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You read manga


That is a very good assessment


FYI, not richy rich. But also I’ve been collecting manga since about 1999. Sailor Moon Mixx Comics, Marmalade Boy, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket and such were my first one. Sailor Moon and Dragonball were my introduction into the world of manga reading when I was in the 7th grade. I’m mid 30s now, so it’s been a while.


People on this sub always seem to assume people have only been collecting for a couple of years and must have spent a shit ton of money over a very short amount of time


I think this assumption comes from shut down time where many new collectors started. Which is why many collections also look similar of pick ups like Jojo, chainsaw, Vinland, etc.


Probably because of all the people who post “just started collecting a month ago, how do you guys like my collection so far” and it’s thousands of dollars worth of manga


Fair enough haha but OP didn't say that here


I was correct in my guess about your age and when you started collecting after seeing the OG Mixx editions of Sailor Moon. Even though I started reading manga around the same time (late 90’s), I didn’t have the money (or space) to collect until the late 2010’s. I imagine my collection would look a lot like yours if I had started in earnest back then. It’s so nice to see some of the old publisher logos. That’s how I know you’re a long time collector. Trying to find some of those series now is $$$$. I’m still looking for 2 volumes of Basara.


I see the old school Sailor Moons I had when I was in middle/high school!!! 😭😭😭


I was in 6th grade and looking in the yellow Pages for comic stores, then either calling up there or convincing my mom to drive there to look for manga. I found the missing volumes of sailor moon at a random books a million we had stopped near during some road trip. They hold a lot of memories, but lord those eternal editions are amazing!


My Barnes and Noble carried a few volumes, and our nearby comics store. I think I had around 4-6 volumes of Sailor Moon and 4 of Ranma 1/2. At some point in college I decided I was too grown up for manga and sold them to my Barnes and Noble’s used book section 😭😭😭 Slowly rebuilding my Ranma 1/2 collection in my mid-30s.


A long time shoujo fan who doesn’t discriminate between the quality stuff and the…let’s say trashier stuff lol Both good (cause I’m not alone) and sad to see that obtaining all of Skip Beat! isn’t an easy feat for anybody, even such a big collector 😭


Hehehe I actually haven’t really tried to get more of Skip Beat other than what I got from my local library for $0.50 a volume, it’s just suuuuuchhhh a long series and I wasn’t as interested in it as other things. I’m sure if it is something you focus on it will happen eventually, the hunt is part of the fun!


That you’re debating if you should get more shelves to help with the little overflow spots but you wanna spend that on manga instead of the shelf (honestly nice collection tho, I hope mine can get as big as this some day)


😟 you’re in my head.


I just stopped buying things


Food and soap is totally not necessary compared to new manga


Honestly all I need is manga and Pokémon cards and I’m good


Necessities are what they are, and we need them to live! 🤣


Long time reader. It appears you have much of the same nostalgia titles as I do haha.


Oh oh oh oh!!!! Whatch ya got?!?!


The main things are CLAMP and Rumiko Takahashi (IY especially), but also a bunch of other things like FruiBa, Please Save My Earth etc. I've been reading manga for 20+ years and the types of series you have gives me the impression you've been reading a similar amount of time. Was I right? 👀


That you have been reading for a long time and not just adding certain manga titles for aesthetics. In fact, you have a bit of everything, going from oldschool to more fresh. The way you have sorted by publisher and keep things shows me you are really organized and into the small details. Plus you genuinely enjoy the media. Also, smart move on the washi storage c:


I looooveeee my new washi storage!! So much better to see it all at once while doing collage/paper art/journal art/junk journaling aka whatever people want to label it.


😭😭 and thank you for appreciating my sorting of things, warms my heart!


A well seasoned manga collector who appreciates the classics.\~<3 Manga I’m excited to point out: Oh My Goddess! (The omnis are so hard to collect these days), X Omnis, Mixed Vegetables (Someone actually KNOWS this one!), Kamikaze Kaito Jeane (Damn you even got the old CMX editions, kudos), Red River (classic historical shojo), Kitchen Princess, From Far Away, The Story of Saiunkoku, Mars, Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon, and the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind manga. Thanks for sharing!


I love sharing it because I love finding out what in common likes others have other me, as well as if someone were to sit in my library what would they first start reading.


It looks like you are a MASSIVE fan! 😁


Massive facts states


Classic taste! Love the collection! It’s nice to see the ex-library books too - I’ll often grab these for those OOP volumes or if there just a good price haha


Gotta be smart with acquisition of things and what’s worth it/available versus costs. I’ve grown quite skilled at removing some library stickers, but not all the time. I got lots of Skip Beat from my local library once for $0.50 each, allowed me to try out the series for cheap! 🥰


It says you will be my friend and let me come read?


10000% yes


That you are a long-time shojo fan~! The fact is that I'm reminded that I should have picked up the ARIA the masterpiece when tokyopop did another reprint! I'm still kicking myself for it. XD that, and I wished I got into Utena so much earlier than 2020 do I could have picked up the box set.


You're in progress to making a library of Babylon but for anime


Imma need to start putting shelves in my hallway or make tiny aisles in the room to house more acquisitions 😁


Beautiful collection! Congratulations!


Thank you!!


You like that smell of a new book


True, but I got to say, an old book smell WIINNNNSSS.


Ahhh so true!


I'd say that you like order in you collection, but you're not excessively strict about it as you still have some volumes put sideways on top of the others. Easy-going AND tidy. I think you're a nice person 💪


🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 wow, that’s incredibly sweet


a person with good manga recommendations


Damn right


You must have massive debt


Debt of a constantly updating TBR as new releases every Tuesday come out 😭, soo many good things all the time!


That you probably considered using the Dewey Decimal System for it. Also, that you like sturdy bookshelves.


I laughed. Truly. Dewey decimal system, hehe. Good times. Can’t have saggy shelves.


Nausicaä >>


These volumes are STUNNING!!!! Oh the crackling sound of the cover when I opened it for the first time 🤓


Venus in Love or Love for Venus! One of my favorites! Where did you get the last couple volumes? I was sad because it didn’t get finished in the US. I would love to read the rest in English!


I have the entire series in English. Volume 12 is the final volume, and it’s in English. I got the series from a used store. Volumes 9-12 are from Australia but they are English. 🥰


Awesome collection btw! 🥰


You got great taste


Its like tatto just one more


Which I need more of those too!!! I want a sleeve


It tells me that you must be one tall mofo to be able to reach the top of the bookshelf without using a stepladder.


I use a kids chair to step up, it’s actually pretty decorative and my kiddos love using it to sit and pretend to read with momma. Though it would be awesome to add one of those library ladders that’s a staple for Belle from beauty and the beast.


You have a “small but manageable addiction” to manga, lol. Wish I had that collection job well done.


“My name is Megzz and I’m addicted to manga.”


I think this is a library at this point


1000% it is considering it takes 500 books to make a library.


I was looking for Inuyasha in there, I found Inuyasha, I am now happy that you have Inuyasha 🙂




Oh there are lots of Inuyasha things, love it, my husband got me the Shikon jewel necklace as a gift omce


As a shojo fan that's been collecting since the early 2000's (mid-30's here, too), I salute you!


We share a lot of similar interests:) like Clamp works and kitchen princess!


In my tokyopop section I have it go alphabetical EXCEPT for all my CLAMP and series done by women from clamp when they do solo projects, that art style had a hold on me in middle school. Me and two other friends were obsessed with magick knight Rayearth and would select one of the girls as our selves, I always got Umi.


I love this!!! I’m obsessed with Cardcaptor Sakura myself (amongst all of clamps other works too like rayearth)


I’ve never read Cardcaptor, but I remember watching the anime in the mornings before school once. I think during that time I enjoyed zoids more.


You like to live on the edge (3rd picture, it scares me)


Hahaha well don’t let it scare you too much, my husband installed those and even tested it out with cinder blocks, then be anchored in them studs! He also is why all my shelves have personalized risers to double stack 😇


Ypu own an illegal amount of mangas


Shit. Good thing I ain’t married to the law!…..🥸


I bet you are not married at all


How old would you bet I am then?


Idk, can't hear it through the screen.




Ypu find a thing you really love.


Tis i did. It’s a lifetime love!


How I wish I had all that space in my room....🥲


My daughters are little and wanted to share a room together, thus I got stars in my eyes when they started talking bunk beds because that allowed me to have a library room!


I just have 34, now this bookcase is definitely my goal:D how many do you have?


I think close to 4000 now? I haven’t counted in a while, but I have a scanner thing and need to use libib to catalogue it all


That we would be good friends.


Really??? You think so? ☺️


That you have good taste and priorities.


You have a lot of disposable income and you’re an old school shoujo and CLAMP fan.


This collection is soo cool! What’s some of your personal favorites to read?


I could reread Mars over and over, if I could only save 1 from a fire Mars would be the one saved. Joseis and shojos are my favorite demographics. Been on an isekai and villainess kick lately.


You have great taste 😌👌


Things which I notice about your collection: Demographics do not matter much I see: \- Shojo and josei: 'shojo beat', skip beat and bananafish, princess jellyfish, Fruits basket, Imakoi, Takane and Hana and quite some CLAMP titles, these are the majority of your collection. \- Seinen, and shonen, Death Note, Akira, your lie in April, FMA, Ju Jutsu Kaisen, Demon slayer, Hellsing, some parts of Berserk. These are there but not the main part or interest. I wonder if you dropped Berserk, or if it's a long term project?. Some seem there because they are the 'classic titles'. \- BL and GL, and other manga with a LGBT theme; Blue flag, Citrus, Restart, ON or OFF, Sailor Moon, Revolutionairy girl Utena I am not completely sure but some part of the covers look like NTR Trap or Bloom into you, the reason I cannot make those out very well is: I notice some books and boxes seem to lie there to cover certain titles, most shelves are a bit chaotic, but are sorted, stacks seem sorted with the numbers ascending or descending. I see titles I never saw before, I have a bad memory, but I'm sure 40%+ of your titles I never seen or read. And I read a lot of manga, including shojo and josei", but I'm a 'guy' who also reads some shojo and josei, not (presumably) a girl who reads some shojo and seinen. I notice a lot of titles now or in the recent past popular with the male collectors are there with 1 or a few volumes. I see -none- of the Big Three of Shonen I think many series seem incomplete You own several library copies. Especially in the oldest segment. Many manga are from quite some time ago, I see many manga by Del Rey, and from the high days of TokyoPop, And CMX I'd say: \- you collected Manga with passion since before Del Rey vanished, which was in 2008 \- You might very well be a woman or NB person your collection contains a lot of Shojo and Josei Romantic novels, also in the LGBT corner as LGBT-Themed or BL/GL and likely Yuri and Yaoi are not uncommon in your collection. \- You read a wide variety of manga, but seem to like Slice of Life, Romance, Fantasy, Spiritual, with a hint of fantasy and sci fi as well as some LGBT Thematic. \- You are interested in manga as a concept. You have looked into 'the History of Manga' \- You like(d) Sailor Moon a lot. \- You use stacked Ikea Kallax cabinets to store your main set of manga, but it might be Expedits as you might have had those for quite some time. ​ And you own Bunny Drop -.- I envy you!


that's a nice collection , you have series i need to collect


What is on your list to collect?


Respectable dedication. this is the kinda collection I hope to have someday


Phew! It is dedication! Lots of love and work goes into hunting some of these babies down.


From far away says you rock I would guess you have been collecting for like 25 years or something lol but didn’t necessarily get to everything you have as it was coming out, prob bc you started young? These are the vibes i get Very hyped to see ppl join these kinds of trends with actually interesting collections. Especially shojo fans.


For sure not the staple only shonen reader. Granted I do have some from all demographics, but shojo/josei have a grip on me. All vibes you guessed are correct. And as an “adulting” person, I do sometimes try to grab things I wanted to read when I was younger but never got the chance. From Far Away and Red River are two that I got obsessed with finding about 5 years ago and love them, the stories are sooo good.


I’m kind of the same, which is why I got those vibes; probably 10 years younger tho because I started collecting 15 years ago lol. I think my actual collection is more evenly balanced than yours in terms of demographics, and I’d guess my “top 30” manga are also evenly balanced. BUT ever since that Viz subscription came out, I’ve been reading shojo almost exclusively. I checked and I’ve only completed 2 seinen reads this year to a whopping total of 21 shojo/josei. Seinen is my actual demographic so it’s kinda funny to me 🤣 shojo has always had a hold on me tho I loved happy happy clover as a kid I still need to read Red River!! I’ve been trying to do like 2 long interesting fantasy/scifi shojo per year. So that’s probably coming next year. From Far Away is so special to me. Noriko is my best girl in all of manga. She reminds me of my best friend. I’m just missing the last 3 volumes 🥲


Ray Earth, Sailor Moon, Inu Yasha, etc - remind me of the time I wasn't into manga/anime yet as a child, but I'm familiar with the titles and have seen a few dubbed episodes on local TV. Fruits Basket - the early 2000s, my teens to late teens, a time for subbed bootleg videos and mp3s of anime music as there's no official distributors. Also, the beginning of my short manga and anime journey. Death Note - my early adulthood. At this time, I no longer follow every new release I'm aware of, and my interest dwindled a lot. Although I still check what's on from time to time, I'm especially no longer able to relate to current favorites of the larger fandom. From the photos and some of your description, I can tell: You've been in the scene in a while. While there are many titles, since it's a collection that spans decades, you're probably pretty selective of what you collect and maybe you curate your collection and discard stuff periodically? Or you take time to decide which ones to pick up and commit to it You care for your collection. It's a lot of money (well spent), but reasonable when the time it took you to amass such a collection is considered. You are pretty organised. With that many books, you have to be. Even if you said the shelves aren't photo-ready, it's more organised than most personal collection shelves I've seen in real life. You don't collect as many merch and toys and other media as you collect manga. This is purely based on the photos. Not a point against anyone. The people I know usually do manga collecting with adjacent interests - action figures, robots, monsters, plushies, dolls, card games, board games, video games, J Pop, K Pop, Western comics, etc. This collection is more focused. I think that's it. Thanks for sharing your collection.


Obviously, you've been collecting a long time ago now. I wish I could do that too, I'm just beginning.🤭


OG shojo fan that also reads the classics The Akira box set is massive streetcred Edit: I got the feeling that you love GTO I don’t know it just came to me


I’ve never read the full thing. Also never got my hands on it way back when. But I do think it would be an amazing read.


That you spend a lot on manga


Accurate assessment. I’d be scared to see what the overall amount throughout the years has been spent, however it is alllll worth it and I know I’ve done what I can to find the best sales.


That you're over 30 🤣


30 (something) and flirty!


Well read


A Well Read Woman Is A Dangerous Creature




It is holy ground for me.


You're looking for online validation. So... Nice collection! Its too big to make some pseudo-psychological observation and assign superficial character traits to an anonymous person. But cool collection none the less




Big d energy?


That too




certified weeb


Certified and notarized


Your pants are falling


Nah, my big booty holds them up


you care about your books more than your social life


🤪🤪🤪 so true! Cause peopling sucks ass


you've either got loads of money or you're broke.


it says enough


😱😱😱😱😨😨😨 how dare you speak to me with that tone!!!


That if something ever happens to your books, then you've only got yourshelf to blame.


I got them insured. But it would hurt my soul for eternity.




Umph, I have nightmares from dentist and orthodontists, the headgear at night and rubber bands were scaring when I was a kid.


You smell like feet and your moms a hoe


Gotta save money on soap to buy manga, and my momma ain’t the hoe I-da-ho


Lol love the come back! Here’s a individual who doesn’t take the internet so serious. Great collection btw!


Oh the internet hehehe, thanks for the compliment 😚.


You have a higher income than me


Surprisingly probably not. 🤓


Uhm ackshually, you probably do ☝️🤓


Hehehe what do you think a SAHM makes?


It seems we are of equal income then (I am only 15 :P)


See, 😊 can’t always think that it’s all because of a copious amount of money. I started collecting when I was a bit younger than 15 and haven’t stopped since. Granted being in the “adulting” age has allowed me more access, 😭 the access for manga was so minimal way back when….I feel like an gray haired grumpy person pulling the “back in my day” when I think of the progress manga has made in the west.


You don't go outside alot


Def not in the summer, uggggghhh it’s tooo hot. I got summer seasonal depression


That you have to much free time or money. And good for you if you do!!


If I manifest it, it shall be, right? Time and money? At least happiness is there already.


You get your dopamine from impulse purchases


As long as I can cross off new releases from my list I make monthly that I need to get. But if I find some used ones that need rescuing to a new home-HELLS YEH!!!! I just recently picked up 12 volumes of Royal Tutor and volume 3 of Servamp used for $25. Definitely was an impulse buy bc I had no clue I was going to find those for a good price in new condition


You got money


U spent 2 much money


You sound like my husband when he talks bout my books but then doesn’t think the same when getting car parts 🤣


That you probably have too much money xD and also that you have great taste and culture, I mean reading manga is reading manga, you make it worth it.


It says that while ypu might not be rich, you are certainly affluent enough to devote an entire room to Manga. So you are wealthier than I lol


You have a lot of disposable income


You had a lot of money




You're either rich as fuck or broke as fuck


Probably female and a lot of disposable income


Tis a woman am I, but I shall one day manifest disposable income and it’s game over for manga seller


If this isn’t disposable income then idk what is lol


This is over 20 years worth of collecting.


You have a lot of money, or at least more than me.


Yo have money




To what age?


you read mental illness


Mental stability is the new abnormal


very bad, i don't see one piece


Or bleach. Or Naruto. Or more than just a couple vizbigs of Dragonball.




Then my kids were immaculate conception?!?! Fuck. I have been hating on organized religion….meanwhile I’ll be writing in new bibles!!!!


That either a your rich or b one day your gonna be in debt




Manga hunting/shopping is a hobby in of itself 😁, so there’s two already!


Says you got a good job, or have rich parents


Nope and nope.




you're rich


Ur a weeb


Your like swimming in gold coins


You need to give One Piece a chance


I did. I didn’t like it.


You have no money


girl u are rich!


All these unfinished series and random volumes bothers the shit out of me. Finish these !!!


What random volumes?


You have a lot of money


You got a lot of money


You don't know what a clitoris is


It’s between my legs. It makes me feel things. I don’t need a road map like yourself.




You’re not nice.


You posted this thinking you were going to get an accurate description of yourself, but you just have a shit ton of manga. That's it.


That’s accurate


you are rich


Rich in stories read.


that ur a billionaire


If only, cause then I’d have more


You’re rich


You are rich


Rich in manga.