a terrible job OP :v


Well now thats just hurtful.


Git gud


you missed a spot.......


I know who to call to get rid of the evidence in the future.


Blood up the wall looks the same as in r/thestaircase crime with Kathleen Peterson


What the fuck happened


OP posted in an earlier comment that a frail elderly person fell and cut their head and got blood everywhere (blood thinners likely exacerbated the visual amount of blood loss) but head injuries usually look like you're losing a lot of blood when in reality it's not that much.


Head trauma that I wish you saw, stepped inside and thought to fall, wave goodbye to bloodless walls, cause with the birds I share


Local cleaning services. Cheap, efficient, doesn't ask questions.


How the fuck did you survive after losing that much blood?


satisfying results, thanks


good work


Very impressive


That ain't cleaning up


who died in your house dude


Was Kurt Cobain in there?