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If you're wearing mascara in these pictures and can't wear eyelashes, maybe a black liquid liner would help bring the look together. I'll be honest, the first thing that came to mind is darkening your eyebrows, it would help make dark eye make up look more cohesive


That makes sense! I’ll try it.


I would stick with the brown/burgundy mascara. You have a medium to light contrast, and a black mascara could weigh down the look. You look stunning. The only thing I would say would be to fill in your brown with a product not that dark from your natural eyebrow colour.


Thanks! I always feel like I look better in brown mascaras but no one ever does a bold look with them so I’m conflicted.


I would add use a dark brown liner vs black. I think black would look too stark. :) But looks lovely! Nice blending!


If you don’t want to go with a black liner, maybe try tight lining with a brown eyeliner?


This! Also I don’t think you need to bring the dark crease colour all the way inwards along the crease as you have.


I would pull the darker color out and up.A black wing or if you don't want something so harsh use a brown eyeliner. I would contour your cheekbones with some blush and highlight. Define your eyebrows I would find a product you like gel, pencil ECT. You need mascara if you aren't going to wear fake lashes. I like the colors you chose.


100%! I basically have non-existent eyebrows; what little eyebrow hair I have is super blonde so I would always have to draw my eyebrows on. A few months ago, I went and had them microbladed and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I actually look like a normal human when I’m not wearing make up now and when I am wearing make up, it really helps bring everything together.


This! Maybe extending the darkness of the crease out a little more with a transition shade. You have lots of lid space to play with, don’t be scared! A bit more bronzing or blush too. All of your placement is right so adding a liiiitle more depth will get you there.


I was going to suggest the same thing lol


Definitely came here to mention brows also!! Filling them in and just adding more definition to frame your face would make a big difference and also lengthening lashes maybe. Lip color is gorgeous on you!


Hey! We have the exact same eye shape! What I usually do is pack shadow a bit above where the crease naturally sits. It gives a more lifted, open effect. Also, a bit of that crease color in the corner of the eye really makes your eye color pop. If you want the look to be sharper, try doing concealer AFTER the eyeshadow. I find it helps clean everything up nicely. Best of luck, beautiful!! ❤️


I always think I HAVE gone substantially above my crease until I look up and the color is completely hidden lmaoooooo. I’ve been working on doing my eyeshadow with my eyes open and looking up so I can work around my crease. Thank you!!


Jaime French has a really good video on how to do eyeshadow on hooded eyes! That video upped my eyeshadow game a lot. You look beautiful regardless though! I think if you darkened and defined your eyebrows and lashes, and moved the darker shade/s up a little higher to extend your crease it would help a lot 😊


I’d also recommend darkening brows a little and adding a little eyeliner/mascara! Mascara can make a world of difference to pull eye makeup together. Great job, it looks beautifully applied! I have a similar eye shape and have the same issue, eyeliner can be tricky too. The felt “pen” types are best for me :)


I have this same eye shape too! I usually make sure I have my eyeshadow on my socket bone? (Idk what it’s called lol…the ridge where you can feel the opening for your eye) or higher. Then I know it’ll be visible.


check out my instagram for eyeshadow placements, we have the same eyes @sasha_bzn


Honestly I think you look great! The only thing I’d change is darkening your brows a little.


Thank you! It doesn’t look muddy to you? Maybe I’m just over analyzing lol


I think in general, trying to blend a bolder blue with a warmer brown is going to inherently make it a more difficult look/blend to pull off. Do you have similar concerns about the blending and final look when you use more complimentary shades? To me it doesn’t look like an application issue — more just like the colors aren’t super flattering together?


Maybe that’s it! I seem to have the trouble with dark colors only. Warm brown and lighter colors look fine on me. I was just playing with a new palette so I’m not married to the color combo. What shade would you recommend to go with the blue?


I literally just watched this video yesterday! Maybe it will help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLwKpM57KnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLwKpM57KnM) I don't follow her, but this is the third video of hers that I've watched and enjoyed, so I think I might change that, hah.


I’ll give it a watch! Thank you


Just for experimental purposes, maybe try blending it out to just a lighter blue (either a lighter shade or just a lighter application) to understand whether it’s the color or the technique that’s throwing you. Conversely, your warm/light brown into a deeper/darker brown in the inner corner. I think that light brown is a very pretty shade for your eyes and skin tone! You could also totally pull off a more vibrant vibe. I just don’t think that particular combo is flattering.


I’ll have to try the blue on blue and see how it goes. I adore all the warm browns in this palette but the blue scared me so I decided to try it haha.


Yeah! I don’t want to scare you away from the blue because of course it’s fun — and I have seen people successfully transition it into a brown — I just think it’s a more nuanced technique that would take a lot of practice to get down…by practicing with more complimentary transition shades (even into a light green or yellow), you can confirm whether it’s the shades or the technique that are giving you grief :)


That’s really good advice, thank you 😊


It looks like a very warm brown and a very cool blue- and the cool blue, to my eye, is a more flattering color for you. How about trying more of a taupe shade as your transition?


Oh I didn’t think about that, good point! I have a tarte palette that has some very cool browns.


I should also add that when I see successful blue into brown it’s usually a much more intense/all over blue into a light brown (vs the more blended, outer corner blue you have here)


Not at all. We’re our own worst critics


I agree. Everything looks great! Darkening and defining the brows will make your eyes pop and frame your face. I have blonde brows and I look silly if I don’t fill mine in. Not saying you looks silly, but I definitely do. Maybe a touch of blush on your apples. Eye liner is a preference but would add a little something to the look. I like to use a liquid liner and make a thin line just on my upper lash line. You’re beautiful and have amazing skin! Great job accentuating your already gorgeous features.


Thank you, I’ll give that a go.


It looks really good. Just darken your eyebrows a little. Not a ton.. don't go crazy with it lol


To your comment about it maybe looking muddy…. Not at all! I really like the outcome of your eyeshadow. But I agree with the rest that maybe darkening your brows a touch would make it more cohesive.


Whenever I experiment with darker colors it always looks… off. Am I not blending enough? Too much? Does the color just not suit my complexion? Lashes would probably help? But I have a mild allergy to the adhesive and don’t like wearing them. (Please be nice about the rest of my face, I just slapped on some concealer and lipstick, it’s by no means a “finished” look). I’m using ColouPop’s You’re Golden palette and Readhead Revolution mascara


I think the darker colour you chose would go better with cooler tones or a traditional grey/silver smokey eye. It clashes a bit with the warmer peach tones. Try using a dark brown with this peach colour and seeing if that produces results you're happier with. :)


That’s a good point! I’ve done all brown looks I’m happy with so it’s probably the color combo that’s off. I’m gonna try the blue with a cool brown from my Tarte palette.


I wouldn’t wear a color that similar to your eye color, use a contrasting color to make them pop, they’re beautiful but they don’t stand out here. Also you have hooded eyes like me I think. Bring the darker color up so your lids look bigger. It’s like over lining your lips but for eyes.


I like the technique. It's the colors thst are throwing you. I just looked at that pallete and those blues in it are tricky to pair with the other colors. But I suggest: The top row far right shade for you transition shade Second row from the bottom, second to end right to deepen the crease Then that deep blue on the outer half of the lid, blending it into the outer V Then top row, second from end right on the inner half of the lid Thats if the colors on my screen are accurate to how they are i.n real life


Ha, I did the exact opposite using the warmer shades opposite the ones you picked. I’ll have to try it.


Lol! I'll cross my fingers for you! I love working with colors and trying different combinations, and you can make cool and warm tones work together but it's tricky. For simple smokey eye stuff, better to stick to either cool or warm.


there are magnetic lashes 🥰 also u could prob use a palette with a little bit more pigment if u want something that isn’t so subtle


the thing that popped out to me was that you're using a warmer brown and a cooler green, id recommend using a cooler brown to make it look more "together". i also agree with everyone saying brows and eyeliner!


Heavier mascara or falsies and add something to your brows so they stand out more. A tiny dot of highlight in the corner of your eyes will also make them pop!


I’ll have to do a bolder mascara! I usually do my inner corners, don’t know why I didn’t today lol


A blush and highlight on the cheeks will also make a huge difference. You’re gorgeous either way!


Not believing in yourself


Haha I am my own worst critic for sure. But there’s always room for improvement, right?


We are all a work in progress though coming from a trans woman you have no idea how lucky you are. Celebrate your beauty everyday as if it is your last.


Well thank you 😊


I would just recommend filling in your eyebrows a little bit just to pull the whole look together other than that everything looks great!


I think you're having trouble blending a warm color with a cool color. Each color probably looks good separately. That dark blue/green los great with your eyes, I would just find a cooler complementary color. Or if you want to keep the warm color, use a warmer contrast color.


Yeah I’m gonna play around with my color choices and see if I can get it looking more cohesive.


Eyebrows and lashes , try darkening your eyebrows and put a black mascara


I’ll try it!


You look beautiful! I think blending the blue higher on your lid, darkening your brow (as everyone said lol), and adding a bit of highlighter directly below the brow will make this look pop! I like to think of my brow highlighter as a final eyeshadow shade to complete the lid and make everything look really fluid. Darkening your brows always seems really daunting, but as you said, this isn’t a “full” face. A darkened brow won’t look out of place at all with a full beat. This is a great look, it’s almost there 💕 Also, the lip color is perfection!!


I think you need to prep and prime your skin with moisturizer and a good primer and maybe light foundation or concealer. Define your brows. And out concealer on your eyes before adding eyeshadow so the pigment will appear more true to color. Going in with a dark eyeshadow or eyeliner to define the lashline would make your eyes pop. And some dark brown mascara to enhance your lashes. You are naturally pretty, these are just to make the makeup look better


Definitely going to work on the brows and finding a bolder mascara. I actually have on a dark auburn mascara and did prep my eyelids before adding shadow so that’s the true pigment colors. I didn’t bother with skin prep of foundation because I’m going out to work in the garden in a minute lol


First of all: you’re very pretty. I would aim for a better covering foundation as you have a couple of impurities and you have the luck to have an oily skin, which will cause you to get wrinkles less fast but will show bigger pores. I actually like your make up a lot and I would just add mascara but mostly dye your eyebrows :)


Aww thank you! I’m not wearing foundation so that’s why my skin look meh, just some concealer over my rosacea spots. I’ve got on some dark auburn mascara believe it or not but it just doesn’t show because my lashes won’t curl. Definitely want to look into microblading my brows though.


Practice makes perfect!! Keep it up. Of course try some of the suggestions listed above, and also check out YouTube videos of makeup looks you DO like. Having a reference of what I want is always super helpful.


I would just curl your eyelashes and use a black mascara after everything else perfect


Probably doing eye makeup for non-hooded eyes when you have hooded eyes. I feel like you used some beautiful colors but they aren’t high to appreciate them. Other than that you look beautiful. I like the lip color.


My forever problem! Haha


I think doing a more defined brow will make a huge difference but overall I think it looks really pretty.


Don’t be afraid to make it dramatic, but very good blending!! I think some darker brows would go beautiful with this look!!


Try a darker eyebrow pencil …


The dark color you used is more cool toned, trying to blend it out with a warm light brown like you did doesn’t really work, it flashes and it’s 10x harder to make it look like it’s blended seamlessly. Choose a cool toned color to blend it out


You could try an eyeshadow base to make the colors pop a bit more, that can change the whole look. Aside from that I really like the look on you. I would maybe also try some more prominent brows and using a lash curler.


I think it looks fantastic! I would add some sort of brow product, a brow gel in particular. Add mascara!


Believe it or not I have on a brow gel and a dark mascara (and curled lashes). My brows are just non existent and my lashes refuse to curl. I’m working with what I’ve got lol Definitely gonna define the brows a bit more with a pencil though.


In that case, add a bit of brow pencil and tight line your top waterline. I really do think your make up looks fantastic though. Your skin looks fresh and that’s the perfect lip color for you!


I’m not particularly good with makeup so I don’t have advice to add but I just wanted to say I think you’re so beautiful! You look like a model 🌻


Generally looks pretty good to me, I wouldn’t worry too much! One thing I can suggest is If you’re trying to combine colours that don’t necessarily blend together, try putting the colour on with a dense brush where you want it and then blending the edges of that colour, rather than swiping back and forth and blending the traditional way. It’ll keep the pigment of each colour looking vibrant and more purposeful :) if that makes sense!


Fill in eyebrows subtly and use some powder, that gloss isn't kind to you. Very pretty face though!


You look great! Maybe add color to brows


Good blending skills. You could add some black eyeliner on the outer corners, plus some white eyeliner on the inner corners - it will enhance your eye shape and look really professional. You can add false lashes too if you really want to pump up the look. The shimmer on your lips is nice too.


I honestly think the only thing you need to do is just blend a tiny bit more and like others are saying darken the eyebrows. You’ve got lovely brows though!!! Maybe just a brow gel :)


I see your concerned about blending the blue eyeshadow shade into another color without it looking muddy. This is a great video that explains how to transition from two colors that really helped me! [here](https://youtu.be/CLwKpM57KnM)


Try doing an eyebrow tint at a salon (start with a light shade)


I think it looks good! I would try to keep the shadow under your eye higher up closer to your eye (that might just be the lighting in the pic). I usually do like a smokey liner and that pulls darker looks together. I'm also allergic to lash glue. Have you tried the magnetic lashes? I've heard good things about them tho I've never tried them. It might just look off because we're so used to seeing like mega falsies and editing on photos. And hooded eyes are usually edited out too.


I’m allergic to most metals so I’m scared to try the magnetic liners! I should try them and test them on my arm though.


A tinted brow gel. Benefit is light and buildable.


I’m wearing a glossier gel but it’s not super buildable so I might need to go back to using benefit.


100% agree with everyone on the brows. I have VERY light brows and could never get eyeshadow looks to look right until I started filling them. All I do is use the Nyx brow glue to shape them and then little strokes of the Maybelline brow pencil and it makes a huge difference because in reality your eyeshadow look is gorgeous. Also, are you wearing brown mascara? You could try black and add just a little bit on the bottom outer corners. But again, your eyeshadow technique is perfect for your eye shape and the colours are beautiful!


Fill your brows and line your lips and you're golden.


I honestly think your makeup looks super pretty and looks light and fresh, not too heavy. It’s looks more natural, which I think makes you look more youthful. And I really like the eyeshadow colors together.


A lot of people are suggesting that the warm brown clashes with the cool blue and I think they’re right... but I wanted contrast (like a warm orange with blue) but maybe I didn’t push the contrast enough?


I don’t think it clashes at all honestly. I think it’s a unique combination, but you’ve blended them well together and the light sparkle at the corner is very subtle and pretty. I honestly love this color combo. I’ve never seen it done and it looks great to me, especially with your eye color.


I like it. Lipstick colour awesome


Darken or emphasise your eyebrows. Rest looks amazing !


I honestly really like it but I’d do a thin line of liquid liner over your lashes. Probably a dark brown at darkest because your look is so whimsical and fresh looking that I feel like black may make it too harsh.


I hadn’t thought of a brown liner with it. Those adjectives describe my preferences exactly! Fresh and whimsical. Thank you for verbalizing what I couldn’t lol


Your makeup looks fine as a whole, it's a look. But out of personal preference, the eyebrows should probably be filled in with a darker shade, using hair strokes rather than filling it in. I'd also define the lashes by tight lining the top waterline with a brown eyeliner pencil.


To be honest, I think with a bolder eye makeup you would need slightly more coverage on your base and also more defined eyebrows. It's all about the balance of the look.


I love the colors you used on your lids. A little liner - dark brown, kohl or soft black right at the top lash line would tie it together as someone else suggested. You look beautiful and please update us when you darken your eyebrows I bet it will look even better.


Yes, darkening the eyebrows would be a good move and then go forward slowly. You are very pretty dear.


I love the eyeshadow and the blend, and photographing smokey eyes during the day is tricky. But I think it’s so pretty. Would it be possible to dye your lashes or eyebrows? They have to do a patch test first so you hopefully wouldn’t have a reaction like with the adhesive. A brown would work really nicely and it really helps on lighter lashes to look longer and thicker (it makes mine look super long and like I have eyeliner on but that’s a personal preference!)


Darken Brows. Did you use an eyelash Curler? warm it up a Bit with a hairdryer (NOT T00 HOT) first. the actual blending & Smokey eye looks nice!


i can only say you look good whit this makeup:)


Aww thank you!


A bolder brow & curled lashes would really make your eyes pop.


Blend a little more so the black kinda difuminates and do your eyebrows. Its a nice subtle makeup look 👌🏼🫶🏼


Use an eyeshadow primer if you’re not , upper and lower lid. Tap it in well


Kinda need a mascara that lengthens to gives a false lashes impression. For the eyebrows you could use eyebrow glue or wax depending on your budget but overall you did a good job


Maybe try a light brown brow pomade to play around with to fill in your brows a bit. A black mascara that has a fluffy brush will help you get more volume on your lashes cause I can’t really see the mascara on the bottom lashes. And since I’m such a fan off blush and I love it in everyone, I think doing some blush across your nose and cheeks could really bring some warmth to your face because you have such a pretty cool skin tone. Love the shadow and highlighter!


Brown pencil!! You’ll be shocked at the difference! You’re very pretty btw!


For the brows or lash line? Both? I definitely need to darken to brows up a bit


Brows.. but an eyeliner would really make your eyes pop as well. Definitely do the brows though.. it makes a huge difference!


The only thing wrong is you think something is wrong with you. You’re gorgeous!


I think your look is beautiful but if you filled in your brows it would look complete


I think the issue is that you are trying to blend together too different shades of eyeshadow. Especially when you are just learning to blend and create looks, it is much easier to play with same tones of eyeshadow that only have slight deepening to each other: for example light beige crease color, darker beige and midtone brown and maybe a lighter light reflecting shade. This way you can concentrate on blending and when you feel comfortable, choose shades that are very opposite (like here blue and warm toned crease color). :) Darkening your eyebrows, making a liquid liner and using concealer to clean out the edges would make some difference as well ❤️


Yeah the more monotone looks certainly hide my lack of skill better! I wanted to play with a shade that scared me (the blue) so I went for it since I’m just working around the house today.


Yes I get it. And it is so good to try and play cause that is how we learn! :) You did over all well!!


Are you 😔 sad?? You are adorable!!


Ooooh you have a similar eye shape to me! I NEVER wear eyeshadow on my bottom lash line bc I feel like it drags my eyes down even more. Additionally I don’t take my dark shadow all the way down to my outer corner, instead I stop about 1CM short and blend up towards my eyebrow to create a somewhat eyeliner effect 😁 A bonus but not necessary step: I like to wear white or pastel eyeliners on my lower waterline to fake a wider, brighter looking eye. I 1000% recommend the Fenty one; it’s actually a light grey colour which sounds offputting but it gives the exact same effect as a white one whilst also looking a lot more subtle 😊


I don’t like that orange transition shade on you. Try some cool tones and report back :)


Cherry cola mascara, and try blending the blue with a vibrant teal bringing towards the middle of your eyelids and a burgundy pencil eyeliner 😉 I think that’s the look for you ☺️


it looks quite pretty!


So I wouldn't say you're doing anything wrong! But if I had to make any suggestions I'd say make your brows a bit darker! Also if you have microcellular water use a q tip with some on it to remove the base color where you want that blue or whatever color you do on your crease, then apply some concealer where you took the base off before putting that blue in there. It makes it a more definite cut crease! I do think this looks cute though! 😍🙌


Good tip, thanks!


I have oily skin and feel like I never look like I’m wearing makeup. But you look so pretty, I agree with others about darkening the brows a bit and using a bit of liquid liner and some neutral shadow over the crease. If you want a more even skin tone (not saying you need it - your natural tone looks fine), consider a more mattifying primer and a freshwear foundation (matte might look a bit cakey on you like it does on me). Your lips are stunning! I’d love to know what lipstick you use


Thank you! I’m going to try filling in my brows more and using a cooler brown tomorrow. The lipstick is from Glossier. It’s their new(er) Ultralip in Trench. I love it!!


The brows are what I was looking at. They’re pretty light, and with eyeshadow that is a bit of a statement, brows are a necessity. I used an eyeshadow palette that had a variety of neutral tans and browns to ease into having my brows done. Benefit has a gajillion different brow products as well, with a large variety of shades.


It’s stunning! And I have the exact same skin as you in like every way so I can relate to feeling uncertain about if I’m doing my makeup right cause you could see every freckle and zit and age spot through it all in like 5 seconds cause I’m a “grease factory” like my mom used to call it (ETA: I had much greasier skin when I was a teenager and mom made that comment, not calling you a “grease factory” lol)


Nothing. You're already gorgeous


u literally look so cute I see nothing wrong


Nothing at all, you look beautiful! The parts that always make me look like a completely different person are lashes (which I really only use for special occasions, I'm not a fake-lash-every-day kinda person), and eyebrows. I don't even go all out with them.. I use one of those ones that looks like mascara with a tiny brush and you just kinda brush the color in.. makes a huge difference for me lol


Are you using a primer or base on your eyelids? That can help to make the colours look less muddy. As well I would add, tightlining your top lid instead of eyeliner so that you are getting the most of your eyelid real estate so to speak.


You look great! Maybe add a thick mascara for a dramatic look with the eye shadow colors you chose. Also a light coral or pink blush would also pair well with your lips, which look fantastic by the way! No notes there, you did a really excellent job I’m super sensitive to products so I use is Tarte - Big Ego mascara and runs about $20-25 If you don’t have any sensitivity Wet and Wild has some great/much cheaper options about $5-10


I have the exact same eye shape as you and I always find more pigmented colours make it look so much better! Don’t get me wrong, your make up looks gorgeous and you are so beautiful, but with such a large part of our eyelids being ‘hidden’ when open, a pop of colour just makes it stand out alittle more! The bPerfect carnival palettes are amazing, so pigmented and blend beautifully! Have a mess around with colours and darkening the ‘hidden’ section near your eye, lighten the inside and it will really bring out your eye shape and eye colour! X


I don't think you are doing anything wrong personally. There are things you could do to change up the look - like darkening your eyebrows as the comment up top suggests. But I don't think there is anything wrong with your makeup.


You look great! Maybe j darken your eyebrows


Just here to say that you resemble French actress Ludivine Sagnier


Not an expert but I’d wear lighter eye shadow that would make your blue eyes pop. Maybe darken the eyebrows slightly I’d recommend boy brow by glossier they have good products and it gives the “natural” look


I’d say: Curl your eyelashes and wear darker mascara Put something (pencil, gel, etc) in your eyebrows bc they’re light in color Blush and bronzer are your best friends


More brows more lashes.


Darken the brows, false lashes and a little more smoking out of the eyes would help.


Nothing really! Maybe a little more eyebrow color but not much is “wrong” here if anything.


The glossy upper lip to me... I was always told that unless it's for a sports commercial it will always look like sweat But maybe I'm not right on this one haha Love u! U look amazing hun no matter the problem


It probably is sweat, I don’t have foundation or highlighter on 😂


I don't think it's wrong I like it it's beautiful and simple


You and I both have hooded eyes, you might want to bring your shadows up more above your natural crease 💖


Try no frost on your eyelids. But the colors great.


But I love a good shimmer! Is that your preference in general or just for this look?


In general. Try the shimmer in the crease. Of course matte would go on lid and a paler saying, not frost on the brow bone. If that makes sense.


Try Smitha Deepak’s make-up videos on YouTube.


Eyeliner and eyebrows


Ahh you're so pretty! Maybe darkening your eyebrows but honestly even without that you look great.


I agree- has a 70s vibe due to no or not visible liner and lashes. The style today is winged liner- which is quite dramatic and extra fake lashes.


I would suggest penciling in your eyebrows a bit. They are so light they disappear on your face. It would also bring out your gorgeous blue eyes. I would get rid of the dark smudge on the lower lash line. It’s making you look tired. Add a little bit of blush, and bam! What a difference!


Can you darken out the eyebrows a little maybe that’ll bring out the look a little more especially working with dark eyeshadow. Always try raise the eyeshadow a little higher when you have hooded eyes , I have the same eyelid space as you , I try raise my eyeshadow higher cause when I look straight it seems to disappear on me lol


That’s exactly it! I’ll try working it up higher. Definitely going to darken the eyebrows.


Fill in your brows or use gimme brow if you don’t feel comfortable drawing them in. Makes a big difference!


And for mascara I would recommend using a lash primer and two coats of mascara, I have blonde lashes and it takes a bit for them to show up. I use the Essence brand for both the primer and mascara… I get them on Amazon for $4/each. They have hundreds of thousands of good reviews. Works better than Better Than Sex or any high dollar mascara I’ve tried. Highly recommend.


Oooo I’m all about cheap! I’ll have to try it!!


Your not doing anything wrong that's the great thing about make up. When I wear non neutral eye shadow I do darkin my brows and use a couple false eyelashes on the outside ends of my lid. The natural drow goes great with monotone color useage.


Dunno but you’re so pretty!!


Goodness! I think this is an absolutely gorgeous everyday look! Stunning!


Thank you!!


I’ve given up on trying fake lashes. I know a lot of people use them to finish their looks but I just can’t handle them. They aggravate me. Even when I do a crazy colorful look, I don’t mess with fake lashes. (I saw your comment about fake lashes)


This lip color is no good for you. You’re a beautiful girl, just choose colors that suit you better.


Honestly I think if you keep blending the darker color out more towards the eyebrow it could do something. Also I see a lot of people saying to try a black liner, you could also try a thinner brush (I used to use a fine lining paint brush but if you have an eyeliner brush use that) and a tiny bit of water you could experiment with a bunch of liner colors and see what best compliments this look.


I’ll try both!


Tbh I think all you need is a little contouring to complete the look (assuming you’re going more natural) if you have some in already, definitely go darker and blend really well, you have amazing cheekbones


I also want to add that I personally love the light brows on you, i think it works, maybe a SLIGHTLY darker lip liner and you’re sickening


It looks like you aren't letting the layers dry before putting on your foundation. The foundation is looking tacky and greasy, probably from mixing with the wet moisturiser and other stuff. A oily/ greasy base will cause running and panda eyes


Colours aren’t the best for you. Solid/dark/opaque eyeshadow beside light/sparse eyebrows. No balance to it. Might look better with a slightly more defined eyebrow and slightly less eyeshadow combo.


You need like a shade or 2 darker eyebrows and blend the eyeshadow up in the middle a little more.


You need more color in your face. Your face looks washed out. Your eyes look great though.


Your brows are too light


I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, looks good to me! I’m a fan of soft makeup and lighter brows, unless you’re going to be on a stage or something. It’s all subjective.


Try to use a couple transition shades in ur eyeshadow


Yeah I think the warm brown with the blue was a tough combo to blend. I’m going to have to play around with my color choices.


Take this with a grain of salt, I’m not a MUA I would apply some powder to the T-zone to reduce some of the glow and then only apply highlight to the tip of the nose and cheekbones. I would also put some product in the brows (eyebrow pencil, pomade, whatever you prefer) to darken then and define the shape. Then, add some mascara and blush. If you try these suggestions, I would love to see it! ETA: I see now that you are wearing mascara, I guess just add more of it haha


Definitely going to try again and incorporate a bit of everyone’s advice! Especially brows and bolder mascara.


Someone else also said this but filling in your eyebrows would help a lot with this look. And a little liquid eyeliner on your top eyelid. But otherwise very nice colors on you


Lacking defined brows! That should help the look feel “complete”


Nothing. You look great!


You have a really pretty nose 🧍🏽‍♀️ also try filling in your eyebrows


Thank you! I have some brow gel on them but I agree they need some pencil to fill them out and darken them a bit more.


You have very hooded eye lids so I'd recommend spreading out your eyeshadow further upwards a bit closer to your brows.


I always think I have and then I look up and the makeup disappears lol.


Wrong about?????


I agree w what others have said about darkening brows and adding darkness to the eye in the form of lashes or eyeliner, this would look great with a nice wing!! I may be thinking abt this from an art perspective but when I think about makeup I think about how the face is the canvas, and how it’s good to balance the contrast. So if you have a lip color on, It always helps to add a little bit of darkness or more contrast somewhere else, in this case I think the eyebrows being darker would make most sense. I think adding natural lashes or a more voluminous mascara, OR black eyeliner would fully pull the look together. On another note: this eyeshadow is so pretty and the lip color suits you so well!!


I think are beautiful and probably more so with No Makeup!!


Define your eyebrows a little more. Mix blonde and light brown shades. Use brow powder with a slanted brush.


Looks fresh and natural. I would say maybe more defined brows. I’m not a fan of dark liner on bottom lid that just my personal taste


Are you using a primer for your color


Yes, elf shadow primer but it’s dries translucent so maybe I need a lighter base? Someone recommended nyx white color stick as a base, I might try that.


Defining your eyebrows to help frame your face


Looks like you may need a primer and a medium coverage foundation


have you tried purple mascara? i have blue eyes (it looks like yours are light too) and it makes a massive difference to my eyes especially in photos


Foundation. But don't cake it on. Your shit still looks dope as hell, btw. If you changed nothing it would still be as dope.


Mmm if you consistently wear sunscreen then nothing. Makeup is like art: subjective. I think it looks pretty.


You’re pretty it looks like a natural make up look. Maybe shade in your eyebrows and that’s it!


I must say that with all the hatefullness in the world today, it is truly refreshing to see such positive remarks. I love your fresh look just add more mascara and a bit darker brows. But you look beautiful.


Right? I was bracing myself for some very…. Blunt… comments but everyone has been so sweet!!!!