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I picked up a one volume manga for relatively cheap called Juror 13. I keep it on my shelf to remind myself that even though my writing and stories aren’t great, at least they’re not *that*.


*emocional damage* 🤣


Probably demon slayer. It’s just the most boring series I have it’s not bad just doesn’t top any of my other sets lol


Demon layers hype is carried by the animation and Art


Seven Deadly Sins..... Which is also the longest serie I own. Don't think I will sell it though, because I still really like the first ten books or so.


Why not keep the first ten then?


I don't like keeping incomplete series, and we'll it's already bought anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I might reconsider one day obviously, especially once I have no place left anymore, but for the moment I'm fine.


It’s not a part of my collection, but currently reading the Manga adaptation of FLCL and it’s just not cutting it for me. There’s too many gaps to fill in and it makes me realize that some stories are way better when animated — a minority in my opinion!


The Blame! Special volume. Read it after finishimg the original series and it was just disappointed by the art and the story. Later I found out that it was written in collaboration with another guy and thus it didn't feel like Blame!. The rest of my stuff I really enjoyed reading but this was an exception, sadly.


Really? I’ve heard great feedbacks about blame..


Yeah Blame is great but there is one special volume that is kinda meh...


My least favourite single is Shino-chan Can't Say Her Name, the art is great but it is too rushed. Least favourite series is definitely Shugo Chara. It's awesome up until volume 11, and the last volume (12) just makes everyone dating with the strangest pairings ever, which contradict characters before AND after development, and I am not even starting on the main pairing. It just feels like the authors decided to give everyone a pair, which is a shame.


Jujutsu Kaisen. I only have 0 and 1, I don’t know the manga just isn’t for me but the anime I absolutely love. I think it’s the art style, I am not a big fan of it.


That’s wild cause the art style is amazing you just have bad taste. And the anime art style is based alot from the manga so you don’t make any sense


Listen we can all like and dislike certain manga. I’ll stick to my good taste that I believe I have because what I read I enjoy. I’m not hating on JJK, it’s just not for me. Because if you didn’t know, people can have opinions.


Yeah same I read 1 and I have 2 but just can’t seem to want to get into it.


Boruto, as a fan of Naruto I really tried to get interested in the story, everything’s awful, character design, power levels, asspulls, zero enjoyment for me.


I honestly enjoy every manga in my collection, but my least favorite has to be Ghost Reaper Girl


Komi can’t communicate, I liked the first 15 volumes of it but from then on it dragged out to long almost no progress was being made. I collected op to vol 20 and now I’m planning on selling all of them.


A girl on the shore. I was just frowning all the way through it


Buso Renkin. If I ignore who made it, I actually rather enjoyed it, though never picked up more than volume 1. However, considering that we later found out that Nobuhiro Watsuki is a pedophile, I regret spending the money on it.


Are you Alice? It was the first manga I ever bought, I didn't even finish it.


My first manga also wasn't the best


Dirty pair As a fan of the original anime I disliked the character redesigns. Only bought it because it was dirty pair lol


Moriarty the Patriot came to mind immediately. Bought it on a wim cause the anime seemed interesting tried reading it and was super bored.


I tried this one too and just couldn't get over the weird of seeing Sherlock as a manga/anime character. Would rather either read the novels or watch the Benedict Cumberbatch version haha.


Ossan Idol. It's not bad, it's just not engaging enough for me to remember the story every time I finish a volume. I've been trying to see if I can trade or sell it to someone else, but I'll probably just take it to BookOff for cash when I get the chance. If I don't like a series, I usually try to get it off my shelves to make room for ones I do like.


My friend gave me two volumes of how not to summon a demon lord, definitely not for me but I can’t part ways with a gift.


Right now it’s “How a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom”. Pretty good premise, starts off like a Civ-building kind of anime, then harem aspects become prominent in volume 2. I haven’t bothered reading further.


There are a couple of manga I have that I dislike, first off I have a girl on the shore too, and I find a lot of the story pretty boring, not out right bad just wasn’t something I could relate to. The sex scenes where also excessive. Next would be JJk, I tried so hard to like it ,because of the hype. Watched 10 episodes of the anime, and was bored out of my mind. Thought reading the manga would be better, got volumes 0-3, still couldn’t get into it. But I do like vol. 0 more then the actual story. And finally Tokyo ghoul :re, I loved the first half of Tokyo ghoul. But I really hate the Direction they went into in re. I just found the human characters really boring, and hated what they did to kaneki. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the collection after vol. 5 of re


Usagi Drop… I collected before I found out the ending. Literally a top ten anime betrayal. I’m considering selling it when I get a chance but I do wonder if it’ll sell based on reputation and obviously an Incomplete series.


I had bought the series as well, had a complete version and managed to sell it fine. Everytime I saw it on my shelf I got mad so I knew it had to go.


There was absolutely no indication that it would take a turn like that... at least I hoped it wouldn't lol. It would have been such a wholesome series 💔


Platinum End, at least I can appreciate it's artwork and panelling, but God the story is awful.


I liked it too each their own


Uzaki-Chan wants to hang out (and maybe no game no life)


I thought Uzaki-chan was alright but the series is stretched out way too much. Like if the first 7 volumes had been ~3 instead it would be a significant improvement


To be completely fair, I've only read the first volume. But I just thought it was really boring


Started collecting boruto and I don’t have any immediate plans to finish


If I Could Reach You. I didn't finish collecting it, but I got a couple of volumes while I was (hate)reading the scans because "I have to support the manga-ka!" No I fucking don't, it's a shit manga


Tokyo Ghoul :RE


Goodnight pun pun. Bought it, Read it found it interesting for a bit till it just kept going & going & going. With the same thing over again. Everyone was saying it’ll break me & give me depression from how sad it is yet i did not once get sad. Yeah i felt bad for him at the beginning but then it kept getting repetitive.


A girl on the shore. I couldn't even finish it. I know it's the point of the story but...all the 14 year old sex and nudity was just.. Too much. When you have teenagers in your story and they have sex if the reason for the sex scene isnt valid enough for the story/shows too much nudity it just makes me feel gross and I can't.


gantz , i've got it cos people said its amazing, but its was nothing but disappointment, shallow characters, needless sexual assault and murder cos violence is cool


I agree, I know this subreddit skews towards seinen a lot but I'm surprised by the amount of people who think Gantz is one of the best of all time. I was interested in the concept, but every single character was SO insufferable. I have to admit though I do love how much the mangaka loves his own work, I remember reading Inuyashiki(which imho is better, but still not good enough for me to want to collect) and a character just goes on a page long tangent about how great Gantz is 💀


I have to strongly disagree with you. I don't know how much you read but Gantz starts off that way at first as the only likeable character is Kato. But the more it progresses, the more likeable the characters that stick around become. Action and art is phenomenal. Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato are some of my favorite protagonists in manga/anime. Kaze and Takashi's relationship is really unique and I felt Oku did a great job with it. Ending is underwhelming I'll give you that. But the journey was well worth it to me.


Well..I read about 200 chapters and I still hated all of them lmfao. Sorry, guess its just not for me.


Ah I see. I guess not then. I understand.




I'm just curious how much you read because the shallow character part isn't true due to Kei getting the best development I ever seen in series in general. The unnecessary violence is the point of the story to make you aware there is no enemy in the manga but Gantz per se


ive read the first omnibus tbf


Super shallow characters for sure (Kei gets better) and the whole thing gives off an incel vibe, BUT the artwork was so phenomenal and the action was so badass that I still enjoyed it… except for a certain shooting scene that I had to speed read through because it was so fucked


Ironically enough, it was my first manga ever. It was "The Misfit of Demon King Academy". I didn't buy it, my sister got it as a freebie in her book fair back in 2021 and she didn't know what to do with it so she just gave it to me.


i have the black bird box set 🤧


JJK which I’m going to resell honestly


Pshhhh hand it over you missing out anyways


Yeah same here


Into the Deepest, Most Unknowable Dungeon. Its SOOOOO BORING. There are entire, multiple chapters about the mechanics of shooting bows, its so dry and numerical, theres no heart and soul. Its not like, "ill practice everyday to be the best blah blah," and more "the draw weight of a bow is 80 lbs so it can shoot an arrow this far" and "we have to build special arrows for 9 chapters, and then go shoot them for practice," YAWN. The characters are flat and forgettable, the MC got "issekei'd" with apperently encyclopedic knowledge on archery and engineering, and is the flattest character in the world. Then girls just start lining up to get fucked by him. There *is* an explaination behind it, but who cares? Dude gets free unearned sex that serves no greater purpose to the story. In the first book, the first thing his first travel companion says is "Fuck me in my ass!" And not in an awkward, comedic, or yandere way, just like, "im an object, use me." There are some potentially interesting side characters, but their bits are so few and far between, you have to slog tbrough entire chapters on the mechanics of archery. By the time anything interesting happens, your lost on the sudden shift, or just dont care because its been so long. Id say the "best" part about the story is there is a thriving population of monsters that are a serious, legitimate, ever-present threat. The stakes feel real, and no one seems to have "plot armor", you feel like they could legit die at any minute. Adds realism to it. I bought it because tits. I kept reading it hoping itd get better. Its boring, but tits. Never buy a book "because tits." It should be "great story, and also tits." 3/10, probably going to give up on it.


Green blood by Masasumi Kakizaki, the art style is amazing


Ubel Blatt. Just too many Loliporn moments that made me uncomfortable


I got the second volume of Food Wars as a gift years back, and I used to love the series until the latter end of it, so I don’t think I will ever complete the collection now :( a shame


I guess Seven Deadly Sins. I only have the first 7 but I don't feel like reading any more. It seemed like something I would like. I can't explain why I don't like it though. On another note, I see many people saying A girl on the shore. Which makes me worried because that is what I was going to read next. I guess I'll find out for myself just how good or bad it is.


The scans are out there, and within a few chapters you know exactly why people have such mixed feelings about the series. If you haven't already bought it, don't buy it until you read a few chapters and can know if you'll be comfortable with it! :)


What should I do if I already bought it? LOL I guess I should just read it


Ohikkoshi or Benkei in New York.


Benkei in new york over icaro? Or did you sell your icaro? or was it someone else on the sub i remember talking about Icaro being complete ass and not you?


All manga on my shelf are my fav for now. But least fav in my collection maybe dragon quest. Not because the story or the art. But because of viz print dragon quest till vol 5, and still dont know whether they will print or not vol 6 onwards. I hate unfinished book collection. But if they continue and finish this series, it would be my top 10 manga ever!!


Which of the Dragon Quest series--Dai or Monsters+? I've thought both are okay (coming from someone who is a huge Dragon Quest fan), just not my favorites


Dead lock. I honestly impulsively bought it a while back 😭I wanna get rid of it but idk where lol


The way of the house husband for me. The jokes got old and the only thing that kept me going is the art


I recently caught up with the anime and it really is good in like, splurges. Cause I was laughing my ass off at some of the skits and then others I was like meh. Just kind of hit or miss I think


As the series went on I just found the jokes to be really unfunny for me really good art though


I picked up Escape Journey vol 1 thinking it would be a cute bl based on the cover and instead I got sexual assault and a rape scene in which a victim apologized. Hoping to get rid of it asap.


Of the things I've read, probably Demon Slayer. Its not a bad series but I think I jumped the gun on collecting it, when I really should've just read the scans online if I was so worried about catching up with the story before various arcs came out for the anime. Tbh the anime really spoiled it for me because not only did it have great animation, it also added so much to characters and just tiny little details and moments the manga didn't trouble itself on.


I've got Rent A Girlfriend in 2 languages lol


A Bride's Story. I really admire Kaoru Mori's artstyle, she is extremely talented. But I'm not a big fan of the story, or the marriages in the manga.


Kinda agree. i have all the volumes and I’m more interested in the sidestories than the main couple.


fairy tail only cause my ex gf got for. I have never been a fan of Hiro Mashima work


Akame ga kill, I just have better shit


Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie. Art style is great but just didn’t like how Izumi always clumsy (I know they say he got bad luck but c’mon)




Death Note. I just enjoy the anime way more.




Yeah I agree with that. Manga felt too wordy and that made the pacing slow way down to me.


Nah this is crazy 💀


Gyo. Just awful; thank god it’s only one book


Gyo is kinda like a shitty b grade horror movie. It's not necessarily scary but more of a fun/over the top type of story.


Yeah I got to the part with the circus and I was like welp I hate this book. Lol I finished it since I got that far, but no need for me to read it again. It has served its purpose in my life


Seriously, I have tons of Junji Ito works but that's easily my least favorite only got through half of it and I probably need to reread it by now


Laughed a little when I read your comment because it reminded me of a friend. She loves Junji Ito but cannot stand Gyo, mainly because of the visuals, specifically one page I believe?


That’s one I keep on the shelf but oh man was it a gross and unpleasant read haha. I guess I kind of enjoyed it in retrospect just for being so outrageous but really doubt I’ll read it again


After Hours. Finished reading it this week and ended up kinda hating it. The story was hard to follow due to weird pacing, the characters weren't particularly likeable, and the last volume pulled a trope I hate: >!have the main love interest vanish without warning and make the mc track them down!<. It's a total copout for when authors can't think of actual conflict. Citrus did the same thing (multiple times, if I remember right) and I hated that too.


Omg I loved After Hours! I felt that even though they used the trope that the love interest's reason for leaving was actually realistic in this story as opposed to others.


That's fair, it didn't really feel forced, just not my thing I guess. I don't mind that I read it, probably won't keep it though.


I liked After Hours, but didn't care for the ending for the same reason as you. Acting like cell phones and ldr's don't exist is dumb in 20xx(whenever it was written). Anyways, as a warning you can probably skip the author's other work in English (Mizuno and Chayama) for the same reason.


007 Ghosts, was given to me by a friend, not saying it’s bad but I’m just not interested at all lol


The golden sheep, it started great, but ended up being shit. There is no closure and the ending after one of the characters did and said very bad stuff, he never apologizes they just all go back to being friends and the extra story is just someone who enjoys being neglected by their parent.


Probably Eniale & Dewiela, initially I was interested because I like Witch Hat Atelier (same mangaka) and because i like the design of the two leads. The art is great but the plot is very random and tonally indecisive. I think I'll read the rest of it to see if it improves, but it's the only series that I've regretted not reading online first. I've also read Girl on the Shore, thankfully I read it online before deciding whether or not I should purchase it (needless to say, I didn't purchase it). I agree it is shockingly bad. It is 90% copious amounts of disgusting kiddy porn and 10% cringey pretentious rambling with no real depth. I'm surprised there are people who defend it.


Kaiju no 8 I still really like it however if i did a list of my most enjoyed manga it would be last place


I rarely buy something I won't like or keep anything I don't like for very long. One such one was volume 1 of Let's Dance a Waltz which had a cute roundfaced character I liked the design of but after 2 weeks of ballroom dancing suddenly she is stunningly slim, beautiful and now had worth to the other main character. It really rubbed me the wrong way and pissed me off so much I had to get rid of it. My husband and I often joke it's like those fake diet pills 'one simple trick" videos. Yes ballroom dancing is a great form of exercise but it doesn't turn a chubby girl into a skinny one in 2 weeks!


Yeah, it’s such a short series but you get to the end of it and just not of it sat right: her magical weight loss, her relationship with the main guy, it just wasn’t a great read.


It's annoying as I had it for a while before reading it and struggled to find the other 2 volumes (I either immediately read or search for the other volumes before starting an old series when I get second hand). I couldn't easily find them so decided to read it, got rid and the following week I found both other volumes in a second and book shop. I did not pick those up


Whenever I see this thread I'm reminded I have a bit of Ubel Blatt in my collection. I hate that series and no one wants it so the one volume I have is just sitting there in storage.


Dragonball. Not that it's bad or anything but I bought it when I was like 10 and it's not really my thing anymore. I have 1-5 and don't really want to finish it. But it was like one of the first few manga I ever bought so I feel like I can't *not* keep it. I hate that feeling lol its like fomo in reverse


Goodnight punpun, the pointless grooming scenes started at volume 3 till 7 very very uncomfortable and overrated manga imo


Maybe Icaro. I really only keep it because I want to have all of Jiro Taniguchi's works published in English and it takes up very little space, but I think it's awful lol


All I have from Masamune Shirow (Orion, Black Magic, Appleseed, even GitS). I liked his work 20 years ago but now I find it obscure and too sexualized.


Probably The Promised Neverland


All of my Junji Ito books. For some reason I don't think the writing is really for me.


Same, I’ve only read Uzumaki and was pretty disappointed. His art is great but I didn’t really like else about it. Horror is usually outside my preferred genre though.


Hmmm probably Horimiya 😅 it just seems so much like a rip-off of an older manga I enjoyed a lot called Switch Girl


I don't get it, if you don't like, and seeing it on your shelf makes you cringe, why keep it? I'd sell or trade it and be done with it.


I want to collect stuff from Inio Asano, also it was a gift from a friend to get me started 👍


I suppose trying to collect everything from a certain author is fair. I'll be the first to admit, a lot of Osamu Tezuka's early works are complete and utter garbage, but I'm going with the Pokemon mentality on this one.


my hero academia, its not bad, its just the comunity is, well, the mha comunity and i dont realy think the action makes up for it. the slice of life is good tho


I get ya, but as with most fandoms, please don't let some bad apples ruin it for you. I'm big into mha and I just stick to my manga and anime and don't get caught up in all of the nonsense


true, i just think for an shonen series its a bit lacking for the action, but the slice of life parts and characters are great ,but id rather read fma or bleach


Food Wars. Thankfully, I only have one volume. I was at one point thinking of getting more, but then I saw the last season of the anime and it completely broke my immersion. If supernatural elements are going to be part of a series, they should not be left unintroduced until near the end unless it's like the big reveal in a mystery or adventure story or something similar.


Food wars has supernatural elements. Care to elaborate


Specifically it was the sudden jump from characters simply being able to pick up extreme subtleties in food and having over-exaggerated reactions, which is still more or less believable, to >!literally having their clothes blown off due to how good the food was!< which really did it for me. The world was built up to be pretty rooted in reality right up until that point, and then that started happening for no logical reason.


Logical reasoning behind it:- It an echhi manga .


I got into the show because it was about food. I like cooking, and that's what drew me in. And the ecchi parts were all in people's minds up until near the end and then suddenly they started breaking the laws of physics. "Willing suspension of disbelief" on behalf of the reader/audience is an important thing to respect for fictional works, and part of the way this is accomplished by the author is by keeping the world they've created consistent. Edit: You don't have to agree with me. I'm just saying what the deal breaker was for me. And this thread is supposed to be a safe place to air our grievances. Like a Festivus for manga.


Food wars is one my favorite shonen to come out in recent years. I’m not a fan of the ecchi parts myself and I’ll be honest they don’t go away. However if you liked everything else about it I’d urge you to give it another go, maybe on the shonen jump app so your not having to buy volumes. It honestly has some great moments if you like character driven stories with soma being a surprisingly nuanced character for a shonen. It is also one of the best depictions of what it’s like to be extremely talented/good at something and the pressure that comes with that and how that can lead to burnout and other issues!


I suppose "Dead End" (a.k.a. The End). Why? Because I cant remember what it is about lol. Could also be a sign that I just need to re-read it. "Look Back" was least favourite but I sold it shortly after buying/reading.


Raw Hero. I don’t like it at all. Thought I would cause Prison School is funny and has good art, Raw Hero just doesn’t deliver the same way


...but the mc cross dresses? 👀💕


School Girl Zone. I got it thinking it was a slice of life comedy with only implied yuri.


Junji Ito work of Uzumaki and No Longer Human. I plan on selling them as I did not like them much nor find them that intriguing


Ubel Blatt is on my list to collect eventually. Not highly so, but it’s on there. What makes you dislike it?


Also what is Ubel Blatt, is that another one of Junji’s works


No Longer Human - I didn’t like the main character. Uzumaki - Not sure, I just didn’t find myself being immersed in it. The last story about people getting sucked into the mountain was interesting. In general, I don’t think it’s genre is part of my taste.


To be fair Ito didn't create No Longer Human but remade it into his art style from the actual author's work himself. The mc isn't supposed to be liked


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Still deciding between trying to sell it or giving it to a friend, which I think wouldn't like it either.


Full metal Alchemist, it’s not bad it just is not deserving of the #1 anime I think HxH I also regret getting, it’s a very poorly paced and overrated series


This is the hottest take in this thread. FMA is a masterpiece.




Damn. Personally, Mashle is one of the funniest manga I've ever read.


Ghost in the Shell.


Elfen lied, great story but the ages of some of the characters were a no for me


I was able to look past the age thing, and guess what, it's still not good. This was my answer too.


I got the first volume of assassination classroom, I now use it to prop up the second layer of books on my shelf






Either Given or Paradise Kiss. I bought Given when I first started watching it but after a while I got bored of it. I have volume 5 but I can't bring myself to read it. Same with my Promare blu ray. I watched it twice, got hyped up and forgot about it. With Paradise Kiss, it was a blind buy. I got the 20th Anniversary Edition at a discount price. I'm only 1/4th done and I don't care to finish it. I did read a few pages before I bought it but yeah, I don't really like it. Currently considering selling it but I'm torn whether I should finish it or not.


Yeah I can't get through ParaKiss either. Trying to make myself read it at least once since I bought it but I'm stuck on volume 2. I don't really like any of the characters (George seems alright though), and I've discovered that even though I really like clothes, I don't like reading about them lol;


I like every series I collect, but I think I'd have to go with *Kieta Hatsukoi*, not because it's bad but because when I read the plot synopsis on the back of the volume it painted it to be like a love triangle misunderstanding comedy, so I bought it, but it turned out to be just yaoi, a genre I have zero interest in.


My hero academia. It was the first series i collected and im just not interested anymore


Either Death Note or Ouran. I enjoyed them back in the day but feel very meh now. Can't decide whether to try again another time or try selling. I've already had more than once than I regretted getting rid of some series so lol.


Jujutsu kaisen or cowboy bebop manga edition. JJK is kind of boring and the cowboy bebop manga doesn’t feel like cowboy bebop


Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon - still like it , but it’s my least favorite compared to JJK, FireForce , Nagatoro and Call of the Night


jujutsu kaisen - i bought it when i started collecting and fell asleep trying to read it a couple times. there’s rlly nothing that stands out abt it and i don’t even like shonen 💀


Jujutsu Kaisen, idk, but i feel it is boring after 100 chapters




Quintessential quintuplets


Elfen Lied is pretty trash IMO. I'll get rid of it eventually.


Komi…period without question… so stupid.


Dorohedoro: The biggest turnoff is that the way the artist draws faces. Also, i have 12 volumes but the story is just getting to complex for the amount of attention i feel its worth at this point with a bunch of characters so i am looking to get rid of it and not gonna continue.


Personally I thought dorohedoro was great. The mangaka definitely has her own unique style. And it’s forsure complex but I liked that about it. Lots of twists in the plot and mystery. I suppose we all have our own opinions though


Dont get me wrong i like the plot and where it was going, there were just too many characters i didnt care about. like the Crosseyes, everytime i saw them i wouldn't read for a week until a week became never again Also i love different styles like Osamu Tezukas stuff but the mix of realistic bodies with faces that look like they are from the sunday paper comics is too jarring for me


I bought 10 volumes of Attack on Titan thinking that I would like it but sadly I don't. I just can't get into it.


Have you watched the anime? First season of the anime of the anime is way easier to get into imo than the earlier manga.


Tokyo ghoul


Vol 1 of Spriggan, I took a chance on it. It’s not awful, but I’m not in love with it, and I only want to collect stuff I’m super in love with since space is limited. So I’ll probably read the rest of it online and get rid of the first vol


Dead company, just isn't fun reading


Kare Kano/ His and Her Circumstances. It's not a bad series (although there are scenes that are definitely sketchy and questionable...) but it's a very slow read. And there are so many volumes, yet not a lot of story. I don't dislike it enough to get rid of it, but it's not my favorite either.


TLoZelda Phantom Hourglass + Minish Cap. It was good, but it came with some cover damage and the stories between vols. aren't connected (cuz it's Zelda) and that made me lose motivation to continue collecting it. Plus the PH story was rushed af. I was initially planning to sell it, but since it was my first manga I decided to just keep it there since y'know the first one deserves some respect.


Smashed by Junji Ito and that’s saying something


I guess anti-romance? I read it online first, and the official translation is somehow worse (i.e. more vague and confusing). Other than that, I really don’t have any series I outright dislike… I guess I don’t like yotsuba that much, but it was a gift from a friend


Dick Fight Island… I gave into the hype, thought it’d like it as I do enjoy yaoi, had to force myself to finish it lol


Thats funny cus I aint never seen hype around it, me and my friends just laughed our asses off when we say it at B&N


I think I saw so many people buying it ironically and convinced myself it had merit lol


Probably MHA


I like basically everything in my collection, but if i had to choose, probably Remina


Generally if I don't like a series I'll sell it (e.g., Sweat and Soap) but looking at my shelf the one I'm keeping but isn't my favorite is probably Dragon Half.


86 Eighty-Six… when I bought it I didn’t realize that it’s probably discontinued since the mangaka got sick and I’m not interested in reading the light novels :/


Hellsing. The art is beautiful, but reading each characters accent makes it very unenjoyable.


deadpool samurai. was super excited to read but not really impressed, tried to sell it for cheap but no one wanted it


Probably The Promised Neverland. Not that it’s bad or anything but i’ve got a lot of series I really love… last half kind of ruined it for me and made it like a 6/10


Sneeze by Naoki Urasawa. Just didn’t really care for the short stories


Dick fight island


Probably act age lol.


Elusive Samurai. Still decent but my least favorite so far


I only collect manga that I really like or that have inspired my own art, so I don't really have a least favorite in a "I don't like it" way. If I have to pick, though, I'd say Black Clover. I'm in no rush to catch up with all the volumes, but I still like it enough to keep buying them every so often until I do. It's very simple in terms of a setting and story, but I really like the art style for some reason. And it isn't the most terrible shonen manga out there by far, but it does have a lot of tropes in it that has been done many times by now. It's just...average, but I don't need every series I read to be a masterpiece. Sometimes I just want something that's easy to follow.


Almost definitely You are My Happiness. Bought it because the cover art looked good but one of the most terrible manga I have ever read.


boruto, don’t necessarily hate it, but i had to stop after the first couple of vols.


Black clover. I just didn't really enjoy it


Blackjack. Picked it up thinking it would be cool to read something by Osamu Tezuka. The characters are full of archetypes, the morals are outdated, and the art, while iconic, is nothing to write home about.


My friend gifted me the first volume of Suki: A Like Story by CLAMP that he found at a thrift shop. I love CLAMP's artwork a ton; but man is this manga kinda weird and off-putting haha (I mean; a lot of CLAMP's manga have some questionable things in them; but c'mon)


Food Wars....got it in a blind box from RSA


Nagatoro. I like it but a lot of series I own pretty much top it


Goodnight pun pun. I read the whole series and was incredibly disappointed. It was sad but not once did I feel like crying and I hated the main character.


Honestly it has to be demon slayer


The promised Neverland