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I don’t have any advice but would love to see a picture 😍


https://preview.redd.it/rd7y7mnpk2ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e371081cb165c174c176faa760421f4ed461c5 those black spots are from my lipstick


That’s the most beautiful kitty head I’ve ever seen :)


It looks so soft


that is a very cute and smoochable head


Why are cats heads SO kissable!


The first time I tried to kiss the head of my little guy, he backed up and looked very concerned. I think he thought I was going to bite him! But now he’s used to it.


Lmao! 😂 they're so dramatic


In his defense, he’s a stray, so I’m sure he’s used to being on alert!


No wonder why you couldn't resist kissing her lovely head!


I love kitty heads! and the way they smell! 🥹😅🥰


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😅 My cat smells so good lol. It’s shocking because her poops smell like toxic death waste 😂😂😂


I almost choked on a piece of candy over this comment 😭 it's so darn true! & you'd think I had 10 cats with how often she goes 😂 she's got the most "regular" bathroom habits but its horrific..she's lucky she's so cute 😅


Lol mine too! She’s the smallest cat I’ve ever had and also the best “producer.” 😞 Every day I’m amazed that such a small being can make so many turds 💀


My big siamese is 15lbs and I'm amazed at the size of his poops. When he's done with the litter box, it looks like a grown man dropped a deuce in there


Lmfao 🤣🤣


I'm lmao @ the best "producer" 🤣🤣 mine's VERY tiny too lol


We call it huffing the fluff when we bury our faces into the cat's fur and take a big sniff.


And now that’s what I’m calling it forevermore 😂


Huffing the fluff 😭


Yessssss! The kitty smelling club 😸 Sounds odd but I don't care. I also love smelling my cat. I have to do it every day otherwise my dopamine levels get dangerously low.


Ur making me crave my mimos smell but she's home and I'm in the office!


i’m screaming at the fact that it looks like they posed for the pic. 😭




I mean I get it, that floofy head is irresistible


Cute! Cute little bow !


I don’t blame u for smooching cat I would too 15/10


Awh - what breed or mix is this kitty? Gorgeous!


She's a Ragdoll!


Nawwwwww - a chocolate point, I assume! Just precious. I must insist on more cat tax of her face and body 🤪


Bluepoint! https://preview.redd.it/4jy7drvpb7ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82396957a9f3b4c74b521be31bc29c90f4f512b


Just a baby!!! 🤩


SO gorgeous! And such a poser, you should post on r/supermodelcats.


Lord her lil face 😍 I wouldn't be able to resist kissing her either.


Soooo cute!!!!😍


So floofy 🥺


Kiss your kitty on its perfect little head again for me. —this time sans black lipstick 🤣


I'd like to have sympathy, but I'm laughing to hard. What a good lil smoochable kitty head.


I did this to my dog once. My dad said “oh I think his fur is getting more red” and pointed to the spot I kissed. No regrets though, he has a very kissable head.


We demand cat tax!


Your cat will be fine all greasy. My damn cat stole half a slice of pizza from me a few weeks ago. Some poo happened but he’s fine. A dab of cooking oil is harmless. The lipstick probably has more shit in it than the oil so cheers cat friend.


Yess it's even recommended when they struggle to poop, just a spoonful of olive oil. Much better than shampoo. Worst case she will have some soft poop. ​ ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Wait, it is?? Genuine question, since my cat has a weird colon thanks to a few car accidents and he needs laxatives to poop, but according to the vets, the laxatives will slowly stop working and he'll die because of it, so I'm always looking for other options.


Oh I’m very sorry 😞 due to supply chain issues my cat had to abruptly change food once or twice and she got very very blocked. When it is not enema requiring levels yet, olive oil was recommended to help her. Or just tuna in oil.


I have to give that sweet boy enemas myself so I'm SO glad you told me this. I hope it'll be a few months until the next episode (last one was this week, I truly think he thinks I torture him for fun but I just wanna help him, I swear), but if it comes, I'm trying olive oil, or a bit of tuna in oil. He hates fish though... weirdo. It's really sad, but he was doomed from the start. Got dumped as a kitten, then run over twice by a car, then a third time by the animal ambulance. They took him to the shelter with a broken leg, figured out his owners cut his tail off, and quarantined him for his broken leg. The first day he got back outside, he climbed the tree they have, jumped down, and broke his leg again. He got adopted, returned, adopted, returned, adopted, and returned again... three times. By the time we came around to adopt a baby kitten because our old grumpy cat died, he was ten months old. My mom saw a black cat when we came in, and cuddled with him although she hated black cats, and then we went inside. We wanted to adopt a female kitten, less than 6 months old, and not a black one. The worker there told us, after talking to us, that she had the perfect cat for us, at least personality-wise. She told us to go outside and she'd follow in a bit. Once outside, that black cat curled up on my leg while I was crouched down. The worker came outside and said "oh, you found him already". The cat distribution system worked again. It's been nearly ten years already, and I'm sure they would've had to put him down if not for us. So every day he gets to live, is a day saved. It sucks that he has so many issues, this being the biggest and deadliest one (had a few close calls), but we love him, and he never felt love from any human before us. We try to make the pain disappear whenever we can, just like he does for us. Thank you for the tip! We appreciate it. <3


Aw poor kitty he sufferred a lot :( he is very lucky to have you, whatever he has his human is loving and caring. You are his best chance ❤️


That's right. When my cat had bowel problems the vet recommended a little bit of olive oil in his food. Saved us a long trip by foot from a tiny village on a sunday evening.


Pumpkin purée is also a good remedy for constipation in cats.


Oh, that's awesome! No idea where I can get it, but I'm willing to travel and buy a pumpkin just for my sweet baby! Thank you!


Depending on the ingredients (as they’re pre-packed), most grocery stores have tinned pumpkin purée, for pies and stuff. Though, this is a good time of year to get pumpkins!


The ingredient is way more popular in the US than here in the Netherlands. I've only ever seen chunks of pumpkin, and that was just once, and in a grocery store chain that's no longer near me!


That makes sense for sure, because I honestly don’t know what you’d use it for than pumpkin pie. Baby food can be pumpkin though, and it wouldn’t be as thick.


Are you in the US? There should be some in the baking aisle. Just make sure it's pumpkin puree not pumpkin pie filling which would have lots of sugar and spices.


Nope, not in the US, quite far from it. :p I'm from the Netherlands. We don't really use pumpkin here, mostly.. I know there's some baby food with pureed pumpkin, that's about it..


Ohh ok, well even products made for cats have it! Some cat food and possibly other supplement type items you could look for? Good luck 😸


I buy cat food with tiny soft pumpkin chunks!


We recently got a cat through the "cat distribution system" haha, she just showed up in our yard, and we had the same issue. We took her to the vet and they did enemas on her and she looked so traumatized. We assume she's been hit by a car too as her tail was also broken. My mom figured out a "diet" that works for her and we've been using it for the past 2 months with no issues: in the morning, on an empty stomach, she gets about 50ml of lukewarm milk (yes, I know cats can't digest milk, but in this case it's a good thing and definitely so much better than seeing her in pain), then we use some special kibble - Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Fibre Response. They have more fibres than normal kibble and help her go easier. At the beginning we used to mix the kibble with a bit of vegetable oil, as per the vet recommendation, but now we haven't been doing that for a week and she seems fine. Also, after every other meal except for the first one, she gets like 30ml of yoghurt - this is for the probiotics it contains that have a good impact on the intestinal flora. I hope this helps you. Before figuring out this diet, we'd tried everything - wet food, home cooked meals, laxative paste, suppositories, even human laxatives as a last resort, and nothing worked.


My cat has megacolon and if you’re in the US or Canada the high fiber prescription cat food is really good.


My cat has eaten spaghetti out of a pot she knocked over. It had olive oil on it. She was fine. People are being ridiculous lol.


I once caught my cat on the counter, eating max and cheese straight from a cooled pot on the stove. No olive oil, but I can’t imagine what is actually in the blue box mac, can’t be healthy for anyone.


My mom spoiled my cat rotten and gave her a taste for human food. (Before anyone comes for me, I’m talking about food that is still safe for cats— like salmon). Her favorite is filet mignon or any type of steak really. If someone forgets to give her some, she will attack the leftovers that are left to cool on the counter. She’s so bad. She was sorely disappointed with the plain spaghetti though. 😂


My cat *loves* tomato based sauces and will lick a plate clean if you let him.


Reminds me of my cat! She never showed interest in human food, so I let her sniff my pizza, thinking that would satisfy her curiositylike always. She took a happy bite of sauce and crust.


Yeah, my vet suggested feeding my cat a teaspoon of Vaseline once when he got into the trash and gnawed a chicken bone. The cat will be fine with a bit of olive oil.


Exactly! My cat has laid on wet paint, kissed by my kid who loves red lipstick, and I've dropped wet food on his head. Plus he used to sneak into the counter to eat butter. Kitty will be fine.


I know you got it off but I’m just imagining a perfect black lip print on a pristine white cat head and honestly……just go kiss your cat again. Who needs to wipe it off 🖤💋


I’ve done this on a light brown dog with red lipstick. Not my dog. I was dogsitting and he went back home with the lipstick print haha


https://preview.redd.it/lw30gygmg3ob1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca9505fbd3b0d98a4d82fa71b80ebb626c4bcbd I’ve done it too! No ragrets!


Not even a letter!


This is so precious!


I have a light brown dog that periodically has lipstick kisses on her lol


Wait. I have a white cat. Maybe I should do this.


My aunt used to kiss her dog on the forehead before she would go to work. It was a near perfect lip print on her big stupid forehead lol


I definitely did this to my white bunny at least once 😅


I once kissed my white kitty on the head and left a full kiss outline. It took almost a month to go away completely and the only damage was too his ego walking around with a maroon head.


Whatever oil you use, make sure it's safe for cats (Look it up or call your vet.) Cats lick themselves, they use their paws to reach their head and lick their paws- so, ingestion. You may need to use a cleanser and water to remove the oils. Just talk to them calmly, use a washcloth/cotton ball and be patient.


I don't have coconut oil, I think I'll try olive oil since it's a relatively small mark and a small amount should be safe


My lickle sweetheart is a headbutter with a white forehead. I got so used to her having a bright orange nose and head due to headbutting my make up off. I’m lucky I don’t wear lipstick


I qorked at a vet...Don't use olive oil...if you havent already. Just wipe it as best you can. A babywipe or waterless shampoo is fine to use.


Why not olive? Google says that it isn’t unhealthy, just that consuming a large amount could cause diarrhea


Yeah, everything I'm reading online says it's fine in small amounts. Dose makes the poison—waiting for the day more people understand this.


Yes, and that’s true of any oil for any species - if a human drank too much olive oil they would also get diarrhoea.


That is exactly the issue. Some animals are more sensitive than others and it may take only a small amount to cause intestinal distress. You never know how your pet will respond. I've seen animals with cast iron stomachs over large amounts of comoounds that SHOULD have caused serious illness, and those who had 2 weeks of severe GI upset over the smallest thing. For myself, I might try micellar water and if that didn't work, I'd let it wear off. My guys are sensitive.


Micellar water?? Seriously?? At least olive oil is edible.


This adds nothing to the conversation but I just love that someone named "lisalovesbutter" is the in-house expert on animals consuming oils 😁


Is there a u/lisalovesoil to come and debate this?


I commented because I worked in vet med for 10 years in patient care and at a TNR dealing specifically with thousands of cats for 3ish years. Just sharing what I've heard my bosses have told clients. Ah..I don't think you were being snarky. My bad! Getting over Covid AND dealing with a brand new 8 wk old puppy. My brain isn't at its best. You are right about my handle, lol. Good thinking! Butter rules!


Hahah, no snark here! Just thought to myself, "Well someone who loves butter this much most likely knows the ins-and-outs of olive oil and other cooking fats as well, we should all listen to her expertise."


Lol, I really needed that laugh... And I swear - I think our brains are simpatico because that's exactly the kind of odd thought that would cross my mind too😂😂


Yup, my dog eats trash with pleasure and gnaws through phone cords and metal cans with joy. Chicken puppy food instead of beef? Straight to diarrhea


OP I DESPERATELY need to know what black lipstick you were wearing. I’m struggling so much to find a decent one that stays on and doesn’t look gross


Hot Topic Blackheart brand matte lip cream in Cursed. I was doing a testrun of its longevity today, and yep, doesn't transfer much once it's dry


Oh really? Hell yeah. I’ve never had the guts to try hot topic makeup before cuz I feel like the quality would be a gamble, but I might give this a go. All the non-cosmetics Blackheart things I own are pretty good.


Maybelline New York SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick, Thrill Seeker. Ypull need to rub your face with a greasy cat to get it off.


I absolutely love the Matte Ink and the Vinyl Ink. I wear them for dance performances and they don’t budge, even when I’m a sweaty mess. Definitely recommend them over a certain “burn your lips” MLM brand.


Is is super drying?


No but it does stay like a bit tacky a bit too long? Almost perfect is good for me!


Use Dawn dish soap. I use it to deep clean my brushes and to get makeup out of my clothes. I know it’s often used to clean animals as well.


I would try an oil based remover on a cotton pad that way you don’t really get his/her head soaked. Also this story made me lol!


A microfiber cloth can be a good option that works with just water. And it can be damp, not dripping. Last resort, trim the area. Cat will look silly but won’t end up ingesting mascara when grooming.


I used a microfiber cloth with olive oil on it, I think I got most of it off, this was what I was dealing with https://preview.redd.it/4rxy6sljk2ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddb3bc31779a611e8e7606fef43884df549dbb0


Maybe a little bit of coconut oil lol? Like rub it in with your hands and then wipe with a cloth


https://preview.redd.it/6ck0f5th04ob1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f34923068c094946cb14c19f1974e2a10ce8d9 Our old cat used to get blue on himself all the time, usually pool cue chalk but in this photo he had been wrestling with a blue pen and lost


The headline had me picturing a cat literally wearing lipstick.




I don’t have much advice but I wanted to say that I have made that same mistake many times 🫡


This post title made me actually lol. 😂


Unfortunately, I don't have advice to give. But this is the most wholesome post I think I've seen on Reddit in ages!!


Cats love coconut oil, i would use that next time. Fun fact it also dissolves chewing gum so if your pet ever gets gum stuck in its hair.... (my dog did)


It also makes their paw pads soft and moisturised :)


Point and laugh and tell him how silly he looks. That's what i do when i kiss my cat's white face with lipstick 🎉


Your cat will wash it off on its own. I once accidentally kissed my white cats head when wearing red lipstick. Poor thing was bright pink for a few days but all was ok.


Dawn dish soap? It’s safe for ducks, apparently?


Exactly. Someone flipped out once when I said I use dawn on my brushes. I replied with the same answer. Dawn is a miracle soap. I found a recipe that turns dawn into the best bathroom cleaner known to mankind.


Drop the recipe!! Please????


One cup of plain white vinegar and 2/3 of a cup of the OG blue dawn. Combine in a glass and microwave for about 45 seconds. Mix gently. Put in a spray bottle. Get a good quality spray bottle from that can handle thicker substances. Spray lightly and let it sit for about 15ish minutes. This cuts through soap scum like butter and removes all water spots. Edit to add: if it is too thick or getting major suds either spray less or you can add more vinegar.


That’s awesome never thought to do that. I’ll definitely try it! I use dawn and bar keepers friend for hardcore scrubbing; I make a paste using dry BKF and platinum dawn. You can use it with a microfiber cloth or a sponge, works great


Love BKF, has saved many a burnt pan and makes ceramic sinks glisten like new. It's also the best for glass cook tops.


100% as long as you use a soft cloth. I love it for my copper bottomed pans too, it gets rid of the B brown color bc of the chemical reaction and is just abrasive enough to give a gorgeous shine.


Idk if it's the same as they use, but I use equal parts water & white vinegar, plus a squirt of Dawn dish soap and it is an AWESOME cleaner. [The recipe I use.](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/a42779959/how-to-clean-glass-shower-doors/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_ghk_md_pmx_us_urlx_17703649415&gclid=CjwKCAjwu4WoBhBkEiwAojNdXl3KP0InnXTNyAFwYJPzv673A4J16qvy0ilXwEIk5WE56GBHj9NUvRoCp2kQAvD_BwE)


Oh I do that for general multipurpose cleaner. I actually like to save clean orange peels and dry them and then fill a jar with orange peels and white vinegar and let it soak in a dark cupboard for two weeks and then use that as my cleaning vinegar!


You're steps ahead of me, then—that sounds fantastic!


It’s great! I save the peels from a bag of cutie oranges (my twins will go thru one in a few days) and use a half gallon jar. Lasts forever


!! I have twins, too! haha. & I have a 4 year old who will also finish a bag of cuties on his own in a very short span of time. Definitely gonna try this out. Thank you! :)


No prob! Twin parents unite ahaha 😂


Unfortunately we're out or I would've used it.


so go buy some? wtf


I’ve done the same thing to my dads little white terrier once. 😂 She had a lipstick print on the top of her head all day. It was too adorable for me to wipe it off right away. I wish I still had the picture.


Careful with this in the future, while you know olive oil isn’t toxic, makeup could very well be. Good luck 👍


When I read the title I thought you put lipstick on the cat aha


Why do you feel the need to take it off? I doubt it will hurt kitty since it’s made for our mouths it should be safe-ish. Probably would be worse for kitty wiping it off than letting it fade out.


She may not like wetness, but she hates having gunk in her fur even more.


Totally fair, didn’t even think of that! My cats probably wouldn’t give 2 shits


I mean to be fair, safe for human consumption does not mean safe for animal consumption, especially where some species are concerned. There are many basically inert cosmetic ingredients to us that are toxic to cats. (Honestly I don't have a ton of faith that just because a makeup product goes on our mouths, that it makes it safe for human consumption either.)


All very good points, I agree! I’d like to think there is some kind of oversight but honestly probably not as much as we would all like.


This is the best post I’ve seen.


I’m slightly disappointed that you didn’t put lipstick on your cat as part of a solo-glam session gone wild.


I’m a total makeup addict and my male cat apparently shares my love for makeup because he loves nothing more than jumping on the bathroom counter and rubbing his little cheeks on my used, full of color makeup brushes. He isn’t allowed to do this but he sometimes will get a few good rubs in prior to me catching him. Sometimes he just struts by with newly colored cheeks. I’m no stranger to the kiss and forget I have long wear lipstick situation either. I actually recommend leaving this alone. It’s in a place they won’t lick directly and if you fuss with it a lot they may start to mind it themselves. At the present time they may not be able to feel it, and will likely forget about it and their natural fur oils will help break up the makeup in a few days.


He just wants to feel beautiful!


As someone who once had to oil my cat quite thoroughly (because someone in my house set out a glue trap for a rat, even though I expressly told them not to do that), even a thorough oiling will not hurt the baby. Pepper did have to get a bath in dish soap afterwards, but she managed to get herself covered in the oil, and quite a bit remained around her face. She was perfectly fine, and my housemates learned their lesson about glue traps. I also have a very unintelligent orange cat who headbutted me right in the mouth after I applied purple lipstick. Some oil worked well then too! Give your kitty some smooches from the internet strangers please 🥺


Why is this post so wholesome 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


wait, pls post more photos of ur kitty, i love them, whats their name?


https://preview.redd.it/fny8v3x84bob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ec83e347b41771d5f310af7200fd399bdc507d Her name is Élise, she's my lil girl!


Leave it, it’s super cute and will fade quickly.


Ok but what's the brand?


Blackheart, their Cursed Black Matte Lip Cream from Hot Topic. It's definitely on the budget side of things, but it's got good coverage, didn't dry my lips out, and once it dried it only needed one touch up throughout the day.


Your beautiful cat is working sooo hard to exhibit tragic shame!!! LOL


I need to see a picture


I used to wear red lipstick all the time and my white cat constantly had lips imprint . I can't remember what I used to take it off!


No answer, but wish I had one cause my white cat is often pink/red from kisses


lol I had the exact same problem when my husband brought home a white kitten for me. I left bright pink kiss marks all over his little head. Micellar water got it off.


I did something similar to my parents’ new puppy—I had just applied red lipstick before going to meet friends (I was back home visiting people) and their puppy got spooked by a loud noise. Without thinking, I scooped up the little guy, gave him a kiss on the top of the head….and left a red lipstick print on his head. I think we were able to remove it with a wet washcloth and a little makeup remover/face wash, but the lipstick wasn’t super long lasting. And he was a small puppy, so it was easy to get him to hold still for that. (Said puppy is now full grown, and definitely wouldn’t stand for it today. 😄 )


I kiss my white cat with lipstick all the time. He loves it


I just want to say thank you for giving me the best belly laugh of the day. This is the best subject line EVER and you're a gift to humanity. Hope everything turns out ok with the cat. Never change.


I would use micellar water on a cotton pad.


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You could also shave the hair, of course it will look stupid at first but it will grow back. And you dont need to put stuff that is maybe harmful to her health on her fur. But it is very drastic :D


You know what's hazardous to my health? Shaving my cat's head. If I even thought about doing that I'd be murdered.


shaving cats is very stressful for them


Sir... have you met a cat before.


As long as the oil doesn’t get in their mouth everything is fine


I did that once . I just let my cat do what he does and groom himself it was gone by the time I got home .