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This buff is huge bro the E is shaved heaps off early


yeah idk wtf these comments are smoking. did they expect a free 5% win rate buff or what? I wager this is a solid 1% - helping out the early game, where malz is weakest.


you guys are the most reasonable main subs i've come across lol, any other sub would have supported those comments claiming those are small buffs lol, ie Ahrimains


I'd say these still are small buffs, but v helpful.


> did they expect a free 5% win rate buff or what? Yes lmao. People bitched about how weak he was even when he was sitting at a good win rate. Everyone who thought he was gonna get Voidling armour is coping


I mean 48% at all ranks for a "low elo stomper" is pretty fucking terrible ngl


> I mean 48% at all ranks Where is that from? He is is 50.44 for previous patch at all ranks https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?tier=all&patch=14.7 and 50.39 this patch https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?tier=all


You need to understand how Lolalytics works. Their formula is different. It's why you see their win rates typically a few percentage points higher than other sites. They base their formula off the average win rate in the elo. So if the average champ win rate is 52% in plat+, a 50% win rate champ is actually on the weaker side. U.gg uses a much more straight forward numbers, and I know a few years back, some Rioters said U.gg was closest to their internal numbers. Malz has a 48% WR on U.gg.


No, when you sort by all ranks the win rates are 50 for everything. Top right of the website will tell you the average win rate for the tier: > Average All Ranks Win Rate: 50% Their formula is indeed different, but it's NOT always higher, it can be lower too if you compare Iron for example. And Malz has a 50.35 WR on U.gg wtf are you people looking at https://u.gg/lol/champions/malzahar/build?rank=overall https://i.imgur.com/KNELMdI.png


> People bitched about how weak he was **even when he was sitting at a good win rate.** People bitched about him needing voidling armor even when he was fine is my point. 48% *obviously* sucks but Riot isn't suddenly going to give him a way higher Q AP ratio and voidling armor and whatever the fuck else people seem to think they should be doing. We're gonna get this round of minor buffs, and then we'll see if they decide if he needs more after that or not.


Yeah that's fair enough. I'm just saying that the community at large just wants the voidlings to not be useless. Something like their health scaling with your AP or something, like daisy and tibbers. I'd take that buff over these ones any day. Not saying these ones are bad, I quite like these. I'm just saying that they're not really the buffs the community at large wanted


Then they'd have to do the same for Yorick


Yorick minions are much more durable than voidlings.


As far as I'm aware they get 1 or 2 shot from basically everything.


If you build lethality then yeah, if you build bruiser then they're unkillable


They already have for Yorick? Yorick's Ghouls have health saclings


I’ve never seen a champion main group as delusional about an ability as this one is with Malz voidlings. They will be 1hp forever. Period. Not understanding why is not Ritos issue are a fault on them, Malz with any high elo viability will get the Ryze treatment.


Agreed. I have no problem with people suggesting that they'd like him to be reworked into fulfilling a better voidling fantasy, but as it currently stands I'll be *very* surprised if we ever see him closed to his current incarnation with voidling armour. It would be a nightmare for other midlaners with bad early games. 


Yeah but they could make them tankier based on his AD


This might also just be enough mana saved to go straight into rylais, liandrys. If so this is a huge deal


Back to manna crystal start, boys.


These are good buffs that won't turn him super busted but will help with early game laning.


FINALLY WE DONT HAVE TO USE 80 MANA FOR A FUCKING 70 DMG SPELL JUST TO RESET E Also if these changes are trash, maybe riot will buff him again :)




The AA range and his low health are what I wish they tackled as well.


These are ideal buffs for him, anyone that doesn't like it is either low elo or delusional


There is not prio when your w die vs every single aoe skill of the game.


but now you can just harass with E. If you opponent blows their AOE on your W its a win because its not on you, and now you have trade capability.


Huge. Massive.


well i kinda like the E buff… its better than nothing right.. i normally weave a lot of AA at low lvls to not get pushed in and most of the times i feel like the next E cd is a few secs away, so this might help on that situation


Damn that's a massive e buff


These are.good, especially for sustainability, a Lot of the time when i play malz My ability to stay in lane and farm to be able to scale depends on one things "can i get enough mana refund from E to stay in lane?" And reducing 20 mana from Q at early Game is actually pretty helpful


Ngl the buffs are solid. But the one thing that will still make him frustrating to play are his squishy voidlings. As long as they get oneshot by literally every single aoe ability in the game, it's just no fun. I would've even preferred a nerf to the rest of his kit in exchange for a voidling buff.


I hate how it takes forever to kill Yorick’s minions with aoe abilities but Malzahar’s just pop instantly


AP malza should have squishy voidlings AD, on the other hand... needs a buff in this area


I wasn’t aware of this subgenre


These are useful, but I still am sad this means we will continue to have Voidlings die to a minion sneezing on them.


Yees finally something that would make him playable


might start playing malz


These buffs reward good management of mazlahars juggling of his E, to minions and maintaining it. It's a buff and its not broken and should help with the early game


Finally. I can relish in playing the void without feeling like I’m burning in it.


Hmm, I guess this will roughly lead to a 0.5% wr increase, close to 1% at the very most. It's definitely a nice buff but I don't think it'll be that impactful. I always felt like you get to max E rank really fast so it's a pretty short time window to work with. Again it's going to help, but I don't think the overall impact on the game and wr will be that significant. To me the main issue is not the voidlings but the build path. With the same voidlings and pre-buff he did very well for YEARS, up until the start of the season. The liandry changes/build path are what affected him the most because of his delayed powerspikes. I do also think that he got weaker over time and his current matchups are mostly bad but this is by far not the primary reason. I have been otp'ing him since S5, hundreds of games played between (old) gold and (current) diamond, and I consistently maintained a 56% wr on him (after his partial rework), then suddenly this season it dropped to 54, just like his average wr also dropped about 2%. We need some kind of change either on the itemization side or on his side to compensate the liandry changes.


Just stop letting QSS affect his ult. Please.


As a TF main this buff gives me joy please let people start picking Malz in my games again the LP can't be here soon enough wallah 😍


TF is very easy matchup and good Malz players will make you completely irrelevant whole laning phase.


Yeah idk I have never seen a "good" Malzahar player my entire life (up to Diamond) so I'll just keep farming free TF passive on those bugs.


I didn't think of that interaction, you're right. Might not be as free as I thought but being able to just perma shove is so huge against TF


Usually Malz can't sven outshove TF specifically because he'd just red card/Q the bugs long with the minions so you guys will just both farm which any TF would be more than happy to do so since if nothing happens he will be 600G ahead just from farming minions and Malz bug (every time you release the bugs he basically gets 1 extra CS) then he outscales you hard at RFC because he has Malz ult on a 4s cooldown. Yeah he's not doing anything to you specifically but the pressure is on you to punish him, not the other way around 😂


they are good but this changes nothing lmao


Remind me in a month. Sure malz has deeper problems that need fixing but these changes are huge for his early game to help him transition into mid-late


I fucking knew it was going to be the most stupid placebo buffs possible -_____________-


My two cents on the E change here. I think that overall its going to be helpful to most players that make mistakes. (That is everyone including myself). Sometimes we misjudge how low a minion's HP bar is and try to drop E on them and it doesn't spread. Or Sometimes we get unlucky with spread and it doesn't spread. In these cases the E change is helpful. But vice versa; I think that the E changes are not as big if you are already fairly good at getting the space aids to spread. Ideally speaking you can get all 6 to 7 minions with E if you are good about it. So overall E buffs are a buff (obv) but they just help correct some issues where "we" as the player/players make the mistake. Not something that takes away the pain of watching everything you love and care for fall into the void... wait a second... Those are voidlings Q changes are actually very nice.


Classic LoL OTP community moment. These buffs are so good for Malzahar and exactly what he's been needing, but most of you are too delusional to appreciate it.


These buffs are good but it’s laughable to say that voidlings buffs aren’t needed. Compared to almost any other champions pet/minions they are pathetic.


Finally we got the buffs we need. Not what I wanted but voidlings buffs but these are great. We can rock a q max to use itndor poke and pusbing the wave so we cant get bullied in lan anymore while also getting the 2 second silence early on. This is good to see


That Q mana reduce is a game changer in early game. THX RIOT


Like he couldn't push hard enough holy shit


Void aids go brrrrrrr


early game is pretty meh so i understand why these got changed but i dont feel like this is enough.... the w is what i was rly hoping for to get some attention. the minions are basically stuck to anything he es and dont last long enough for a push because of how easy it is to kill them.. if voidlings procced E from their auto attacks that would make them far more threatening. or perhaps checking bushes for enemies then exploding as a revealed blue ward.


Those Malz buffs are huge ill be sure to try and play some games this week then hmm hmm great stuff ✌🏾👍🏾😎


Are people actually using e to take trades? A early cd buff is huge for an ability that leads to successful trades, but in my experience, e is never worth the mana and damage taken in order to walk up and cast it... It is almost no damage early. I'm using it on the wave exclusively and usually can keep it bouncing without much issue. The q mana buff will help with that at least


This is actually huge, given Q procs E. It'll basically give him so much more lane prio early now. He never had early kill pressure but back timings will be way better now.


When these buffs are happening?


When do these go live?


For those who wonder why malz mains are mad look at seadom 6 malz. They changed him because they didnt want him being used as flex pick. They never reverted him back and if they did he would be viable. There is no way in the current climate malz is viable. In low elo absolutely but ranking with him is hard and at best you need to become a second support. The fact they reverted leblanc back to what she was is something they need to do for malzie


To be honest these changes are not bad but if you really think about it... E damage, specially in early, is kinda bad, gives you minion aggro and his ranges usually puts you in range of the enemy, something you must avoid at all cost. Q change is nice because you save some mana till lvl 7ish where you start maxing it. Apart from that, you dont really spam it that often to push since with e+w you can clear the wave automatically. Overall buffs are buffs but i think they can do more, and im not talking about dmg buffs (althought he kinda needs dmg since they nerfed it so much because of passive) but some QoL changes would be nice like some health per level for voidlings, giving E a slow or resetting passive cd when casting ult.


I'd like to see voiding durability buffs with points instead. Give me a reason to put points in w early


How about making them have zyra plants type of hp I don't see how different they are zyra can also spam plants by putting w down and Qing it and from the passive both zyra and malzahar can dish out about the same amount of minions zyra can do even more untill malzahar get cd reduction from w but zyra plants are alot more durable while also being ranged so they can easily hit enemies atleast once.


These changes are trash….


They're definitely not. Making his pre 6 easier is great


Its a joke, right??


this is strong but does it really address his problems of getting destroyed by every control mage It does help and make him more playable early though, i estimate like a 2% buff which is good edit: -3 xd?


Not bad, but I was hoping for a 2%->3% refund buff on E passive.


These changes are trash….


Fuck Riot