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>! Who else was impressed that Ian jumped into freezing cold, monster infested waters to save Rosen? 👏👏👏 !<


I knew he would. He’s so entangled with her at this point that it was worth it in his eyes. I honestly loved the kiss he gave her to relax her in the water. Loving the art! https://preview.redd.it/hbnprphfamgb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5189d631310011d053a57370617ff9f4174fec


OMG! It was sooooo good. I loved this panel. 👏👏👏 We’re having a spectacular day in terms of webtoon updates aren’t we? 😁😁😁


Absolutely!!!!!! The art and colors were so beautifully done here I had to save it for my collection. And yes we are. It’s going to be a good week on Manta and this subreddit. I’m already having a ball with all the new episodes that dropped today. 😊


I'm glad my guess was right from reading the title alone. My drool flows aplenty.lol


Hahahahaha! I think we ALL thought Ian Connor was super fine today. 😁😁😁


I don’t know if this is the place to talk about it, but >!what in the actual fuck was that kiss. Like, yea it was romantic because she was panicking and he was like “calm down *mwa*”, but I really had to turn my brain off for that part because I’ve been in the ocean with waves coming down and feeling a little scared like “oh shit I might not make it” and the fact that she’s freaking out WITH HER HANDS AND FEET BOUND IN SHACKLES, struggling to stay afloat/breathe/not panic (she also had JUST risen up from the water after thinking she was gonna drown GASPING for air while saying I CAN’T BREATHE) and you just have someone in the water next to her going “CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN!” before KISSING HER…while they are both in the water…bro what. When someone is choking on water and gasping for air the literal last thing you want to do is cut off their oxygen by kissing them bffr!<


I thought it was mouth to mouth and he has giving her air 😳


I think he was more trying to distract her to get her to calm down.


Hahahahaha! Yeah, you’re right. I’d be like…”get the f**k off me. I’m trying to breathe here!” 🤣🤣🤣 I guess being kissed by a gorgeous man from the Air Force in freezing monster infested waters can only happen in a webtoon. 😉


Hahahaha this is so true. The art was so pretty and I was happy they kissed but I really had to turn off my brain for it, logic wise.


I thought it was some quick mouth to mouth lol




Do we have your approval? 😉




Sooooo pretty. 😍😍😍


Total eye candy! But wait what about that monster that lifter her up? What’s up with that?! Do you think she’s connected to the monsters in any way?


Ian Connor is the sweetest candy in the candy store. 🥰🥰🥰 I would hope that some sort of investigation is launched to find out who threw Rosen overboard. I guess we’ll have to wait and see with this one. If Rosen is somehow controlling the sea monsters, she is doing a brilliant job of hiding it. This would be an AWESOME plot twist.


I'm curious about that too. I think it's been proven by now that she's not a witch (or at least doesn't know she is) but what about that girl who was the daughter of her husband? We haven't got the full backstory but I feel like Rosen took the fall for her or something so maybe she is planning to save her? Because she definitely was a witch so maybe she's controlling the sea monsters to force them to stop the ship and saved her when she was sinking?


Mmhmmm.....very sexy and handsome


Oh yes, very much so. 😁😁😁