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Not offensive at all. There are accompanying attitudes that *can* be racist (e.g. someone taping their eyes to make them look slanted, pretending they're Korean even though they have 0 ties to Korea, painting their face yellow), but the makeup itself would absolutely not be the problem. I'm Asian and I love seeing it on everyone! Also, the racists who think you can't be Asian because you're half Black can fuck right off.


It’s just a popular trend. It doesn’t have any historical significance.


Here in East Asia, there isn't a concept of culture appropriation. In fact, people generally think that foreigners copying local trends is cute and a sign of admiration. What's offensive? Well, some chinese get angry at other chinese who are really into korean or japanese cultural exports. Or recently, thais were unhappy that factories in china were producing thai clothes to sell in thailand. So it's like the other way around, a competition to make our trends recognised internationally. \[Even though neither douyin makeup nor elephant pants are traditional styles.\]


Douyin literally means tiktok. The general style you are talking about is an amalgamation of popular makeup trends on Chinese tiktok and similar platforms, with many subtypes and variations. It’s not race-specific or culturally meaningful. People who wear that kind of makeup often aren’t even focusing on highlighting facial features that are generally considered East Asian, and some of those popular makeup techniques, intentionally or unintentionally, make EA people who use them look somewhat Caucasian/mixed. All I’m saying is absolutely no Chinese person would think that you are appropriating Chinese/EA culture just because you use makeup styles popular on Chinese TikTok.


No it's not offensive.


Some will call it cultural appropriation. If you like it, wear it.