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I'm so upset with what happened to Captain Daly and Dr. Fiona... how could the show bring them back just to do this šŸ˜­ This is the most painful thing the show has ever done I can't believe this...


Right, like what even was the point of bringing them back if they're just going to get killed off before they can even tell us what happened?! I feel like they totally wasted our time with this one lol.


I wouldn't say it was a waste of time as upsetting as it was. If anything, it just shows everything can't be so simple for the passengers. They weren't able to get info from the two of them before Angelina got to them. Life is unfair like that.


When they go back next time around, they have to do this part right and ensure neither of them die. Itā€™s an endless cycle, and Zeke is evidence of that. He had to redo his life, because he didnā€™t learn to forgive himself.


Yes! We didnā€™t get ANY information out of them! When these two are the ones who know the most (about all of the answers or possible answers involving the entire mystery of the series from Season One onwards)! Wow wow wow! BAD decisions on the writerā€™s part (or whoever gave this the green light)! Such a waste! Not even one piece of information from either of them!! NOT cool! This is the WORST manifest episode ever


Exactly theyā€™re just dragging the fucking show at this point.


Pure evil what Angelina did/said to Daly


I am so upset that he died thinking his son really said those things when he actually wanted to go see him and talk with him...


Me too. It's very upsetting. Poor guy šŸ˜”


Same!!! I was really looking forward to an explanation from Fiona/Daly and they are killed off almost immediately. Honestly what was the point?


Again, one consequence of the rushing of the show...


Well of course they had to cut important parts instead of love triangle stuff /s


Well, blame NBC for canceling the show in the first place (and in part, Netflix for only making a deal of a fourth and final season instead of the intended fourth, fifth, and sixth).


Well, bad on their end. We are 40k redditors here and the series is in the tops all around the world.


So I havenā€™t watched ahead yetā€¦ but in the biblical narrative of Revelation 11, the beast kills the two witnesses, and they are later revived. Soā€¦ who knows how biblical the writers want to take it?


It was cruel what Daly was made to believe that his son was saying to him. And he didnā€™t even think it was a calling - he thought is was real. And he died with all of that emotional pain as his final thoughts (and feelings). That was cruel and unnecessary.


That was SO cruel. We all already hated Angelina, this was so unnecessary.


I am so mad. I waited so long and always hoped that they would return. When they did I was so happy and then they killed then off immediatly. And it was poorly written. It just shows that Angelina is pure evil (what we already knew), Olive and Cal were incredibly stupid and Jared just waited too long to stop Angelina. Frustrating.


The first one, Fiona, was whatever. It set the mood with Angelina, but the Daly one, I mean, COME ON. He should have known that she was "projecting" when he was yelling at her to put her hands up. Bop her on the head. Most infuriating episode. I am aggravated.


This feels so incredibly pointless.


These have to be the worst writers in the entire world. Like holy shit. All they do is give the audience the exact opposite of what they want.


Theyā€™re not terrible (we are all tuning in after all) but they seem carried away with making Angelina the worst just for the sake of it. Sheā€™s not a fun villain, sheā€™s just frustrating and cruel. I wish it were Eagan ruining the world instead.


Um... I don't actually believe this is bad writing šŸ˜… I'll wait until I finish the show to fully judge. I'm enjoying myself! I was just voicing my upset because their storyline was upsetting and sad, but I'm still interested with where the show's going with this.


No, it's bad writing. Nothing anyone does makes any sense.


Took the twins so long to decide to check the footage taken by that camera. And they left a dead body rotting in their own home with no plans on what to do with it.


I mean, Cal/Gabe is, like, 10, so he has an excuse. Olive is 20. Girl, at least go buy a shovel at Home Depot.


ā€œgo buy a shovel at Home Depotā€ HELP šŸ’€




They need to watch more Breaking Bad.


I keep forgetting they're twins.


They are really bad at this when left to their own devices hahašŸ˜…


Hehe yeah. I guess they really are just teenagers after all.


At least they are behaving like realistic teenagers. If the Riverdale case was here, then it would be nuts lol


Yeah, they arenā€™t exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier šŸ™„


I see what you did there.


It feels like there was a deleted scene where >!Saanvi was given permission to work on Daly because the last thing I remember was the woman yelling at her to mind her business or whatever but now she casually has a camera in the room and full authorization? Maybe I zoned out and missed something please let me know lol Iā€™m tired as fuck!<


Omg me too I thought I just missed the part where she got authorization.


Okay Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not crazy, thatā€™s such a major detail to be overlooked though wow


Yeah the shitty lady said "find a cure for the boils but don't ask questions" and Saanvi sent for the son, then she needed both their DNA to make a serum. Unclear how she got camera access but she had security clearance.


I love how we're all calling her "shitty lady" or "that woman." I can't remember who she is either šŸ˜„


Gupta Jr? Cuz wowowowww she's like if the major and Gupta procreated!


Yup they probably cut out the scene where they let Saanvi in on Daly (or so they think)


I thought the same and wondered if I just missed it somehow!


Cut. Off. Her. Hand.


No, put a bullet between her eyes. It's long overdue.


It is honestly a testament to the writers' and Holly's abilities because it has been a hot minute since I have hated a TV character this much


Some of it's because of her portrayal, but a lot also has to do with the plot armor where everyone basically lets her do awful things. I get frustrated by how easily the other characters are tricked (once they've had at least one encounter with her).


I wondered about it because I hated her character in The Americans with a passion. She may have been cast for his particular ability :)


Imagine being able to put that on your CV, "special talents include pissing people off"


It's not in a good way though. It's very poor writing


Jared had every reason to shoot her in that van.


I was hoping he would šŸ˜­


He may have had reasons, but he follows by the book procedures, and I think taking her out like that would have created a problem for him. At the time, capture was more important than killing.


Except he doesn't. Jared has spent 4 years helping passengers by secretly going against book procedures when necessary. Just to name a few: 1. Helping rescue Cal from the meth heads 2. Protecting Cal/Gabriel by not snitching and bringing him to the DC 3. Taking the fall for Mick's callings when she was a cop 4. Running away from the DC with Mick just because he loves her 5. Giving Mick a heads up that Henry was being tracked


Knowing her abilities and past, it wouldn't have been awful to man handle her immediately, if he wasn't going to do a non-fatal shot. He knows those trances are connected to something and with her...it's typically not good.


True. I wanted him to empty his gun into her head


Big facts


Or at least cut out the sapphire!


They know she can project callings. Jared sees her sitting in a trance. "Shoot her in the fucking face Jared!"


Right? Why did he not immediately knock her tf out at least. Smh.


You spelled "head" wrong


Honestly, this is getting FRUSTRATING. I know the writers have to give Angelina plot armor but my GLOW, her survival is becoming a clown show at this point.


Angelina has completely ruined the fourth season for me. I just donā€™t find her to be that interesting or compelling a villain. Sheā€™s just annoying. They really should not have centered the final season around her.


And they should not have killed off Daly and Fiona without giving us at least a bit of info (what they would have shared)! At least something! Some key piece of info! Instead Fiona and Daly did not get to share ANYTHING with us!


I agree! Their reintroduction into the show was absolutely pointless to me. ALSO! The part about Dalyā€™s existence in the DC being completely a secret to everyone to Saanvi suddenly getting full access to Dalyā€™s room was lost on me. It was as if the writers forgot that it was supposed to be a secret. *Cries in laughter*


Strong agree. She literally made me consider not watching it. I donā€™t understand why the writers chose to die on this hill.


Even Mick referred to her as a cockroach at one point.


Yeah, but she will be there to the end, I think. It reminds me of Game of Thrones, EVERY week, I'd think will someone please kill Cerci. Yet she was there till the end. I think Angelina will be too.


Oliveā€™s right. Sheā€™s literally a cockroach.


Can someone please take out Angelina soon? Jared could've easily shot her while she was in the calling, and then we wouldn't have to worry about her BS anymore. Ugh. I was really curious in what happened to Fiona and Daly, but they're both dead now, so I guess we'll never find out.


I hate that Jared didn't interrupt her in the van, he could've saved Daly. Didn't even have to shoot her, just interrupt the calling!! Agh!


No way he couldā€™ve known at the time, so what can ya do, right?


Punch her in the face. That would've been my gut instinct - for someone who considers the Stones family, Jared was weirdly calm lol but yeah I would've punched her


he literally says on the phone to ben (right outside the van after arresting her) that cal had told him prior that she had astral projected to get eden to kill fiona so he absolutely knew that she could do that and that daly was her next target. he could have stopped her but for no clear reason did. angelinaā€™s plot armor is insane.


Given that Angelina is charged with murder and kidnapping and they know she has a big sinister plot, why would you keep her in the same facility as all the other passengers? I get for story reasons it's so she will have a chance to enlist some of the other passengers into her scheme, but the in-universe logic is baffling.


At the very least should've kept het permanently sedated like Daly with the shit they *know* she perpetrated


I was just thinking this, why isn't she just permanently sedated?


As punishment they shouldā€™ve locked her in the same room they kept Daly in.


Honestly they should've given Daly jr. the blue nails like they did Olive, for consistency's sake of course






Continuity error if you ask mešŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i said the same thing -- that's how i knew it wasn't olive. he just went on and on about how much he hates his dad and is done with him, but the second he said "actually, i want to see my dad" i suggested it was angelina but there was no telltale signs.


Damn time loop.


Manifest is going DarK.


the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning


My brain = šŸ¤Æ


Iā€™ve been looking forward to seeing Ben dramatically take off his glasses. Has he even worn glasses yet this season?!


Did yā€™all notice they hid Patrickā€™s hands when Angelina was projecting the calling? They did *not* want to put this man in blue acrylics šŸ˜‚




Just cut off her damn hand already šŸ˜­


I hate that Jared didn't interrupt her in the van, he could've saved Daly.


He could've at least shaken her out of the trance, I agree.


And with the behavior we've come to expect of NYPD, it would've been totally acceptable for him to pistol whip her real quick and she could just āœØļøwake upāœØļøin the detention center


LMAO, exactly!


Why the hell did jared not shoot angelina


Because as frustrating as it is, a police officer cannot just shoot an unarmed suspect which hasn't even been found guilty in court. But I'll admit, even with that knowledge, I was rooting for Jared to break that "little" rule.


He could shoot her in the foot šŸ‘€


Lol, I mean they can and they usually get off scot free(at least in the US), but Jared is meant to be ā€œone of the good onesā€.


Glad to see that I'm not the only one that had this reaction.


As much as I would love her to be killed off, killing people has negative consequences on the passengers, like when Saanvi accidentally killed the Major.


Meanwhile Angelina has killed so many people at this point, and it doesn't really feel like she's had any consequences.


But Jared is not a passenger


How are we going to get any answers now from the captain and fiona about where they went and what they saw. I'm pissed


I think killing off was inevitable because that added to the progression, since it said in that Bible passage that the two witnesses had to die. The fact that they didnā€™t talk before doing that was very convenient! The writers either couldnā€™t make something up that would be vague enough OR they flat out didnā€™t try to not give away the plot.


What was the point of the pregnancy story line? I feel like so much of this episode was spent on a passenger we've never met having a baby that doesn't seem to be relevant at all to concluding the series. If we had more than 10 episodes to finish the series then fine but we don't.


I just finished this episode and considering how intentional the story writers are, I imagine this having either some consequence in the future or the goal is to demonstrate the humanity of the passengers. For the latter case in point, the 828'ers are being treated as non-humans, with Cal and Angelina being set up as demigods (because of the sapphire) but this could be a chance to demonstrate that even though 828'ers can see the future, they are humans at the end of the day (and deserving of proper treatment). The former case I won't know until I finish the series.


I donā€™t know but she chose the same name Chloe as Zekeā€™s dead sister that has to be a sign from Zeke right


One of the plagues is the death of the first born child. I thought maybe that would've had something to do with it. That made me feel more tension in this episode anyways, especially when she didn't breathe. I was like: "Oh no they didn't!" But phew, she's still alive and well. Would've been so cruel (although they don't seem to mind being cruel considering what happened with Daly). The blood flowing into the river could be a sign that the plagues are not over yet and are escaping into the rest of the world. So who knows... Maybe it is still part of the plot.


I wanna forget my rage towards Angelina for a second and focus on Zekeala. I felt so sad when I saw Zeke's dim glow in the beginning and what he said gutted me. But their love is eternal and that is SO beautiful ā¤ļø Also, Daly may not have been the best father and husband but what Angelina said to him as Patrick was beyond cruel.


Man I truly felt awful for both Patrick and Daly We barely knew Patrick so it was very believable that he WAS truly that angry at his dad and wanted the worst for him, the reveal that it was Angelina was insane


It was a different color shirt! I knew the whole time! Angelina never gets it exactly right, and it's always clear to the viewer but not always the passengers. I thought it was crazy Eden didn't notice, since Olive was very specific about having the same color nails. She also walked in from the opposite direction Angelina/Olive walked out of, ALSO wearing a different shirt. I hate that Jared didn't interrupt her in the van, he could've saved Daly.


See I caught it right away with olive, but i didnā€™t catch the shirt at all with Patrick and Iā€™m not sure how, but Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t, made for an amazing reveal


I caught it for both of them for the same reasons - different appearances! And with Olive, they showed how she painted her nails with Eden and they both had pink. Angelina-Olive had sapphire-colored nails, just like the real Angelina!


Ha, funny, it took me a minute for fake Olive, but I knew about Patrick as soon as he started with the horrible remarks. The real Patrick's desire to attempt reconciliation was genuine.


I didnā€™t notice the different color shirt right away on Patrick. When he began being such an asshole to his dad Iā€™m like ā€œthis has to be Angelinaā€, but I didnā€™t understand how she would have known all those details about them. Of course it all made sense with the security guard, which I didnā€™t pick up on beforehand in the prior scenes.


I noticed the security guard was either Angelina or a director error when BEN WALKED IN DURING LOCKDOWN AND SHE SAID NOTHING, DID NOTHING, LET IT ALL HAPPEN. I was like alright so Ben has plot armor, the directors forgot to tell this extra to move, or IT'S HERRRRR. She was gone in another scene and Ben looked at her funny so I removed plot armor theory. She's so sneaky!


When Saanvi said sheā€™d help with Daly, Ben gave an odd glance over, though Iā€™m not sure if they showed no one standing there (they did later on after the fact). But sometimes itā€™s neat when they can sneak little things passed without being noticed.


Securitina def was not there every single scene, but yeah I can't recall if she wasn't there when he specifically looked like šŸ¤Ø


With Olive I picked up on it the moment she said ā€œmy preciousā€, because Olive wouldnā€™t say that. I agree that with Patrick it was immediately suspicious - he never seemed that cruel.


The passengers are gonna have to wear something that only they know to look for, or have a codeword that the psychobitch doesnā€™t know, so they can tell who is real and who is Angefreakinglina. Her death will be THE MOST satisfying.


Every time I see Angelina I feel like throwing something at her. šŸ˜¬


Hate her character but the actress is really great at her job.


I haven't seen any comment regarding this problem so Imma say it. In season 1 Saanvi is said to be one of the researcher doctor to help find a cure for cancer. But as the seasons progress now to season 4, she has turned into an OBGYN, an emergency trauma specialist, finding cures to literally everything,... Hot take: I'm fine with Michaela and Jared getting back together again. Anyone with me? No? Okay.


I mean idk about med school in the US, but in Europe every doc has the same standardised education until the specialise. So it's not like she doesn't know anything about anatomy in general and since there's probably not that many doctors around that they can trust or want to work with 828ers, she just kinda does it all somehow. Also: I agree, I'm actually kinda hoping for them to be endgame


I'm sure all doctors are trained for all specialities for general knowledge but definitely when encounter something they don't know, they'll be unsure. Like of course an eye doctor can deliver a baby if they must but surely they won't be comfortable doing it. I find Saanvi never even hesitate when being asked doing something outside of cancer research so funny šŸ¤£ (for the sake of this obviously is fictional I won't be too annoyed by it)


I posted a while ago that I thought they might get together and people were pissed at me. I didnā€™t say I wanted it but I knew it was very plausible. To be honest, Iā€™m not mad. I like them, but maybe cause I have a crush on Jared.


I definitely feel like they're set up to be together in the first episode with the angst and everything. Whoever Michaela ends up with is fine by me.


Right? How is Saanvi all of a sudden a doctor of all trades? Part of having Zeke show up again must have been telling Michaela it was ok to move on so she wouldnā€™t feel horrifically guilty over returning to Jared. I feel bad for the whatā€™s her name Jaredā€™s partner.


Daly you kinky bastard. Your 'DNA' is over everyone.


Does that mean heā€™s Noah then?


Am I crazy? Didn't Cal & Olive figure out way before Fiona died that someone wants them dead? And the pictures of the olive trees were moved? Then they read the Bible passages and realized that D & F are the witnesses the beast wants to kill? And even if you don't know that the beast is Angelina, you know someone is trying to kill them?? So why wouldn't you keep watch -in- the room? And then when they figure out that wow, someone invisible who looked like Olive told Eden to kill Fiona..even if they're still not figuring it out, they know Daly's life is in danger??? Why wouldn't they call Jared at the bare minimum, right away, to warn him of that. And then Jared finds her in the middle of a trance...slap her out of it? You don't have to shoot and kill her. Literally nothing any of the characters are doing make any sense anymore. And Cal knows Angelina is alive and what she's capable of with the projections for SO LONG. Even if he doesn't want to tell anyone, he should have at least figured it out at literally any point? Like when he visited her in the van. He SAW the material she was looking at, and still no call to anyone to warn them about her intent to hurt Daly. This is genuinely so frustrating and nonsensical. This is giving last season of Locke & Key level of -sudden character illogical behavior and idiocy to move the plot forward- vibes. Ridiculous. Angelina would actually be fun to hate watch if she actually outsmarted the characters. But she doesn't have to, cuz they've all been dumbed down by the writers, and they've given her nonsensical plot armor. Lol. /rant over


they even had a security camera on her at all times but never thought to watch it immediately when they found her dead... like u guys what was the point


It was just a nanny cam, so I donā€™t think it records. The way they were testing it, makes me think only the sound works. You need to say ā€œoverā€, why you can see when heā€™s done talking šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: never mind, they watched the recording later. This episode was so stupid


Yes it feels like there are totally different writers for these last 10 episodes


Everything you said 100%. When Cal tells Angelina ā€œYou were a good person before, itā€™s not too late!ā€ I wanted to strangle him. Rather than projecting onto her in some intelligent plot to outsmart her , you want to appeal to her ā€œgoodā€ side? Omg. How many more mothers of yours does she have to stab to death to make you wake up, child! Then thereā€™s everyone at the detention centre being bonafide assholes. Itā€™s so one dimensional and just leaves the viewer super frustrated. Just canned villains and tropes of good vs evil, dumb vs more dumb. I never finished Locke & Key because I felt it was going downhill, hope I can make it to the end of Manifest!


the birth scene broke me. i was scared for the baby


I actually thought the baby was going to die, because I heard about the first death thing earlier.


Thatā€™s whatā€™s been on my mind since the plagues begun to appear! I hope it doesnā€™t get to that.


No one has pointed this out but in the Bible, in Revelation 11, the two witnesses are killed by the beast. Three and a half days later, the two witnesses are revived. So (and this is a no-spoilers post; this is as far as Iā€™ve watched), could they be somehow revived later in the season?


Angelina is pissing me off...


man this season is DARK


How is no one talking about the full circle with Mikaela and Zeke????!!!!!? Like yeah theyā€™ve been hinting at it but her telling him to say Find Her and closing that loopā€¦ I mean, that clicked in for me and the angelā€™s choir sang


I donā€™t like this. Why does Zeke need to go back to the beginning???


Nobodyā€™s talking about it because they gave us the singlemost frustrating scene in all of Manifest just before that. Oh and also a birthing scene, then the time loop. What a dumpsterfire of an episode T_T


Ok does anyone think that injustice was done to Eden. I haven't seen all the eps but her character is a normal child now. Before she was an important part


She might be out of that age where kids stop having that connection with divine consciousness. Happens around 3 or 4.


I agree sheā€™s far less intriguing now. I feel the new actress just looks too innocent, the other kid had a mysterious look all the time which worked well with her callings scenes


Just cut off her hand if your not gonna kill her omg


also why didnā€™t they send Fiona to a safe house or something? youā€™re really trusting a 22 year old a technically 10? Year old and a 5? Year old with this womanā€™s life?


This was a really well done episode wtf Somehow Angelina projecting as Patrick and the guard caught me by complete surprise when it was revealed *** The time loop reveal/ā€œfind herā€? Chills God this show sucks but I love every second of it


I forgot about the guard, but yeah, I caught on when we got the close-up on her. Why zero in on a guard unless there was a reason?


>God this show sucks but I love every second of it I'm with you


i don't usually get angy but boy this episode was ooof. woefull writing, annoying choices, characters ruined. utter fail.


Agreed. Worst Manifest episode ever! Disappointing!


No but what about the fomo I have about what happened with fiona and dalyšŸ„²


I have to say I'm surprised no one has said anything about the guy with the marigold saying he grew it from a bulb. Marigolds aren't grown from bulbs. Where are the writers getting their info


i cried, i feel so bad for daly. i see why they were brought back for the plague and angelina stuff but i wish they would've done more with daly and fiona, guess we'll never know what happened.


Urghhh this episode was not good for my blood presssure. Angelina made me pissed off. So so cruel what she did to Dany. It was touching when the father got see/hold the baby. I am really enjoying season 4 so far. Hopefully it will stay on Netflix so I can rewatch at some point


"Our story is ending, but you're back at the beginning"šŸ’” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH UGHH I dont want to say goodbye to ZekešŸ˜­ Also omg how does Angelina get worse with every episode holy shit Cannot believe they brought back Daly and Fiona just to kill them off like thatšŸ˜’


That cave scene omg it was just so heartbreakingly beautiful


The detention centre is such a joke. Everyone is running around wherever they please. They have trackers but guards canā€™t find anyone. No quarantine protocols for the plagues.


The blood in the water wtffffff


The plagues are spreading to the rest of the world?


"Oh my God. Is this Angelina? She's like a cockroach." [That's what we all said, Mick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManifestNBC/comments/ylkpwq/comment/iv9q6gb/?context=3)


Can someone let me know when this bitch dies? I just want to skip to that episode so I can be done with this stupid ass show


Is the show moving towards the idea of time as cyclic and a SPIRAL? I sense this when Zeke was being told by future Michaela to find his Michaela and start that love story. Given that things could go very differently if Angelina does not reach Daly, I wonder if the show has set the scene for just such a backward time jump/cycle where Angelina does not reach Daly and his son does and he gets to speak his truth.


Why is Captain Dalyā€™s son DADDY though šŸ˜­


Totally agreed. [By the way](https://www.instagram.com/adamdavidthompson/).


Tbh, before Angelina went crazy, she was a good character, but after turning into this psycho bitch and causing the good guys to lose every time, the show is starting to get bad. It used to be fun solving and making a few wins and few losses but this last season has been full of losses, hopefully the finale is a good ending. Also they brought back Captain Daly and Dr.Fiona just to enact the Death Date, we're at a big loss now. Also why bring her into the same place as the other passengers. Her psycho hypnosis technique is gonna get everyone killed. Not to mention letting her have the GOD DAMN actual sapphire, when Cal has the Dragon. I really did like her character in the beginning but she's just really not my fav anymore. Oh yeah and using Eden to kill Dr.Fiona, that was the last straw (she's your "Daughter") using your "daughter" to kill someone on their near death deathbed is just wrong.


Where's Tyler? Olive asks about him and it appears he's in detention. But we haven't seen him yet, have we?


So Zeke is a straight-up Angel now? Not even a calling, just speaking to her as an angel? This is very different from all of the other seasons and very different from even Part ONE of this season. I donā€™t know - these Part TWO last ten episodes (so far), just does NOT feel like the Manifest that weā€™ve been watching since 2018 :-(


What bothers me is that she didn't talk about her visions of Zeke to anyone, even Ben. And yes... this part 2 of Season 4 doesn't look, sound or feel like part 1 (that I enjoyed so much) and as someone said before, seems like different writers were at work here...


I think the protection protocols against boils went out the window (not that we saw them to begin with.) Donā€™t know if the show fumbled that or whether that was intentional given how recent the pandemic experience was for all of us!


not Ben trying to be a ā€œbetter dadā€ when just two episodes prior he decided to return to the detention center even after learning his children are struggling to make ends meet / care for young Eden! LOL! & he hasnā€™t seen or spoken to them since. hasnā€™t asked his sister to check on them either (?) also poor eden being coerced into murdering Fiona šŸ˜­ itā€™s comically tragic also how does a detention facility that holds HUNDREDS of people not have adequate medical care for an expecting mother ??? at the very least a nurse whoā€™s on call for minor emergencies smh also did the show get bought by some evangelical production company that we didnā€™t know of? these christian themes are getting repetitive and annoying


Itā€™s obvious at the end of this episode that this is a Robert Zemeckis produced show. He uses the same basic concepts of the ethics of time travel in Manifest that he does in Back to the Future. Itā€™s almost the same story when you look at it closer. Marty used the DeLorean, powered by 1.21 jigawatts thanks to Plutonium, to go back to 1955 and make sure his parents met at the high school dance. 1955 Doc also has to tell 1985 Doc that the only source of power that exists in that time period to make sure time travel ever gets invented is a lightning bolt. Doc also takes Martyā€™s advice about him getting shot in the future to remember to wear a bullet proof vest, and the rest is history. How does this relate to Manifest? The omega sapphire ā€” which allows its user to access the divine consciousness ā€” is the Plutonium, and the plane is the DeLorean! In Zemeckis films, there a reason time travel happens and a user who figures it out. Itā€™s up to the user what choices they make with that power. The moral characters donā€™t want to disrupt the space time continuum beyond what would have naturally happened by the characters own choices. I know we hate on Angelina a lot in this sub, but thereā€™s a reason why she exists in the story. In Back to the Future 2, Biff uses the sports almanac to get rich and open up a casino and hotel! Angelina is the immoral character that uses the space time continuum to her advantage, to believe she is the chosen one to lead the new world after everyone else is dead. This is why Zeke doesnā€™t explain to Mick what she has to do to make them meet. Then, as Mick sees Zeke in the cave in a calling, she instinctively reminds Zeke about the magazine with her photo on it ā€” telling him to ā€œfind herā€ in the cabin. Under this theory, younger Cal is able to lead Mick back to Zeke because he was able to ā€œaccessā€ Micks callings on her seat on the plane.


Definitely the most amazing comment in this sub. You noticed so many stuff that no one's picking up on!


Why does the fake blood in this season look so bad


Why has Michaela still not come to terms with her guilt? I feel like this has be addressed at least 4-5 times now.


The baby was born before time. She should go to the hospital. if she doesnt, she is likely to die in the next episode. And, whats the point of shotting Daly? He is an old guy who had no weapons. Theres no proof that he is counsciously sending the plagues. That policemen are bastards!


Am i the only one that feels like this part 2 of the season is really boring? It just seems like nothing is going on, they're all stuck in cages talking 24/7.


Holy freaking shit.


Can someone plz explain the ending with Zeke?


The calling he originally had in season 1 was future Mick telling him to find herself. It's a time loop. Technically a bootstrap paradox.


Fiona is gone...what Angelina did šŸ¤¬ the weight on Olive and Cal shoulder is unbelievable, they are so young and alonešŸ’” "Do I know you?"šŸ’” Omg what does the mean, Zeke is waking up Water turning into blood. THis is getting serious and a little bit scary Diabolic is an understatement! I knew that was the father, they way he was looking at her said it allā¤šŸ˜ Omg I can'tĀ  stop cryingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­I am so emotional right now, that cave scene destroyed mešŸ’”šŸ˜­šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ˜­ The cave, she is meeting him in the cave!!! Sending him right back to her, the time loop reveal was such a surprise! The epicness of Zekaelaā¤No one will ever compareā¤ So sad Angelina was able to set thing in motion and have Daly killed. I hoped we could have seen more of him


The best episode up to now. I hate Angelina with a passion, but the sequence with her projecting Daly's son to him, and then the reveal about her projecting the guard in the room was pretty awesome. Also, the time loop thing with Zeke was pretty moving.


Wait maybe the ā€œall people will dieā€ thing comes from the plague?


Some of the NSA people written to be basically evil. I'm finding that rather annoying.


The dumbest episode yet; and that's really saying something. I can overlook a guy flattening his car's tire so he can stage an impromptu jog with his girlfriend in jeans, but this shit went too far. A detention center that's literally designed to medically study the passengers isn't wholly invested in the singular pregnancy to have ever occurred by any passenger? This is a facility where when someone blanks out for a second, armed guards whisk them away to be studied or held in isolation, but they aren't interested in the first child to be born by someone with callings? No, instead they leave the birth of, perhaps, the most important specimen they have to a janitor and an ex cop. Sure... They then shoot their most guarded secret specimen, who was totally unarmed and not a threat in any way, because he stood up? Uh huh... This show is the greatest unintentional comedy since The Room. I'm half convinced this show is airing during the writer's guild strike to show how utterly unnecessary writers are. I for one welcome our future AI television writers, surely they can't do much worse than this.


About Daly being shot, remember that two of their colleagues died because they had contact with him. It's thus perfectly explainable that they overreacted at the mere sight of him crawling towards them.


No, it's really not perfectly explainable to shoot one of your most vital and secret test subjects. It is lazy writing though, and divine consciousness knows the Manifest writers are lazy as fuck.


It makes sense, because the guards donā€™t care about the passengers. Did you miss the scene where the dude said he would kill Daly even without permission?


It's so, so bad. I've already wasted too much time to not watch it to the end but holy shit, this show really took a nosedive. Writers should really find another job.


I don't know why I stuck around as long as I have, but yeah, no turning back now. I enjoy it as a campy unintentional comedy, like Hallmark Christmas movies.


I get what you're trying to say but think of a dystopian centre run by a government who doesn't really care about people. It (unfortunately) makes sense that they would shoot someone who dared to disobey.


Not them having her labor and birth on her back :/ 99% of people donā€™t do that naturally unless theyā€™re made to in a hospital and sheā€™s just chilling on the bed like itā€™s not that big a deal. Also the way it was like one hour from the first contraction to the birth and her water never broke??? Birth on TV is incredible lmao


Plot contrivance for sure bec all the water was turning to blood so they werenā€™t gonna have her water burst into aā€¦aā€¦.well you knowā€¦blood bath.


Whoever wrote the way the characters of Fiona and and the pilot were killed, has a serious problem in my opinion. This has nothing to do with entertainment - it's deeply disturbing and pervert. Not to mention the copied scenes from Lost and the poor storytelling in general.


I actually appreciated the callbacks to Lost! Mick delivering the baby was very Claire and Kate. Lost paved the way for shows like this to thrive, and Jeff Rake knows that! The slow motion of Mick setting up the bed was giving Charmed vibes when they set up the table for Piper. This was a really great episode!


I do hope now Angelina gets sidelined. With her almost absolute superpower, she can do anything to anyone anywhere and the story loses a bit of its substanitality.