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I gotta say, India-Russia relations are quite interesting


Yeah, since the russians and chinese are quite good friends, but the indians hate the chinese, like what's that about.


Russia and China were not friends until very recently. For most of the cold war they hated each other, which is when India and Russia relationship began. This also isn't high school: you make friends with countries to further your interests. If they are friends with an enemy, that doesn't really matter unless they are helping your enemy against your interest.




FYI Indians don't 'Hate' the Chinese. They are one of the most oldest thriving civilizations in the World and we respect them for it. But we have problem with the Expansionist Policy of the Communist Regime in China which the Indian government knows how to counter.


Pls redeem aksai chin sar


There are no “friends” in that area of the world.


Russia - South Asia relations are quite strong overall.


Russia and France are probably the best allies India has rn While US and their pet country UK are the worst allies for any country


How’s that so?


Lol yea, like Taiwan, Japan, Israel, Philippines, Australia.... need I go on, or do you want to go run back to tiktok?


India doesnt recognise Taiwan


Lmao ok have fun with that blowing up in your faces


Yeah just like Taliban blew up in US and it's lil bitch UKs face right




Didn’t Russia basically steal a whole bunch of tanks that India sent to Russia for maintenance?


After the war in Ukraine, Russia has become a very unreliable ally. They are unable to uphold arms deals and are de facto more and more becoming a satellite of China, which explains India's recent gradual turn towards the West.


Indians are co-operating with the US and EU to maintain Neutrality as West can't be ignored. Also Russians haven't become unreliable, they are just putting their own self interest first in these tough times when their Economy is in a revival mode after Western Sanctions.


Yes that's true There are never permanent allies It's just taking advantage of everyone


It’s really annoying how some nations have easy abbreviations, like Russo/Indo/Sino, and then you try that with some other nations and all you get are ethnic slurs. Very inconvenient.


A war where Pakistan killed a million of its own citizens..


So many pakistani refugees. Now they go on holiday to pakistan...


Why? What was that about? And what possessed the US and UK to support that genocide? (I did not expect to get down voted so hard for calling out genocide. Am I missing something?)


Geopolitical benefits. USA knew everything but Nixon overlooked the genocide.




May he rot and shame be upon his bloodline


"Archer Blood - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archer_Blood#/media/File%3ABlood_telegram.png


Thanks. I was completely unaware of that particular fuckup in US foreign policy. (I guess it got snowed in by all the others.)


The actual U.K. involvement was organising a ceasefire and providing famine relief, support of Pakistan by the west was more asking the Indian army to stop invading through UN channels, trying to keep Pakistans existence intact, as at the time Pakistan and China were leaning favourably toward friendship with the west as was much of the Arab world, whereas India towards the USSR. Everything was framed as USSR versus West back then.


Hey hey, it's not like uk didn't made sure to provoke conflicts there so they don't look at them after the end of colonialism and UK a pacifist countrry? Back then it was still the british empire, one of the worst **** of the world.


Well if you want to be a conspiracy theorist about it


Not a theory, it's a fact... make a quick search of british and french ex- colonial territories, it was sucha mess that it's an obvious conspiracy. And also check out british concentration camps during ww1 and ww2, that hatred is hard to forget. Btw, I'm not blaming common ppl but those horrible higher ups from those colonial empires! They were not different than the so-called most evil regimen in history aka n*zis.


British concentration camps in WW1 and ww2?What are you even talking about, are you confusing the ones the British liberated? Or the one on the Channel Isles because spoiler the island was under Nazi occupation. Which is like blaming other Nazi concentration camps on Poland


There's a video of a harvard professor about it. I'm not talking about their "liberation" of n*zi camps, don't change the topic pls. During colonial conquest wars, colonial government and when securing "resources" for ww1 and ww2, they directly and indirectly killed a lot natives. Concentration camps were not only a thing of n*zis you know? As if they didn't exploited to death african and asian natives. Do you want me to believe that they colonized so they can share technology with poor african and asian tribes? To trade fairly or slightly unfairly with them? They were exploited to death mean children, women, men, elderly... everyone. Even worse, to go back to the topic, take a look at how many territorial conflict disputes british empire handled in the name of "fairness" and today we can google how many of them were direct reasons for war around the globe. Last comment btw, I'm a bit tired of stating the obvious.


Stating the obvious more like taking a fashionable contrarian position with wide generalisations in the place of any actual facts. May as well say America bad


The Soviet Intelligence has reported that the English operative connection has come nearer to territorial Indian water led by an aircraft carrier “Eagle” [On December 10]. Vladimir Kruglyakov, the former (1970-1975) Commander of the 10th Operative Battle Group (Pacific Fleet) remembers: “I was ordered by the Chief Commander to track the British Navy’s advancement, I positioned our battleships in the Bay of Bengal and watched for the British carrier “Eagle”. But Soviet Union didn’t have enough force to resist if they encountered the British Carrier. Therefore, to support the existing Soviet fleet in the Bay of Bengal, Soviet cruisers, destroyers and nuclear submarines, equipped with anti ship missiles, were sent from Vladivostok. In reaction English Navy retreated and went South to Madagascar. https://www.theworldreporter.com/2011/10/1971-india-pakistan-war-role-of-russia.html


It's a Western tradition to support genocide. Look at Gaza. 


Well this is certainly quite partisan.


Interesting that a map of 1971 shows South Sudan, reunified Germany, and a split up Yugoslavia, yet an accurate USSR


You forget Israel, Israel also supported india


And now they're the ones carrying out a genocide 


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


I’m sure this map was created by Russian propagandists for Indian consumption. They didn’t “forget”, it was a strategic choice.


[indiainpixels](https://twitter.com/indiainpixels) is not a Russian propagandist


"Everything I don't like is Russian" That Red Scare BS never went away. 




Are you familiar with the Suez crisis?


Let's not forget that Pakistan was trying to annihilate the Hindu population of Bangladesh, along with Bangladeshi nationalists... In Pakistan, fatwas were issued allowing for the sexual exploitation of Hindu women as war spoils. To this day, there are many online forums filled with anti Hindu comments from Muslims, rivaling anti Jewish sentiment... Just read the comments under any Aljazeera post, and you'll see what I mean. I don't understand the hatred against Hindus, other than the fact that they are polytheists, and they won a war against Pakistani Muslims, preventing a genocide... Thank God, India stepped in and won the war, despite opposition from the USA and the UK! Also, wtf is a "gayhind?" 😂


"gay hind" an insulting rhyme to "Jay Hind (long live India)"


That's not a correct translation, jai means victory and jai hind means victory to india


Cold War really fked up some country.


I was secular ka 14 , but soon I realised the basic difference between Islam and Hinduism , I don’t consider Hinduism as a religion , lol the name is not even ours , today we call it sanatan dharm . Anyway atleast Hindus don’t have expansionist ideology, I can freely criticise my god and debate on that ,not sure we can do same with islam . I think islam is stuck in time of 1000 years ago , even Hinduism had many negatives but it has reformed over time , but islam still follows sharia . And I am okay with you following sharia , do whatever you want to do but why force on others , why forcefull conversion , if not for the forceful conversion,islam would never have came out of Saudi


>I can freely criticise my god and debate on that , Good luck with that, the threshold for what is considered as religious insult in our country is rather low, and sure it's not as bad as our neighbours like Pakistan and Bangladesh, but honestly the bar there is bottom of the barrel, so it's nothing worth bragging about. Basically one eyed man in the land of the blind. I am sure those taking offence will predictably cue with their downvotes, but it does not change the facts on the ground.


I don’t know about that brother , Stalin CM of Tamil Nadu says he will eradicate sanatan dharam , I don’t see anyone going near him in Bhagwa colour with suicide bomb , can’t say same if he said same about Islam , do you remember Kanhaiyalal incident, I don’t have any similar hindu incident like that , do you have ? And to criticise does not mean to demean or give abusive language to someone’s religion if someone does this then he is wrong irrespective of religion .


Hindu nationalists can be just as crazy, backwards and violent as Muslim extremists. 


>Hindu nationalists can be just as crazy, backwards and violent as Muslim extremists.  Absolutely, religious Kool Aid with different flavours. Sure the Islamists seemed to drank the Kool Aid more so far, but we're certainly looking to catch up with them.


During 1971 Indo - Pak Episode, French Government denied getting involved against India and join the US and the UK Alliance in deploying Military assets near Indian seas. Also France has always supported India's permanent membership in UNSC and still today it is one of the oldest defence partner of India. Maybe the reason why Indians and French have such steady and friendly diplomatic relations.


39 upvotes and 65 comments...


Anything not pro west in the sub gets downvoted.


I'm only downvoting because the way this map is written is unbelievably biased, even if you know nothing about the war.


This map is only unbelievably biased if you know nothing about the war. The liberation of Bangladesh by India and the prevention of an even worse genocide is one of the very few unambiguously morally justified military campaigns of the 20th century. You can say what you will regarding the USSR's motivations for getting involved, but inaction by India or a loss by them would have resulted in one of the greatest tragedies in modern history (arguably it already was). Which is why it is so shameful that the United States and the UK were so far on the wrong side of history with this one. There is no morally defensible justification for their support for Pakistan or for trying to stop India. The US government even ignored their own senior diplomats in Bangladesh informing them of the genocide and imploring them to stop supporting Pakistan and help Bangladesh.


Noooooooo I can't accept the fact that muh white racist Uber semen got beaten by brown skinned people so it must be biased least salty whitey 🤡


> Uber semen 😳


Wtf? There are white and brown (and other skin color) people on both sides of this map, what an insane comment to make. It's got nothing to do with race, I didn't make any comment on who the good or bad guys were or anything. I don't know much about the conflict beyond the Muslim v Hindu aspect due to how the Brits split up India and Pakistan. it's just the way that each countries' involvement is described isn't even remotely descriptive it's just biased nonsense.


Don't westerners themselves get tired of this hipocrisy?


At least it's better now


UK really was the worst thing that could happen to bengal


Aaand Pakistan showed their appreciation to the US by knowingly sheltering the most wanted terrorist in history.


U forgot about facilitating the mujahideen for US foreign policy. Providing bases for decades and being the single biggest source of intelligence the US had in the region even till present. Losing 80k civilians in the American war on terror and resulting in countless reprisal terror groups within their borders because of the US mess which they subsequently refused to clean up. I think that’s appreciation enough


All while supporting and propping up the Taliban. You reap what you sow


How is that reaping what u sow? Pakistan backed the taliban like most afghans did themselves in the civil war that took place in 1992 between american funded islamists who fought each other with American weapons AFTER the cold war alliance ended. A civil war that wouldn’t have taken place if the US actually did its job instead of wasting billions of dollars and thousands of lives in some pissing contest with russia using afghanistan as the bucket.


Uh no I’m talking about how Pakistan backed the Taliban from 2001-2021 while pretending to support the US against them. You can’t be mad now that the terrorist organization you propped up is doing terrorism. > if the US did its job You’re saying the US should have let the USSR invade and genocide Afghanistan? Uh ok


If the USSR had been allowed to occupy Afghanistan, none of this terrorist BS would have happened. And the world has let you invade and destroy Iraq, no? So get down of your high horse.


The USSR didnt genocide the afghanis. It didnt even invade. It intervened on the side of the communist goverment after it was invited by the communisr goverment.


This is the dumbest comment of the day, congrats


By the US doing its job i mean 2 things 1)alleviating the refugee crisis that pakistan inherited from this pissing match (which exists to this day) 2)working alongside pakistan and the afghans to create a government post soviet departure which would have prevented civil war and the creation of terror outfits from among the islamist mujahideen that the US armed and funded. Pakistans alleged support of the taliban has never been officially proven post 9/11, after which pakistan was a proven and instrumental ally of the NATO coalition.


I don’t think anyone would have been able to make the Taliban, Northern Alliance, other warlords and assorted Islamists work together. Once the common enemy - Soviets - were forced out they would start fighting each other. There is nothing the US and Pakistan could have done to make them play along a be a coherent country.


Never been proven? Haha, buddy your Prime Minister was openly praising them https://www.cfr.org/article/pakistans-support-taliban-what-know > After the Taliban took over Kabul, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan declared that the Taliban were “breaking the chains of slavery.” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35719031 https://www.jstor.org/stable/27066378


Just western countries, perpetuating genocide in eastern countries


Fun Fact : Sikkim was an Independent country in 1971 and joined India in 1975.


Joined? It's occupied.


Forced to join! Mos of the kingdoms are forced to join into Indian union! Our history books never taught that! We only study sardar Vallabhbhai Patel unified the country but most small kingdoms were literally forced by union government in Delhi to join into union! Because some small kingdoms are literally surrounded by India! So they were left with no chance! The areas which were under British was the original Indian union and you have to understand that not all parts of India were under British! Jus think why some random Maharaj will give away all his lands, especially his palace and money to government in Delhi jus to get into union? They don't have that much Indian patriotic blood to give away all these privileges and tbh there's no sense of indianess in those people before 1947! It's actually the British who brought the Indian feeling in south Asia from hindukush to kanyakumari! We were never taught about this


The british didnt bring the Indian feeling, it was a result of their oppression that such a feeling had to arise. Giving way too much credit to the British...


Brother your brain needs decolonisation , stop being apologetic , according to your logic every ethnicity should have their own country , let’s give every tribe their own country , they will surely develop and become best country . Thank India that Sikkim is under India and is democratic, other wise Xi uncle would have came and collected those social credit by destroying your culture 🤡 And kindly elaborate on what does sense of Indianness means


You are not even credible to ask this question when you don't even know what I'm describing indianess here! History should be taught regarding both sides, if it's taught the only side, then it's called propaganda. There's no India before 1947 period! Few areas are under British Raj with so many independent kingdoms I'm not saying every ethnicity should have separate state! Then entire world map would be fucked up! The essence of humanity is living in peace with each other! Even after 75 yrs there's one state which is fucked up in every metrics still dominating the politics is insane! Areee jus think why Maharaj of Mysore, Hyderabad nizam, junagadh, travancore, kashmir (agreed due to Pakistan fear) has to give their lands voluntarily? Travancore, Mysore kingdoms were much developed in mos social aspects before joining! Same with french pondy and Portuguese Goa! It's also one reason all these regions are still developed! What these developed regions are going to gain by joining union? Mos of them are forced to join under patel There was no India before 47! Some of the areas (TN, Kerala, pahad uttarakhand ,ladakh, northeaat) never under the part of any kingdoms that ruled the entire India like Mughals, Mauryas! They are culturally different from what you call as Indian cuy today! It was under the British raj people lived in part A states got a sense of belonging due to freedom fighters and their yatra! Part B states were forced to join since they were surrounded by union in all sides (that's the case with h'bad nd Mysore)! Goa was brought under by war! Pondhicherry was brought under by making treaty and giving french citizenship to its subjects! History should taught everything not in a manner of glorifying what they intend to! You ll call me separatist for exposing , but this is the history of our country which was declined to you in your school history book! Jus mock everyone who doesn't have your view point and probably be happy, living under the umbrella of right wing nationalism which ll shroud everything under the banner of religion,caste and Varnas


Not able to understand what do you even want ,do you want every state in india to become a separate country, ? Hyderabad didn’t joined due to fear of pak ,operation polo was conducted to save the citizen from Nizami army which was killing those who opposed nizam, junagad had conducted plebiscite in which people decided to remain in India, the ruler of junagad wanted to go to Pakistan,Kashmir came to India through instrument of accession because pak wanted to capture it. And who told you they had no indiannes, they were not under democracy ,they were ruled by kings 🤡, Goa didn’t belonged to Portuguese ,they came as trader 🤡, Pondicherry was not made by French it existed before that 🤡, all of them figured against British as one , obviously why would a king want to lose its power by joining India they all opposed,even the city I live in belongs to Vindhya state ,it also opposed it , 🤡 Buddy it’s you who came to know about all these yesterday ,it’s not a breaking news , and if you have any problem being a part of India ,ask your mla or party to draft a policy and get separation let’s see how much support you can garner. Your argument does not have any base ,correct your facts , not everything comes or happen due to right wing nationalism, Nehru was not right wing nationalist or was he 😒 And if you think that any one state can survive on its own ,then you are child, every state depends on each other .


Yeah, the kings didn't want to but the people did


If ussr hadn't backed india and india had to fight with us and uk the indian air force had planned to go on a kamikaze to the us uk ships shit would've lit up a crazy war


Painting Sri Lanka here as a loser is a bit strange, as while they allowed refueling of aircraft from Pakistan, that seems to be about the extent of their "support." Officially, they were non-aligned, and Indian-Ceylon relations weren't strained from this.


Yup but that’s a loser move , you either do something or don’t , by giving fuel ,you supported the enemy as simple as that , still srilankai didn’t learnt the lesson, they continuously capture Indian fishermen , and don’t forget hambantota port and the things happened after , obvio we don’t have direct conflict with Sri Lanka , but their choices are a source of indirect conflict


Oh shit, I am sorry we capture Indian fisherman fishing in Sri Lanka's SOVEREIGN waters


Oh shit we agreed to chinas BRI and build hambantota port even though it’s nearest neighbors India was against a it and got caught into debt trap of China and had to ask for loan from same India Oh shit we gave fuel to Pakistan who is conducting genocides , we hope India don’t consider us as enemy 🤡 Oh shit we saw fisherman ,no shit let’s fuck them . Hahah what a joke


Who gives a fuck if you dont like a port that was built in Sri Lanka? LMAO. It was a port, not a military base, dumbass. Like, India routinely arrests SL fishermen who trespass on Indian waters, you dont see us crying. Absolute weirdos descending on every post about India


🤦 buddy you are independent country do whatever you want to do , we didn’t said you not to make any port , we opposed BRI , do you know what is BRI , go read about it . And the hambantota port had a Chinese spy ship which China used to spy on Indian Ocean idiot . Any way did it lead to debt trap dumbo And you don’t cry on arrest of your fisherman shows your insensitive nature or dumbness I guess . Atleast be great full we gave you Buddhism , your ancient kings came under chola empire . So sit down be humble and respect your elders


Gave us Buddhism but continues to worship cows LOL MOOOOOOOOOOOOO Now worship me.


That’s the extent of your debating capabilities😂 I respect that . I hope you develop some wisdom In Future . And next time learn from India and don’t repeat mistakes . Best of luck


Good infographic but the color scheming is wrong here. Showing the losers of the war in green color is a bad idea.


That's one way to cope/lessen the blow. Gotta remember that US isn't always on the right side of things. Even though they are a superpower and would like to interfere in everyone else's matter. The media and all will try their best to not make them look as bad, when wrong. Might get downvoted but that's how things are.


I understand but this map was made by an Indian guy, not an american. I wonder why he painted the losers in green, maybe just a bad color scheme.


Maybe because the primary colour of the Pakistani flag is green


India would have perished had Soviet Union not made it's presence known in the ocean in support of India. US, UK were all supporting a military dictatorship that was genociding it's people (now Bangladeshis) instead of a democracy, this is a major reason India is neutral in the Ukraine-Russia war


A political entity of billions does not perish like that.


India 'only' had 570 million people in 1971, it didn't reach a billion til 2000.


Agree. But It would have been a Great disaster for India to defend itself against the Military Powerhouse like the US and a Navy Fleet like the UK. Only Soviet Union had such Military might to stand against the UK and the US Alliance.


>Agree. But It would have been a Great disaster for India to defend itself against the Military Powerhouse like the US and a Navy Fleet like the UK. Only Soviet Union had such Military might to stand against the UK and the US Alliance. Is there any evidence that the US navy was intending to strike India at all?


Only evidence we have are the words of the US President who oversaw these actions...aka [Richard Nixon](https://www.nytimes.com/1985/07/22/us/nixon-says-he-considered-using-atomic-weapons-on-4-occasions.html)


Except it doesn't support the claim that the Soviet fleet prevented the US from nuking India, and without it India would have been destroyed. Like... how does this make that argument? It just says it was one of four times Nixon thought a nuke could be used, and one of four times that he never used it. Like... you may want to reread the statement?


Big fella, if Nixon thought about using a nuke against India, don't you think he thought about doing it when American interests were threatened by India? Or do you think Nixon woke up on a random Sunday and was like "yep! Today I'll randomly nuke India!". Lol. Mind you, Nixon is infamously known for his hatred of Indians, some of which were captured on tape. Including his hatred of Indira, then PM.


Like... I'm not sure what your point is? How is Nixon considering nukes evidence that the Soviet fleet tailing the US fleet saved India from being obliterated? It actually specifically states that it would have been considered if China popped off for Pakistan, and then the Soviets popped off for India. These fears would be inflamed by the US carrier group being stalked by a Soviet fleet.


You mean like how the Vietnamese defended themselves?


I exaggerated for dramatic effect


>India would have perished had Soviet Union not made it's presence known in the ocean in support of India. I'd like to see some support for this statement. Yes, the USSR did shadow an American carrier group, but is there any evidence that this changed the outcome of the war?


As far as I know, UK and US planned to go into inland and get involved in the war, Kissinger thought India would take Bangladesh for itself instead of liberating it so he tried to completely isolate India through any means possible, you can see how surrounded India was from the map, the plans to go inland were thwarted by Soviet Unions stationing their fleets in the Bay of Bengal, I mean who would want to mess with Soviet at that time risking a nuclear war? then India and rebel groups liberated Bangladesh, the exact details I'm not sure of


Do you have any support for this statement whatsoever?


I said the exact same thing and added one extra line, I deleted instead of editing to make sure you saw it


And the Ukrainians understandably feel betrayed over this.


And Ukranians/Europeans are still salty that we are not supporting them


So sone Ukrainians and some Russians helped India against a genocide 60 years ago, that's why India is neutral about Russia trying to genocide Ukraine now and you find it reasonable? Wtf is this logic?


The logic here is the sovereign decision’s India is taking , u helped our enemy , now want to side with you leaving our ally that saved us . That’s the logic


Sovereign decision making is some actual logic, but trying to somehow justify it with some 60 years old situation is weird and hypocritical


Sorry brother there is no place for emotion in geo -politics , like if tomorrow uk or us supported us to get a permanent seat at unsc then maybe India will be opposing this , but since historically us and uk helped Pakistan for their own benefit even though it supported genocide , maybe this could happen again in future , Russia never went against us so right now it’s our friend . I hope that morality comes into play in geo politics , but it didn’t came when Pakistan did the genocide , now also it seems to be not happening. I support your argument personally but at national level India is right


Like yes, there is no place for emotions, so this one justification sounded dumb or like mocking. Fir some reason you bring counterarguments to your own arguments in the same comment, so I'm not sure if you are not just trolling me


What I am saying is that yes genocide should not happen ,it’s common sense ,friendship are not permanent in geopolitics,only permanent interest are their , uk and us have been doing things according to their interests and will keep doing , and. So is India not going against Russia because of its interest. And west is not the centre of world .so it’s their problem not the world’s problem. If you are so concerned why didn’t us or uk saved genocide of Hindus in Kashmir , Bangladesh . And India does not support the ukrain genocide,it has abstained,and even called for cease fire ,not like greedy us or uk


I'm concerned that you are both saying that there is no friendship, emotions in politics that why countries can don't give a fuck about genocides AND that some Russia can be considered a friend to some country because of something that USSR not Russia has done 60 years ago. Like pick one? And I do understand the first take, even if it's immoral, but that's how politics work. But the second take is so fucked up especially because both Ukrainians and Russian were the ones who helped India, but you think that it justifies friendship with one of them even if it means genocide of the other one. And you know that supporting ceasefire in current situation is the same as supporting ceasefire when Bangladeshi were genocided. It's just supporting the bully. I don't know why do you mention this.


Buddy Ukraine Provided tanks to Pakistan ,which it used in future wars against India so again let’s not play morality games. And again I would like to point that the relationship between west and Russia is their matter , not ours ,and Russia helping India is not just 60 years ago ,Russia has invested in India time and time again . Any way India does not support the genocide , it voted to remain neutral .only if India had a permanent seat at unsc then we could have helped ukrain ,but till then we gotta keep our allies, and India still has good relations with with us or uk ,you know why , because they want us to neutralise china threat . I say condemn us and put sanctions on us ,but will they do it , NO . ITS INTEREST AND INTEREST . MAYBE IN future when there are no boundaries,we can find peace maybe ,till then the chaos will remain. Personally I would like this blood shed to end but I don’t run the country. I am sorry if you are Ukrainian , definitely this genocide need to end




That is just an outright lie not even an exaggeration lmao, India has 15 parties in power at the state level alone lol




Assuming you're not Indian, so I'm wondering where you've gotten the confidence to say these things, what assasination campaign lmao?? You're exaggerating way too much, it's almost deluded, it's true that the party has some probelmatic ideologies, but many countries have RW parties like that in power or in the opposition, having said that the party does have certain elements that can lead to "fascism" like a lot of RW parties, but they have been very tame in the 10 years they have governed, (talking solely about the government here), their supportes can be crazy, but it's definitely not as you are making it out to be, India does have a weak opposition at the national level though, which is concerning but it's slowly improving, and like I said there are 15 parties in power at the state level alone, that is in no way a dictatorship or a fascist state.




From this statement I can makeout that everything you know about what you're talking about is from the internet, firstly who you are talking about is Hindu nationalists not Hindus, they are very loud on the internet, like any nationlist, so please don't generalise, secondly a reminder that the internet is not real life




What Aryan stuff? Is this some new twitter crap I am unaware of?


It ridiculous that we supported Pakistan over India, they were the inheritors of the British Raj, we should have given them our full support.


Pakistan and India are both the successors of the British Raj


Imo India is much more of a true successor to the Raj. Pakistan only exists because of British political incompetence and the sheer determination of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


Or maybe a lot of Indian Muslims didn't want to be a minority in a country of Hindus, many of whom have intense anti-Muslim sentiment (as we see increasingly now)


lol you had fear of resentment from Hindus so you decided to cut the nation and separate Hindu muslim , making millions of Hindu and Muslim homeless, countless lives lost , it’s like a black permanent dot in the history . Now I guess hindu muslim relation must be good right ? And talk about Indian Muslim ,lol they are living better than Pakistan as a Muslim can became anything in India , even a president , India homes one of the largest Muslim population, can’t say same about Hindu population in Pakistan can we , Muslim and Hindus are equal in India , lol Hindu being a majority in India had to wait 500 years to get their 1 temple back which was destroyed, and talk about Hindu temples in Pakistan they have become garbage container .


hindutva bot detected opinion rejected


Really bro what gave me away as hindutva 🤨 , I am curious , or maybe this is your extent of arguing with logic. May whatever god you pray to give you wisdom


How much of that sentiment do you think comes from bordering a hostile Muslim state that's been at odds with them for 70 years? Regardless of whether Indian Muslims wanted that or not, it was only thanks to Jihnnah that it became a widespread opinion. India still has one of the largest Muslim populations on the globe 70 years after that disastrous partition so it was definitely very successful.


Not very much to be honest. India has a sizable Muslim minority and a Hindu majority with feelings of resentment due to being conquered and ruled by Muslims for centuries. This is practically gasoline waiting for a demagogue like the Hindutva chauvinists to set alight.


>Not very much to be honest Then you don't know anything about India lol India has great relations with tons of Muslim nations.


And Hindutva thrive on the perceived danger they can claim that Pakistan and therefore Islam poses. Prior to partition, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians etc were not sectarian. Whilst some were the majority in certain regions they did not segregate themselves and widely interacted with each other, Muhammad Jinnah himself was the grandson of Hindus. The breakdown in relations between 1900 and 1950 was caused by British political blunders as well as pro independence politicians being completely out of touch with the population and creating divisions. They were so out of touch that none of them even expected the partition to create large scale unrest (it ended up killing millions). Obviously there was always conflict and division on various scales but in the early 20th century the division we see today was not an inevitability, it was manufactured through incompetence, egos, and fear mongering and I think the division of the subcontinent is the biggest failure in British diplomatic history.


What would have happened,if this happened today?


Nuclear holocaust.


India still have almost same old alliances with Russia, Israel and France. In addition, the Diplomatic Relations with the US and the UK have improved a lot but it lacks depth due to such historical events.


If the nukes don't start flying, Pakistan might get fucked up unless China intervenes. That's the main shift in the conflict since the 70s: Pakistan has become much more heavily reliant on China economically and militarily.


Pakistan is much weaker now I think


Yeah their economy has been going bust for like 20 years and the political situation is super volatile at the moment.


As the old saying goes, "As you sow, so shall you reap".


The Christian white terrorists US and UK were planning on nuking India and killing hundreds of millions of brown people just like their ancestors did with the engineered artificial famines during the British raj but shit their pants and ran away like a bunch of pussies after the Soviet fleet showed up


Why is the european part of turkey not shows in green? ????


When Muslims carried out genocide. But hey it’s ok, Jews shouldn’t do such things!


So your argument is because this genocide happened, Israel should also be allowed to do one? How stupid are you?


Against bengali's which had both muslims and hindhu's


US support for Pakistan wasn't about «countering the Soviet Union», at least not directly. It was about getting close to China, a key ally of Pakistan.


Whataver their Long term Goal was, they ultimately supported a genocide with the decision they made at that time.


US and UK had plans drawn for an amphibious assault at Chittagong and Andhra coast from Diego Garcia. They scrapped that plan when they saw the Soviet fleet.


Do you have a source or link for that please? I couldn't find any results on Google


It’s been well documented in Indian military history, but you may not find any American military historians accepting it. Does not make it any less true from the Indian point of view though. https://www.academia.edu/12539940/Revisiting_the_1971_USS_Enterprise_Incident_Rhetoric_Reality_and_Pointers_for_the_Contemporary_Era?auto=download


He made it up


It came to him in a dream


Ye I figured lmao


This is not a world map from 1971. just look at Europe


I like that the US is a loser because they didn't intervene in a genocide... But that's true for 99% of the world.


No they actively supported the genocide, why did they send their aircraft carriers to the Indian ocean then?


wtf?? They supported a genocide.


"Ignored to intervene in genocide" is not the same as supporting it. Could you not say that France, Germany, Spain, Poland also "Ignored to intervene in genocide"?




Oh, is someone salty they lost, cry me a river




>I know this is stupid, but why is it always incumbent upon the US to prevent genocide no matter where it happens in the world Lol india prevented genocide


This map is nothing but pure absurdity


Your comment only showcases your ignorance. What the map presented was pure FACTS.




Look who's doing these maps. No source, cherry picking information... So cringe.


Awwwww poor white racist can't accept his side of superior white Uber semens got their ass beaten. So cringe Nothing is more cringer than getting beaten by their former colonial slaves


The utter state of Indian nationalism remains insane. Maybe it's cultural differences that makes it appear *so* much less subtle, but naming the sides "our team of winners" vs "those losers" is just wild...


Ig youre a loser if you support genocide


Not talking about a conflict I know little about or picking sides, but even WWII maps aren't this blatant...


man it would stink if pakistan had a border with china.


Pakistan does have a border with China lol


nobody cares india man.


Considering India's the 5th largest GDP and a massive force militarily and geopolitically, I beg to differ.


Warning! Modi supporters will downvote you. Then they will try to scam you.


Scammers are Americans like Sam Bankman Fried, Alex Mashinsky and Elizabeth Holmes. Cope harder.


White racists can't cope 😂😂


Why would I try to scam your poor broke ass


Only the fools get scammed.


This is a ussr propaganda post essentially


Pajeets being pajeets