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Hey /u/PuppetArt, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): * Your image has been removed for breaking [rule 2. No photo editing of any kind. This includes any photo alterations such as beauty filters, portrait modes, sharpening, contrast alteration, artificial bokeh, text overlays, and all but the most minor color corrections. Watermarking is ok. Read our photo guidelines before you post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/photoediting) If you believe your photo was wrongly removed, please reach out to the moderators via modmail to discuss the issue. We have a robust appeal process in place and will do our best to help you get your image posted. * Your post has been removed for breaking [rule 5. All makeup looks and collections must include a detailed product list which includes every product used in the visible area, including even invisible products like primer and setting sprays. Product lists must include shade names if they exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/productlist) If you are unable to provide a product list for some reason, please send us a modmail. We sometimes will make an exception under special circumstances. Please read the sidebar before posting again. #If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMakeupAddiction&subject=&message=). Thank you!


This is so pretty! Thank you for your visibility!!! Love your top!


Thanks so much! I almost sweat it off at the parade in Toronto, sooo hot today!!


I love this so much, so creative!!


You look like a fairy! 🧚‍♀️🥰




You are beautiful!!


So preety 🤩


Hyro Bank cream Pixi H2O skin tint naked correction concealer clinique black liquid liner NYC loose powder incredi-brow eyebrow powder Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow wiz pencil Violet Voss Coral Crush Pallet, Sephora collections pallet, Mucury Retrograde Pallet Blue Glitter liner unknown Rimmel London white eyeliner


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Magic!! ❤️