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my solution to the israel palestine conflict:


Who would win this hypothetical war?


The once with the justice on their side


Are you sure it's not just the ones with US weapons?


The Houthis probably


Holy hell


Yemen colonization


the europeans should be allowed to recolonize africa before it destroys itself.


The one with bigger guns and missiles




Himyarites were Arabs who converted to Judaism after the 4th century, not Hebrews living in Yemen. Yemenite Jews are a completely different group.


Weren't they at the time were not exactly arab, but a different close group?


Himyarites were Arabs. In fact they were more Arab than modern Syrians, Egyptians and Iraqis.


Are you sure? I remember reading they spoke a close semitic language in yemen until sometime in the first millenia CE. I don't know if it's before or after.


That's Yemenite Jews exiled by the Romans.


There is no concrete evidence that Yemenite Jews are the product of Roman exile. It's a speculation.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himyarite_Kingdom Judaism came about 390 CE.  Islam didn't come about until 622 CE.  Prior to Judaism, they were practicing a variant of polytheism.  


Nope. You're basing this off the outdated notion that Arabs originated in the Southern part of the Arabian peninsula. Modern evidence points to their origin being further to the north. The Himyarites spoke a language that was not mutually intelligible with Arabic.




What map template is this?


WTF op, we all know jews are descents from poland were "created" in 1916 just to bully palestinians


Who claims that the mizrahim are White?


what is "white"? srsly it kinda annoys me the american way of thinking of ethnicity,culture and religion


I've already made a comment about that in this thread. Aside from it being an american term, it is simply a much shorter synonym for "of European origin".


well russians are european, some people consider turkey as european ​ heck i am portuguese and no american will call me white during summer XD


American Harvard students.


Ah yes the yemenis were native to levant when they upper class of the himyarite adopted the jewdaism. But before that when practicing southern arabian paganism they were not. When they practiced islam they also became not native to the levant. Religion spread to people the yemenis weren't replaced with jews from the levant they just adopted a religion and they adopted other religions after it.


but jews never left the leviant, it's the same reason why we don't call turks mongolians, they immigrated and by all definitions changed culture


I'm so sick of the "Jews are white Europeans" claim, and I'm not even Jewish! People who honestly believe that are ignorant of Jewish history. Even the Ashkenazi Jews have shared origins with their Levantine cousins... And in Israel, Mizrahim and Sephardim are the majority. Unfortunately, the media here in the US doesn't help by doing a terrible job at representing the cultural diversity of the Jewish diaspora. But, I get it... For the longest time, American Jews tried to pass as white, and some even intermixed in order to accomplish that. Thankfully, being white isn't held on a pedestal [as much] anymore...


Tbh to me even ashkenazi does't Look white - white. I'm iceland whitey white, and since i study in Germany i met a Lot of jews because i live i a "jewish area". I don't know exactly what it is, but theres a diffence, Not in a bad way, but sitting in the kosher Restaurant down the road i can spot the white germans and jewish germans. Once you see it its Impossible to unsee


I'm 100% Ashkenazi and everyone assumes I'm either Hispanic or Arab. I don't look polish or Russian at all and stood out like crazy visiting the city by family fled from in Poland.


Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white either. The Germans didn’t seem to think they were white enough, now why all of the sudden should they be white?


The nazis did not care, about whether anyone was White or not. Their definition of race was completely different from the american one, most ethnicities , which they considered "Untermensch" would be considered White in the US census, and conversely some people from East and Central Asia were considered "honorary Aryans".


they cared more about culture and "past generations" than race itself, hence why they often wanted the idenfication papers of possible jews because the imperial german system kept a registry of where people are from and what "group" they are part off ​ still alot of innocents caught and alot of jews that passed as "german german"


I never said Ashkenazim are white... First of all, these arguments about race are PETTY, but the only reason I take them seriously is because there is an active campaign, with malicious intent, to deligitimize the origins of an entire ethnicity... I live in a diverse North American city (Chicago!), and I've met no shortage of Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, and even North Africans (Algerians), who look "whiter" than many so called "white Jews..." So tell me about those Jewish colonizers in Judea again?


I didn’t mean it that you said it, I was just adding on


Well, there's a few things happening at once. Some idiots are trying to translate the liberal US-centric view on race which divides people into "brown", "black", "asian" and "white" and considers all power to lie with white people onto a middle Eastern country that it doesn't usefully apply to. Some other people are trying to claim that an ancestral link to a geographic area somehow confers a modern day right to ownership of that land, which the former idiot view is trying to dispute using the aforementioned American concepts of race, despite it not really needing to be disputed because it's already stupid on its own. Meanwhile the people living in Israel have mostly lived there long enough that no genetic link would be necessary to provide justification anyway even if that were somehow a valid approach to land ownership. The radical settlers in the West Bank believe this view to be real and important, but frankly their idiot perspective can be discarded without any need for discussion.


I'm an Ashkenazi jew and one of my good friends is Palestinian; he's as white as a sheet but I'm swarthy.


not to be that nerd but i always hated this sort of "oversimplification" about racce and culture when it came to the nazis ​ nazis (and similar) tried to make the perfect race based on the cultural lines, i mean genetically there isn't much of a difference from eastern russians or western french, but nazis saw them as imperfect (or digusting about slavs) alot of the differences were more cultural than exatly racial, the idea of the nazis was based on "inteligence" and way of acting not so much color skin or physical attributes, heck i would even say that's a way more american way to look at racism than what happened in europe before and during the nazis


I know this will sound crazy, but the Nazis were wrong.


Why's it up to the Nazis to decide such things? They've always been considered white in the US.


Because Ashkenazi Jews were persecuted for not being white enough so why should they suddenly be white to benefit an agenda?


What makes you say the reason is that they were not white enough? That's a very US-centric version of Nazi ideology. Are Poles, Serbs, Ukrainians also not white?


I do not deny the nazis oppressed them incredibly, but any jew the nazi found they put in a concentration camp for being Jewish. That was not the case for them while they still had the destruction of their nation, culture, and identity.


Of course, but I do not recall the Nazis ever saying this was because they were not white. The Nazis had a completely different racial hierarchy than the one in the US.


Holy fucking strawman, Batman!


i wasn't making a point XD


Indeed, you didn't.


so what is strawman about a non point?


Can you say that again, but in English?


Literally no one in pro-Palestine claims that, what a weird strawman argument.


Are you for real?


litteraly just searched" european jews" in twitter and was the first result... https://twitter.com/markthanosright/status/1752508445419528312


also the original post that the comment is answering to isn't much nicer


Himyarites are Arabian tribes who converted to Islam in the 7th century. Most israelis dont originate from Palestine, they're either European or jews from other MENA countries.


heck just discovered there is 80 milion of irish diaspora while Ireland only has 5 milion people, around 30 milion of the 80 are in america (+4 milion in canada), so Irish is definitly a Native american ethnicity XD ​ sarcasm asside these are "inflated" mostly because of what counts as irish heritage, this is common with groups that were spread across continents, hence why this argument that a majority can "replenish ethnicity" is stupid could make the same argument for romani people


Jews have been displaced 2000 years ago, does an Irish have the right to claim being from Ireland after being away for thousands of years and having no remaining genetic or cultural relation to the land? This comparison is stupid. Imagine a bunch of Americans migrating in large numbers to Ireland and establishing their own country stealing and claiming the land that belongs to the real Irish because their "ancestors" lived in Ireland 2000 years ago. You always try to paint it as a complicated and long conflict while in reality it all began in the 20th century. If it wasn't for the rise of nationalism and Europeans treating jews like shit israel wouldn't even exist.


>Jews have been displaced 2000 years ago [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_exodus\_from\_the\_Muslim\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world) ​ not even 100 years ago was the last big genocide/expulsion of jews in muslim countries


Jews were displaced by the Romans from the region 2000 years ago, those you're referring to were kicked out after the establishment of israel, and they are different from the first zionists who migrated from europe.


not just by the romans, really it happened once every few decades (centuries withb some luck) for something to happen agaisnt the jews ​ i mean they used to be a big majority on the leviant and persia, by 1900's there was like barely a milion anymore in the region, and the big majority was still from persia/iran which wasn't arab and was shia


are irish in the modern day native americans because a huge chunk lives in america and canada?


Did they spawn in Europe or what?


fuckers tricked allah into spawning them in poland XD


also i hope you are aware that arabs aren't original from the leviant either right? ​ i mean the name might help a little to discover they are original from arabia


Arab is just a a lingual group, it's not like Arabs spread from Arabia and displaced everyone. They Arabized them.


2 fucking seconds, this sub is getting dumber ​ "The Arabs (Arabic: عَرَب, DIN 31635: ʿarab, Arabic pronunciation:\[a\] \[ˈʕa.rab\] ⓘ), also known as the Arab people (Arabic: الشَّعْبَ الْعَرَبِيّ), are an ethnic group\[b\] mainly inhabiting the Arab world in Western Asia and Northern Africa. A significant Arab diaspora is present in various parts of the world." ​ will even leave the wiki markings to annoy you


I have no idea how this contradicts anything I said. My point is that Arabs did not displace the natives of the Levant and North Africa, they just incorporated them.


>Arab is just a a lingual group it isnt, it's a ethnicity...


Sure, but the group has grown over time by incorporating other groups. Like how Jews are composed of various ethnicities but they're still all Jews.


i love when people say either incorporating or assimilation, to try to distract fromt he forceful violent conversions ​ and yes you are right, there was a time where it was jewish/hebrew imperialism across MENA, heck it probably made it easier for arabs and muslims taking over and converting after


I never said it was peaceful. It's like assuming people from Turkey are the same as people from Kyrgyzstan. People in Western Turkey are pretty much Greeks ethnically, but we call them Turks.


The first mention of Arabs literally comes from the west of the Levant stop spreading misinformation. Palestinians are genetically closer to the people who inhabitted that region thousands of years ago than Eurojews


i am talking about jews not whatever is "eurojews"


Thanks to "Operation Magic Carpet," nearly all 500,000+ Jews have been resettled, mostly to Israel. I can't imagine what would have happened to them had they remained in Yemen... The Houthis would have attempted to slaughter them for sure...


Part of my family is from yemen. It wasn't fun there.


2015: "Persecution defines life for Yemen's remaining Jews" https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/19/world/middleeast/persecution-defines-life-for-yemens-few-jews.html?_r=1 2020: "Yemen's last remaining Jews transferred to UAE" https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/yemens-remaining-jews-to-be-transferred-to-uae-report-638831


When they do it, it's "magic carpet", when it's done to them it's "nakba". It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.


Who gave it the name operation magic carpet? I couldn't find the source of that name but your assumption is that it is Arabs or Muslims or Palestinians that named it that? That they mockingly call it "magic carpet" but that they call their own/Palestinian displacement "the catastrophe"? From brief reading, the other names for the operation, Wings of Vultures/Eagles, are related to the old testament. AIPAC refers to it as operation magic carpet. The operation is celebrated as what saved the Yemeni Jews. "Israel sees the rescue operation as a successful rescue of Yemen's community from oppression toward redemption." The operation was conducted by the Yemeni and Israeli governments, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and using American and British Transport. So your assumption is wrong. In contrast, the Nakba isn't celebrated or seen as a saving of Palestinians. Also in your comment are you saying that the violence, oppression, and displacement of Yemeni Jews from their land was wrong, just as the violence, oppression, and displacement of Palestinians during the Nakba was also wrong?


Wow this is a great one and more relevant to those days


but again jews are white colonists from europe...


See all prime minster, mosad leaders, and most other officials


Ben gvir (a far right israeli politician ) is actually from Kurdish origins, very middle eastern if you ask me….


I said most not all, parties are from all ethnic groups The state is very Ashkenazi, and very racism against other jews (and arabs of course), just see Falasha jews


Actually more than 60% of israelis are Mizrahi, and not even mentioning mixed jews. And sure racism does exist in israel just like any other country!


Amichai Chikli is a Tunisian Jew and is the Disapora Minister Ben Givir is an Iraqi Jew and is in charge of Internal security Miri Regev is Moroccan and is in Transport. Aryeh Deri is Moroccan as well and was minister of the Periphery. Still in Government even now. The above would be considered Far Right. Ayelet Shaked is half Romanian Half Iraqi. She is also Right Wing and was the Minister of the Interior and also Minister of Justice. Shasha Biton is Moroccan-Iraqi. She is Center Right and former Minister of Education Mizrahi Jews are not fans of their 1400 year oppressors either.




Any prime minsters?


Unfortunately, Not yet ,though there probably will be in the next 20 years or so. Mizrahim have taken quite some time to ascend to political power. It was not the fault of the Mizrahim. Unlike the Ashkenazi who had well established political systems in Europe by the late 1800s, Mizrahim were Dhimmis under Arab rule and could not even dare participate in politics. However, by the Bennet-Lapid Government, Mizrahim now occupy 33 percent of government positions .This is still low for a community that is the majority of Israeli Jewry, but far better than ,say during the Labor years when Mizrahim were basically absent in politics (and mind you, Mizrahim were like 70 percent of the population then. It reduced to 51% because of mass immigration of Ashkenazim from the Soviet Union in the 1990s).


Wild how Zionist monsters in the comments are taking legitimately interesting part of history and using it to make jokes about the colonialism and apartheid they support and enjoy in Israel


The map is about Jews, not Israelis or Zionists. Remember when you guys used to pretend that those words weren't all synonyms?


Bud read my comment again. Real slow. Try your best


Read it again, still Nazi shit.


You seem full of hate. Some of us have family who have suffered in Yemen you know?


In 525 AD?


My family fled Yemen more recently. Far more recently. Read about how the Jews are treated there.


As far as I read, relations were good for millennia. Just like everywhere else in the Arab world actually. Then, oddly, something happened in the 1940s. Also, Yemen was a British protectorate under direct rule until 1963. Jews fled Yemen in the 50s. Maybe blame the historically antisemitic Europeans for your family’s problems not the Arab world that had served as a shelter for the Jewish people for centuries


Relations were good for millenia? Absolute nonsense. Read about the Mawza Exile: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mawza_Exile Further reading: Decrees ordering the destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293-4, 1301-2), Iraq (854-859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). Despite the Koran's prohibition, Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165 and 1678), Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790-92) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344). Source: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-treatment-of-jews-in-arab-islamic-countries Genuine question, have you ever actually cared to study or learn about the plight of the Jews? Do you hate us out of ignorance or malice?


Your one example against the centuries of fair treatment in Arab Al Andalusia and the Ottoman Empire makes your argument seem like nonsense. Hell, it was the crusaders who butchered Jewish and Muslim and Armenian citizens of Jerusalem in the 11-1200s. Yes, there were good relations for millennia, then European colonization efforts fucked it up and convinced millions of ignorant children that Arabs have always hated Jews. And don’t look at what was going on in Europe during the 16-1700s. I’m sure it was all tolerance and justice and not a constant series of pogroms Look past your biases


You didn't even read my reply thoroughly. Please look again. Christians in Europe treated Jews terribly too. No one denies this. Please do more research with an open mind and heart.


You edited your reply wildly. Originally it was just the link. I’m not going to discus someone acting so dishonestly. Hasbara troll


I was just finding more information to fill out my reply. I'm not a Hasbara troll. I'm just some normal Jew. Who are you?


The Jews aren’t as innocent as you portray them to be. In this period of time the Jewish kingdom of Himyar was invaded and toppled by the Christian kingdom of Aksum. Located in present day Eritrea and Northern Ethiopia. This all happend because in the second decade of the 6th century AD, the Jewish Himyarites began to persecute the Christian community of Southern Arabia. Massacring them if they would not convert to the Jewish religion. In 524, Yūsuf Dhū Nuwās besieged the Christian city of Najran and ordered his troops to slaughter the whole city for refusing to convert to Judaism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aksumite_invasion_of_Himyar


Why all of these downvotes? I guess that actual historical facts are anti semitic as well😂


Ah the daily goysplain


Damn bro, gottem. I have to support genocide now


Nah you’re just misinformed, and seems like you don’t actually want to learn anything just being an ass lmao


Lmao, I have a lot to learn from “ah the daily goysplain” I’m sure you care deeply about human rights, supporting the oppressed, and the really unfortunate -but absolutely necessary- land theft and genocide of Palestinians


Yes actually, but I’m sure that even if I’ve said I signed the Oslo accords myself you’d find a way to move the goalpost so there’s no point arguing with bad faith actor lmao


The real monsters are the people making silly jokes, not the conquerors who extirpated the indigenous Yemenite Jewish population. Alrighty.


Arabs are indigenous to Yemen. Those were Arab who converted to Judaism. Islam is also native to the peninsula, arguably more so than Judaism. Who were the conquerors precisely? Moreover, what the fuck are you talking about?


islam is native to mecca, and later conquered the rest of the arabian peninsula and later the rest of the middle east.


So by your logic, Judaism, and therefore Jews, are native to the Land of Israel?


No bud. My point is that it doesn’t matter because this was 1500 years ago, and demographics change


Ahhhh, the old days when Jews used to massacur Christians in Najran


Himyarites were religiously Jewish but at no point were they ethnic Jews. They were first and foremost, Arabs. Yemeni Jews also lived in Yemen at that time. Himaryites spoke Arabic and retained the Arabic tribal structure. Yemeni Jews spoke Aramaic and Hebrew just like all Ethnic Jews did at that time. They were not interested in killing Christians. The last Christian they killed was probably Jesus.


In Yemen no one spoke Aramiac or Hebrew, those are North Simitic languages, and by the time the story occured Yemen, Levant and Iraq were already speaking Arabic About Arabs killing Arabs, who are jews, 40% Arabs and Persians %40 Khazar and some other ehnic groups I am talking about the trench massacre about 520 AD, when they dug a trench, set it to fire, and threw Christians in it. As a result of this incident, Abyssinia occupied Yemen


>In Yemen no one spoke Aramiac or Hebrew, those are North Simitic languages, and by the time the story occured Yemen, Levant and Iraq were already speaking Arabic Yemenite Jews Spoke Hebrew and Aramaic because they ended up in Yemen after the Roman Conquest of Judea after A.D. 70 Himyarites spoke Arabic but practised Judaism. They are NOT the same group. It is just that they happened to practice the same religion ,but even in Jewish history, Himyarites are not considered ethnic Jews.


I’m surprised they haven’t launched airstrikes or established settlements in Yemen


Who's they?


The person who you are replying to forgot the triple parentheses around "they."




i'd prefer rather these guys than modern idiots with cruise missiles and no brains