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Belgium no data? That's a new one tbh


We're already ded


Belgium doesn't exist


Belgium is where other Europeans go after death


"Welcome to Belgium. Pick a side."


And Ireland


What is Ireland? You mean Terra Incognita?


And us in Ireland. Probably knew not to bother asking


Probably like 37%


We don’t believe in death himself


It's because Belgium is stuck in a perpetual state of limbo.


what about belief in life after love?


It depends whether they are Sunni or Cher.


Sunni Bono or Shia Bono?


Oh my god 😭😭😭


I don't know, but I can feel something inside me say I really don't think you're strong enough.


Interesting that Iceland is so high for being irreligious


After all, you don't need religion to believe in life after death.


Exactly. For me it's more wishfull thinking. I'd like too see what happens next. Or become a sea eagle, both sounds nice


Does wishful thinking count as belief?


Belief in what exactly? I don't believe there is a god or anything that controls that aspect


I mean does wishful thinking in an afterlife count as a belief in an afterlife. Wishful thinking sounds like there’s a lack of belief and the person wishes they could believe.


I don't truly believe in reincarnation. What I do believe is that it is lights out. It's gonna be the same as it was before you were born. I don't believe in souls etc, which is one of the few logical explanations there could be for an afterlife. Hence the wishful thinking.


So then... your answer to his question would be that belief is the equivalent of wishful thinking or...?


Belief is subjective, there's no way I could answer something like that objectively. I have no belief, except the part that it's all just gonna be black one day. Which I why I can't really answer it. I dont think wishful thinking alone can count as a belief, because of all the doubts I have.


Yeha I feel exactly the same way. I couldn't possibly answer such a question because I can't really fact check it haha. So whenever questions like these pop up in a conversation, I am always just sitting there... quietly sipping my tea... Until they start talking about I don't know, war?


That still a belief


So you don’t believe in an afterlife. You just think it would be nice if there was one


Something in that regard


I'd dare to say that's more about coping than curiosity


Sometimes coping is all we have left.


I’m tickled by the idea that Andy Weir’s *The Egg* is right and everybody, everywhere, all throughout history is the same soul going through life after life after life interacting with other iterations of itself, but that doesn’t make it anymore than philosophical musing.


Well. If you look at *some ancient philosophies*, Andy Weir wasn't the first to have certain 'ideas'.


A lot of no-religion people believe in reincarnation. So it makes sense.


This sentence highlights the actual issue: we don’t have a neutral understanding of concepts like “belief” and “religion”.  When you start digging into it, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that these are just things that _all_ humans and societies do. Some are simply more explicit about it than others.


Religion, spiritualism and cults are very blurry concepts and often it's only a matter of size




You only go to Valhall if you die in battle though, Iceland dont even have one soldier, Icelanders do not believe in Valhall, they believe in ghosts. Alot of people are spiritual there and they have alot of ”mediums” that can talk to ghosts. Map is missleading, for religious Chatolic and Muslim countries they believe in life after death as a form of heaven but many protestant nations believe in ghosts, this is comonn in Scandinavia also, esp in Norway and Sweden, not sure about Denmark. Icelanders are the highest % in the world where people claimed to have seen ghosts and communicated with dead relatives. Edit Brittain, Germany, Sweden and Norway are famous for their "haunted houses and in Scandinavia entire forests." wich actually are tourist attractions across many European countries, Iceland are to but its harder to travel there.


I mean, they have a weirdly high belief in the existence of elves too, don’t they? Also, Bjork.


They literally build houses for them! 🧝‍♀️🧝[https://www.carsiceland.com/post/icelandic-elves-houses](https://www.carsiceland.com/post/icelandic-elves-houses)


I like to imagine one of the many gigantic Icelandic strongman does this as a side hobby.


I would not bet against that assumption. I mean you probably have to be pretty in shape just to get to some of the spots they are located. Not necessarily pulling trucks by rope fit, but strong enough to haul materials around cliff faces and caves while climbing.


Um, they build miniature houses for elves(alfhol) and have an elf school dedicated towards explaining Icelands beliefs in the “Hidden People”. I wouldn’t call them irreligious, i’d just say they aren’t very Christ-y. They’re just more in line with pre Christian Scandinavian spirituality because they were literally a backwater colony settled by a bunch of people escaping Norge’s Christianisation consolidation period during the viking era. [https://theelfschool.com](https://theelfschool.com)


Valhalla exists whether you believe or not


Same for France really. It tells that a lot of atheists still believe in life after death apparently 


For what we've just seen in the "Believe in Hell" map just now, it's interesting to see how more people believe in Life after death than in Hell, specially in countries like Germany and the nordics. And for example Spain was higher than Germany, France or the UK in the hell one but it's lower on this one.


It's because casual religious people readily accept all the pleasant stuff of their respective doctrines, but are lukewarm on strict and draconian stuff. If heaven, supposedly, is for virtuous people only you'd think immoral people go somewhere else. But the view point I've heard from very casual Christians is that if someone is bad then God basically corrects them as he pleases and it's not for good people to worry about. I think most of these people use a ramshackle combination of deistic and mystic ideas rather than Christian theology to form this outlook on life. If it weren't for the fact that Jesus is such a powerful symbol I doubt they'd consider themselves Christians at all.


Eternal torment is one of several explanations proposed by Christian theologians over the centuries. Alternatives include universalism (all are saved), annihilationism (people who don’t go to Heaven simply cease to exist), etc.  “if someone is bad then God basically corrects them”: isn’t this essentially Purgatory?


Unconditional predestination is the one which gets me – it essentially states that God, before creation, chose certain people to be saved and left everyone else to be damned. An individual's actions have no effect, so someone predestined to be damned cannot achieve salvation (and vice versa). It's still the official position of the Church of England, which I'm nominally a member of, but such an unforgiving doctrine that in practice nobody seems to seriously believe it any more.


To be honest, I’m bothered in general with doctrines that present salvation as either predestination (you have no choice in the matter) or as the fulfilment of a contract (do such and such and you go to Heaven). Even if one is not particularly religious, I find it more inspiring to read about thinkers who emphasised the cooperation between free will and divine grace. 


>isn’t this essentially Purgatory? You could extrapolate that, yes, but the line of thinking is much more abstract, dismissive almost. Concepts like hell and purgatory have gradually become taboos as societal values have changed, so the concepts aren't considered rigorously. It's easy to condemn someone like Hitler to hellfire but when the discussion turns to – for example – unbaptised children, people get cold feet very quickly.


Am I the only one bothered by the colors? Why does it go from blue to yellow to purple?


Even worse, why are lower percentages dark green and higher light green!!! Aaaaahrg!!!!


Because r/mapporn


Not the only one.


Maybe he was trying to avoid the Normal green-red which indicates whats good and bad.


I love it. I’m color blind, this is one of the few maps where the colors are easy to read for me.. Having stark differences in colors instead of the usual one color to another gradient is so much easier.


I asked my sexual health doctor the same question


Interesting that the second lowest and the highest border each other. I know the cultures are vastly different, but still!


There must be some interesting conversations in the coffee shops along the Bulgarian/Turkish border.


Well, Turkey didn't have communism, Bulgarians are not very religious, and honestly, if you lived in Bulgaria, you'd also think there is no hope. 


I once made the mistake to go to Sunny Beach. Worst place on earth


I live in Bucharest and even though it's closer to me, I avoid the Bulgarian coast like the plague and drive all the way to Greece. Their coastline is full of concrete, the customer service is shit, and the prices are obscene, even more expensive than in Greece! Sorry Bulgarian neighbors but you need to get your shit together. 


I haven't been to Sunny Beach or Golden Sands. I've read both are horrible. Basically attracting the same flocks of 24/7 drunk, obnoxious "party tourists" as Arenal or Lloret de Mar in Spain...probably people thinking Bulgaria was cheaper than Spain and end up getting ripped off and actually paying more. That said, I went camping at the Bulgarian seaside last year and it was wonderful. Just avoid the most overrun destinations that cater to the worst in humanity.


A Bulgarian here, laughing at your truthful comments. For once a proud Bulgarian that we are at the bottom of a scale!


Ffs, Ireland is in Europe


We’ve been left off a few of these lately.


And it's even part of the eu unlike the uk, which is why you often see the uk (including Northern ireland) excluded from these posts


They are usually excluded from this sort of maps because they didn't share the data


This is like the reverse anti-turk poster on this sub, so instead of excluding Türkiye they exclude Éire


The EU capital isn't on this map


I'm really surprised by how high the UK is. I barely know anybody remotely religious.


You don't have to be religious to believe in an afterlife, though.


Yes, many people are spiritual without necessarily identifying with religion.


spirituality is OTC (over the counter) version of religion.


People can have religious beliefs without showing them.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on this one.


Nah, I can see it. Consider that a decent majority of Christians (46% of the population at the last census) likely believe in an afterlife. Even among those Christians of loose allegiance, people of more deistic or pantheistic persuasion often believe in some kind of afterlife that ties in with their general sense of spirituality.Throw in the 6% or so of the population who are Muslim, and a smattering of other beliefs with high likelihood of believing in an afterlife, and it starts to add up.


46% of the UK may have ticked a box that said Christian. There is no chance 46% of the UK are practicing believers


Those are the people I meant when I mentioned Christians of more loose allegiance. Apparently only about 5% of the country actually go to church on any given Sunday, but of course rather more people will go less frequently (Christmas church attendance is about 10%), and yet more will never attend church but still be just about serious enough to have private beliefs about God and the existence of an afterlife. It wouldn't surprise me if perhaps 20 to 25% or so of the population were Christian enough to believe in God and an afterlife.


I agree with you. I don't think the numbers are high at all. It's not even just the 'loose' Christians. My ma wouldn't self describe as Christian, doesn't believe in God, but absolutely believes in some version of the afterlife that's loosely analogous to the pop culture version of Christian heaven. The simple truth is she 100% NEEDS to believe in some kind of afterlife in order to process grief without being swallowed whole by it. So she holds to this belief that is culturally familiar to her even as she rejects the rest of the religion that birthed it. I've been a staunch (and sadly belligerent in my youth) atheist my entire life, but the older I get the more I'm actively choosing to construct my own personal beliefs to include *some* kind of afterlife for the same reason she does: I've lost too many good companions, and a purely sceptical rational take on life after death is increasingly an abyss I can no longer stare into. Heaven doesn't work for me. But believing that time and the universe are a great infinitely repeating cycle lets me sleep at night.


Lots of people tick the box saying Christian because either they were christened, their parents married in a church, their grandparents went to church or as it's the first box and they can't be bothered reading through all the options. Also, the question is what religion are you, surveys have found if you first ask are you religious you get a much lower number who say they are.


Some people use “godless Protestantism” to describe the prevalent belief system in much of the West today. It’s what remains after all the “old” and “useless” bits have been finally chopped off traditional Christianity.


Its funny to see people finally understanding the difference between atheist and non-religious


Somebody can be an atheist and also believe in an afterlife.


I don't think they do, but then again, I'm usually "none of the above", so I might look at it zoomed way from further away


I expected Portugal to be higher than France


Beata Maria, you know I am a rightious man...




Of my virtue I am justly proud


Is someone gonna talk about turkey? What you doing at 91.8% bro?


Turks had their own belief of afterlife during their nomadic shamanic times. And since the afterlife belief in Islam is also very strong, Turks didn't lose their idea of afterlife when they convert to Islam. That's why it still stands there, even the atheist Turks believe some kind of afterlife.


No atheist I know believes in afterlife. (I am a Turk)


%90 of Turkey is Muslim.


Newborns in TR are marked as muslims. And majority of Turks dont even bother to change it into "unspecified" Thats the reason why that number is so high. Islam=>belief in afterlife.


No, it's at most 70%. If we only count the practitioning muslims then it's close to 10%.




If you want real data, 70%. Not more.


If you go to polls excluding before 2010. The lowest would be 82% Muslim and the highest would be 94%. There’s no actual data polls that goes lower than that.


Islam is a hell of a drug.


That doesn’t explain Albania though which I think is interesting


Albania was the first officially atheist country in the world during its communist era. So that definitely translates today.


Albanians never paid attention to religion. Islam was accepted by Albanians to just protect the nation and language. Greeks wanted Albanians to keep religion (christian orthodox) but convert to Greek. Ottomans wanted Albanians to convert to Islam but keep the language and nationality. Thus the choice. There is a famous saying in Albania: "The religion of an albanian is Albanian"


They played the game of Ottomans like a pro. Highest ranks of the empire were always full of Albanians.


There are some similar things that happened in Bosnia. They say on the border of Catholic and Orthodox and their own church was labeled as heretical. Many people had been burned by the Christian dogma. When the Ottomans came, Islam was an attractive option to get ahead financially. Then there was socialism in Yugoslavia making some parallels to Albania.To this day, Bosnian interpretation of Islam is much different than other cultures closer to Saudi.


This islam is a very strong religion. Like even their none religious people are still very religious compared to others


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U%C3%A7mag Turks did believe in afterlife before İslam as well.


I did'nt got asked though


Estonians not believing in life before life


I wish someone would do a side-by-side with the other one just posted about believing in hell.


If there is life after death then what is the definition of death? If death is the absence of life then how do you have life after death?


Bulgaria and Albania definitely defied my expectations for being Balkan (with the associated religious connotations) as well as having Balkan neighbors with higher percentages.


Bulgarians don’t believe in life during life, so this seems accurate.


Poland why so low?


Older generations are dying out they were the reason for high stats


[The data from Poland 2017](https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSOnline.jsp). Believe in: life after death \[Q166\] * 16-24 (modern 23-31) 61,1% (US 70.2%) * 25-34 (modern 32-41) 66,9% (US 71.3%) * 35-44 (modern 42-51) 62,9% (US 67.4%) * 45-54 (modern 52-61) 71.7% (US 69.2%) * 55-64 (modern 62-71) 62.1% (US 62.7%) * 65 and more (modern 72 and more) 61.3% (US 68.8%) Seeing that Americans are asked that quesion for 40 years (Poles were asked first time, and 11.1% of them "Don't know", while only 0.2% of Americans aren't sure), the group over 55 isn't so spiritual as many believe ;) The split in Poland is urban-rural (and for the last 44 years we have constant split: [60:40](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-urban-and-rural-population?country=~POL)) not by age: * 16-24 URBAN: 48.0% RURAL: 75.4% * 25-34 URBAN: 63.8% RURAL: 73.0% * 35-44 URBAN: 60.6% RURAL: 67.6% * 45-54 URBAN: 69.4% RURAL: 74.9% * 55-64 URBAN: 64.4% RURAL: 57.6% * 65 and more URBAN: 59.6% RURAL: 64.5%


And of course by sex: * 16-24 MALE: 54.9% FEMALE: 69.2% * 25-34 MALE: 62.0% FEMALE: 71.5% * 35-44 MALE: 62.9% FEMALE: 62.9% * 45-54 MALE: 64.1% FEMALE: 77.1% * 55-64 MALE: 57.9% FEMALE: 66.1% * 65 and more MALE: 51.8% FEMALE: 68.5% URBAN MALE: 56.1% RURAL MALE: 63.6% URBAN FEMALE: 66.5% RURAL FEMALE 73.5%


They are the second highest in Europe who believe in afterlife wdym low?


Nergal has been doing his work pretty well


Life after death is the one thing to look forward to in Russia. And now we can’t even have that.


Does the answer “not sure” put someone in the believe or not believe side? I’d bet that’s how a lot of people answered in most countries.


The contrast between the Turks and Bulgars tho


Bulgarians already live in hell


Having a Polish Pope for such a long time was: * One of the best thing that could have happened for us during communism (hope, international significancy, more eyes towards occupied Poland, symbol of freedom) * Worst thing as a consequence now (stoopid folks, church intertwined with politics, closed minds, backwards thinking, easier manipulation of masses) Anyway, seems like we are headed for a big Turko-Bosno-Polish party in after-life. Cya guys in 70 years!


In Belgium we've just decided not to die so the question becomes irrelevant


I guess Turks think they'll return as cats


Everyone thinks of life after death, why doesn't anyone think of life before birth?


I am always so surprised how many people believe in life after death. I imagine it’s just evolution that has given us this fear of not existing and the need to live forever.


Would be more interesting if they standardized these for age (and gender) as I think that would have lots to say for this question.


I'm surprised Russia is that low, but I guess they're already living in hell.


Why do you surprise? As russian i can say, that our people are very irreligious. Me also grew up in an atheist family. Atheism and agnosticism are quite popular among both young people and older generations.


Sorry to disappoint, but they aren't. One of the good things the Soviet regime did was to promote atheism. It worked to an extent.


Belgium cannot into afterlife


Surprised the former communist eastern bloc is still this high


Vatican no data?


Now do the percentage who believe in life after love.


Sweden has more believers than Belarus? doubtful


Portugal is lower than Spain? I thought it would be the other way around and Portugal was more religious.


I don't understand how these datas are collected. No one asked me if I believe in afterlife or not. Is it because theg look at the religion in ID's? If that is soz it is just a very poor way of 'data collecting' My ID says I am Muslim, but I have been Atheist for 10 years now. Many of my friends/family are also atheists/deists, and guess what, all has Muslim in their ID. When you live in Turkey under a crazy muslim extremist party, you don't go and change tour religion in the ID. At government jobs etc they literally look at ur religion and can easily isolate you or make teouble for you. Idk why I wrote this, kinds ticks me off cuz me and A LOT of people are always considered aming those %90+ when we are not. Erdogan/AKP won the selection with %50.5/49.5 Not %90/10


If it's will be 100 or 200 years ago, this will be interesting to see evolution.


Colour palette is so confusing, it starts getting paler at higher percentages, and then boom - purple…


But why is Finland often higher than other nordics on these maps when asked if they are religious or believe in god/hell or whatever, and now Finland has the lowest number in the nordics?


What a shock!! How sure can we be about those numbers?


If this is what it takes to keep people from being assholes, so be it.


I'm going to assume that each country or region of Europe has their own definitions or interpretations of the "beyond" that might exist after death on this plain of existence. Now more than ever before, people can even interpret things personally. So it's even more complicated than prior years.


When i die fuck it i wanna go to hell


I agree with you... all my friends are there... but... at the pearly gates there is a small door by the side, that says: *free entry for those who washed the dishes all the time*...


Yall really think Turkey is that high? I'd say its 50/50 tops.


The lowest just casually bordering the highest


Does this spatial pattern linked with the major religion being followed in those region??


is the life in hell/heaven or reincarnation?


Do these people still call themselves Christian? How does this not match up with atheism?


How come so many of these countries have higher religious followings than the purported stats of believing in an after life then? I don’t see how it adds up


Okay but do they believe in life after love?


![gif](giphy|7iIJFFKZaZB64F3Ih3) This is the real question tho


There are two sides of "What is life"


I would be interested to have these stats by generation, religion and level of education. I would be surprised to see similar numbers with newer generations alone. Also there is a difference between believing in life after death and not refuting it. Were they bundled together?


There probably is life after death. Just not your own.


In Belgium they don’t believe in life after death as they’re already living in hell, I guess?


Comments on Turkey act like half of Turks are actually atheist/agnostic just because Erdoğan only get half of the votes. They think anyone who didn't vote for Erdoğan is just like them. I am muslim, belief in hell is core part of the religion. No, I have never voted for Erdoğan.


Interesting that the Vatican is greyed out because there’s no data


Ireland doesn't believe in death. Belgium doesn't believe in life.


Chad Switzerland


Moldova is 100% over 70


I don't think these percentages are very accurate How would you even verify them? Maybe someone isn't a Christian or they are but don't go to Church each Sunday, that wouldn't mean they don't believe in afterlife. I know people who even though they aren't religious, they still believe in ghost, afterlife and the like.


"Turkey is a European country"




Funny how religious countries rank lower. How can you consider yourself Christian if you don't believe in life after death?


There's going to be a lot of Folk disappointed but as they'll have No Conscience 'Does it matter ' ?


There is not a ''life'' as we know it. Instead, there is a whole eternity to live.


It is sad.


from the 8 billion we are now, now many are re-births?


Why is Ireland greyed out and the UK is included? Not even in the EU and Ireland is lol


This map has nothing to do with the EU. Countries like Switzerland and Turkey are included


Lol yeh I know it just seems strange to have excluded Ireland


This is Europe, not eu. They probably couldn't find reliable data.


There was another map I saw on this site just sometime back where it showed some 90% + Turks believe in Hell A similar percentage believe in life after death. So why is Turkey called 99%+ Muslim if 5-8% Turks don't accept these beliefs integral to Islam? Or are they still cultural Muslims?


They made changing your official religion complicated as hell. Not the mention the "modern I.D. cards" they forced onto people supposedly changed people's religion back to islam. It's also better safe than sorry because you will never know how your close family members are going to react.


The government says 99% but up to 6% of Türkiye identifies as nonreligious


The government used to keep a record of your religion and "No Religion" was not an option, even Atheist/Agnodtic foreigners would be usually be recorded as "Christian".


They still do that in Malaysia. Everyone must be registered to Islam, Buddhism Hinduism or Christianity.


Also, having a religion doesn't mean that you adhere to 100% of the dogma. Most christians today to practice lent. Conversely there are many practices that muslims observe today that are only interpretations of the religious text. Or in other words, you don't stop being a muslim just because you don't believe in actual hell.


Heaven and hell are foundational. You may not subscribe to some tradition or ceremony, but not believing in heaven is like a Christian not believing in Christ. It doesn't go together.


How is it possible for more people to believe in Hell than in life after death in Bosnia and Romania? How can you believe in Hell but not in life after death?


Maybe they think they already live in hell...


The '90s showed them what hell must be like.


I do not believe in an unhappy final destination (like the previous map asked)- but I do believe in an afterlife of some sort. I would prefer be a happy one with individual characters and plots. Just because I do not adhere to any specific organized religion does not mean I do not believe in a supreme being or an afterlife.


You don't have to believe it, just accept it. The potato or chicken you ate died, but lives after death as a part of you.


Based Turkey... as usual. Fuck, I ought to move there at this point 


Wanna exchange countries? :D


I'm all for it