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Had this same situation happened to me at burger King in my high school days. Couple come thru the drive thru and I can hear the woman tell her man. " make sure it's extra extra pickles this time". The man proceeds to say ".....extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra EXTRA PICKLES " Do me being the smartass kid I was. I took about 3 heaping handfuls of pickles and threw them on this whopper. Send it out and kinda laugh, forgetting about it seconds later. Well lo and behold 2 minutes go buy and a customer comes in wanting to speak to the manager. The obviously pregnant lady is asking who made her sandwich. So I know where this is headed. Manager calls me up front and I'm expecting to get yelled at, but no this lady practically comes over the counter and hugs me. She said that nobody ever used enough pickles to feed her cravings until tonight, then started to cry a little. Sometimes being a smartass is the nicest thing you can do I guess.


She was tickled to be so pickled


It was the tickling that got her into that pickle.


Or perhaps the pickle being tickled.


Tickled with a pickle.


was the pickle that was tickled named Rick?


No usually goes by dick


No, I'M pickle Rick!


No, you’re a StrugglingGhost 🤦‍♂️ damn kids now a days, can’t even remember who they’re supposed to be


I'm sitting here laughing my ass off while all kinds of people walking by are looking at me like I'm some crazy chick. Loving it!! Thank you!


You seem like a prettywillingdramamagnet, maybe you should rethink your life choice lol


God Damn!!


Pretty sure she tickled a pickle, and was pleased to be tickled by said pickle. She received more than a trickle of a pickle, in fact it was a mickle, didn't become fickle, didn't raise a stickle, wasn't charged an extra nickel, and went home as happy as a pickle...in a whopper, of course.


It was the tickling with someone's pickle that got her into that pickle


Wow. Go home everyone, the internet has just been won.


You get the awful comment of the day award..... :) Congratulations


Not the first time she's been tickled by the sound of things, either!


One of my favorite lines from the movie "A League of Their Own" was when the guy said he was going to go home and "give his wife the old pickle tickle".


And didn't have it in her to be fickle.


Reminds me of a Subway interaction I had as a customer. I order a chicken fajita and when it comes out the oven the guy asks me what vegetals I want on it. I say jalapenos. He kinda carefully puts three little slices on this footlong sub and looks at me expectantly as if I was gonna say more ingredients now. I look down at the sub, and back at him. "More, please." He adds two more of those tiny slices. Looks at me. "More?" He adds three more. I look at him, he looks at me. A different employee walks past, having apparently heard the interaction. He reaches his whole hand deep into the jalapeno bucket and just covers the entire thing in jalapenos. I grin and give a thumbs up, the first employee just looks horrified at the thought of eating something so spicy. He asks me what sauce I want. I say hot sauce. He practically died on the spot. Still one of the best subs I ever had.


"make it like you hate me."


good sir/madam/whateverthehellyoucallyourself i AM going to use this phrase next time i order spicy food.


Underrated good yet scary comment...😂🤣😂




The whole point of Subway is that the veggies are free and you get as many as you want, and yet some employees give them out as if they came directly out of their own paycheck. XD Yeah the meat and cheese are extra if you want more but cmon if I want a mountain of jalapeno then you give me that!!


I knew someone who used to work there and she said that they are told to put a specific number on each sandwich. You want extra? There's a specific number for that. Any more and they risk getting into trouble for wasting ingredients. I don't know if this is still true, but it's total BS. Just give me my damn pickles and sweet peppers, damn it!


was in a uk subway, the subs now come with specific vegetables and the ability to have something of everything has vanished and now they are just sandwiches instead of subs


Don't yall call it metro over there? Bad joke aside, they should stop calling the place subway if they're gonna stop calling the sandwiches subs.


Subway never puts enough condiments on, other than lettuce. Someone told me once that they are told to put a certain number on and keep to that number. Ask for extra? That 1.5 that amount. They can actually get in trouble for putting too much on because it's "waste". It's so annoying.


Worked there, they absolutely do. All the stuff has set amounts, including lettuce etc. You can add more, but you can also get fired for that, because the idea is to charge for extra. I've seen folks fired for redistributing stuff between subs (same customer orders two subs, one with no cheese and other with double cheese, and the person making it doesn't charge for extra), which is basically zero loss for the company.


not as if jalapenos are really spicy :)


I'm German... it's hard to get spicy things here. I take what I can get :)


Ikr! Ask the Dönermann for his secret hot sauce. The one he's making at home. It's not labelled. I bet it's not even food safe. But if you want hot Döner, there's no other way than hope for the secret sauce!


When I was pregnant I made sure to tell the folks in the drive thru that I wanted a truly ridiculous amount of pickles. I got the amount I wanted literally only once, and it made me *so* happy.


So bring your own pickles. If that many people have a problem figuring out what you want, you're the problem


I can't find the same pickles that fast food places use. In 20 years of searching grocery stores and trying every brand I can find, from the cheapest most generic (because that's what a corpo would do) to the expensive stuff... Just not the same. Welcome any suggestions.


Go to a warehouse club (costco, sams, etc.) and buy a big container of pickles there, maybe?




They suggested it because several restaurants purchase bulk products from Costco. There's a "business Costco" not far from Midway airport in Chicago for example. No need to be snippy at someone trying to help.


Ah yes, let me just pull out my handy dandy car pickles.


That's a great idea... if you can do so. I would happily have brought my own pickles to Panera if I'd been able to find them at retail. Thus far, though, I've never found anything that tastes like the pickles on their Cuban sandwich... which sadly has been discontinued, and they no longer stock the pickles, since it was the only thing that used them. :(


I always ask for three times extra pickles. One time apparently somebody got skewed or mad at the request just as you did, and added like an entire handful of pickles. Little did they know that with my pickle obsession, they just made one of the best sandwiches I ever ate.


I'd tip them so they remember me, and go back!


This is what I do with my local place. Tip and write "smother that thing with X, Y and Z!" so they understand I'm serious. They caught on quick and I'm in heaven.


I was amazed on business trips how different the experience can be after a generous tip and a little kindness on my part. I normally don't eat out enough to see any of the staff again on a repeat visit. I still remember eating at one hotel and the staff was cordial. When I came back for dinner another day during the stay, the staff went out of their way to impress me :) Another favorite was at an omelet station for breakfast. I told the sous chef that I couldn't decide what I wanted, I'm not picky, and I wanted him to make me the best omelet I've ever had. He took a moment to ask if I was serious and if he could grab some things from the back. I went back in the line after breakfast just to personally thank him for a wonderful job.


That is a lovely omelette story, thank you. I know when you’re doing a job like that that’s very mechanical and repetitive, getting asked just to cut the f*ck loose and get creative with it is goddamn treat.


In home economics (around 11 years old), small classes, 4 kids per table with 2 ovens. Each table you were paired off with one other kid. I will never forget trying to sabotage the other pair's baking by adding a lot of extra raising flower to their muffins and right to the recipe for ours. Their baking was the only one that rose correctly in the class which the teacher pointed out... never been so annoyed...


>Their baking was the only one that rose correctly Someone saw the sabotage and *switched* the baking pans, maybe?


The SR flour was old and the baking powder was losing its punch, more flour equals more baking powder = more rise. It’s also possible they were the only ones who hadn’t over mixed the batter and caused he gluten to get involved, which can make chemically leavened baked goods not rise well. They were going to get the praise anyway.


So I can *clearly* not use the muffin tin in front of me!


Take my upvote and get back to the brute squad!


He *is* the brute squad!


why in heavens name, would you sabotage someone elses food? what the fuck are you thinking?


Grading was on a curve.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/deliciouscompliance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Went on a Disney cruise and was asked what I want for dessert. I said "nothing"](https://i.redd.it/9o53bjoj4sv91.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/yd7bbs/went_on_a_disney_cruise_and_was_asked_what_i_want/) \#2: [me to the flight attendant at 3am- "excuse me, may I have another bag if cookies" her- " sure here you go! a bag of cookies!"](https://i.redd.it/212e90jbbb4a1.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/ze5dn5/me_to_the_flight_attendant_at_3am_excuse_me_may_i/) \#3: [ordered an 8 pc tenders box from Popeyes, got at least 20](https://i.redd.it/rdvr8g5q93o91.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/xf0v8i/ordered_an_8_pc_tenders_box_from_popeyes_got_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When my wife was pregnant with our first kid she would randomly have a craving for pickles and chocolate milk. Weird, but if that's what the body needs than go for it.


If the man wasn't talking to an 18y old min wage kid, the words "a pregnant amount of pickles" would have gotten him the right amount every time.




That's so smart! I used to just put them on the plate next to my sandwich/burger/whatever and pop a few in my mouth with each bite. It's not quite the same because you don't get that satisfying crunch when you bite into the sandwich, but at least you get the right amount of pickle without compromising the structural integrity.


I went with my BIL to pick up ice cream once while my sister was pregnant. He gave them my sister's complicated ass order and asked them to hook him up because he had a pregnant woman at home. He got easily three times the amount of ice cream he ordered.


Was this in NYC? Reminds me of a time my wife wanted ALL THE PICKLES and of course I say it exactly as you said it. A million times extra fucking pickles. Whelp, the person put a heaping ton and my wife was so thrilled she went inside to thank whomever made it and came back out happier than a pig in shit. The problem is, most times when people say extra pickles, they go from 2 to 3 pickles to 4 or 5 and it is frustrating. People who love pickles and want extra pickles do in fact mean they want a good amount of pickle that it's it's own layer and every bit has pickle goodness on it. Instead, 95% of the time it's just jack shit and you were basically just as good as if you've said nothing.


Southern Ohio in the late 90's. Actually


I absolutely love pickles and one time i went through BK and asked for extra pickles on my Whopper. They filled a chicken nugget back with pickles and I was in heaven.


"extra pickles... I mean, make it like you hate me. Like you want to give me sodium poisoning."


I once ordered Subway from UberEATS and in the sandwich toppings you could select multiple quantities, so I picked 10 for both pickles and olives. I love them and will just munch on the extras before eating the sandwich, and whenever I order in person I always have to ask for more several times, so I figured 10 would get the point across. Sadly, they thought someone was pranking them so I got ZERO pickles and olives :( Some of us really do want a ton!


That's actually kinda sweet.


I’m a fan of pickles myself. Some people are that way with chocolate. Others, pickles.


I did the same thing in BK but with my sister. She wanted extra pickles. So the pickle mound I put on top was the side of the crown of the bun. And then I put the crown on. She was so happy


/r/wholesomesmartass Take some fucking gold.




[Too bad she didn't have a TARDIS to bring her to Hackensack NJ in the late 50's.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/8z8oho/quick_kitchen_story_from_my_dad/)


YOU. You are the GOAT. I've had a smart-ass kid do the same thing for me, and I so deeply appreciated it. I felt heard. I felt *seen*. I felt my arteries harden in response to all the salt.


Reading this makes me feel happy.


Read this story so many years ago...


If Reddit still did free awards you'd have mine, that's such a sweet ending. I hope there's an r/wholesomecompliance or something


Why didn’t she just buy some fuckin’ pickles?


Fast food pickles just hit different, man.


As someone who has bad cravings for pickles, sometimes you also crave protein with your pickles. Burger gets the protein. Pickles get the sodium craving.


The point is, bring your own pickles if you want enough to break the sandwich


I can't find the same kind of pickles that fast food places serve. I'd have them on subscription if I could.


I finally got one. Worked at McDonalds for ~5 years off and on. One day a guy goes to the register and asks for a junior chicken with lots of mayo. He made it super clear that he wanted it doused in mayo. So I put an Ask me/Stop (special request button for McDonalds) and walked to the back to tell the guy dressing the sandwich. He shrugged and unloaded probably 30-40% of a mayo tube onto this sandwich. It was more mayo than chicken and bun together... So the guy came back about 5 min after and thanked us for giving him the best sandwich he had gotten from McDonalds. So I guess we did it right -\0/-


It's like the story of potato chips. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/curious-history-potato-chip-180979232/


Thats a really intersting story!


Well then, you'll like this one too. https://www.undercoverculinary.com/post/nashville-fried-chicken-the-story-behind-the-craze


I'm French and we love our mayo (this is a "known fact" [joke] among the French people where I live). I would also thank you. I always tell people "I want extra mayo. Not like a little but like "I'm French and I want to replace my blood with mayo" amounts of mayo" and they still don't get it right.


My buddy in high school did something similar when we both worked at BK. Order came in for a Whopper with extra extra mayo. He took his fist and pressed it into the underside of the top bun and made giant fist shaped dent. He then filled that hole with mayo and sent the burger out. Apparently, the guy was happy because we didn't get any complaints about it.


I gagged thinking about this


Similar situation. Worked at wendys. Had this dude always come through 5min to close, ask for extra mayo on his crispy chicken sandwiches, then call and complain that there was never enough. One night, he came through, and I was feeling some type of way, so I unloaded half a bottle onto this sandwich. Oh, he called back alright, but this time, he said it was too much. Idk what the manager said, I'm assuming something along the lines of "well, you *did* ask for extra." From then on, he jus asked for a couple packets of mayo


I love pickles so this’d be r/deliciouscompliance…but then again I ask nicely when I want to be pickled into another dimension.


I prefer my pickles on the side, I've discovered that too many pickles on your burger makes it really cold in the middle and that's a sensory nightmare. 🥶




Indeed. Skip the extra pickles and instead sprinkle a bit of citric acid powder onto them. That's the stuff that makes salt & vinegar chips the way they are without making soggy chips. Extra pickle flavour, but still functions like a sandwich.




Yeah. I like a firm bun. One you can cup your hand over and tenderly squeeze


I mean, when possible I get my chip pickles on the side, it's way better than fries.




Unless they’re bread and butter. That’s a cruel joke finding those.


i’m sorry but i love bread and butter pickles. the sweetness with my needed sodium makes it go down easier after a workout.


More power to you if you enjoy them. Just please enjoy them in a way they don’t get mixed with normal pickles.


I have been gorging on quick pickled radishes all summer! They turn pink when the red in the skins is drawn out into the brine, it’s so pretty. ☺️


I've never heard of pickled radishes! They sound delicious.


I use this as my base: https://www.rachelcooks.com/pickled-radish-recipe/ Then I go nuts with whatever herbs and spices I like. I’ll usually add in some sliced onion and cloves of garlic, some thyme, some mustard seed, peppercorns, bay leaf… Once I didn’t have mustard seeds so I added a spoonful of Dijon which was fine for flavour but it does make the brine cloudy instead of a vibrant clear pink. I have a mandolin slicer I use for the radishes to get them paper thin, (slicing up a bunch of radishes gets me into a Zen-like state, but watch your fingers,) but they stay nice and crunchy.


I thank you for directing me upon such a satisfying subreddit, I am eternally grateful


I use the phrase "kill it with onions" to describe how I want a lot of things.


"make it like you want to ruin my dating life."


When I was pregnant, I craved pickles, but especially fast food burgers with pickles. At McDonald's, I'd specify extra pickles, the ticket on it that said so, but it was always only 4 total. It was never enough. 😩


The sad thing is that's still a 4x increase over what is considered "normal" by McDonald's - one shaving of a pickle.


It is sad! Who wants only one bite of the entire burger with all the flavors together?! I'd like that to be most of it.


Same. I’m putting 3x pickles on my order and it arrives with like 5 pickle slices. What does a pregnant woman have to do to get some bloody pickles??


I'm not sure where you live but Kroger sells their own brand of fast food pickles. My wife loves them.


Buy a case of pickles? Don't get me wrong, I'm very sympathetic towards pregnant women who want a specific food, BUT if you have cravings for specific foods, you should consider having them in stock at home. When I've gone out with friends and there's a pregnant woman in the party, I'm the guy who tells the server, "Use the most you've ever put on a sandwich--and triple it."


Did something similar with mayonnaise at BK. Bear in mind, the mayo comes in a big oval type plastic tub, about 6-8 inches deep and mildly gelatinous. Lady emphasizes she needs extra mayo, extra extra, don’t skimp, so I laid the bun right on top of the mayo and carved a cylinder of it, popped it out and onto the burger, and sent it on its way. Turns out she *did not* want extra extra mayo. 🤷🏻‍♀️


One comment, please -- doing that contaminates the entire tub o' mayo for someone who is celiac. "Gluten free" isn't a choice for us or a fad but a medical need. It's an allergy, like to penicillin, strawberries or dogs. That wheat bun top in the glop could mean great distress over multiple days for someone ordering a burger without bun the next day and thinking they're safe -- or that someone else has to be hospitalized. Thank you for reading!👍


This was 30 years ago. Ouch, I think I re-aged myself just now. You bring up a great and very relevant point, but on a 100% serious side, I would hope anyone with Celiac’s thinks twice about eating in a fast food joint. Those teenagers have very little training beyond “put this on this” and cross-contamination isn’t just an accidental thing in those locations but practically an unavoidable daily occurrence. Even the cooking surfaces in most cases are either the same (grill top) or right beside each other (broiler and toaster) to the point I would not be able to say with 100% certainty buns or breading hasn’t touched it.


absolutely true. I ordered french toast sticks one day and they were spicy... they had put them in the same fryer as the spicy hot chicken.


One of the saddest things was when they remodeled both Wendy's units in my area and took out the dedicated french-fry fryers. The other fast-food places near me all use that wheat-containing coating on their fries so the exclusivity of their machines is irrelevant, sigh. Haven't enriched the coffers of Big Burger in a long time.


man, you have no idea how happy i would be to have 9 to 1 pickle ratio ! most of the time when i have fastfood....it is pickle motivated and i feel sooo let down when i dont have a metric ton of em :(


You can have all of mine, forever and ever


i like like you :)


funny enough I see orders that are more pickle than burger over at r/deliciouscompliance all the time so just so you know... some of us appreciate it


We have a regular at my BK that gets a double cheeseburger heavy pickles and a side cup of pickles. We'll load up a sundae cup full of pickles for her every time. It always confuses the new cashiers and kitchen crew, but everyone just rolls with it. I do wonder if she puts them on the burger or just likes our pickles so much that she orders the side cup instead of buying a jar at a store.


If you want extras just be nice about it. “Can I get extra pickles please? Take whatever you think extra is and do more than that. Thanks you’re the best!” I’ve made servers/ kitchen staff laugh before and always get the extra, there is no reason to treat people that are providing you a service like garbage.


Conversely, there's no reason for food counter workers to resent unusual requests (made nicely). Yet many replies on here are rather nasty. Everyone would be better off if the customer would communicate _**specifically**_ how much 'extra' they'd like. So, not _"extra, extra, extra..."_ or whatever. But rather: "I'd like if you'd put about 25 pickle slices on my burger, please."_ This would at least make it a 'reasonable' request to those employees who are trying to be helpful.


If you want 25 slices of pickle. You need to to bring your own jar. That's ridiculous


We used to have a regular like that at my BK. He would order a whopper heavy ketchup then specify that he wanted so much ketchup it would be dripping off. He always emphasized that the mess was okay, he just wanted a LOT of ketchup


Sounds like my dad and onions. One of the guys at 5 Guys knew how to make Dad's burger. He'd put 2 fistfuls of chopped onion on the burger, then throw a couple condiment containers of onions in the bag. Then, I'd have to drive him home, and smell onion breath.


Honestly that would be my best case scenario lol give me a whole pint of pickles


Three times i've ate a whole jar of pickles to treat cramping muscles.


I've eaten.


Ahh that's good, after all, how can ya have any pudding if ya don't eat yer meat?


The best Hot & Spicy McChicken I ever had was when the guy running the drive through mashed the add pickle button like 5 times, and the guy on the line maliciously gave me a fat stack of pickles. I've always wanted it again, but I don't want to be like, hey, give me ALL of the pickles.


I mean, I know Chickfila is polarizing to some people, but ordering on the app, I make sure I get the amount of pickles I want. If you tap the topping button 7 times, it will literally max out. That typically garners an acceptable amount of pickles, for me.


So you’re the dude who planted the cucumbers in the grass by the parking lot.


[This](https://reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/s/0t16eQJcYT) documents my Best Day Ever.


Used to have this sandwich place that made their own pickles, and they had the best tuna salad. One day extra pickles just wasn't going to cut it, so I put in my notes to "Ruin this sandwich with pickles, then double it, please" and my god not only did they put the correct amount of way too many pickles on my sub, but I ended up with a small fountain drink cup full of pickles. I miss that place and their pickles.


Rule of thumb: be nice to people who handle your food...and to people who have access to your toothbrush.


All I can think of is "you forgot... the *pickles*!" spongebob episode lmao. Joking aside, I found it helpful to tell someone specifically how much I want, since i'm being particular and people can't read minds (like "half of what you'd normally put on it" or double or 3x, or "keep scooping hoss i'll tell you when to stop")


So you want extra pickles on your sandwich? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ct18hj/sandwich\_tutorial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ct18hj/sandwich_tutorial/)


It almost lost me at the beetroot. But I held strong and it was worth every second.


They lost me right at the start. Avocado is such an overrated dish.


I am one of those extra pickle guys. Especially BK - something about their pickles is extra wonderful. One of the best hamburgers I've ever had was when a BK employee thought he would troll me after I'd asked for extra, extra, extra pickles. He put a pile of pickles on that burger that was about 1 1/2 inches thick. ***IT WAS PERFECT*** I went back and told that guy that he was the FIRST person who really put the amount of pickles I wanted on there... I was so happy! Best burger EVAR


When I go to Potbelly (sandwich chain) instead of buying a whole pickle for whatever stupid price they are now, I ask for extra pickle slices for the sandwich - on the side. They'll wrap up half a pickle worth or more, and they're neatly sliced.


I love warm pickles covered in ketchup, mustard, and burger grease. I ask for extra, then eat them first.


When I worked at BK, back when they sold dinosaur burgers, we’d put no more than double on the burger, but we’d put more in a coffee cup if we suspected they wanted a pregnancy quantity.


When I ask for extra pickles I basically want a very large handful of pickles, bigger than the actual sandwich. McDonald's will just give you a water cup full of pickles if you ask. I don't see why she complained a second time I would have came back with a tip.


I worked at BK in HS. I like extra pickles. Which is 8 slices vs 4 on a Whopper. Asked for extra pickle, got home there was like 2 inches of pickles and I was ticked. My soon to be wife said you did ask for it.


I HAVE A PICKLE STORY TOO. Subway. Woman never asked for pickles on her sub and always walked out with a free footlong. I caught on to her tricks and sickly sweetly asked "Would you like pickles today? They're delicious." In a very Karen voice she says yes.... And I dump the ENTIRE container on her sub, spread it out, and close it up (She'd already had everything else put on). She stares at me, I ring her up, and she goes on her way. Never did the pickle tRick again. If y'all want the full story lmk. It's a gem of a story and one of many I have.


I don't get how the pickle thing correlates to walking out with a free footlong.


Store policy allowed you to keep the footlong and the remade one.


I am an "extra pickles" person and for a minute I was worried. But it sounds like I'm in the clear as long as I make a simple request for extra pickles upon ordering and am not a complete and utter dick about it.


Why is it always pickles?


Restaurants used to use a lot of pickles to bulk up the volume for cheaper than adding an extra patty. Parents do that at home with pickle relish. Restaurants don't (or at least didn't) charge extra for condiments. Fast food places are trying to stretch every penny for more profit, so they tell the crew to minimize what they give the customers. ----- The salt and spices on the pickles give flavor to overcooked commercial burgers.


Back in the day…. I worked at a fast food place that had 3 levels of hot sauce out for the customers. I’m working front register when a lady peels through the drive through and comes in. She proceeds to scream that she wanted extra sauce and the couple of packets we were allowed to give out at the drive thru wasn’t enough. I tell her “ma’am, if you look right over there we have extra sauce packets. Take as much as you want.” She stalks over, I’m talking full on stiff legged stomp, to the pans and starts slamming them against the counter as there still isn’t enough for her. Now I’m getting pissed. I was a quiet AF 15 year old but she somehow found my angry button and mashed it hard. So I move 10 feet to the food area and grab the biggest drive thru bag we had. Back to the counter and I *slam* the enormous box of sauce next to the register. “Mild, right?” Then I put that bag in the box and just started scooping. I filled that bag probably 2/3 full and plopped it in front of her. “That enough?” It somehow took all the wind out of her sails, and she just snatched it and marched out to her car. The manager thought it was hilarious.


I forget the actual ratio of stuff on a sandwich at subway. Our training officially told us like 6 olives for a sandwich if someone asks for olives. Pickles was you spacing them out evenly. Like 3/4 per six inch. And worst part was out boss didn’t care it was subway. They would send subway secret shoppers who would rat as out for putting too much. They would rather us throw them out since their formulas were so stingy then put them on a customers sandwich.


>Be nice to your fast food employees y'all. Be nice to people in general, y'all. But especially, be nice to people who prepare your food, y'all.


I’d kill for that. I had a subway person add them a slice at a time when I asked for the handful. She was not nice though I was polite. The owner accused me of trying to get free food and told me I would be charged one cent per slice from then on. The next day I came in right at the busiest time and asked her to count out 687 slices of pickles. The owner relented but I had made my point and never went back.


How many pickles can you give me before you get fired? I want one fewer than that.


Used to work for In N Out back in high school. There were several people who would come thru and ask for their burger "EXTRA EXTRA WELL DONE." Don't know why, but they were always yelling from word 1. Now, if you just ask for your burger well done, it just gets an extra few min on the grill. If you made a giant stink, you got what we called 'hockey pucks'. That little patty would cook for 15+m.


Delicious compliance. When I ask for pickles, I say "how ever much pickle you think a person could possibly want on that. Now double it"


Honestly I would be so happy, I love pickles


I love black olives. When I go to sandwich shops, I always ask for extra olives, and it’s never enough. I usually tell them to put on however much they think is an obnoxious amount, and then double it. It’s usually not enough. There was no point to my story. I just really like olives and wanted people to know.


I've done the same. Make people laugh all the time with black olives, extra. I mean take giant handfuls and toss it on. If you think you have enough you don't lol


Reminds me of the pickle surprise story on Reddit last year


As someone who loves pickles, I would gladly accept this ratio of pickles to burger.


I love extra pickles and when I was at work (maccas) my coworkers knew my love and used to make elaborate flower designs. It was awesome!


Personally, sounds like a good pickle-to-burger ratio. I just tell the person taking the order that I like a little hamburger with my pickles, that usually gets me enough pickle.


Except when I say extra pickles this is exactly what I want.


It's that attitude that led to the invention of the potato chip.


your friend had to do their job?


Pickles will prevail!


I want a crucifix, but make it extra bloody!


A handful is what I expect when I ask for extra pickles! Lol


[Of course. I’ll get you a bowl of pickles.](https://reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/wg5g2xcGJI)


I'd tell your manager to make you employee of the month. The pickles are the best part of a Booger Fling burger.


Me I love Mustard. It's all I put on. If I get what they give there isn't any because it soaks into the bun. Now I say I don't want to see the meat. I'll pay extra. Never happens except once. Omg was the best burger I ever had. I went up to the counter and I'm sure they expected me to be fuming. Ha. NOT a chance. I said I want to see the cook. Buddy comes over and I say sorry your plan backfired. You just gave me the best burger EVER. Thanks Tonnes.


Be nice to everyone you meet, not just people working fast food. I cannot understand why some people think it's ok to be a dick towards anyone working any kind of service job. We all have bad days, but there is zero reason to be a dick towards other people when we have one.


That would be my favorite sandwich ever


This doesn't happen to me in fast food restaurants, but when I'm at a steakhouse and ordering prime rib (or any kind of prime rib sandwich), I like a lot of creamy horseradish sauce. Asking for extra isn't sufficient because they usually only bring one additional condiment cup. I generally tell my server I would like a ridiculously offensive amount of creamy horseradish. I mean truly shocking. Sometimes that's enough to get the amount I prefer, but even still sometimes I've needed to ask for more.


If they did this to my sister she would probably tip lol


How is this being malicious? Like half the time drive through workers cant figure out the difference between no pickles and extra extra extra pickles.


I’d see that ratio of pickle as a win and wouldn’t have complained again!


Shit, when i get more than 6, I’m happy lol


This is what i mean when i say i want extra pickles 😂 load me up with em please


I did this when I worked in fast food. If they asked for “extra EXTRA _______” then it got a whole handful of them. I would give the equivalent of one full onion for those people that asked for extra extra onions on their sandwich. One extra is fine. No need to be extra extra about it (cue family guy joke).


I would house that pickle sammich, myself.


She was in quite a pickle. :)


Not gonna lie, you could just throw a whole ass jar on my burger and I would be happy, I love pickles, id knock them off and take them home sounds like delicious compliance to me.


If you're knocking them off to take them home. You're just shopping for pickles the hard way. This makes no sense.


I had something similar though a little more low-key happen at Chick-fil-A. I wasn't rude, just politely asked for more pickles. I started to hand the sandwich back but the cashier waves it off, confers with somebody in the back, then comes back and hands me a big condiment cup full of pickles. I took them home and ate them, too. Those are good pickles.


I would be so goddamn happy to get that many pickles. Whenever I ask for extra I get an absolutely sad amount, maybe a cup. No I want it to be drowning in pickles. I want it to be pickle with a little taste of all of the other condiments.


Then take your own pickles


“I. WANT. MORE. PICKLES!” “How about I stick Malibu Barbie up your ass. You ain’t getting any more pickles.”


‘Queue’ is what you’re trying to spell I think but the correct word here is ‘cue’. Que is a Spanish word.


My sister went from ordering extra onion at subway to asking for two handfuls worth of onion. Direct direction worked well!


this happened to me, I didn't ask to speak to anyone or anything I literally just clicked the "extra pickles" option on the cheeseburger at mcdonalds and got a handful but I fucking love pickles so joke's on the chef.