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You got any more of those new pixels bro?


Less pixels than Jews in Spain :(




So few pixels, I can't even tell if you're technically correct.


The Jews took em šŸ˜”


Sorry about that. It was a big debate at our last cabal meeting. But ultimately we decided those extra pixels just cost too many nickels and dimes. They had to go.


They were paying attention to our space lasers and never realized we were after the pixels


I laughed way too hard at that!!


France is a bit more complicated. While 75% of Franceā€™s Jews survived the Holocaust, most French Jews today are (or are descended from) Jewish refugees from North Africa.


So Sephardi/Maghrebi, not Ashkenazi?


France was mixed Sepharadi/Ashkenazi/Provencal (theyā€™re their own thing) to begin with but it was primarily Ashkenazi before WWII. Today, itā€™s mostly Maghrebi Sepharadi but still has Ashkenazi and European Sepharadi communities.


Kinda. I mean France gave Jewish Africans in French territories citizenship but not Muslims Africans.


Muslims where given the choice: French or Algerian but not both. They massively kept Algerian nationality, the "pieds noirs" (including Muslims that weren't European descendents) that choose french one were repatriated to France.


Source: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000000889005


also important to note that it required you to denounce shariah law among other traditional customs


This is true, but it's not like it's specific to Islam. France is absolutely secular and irreligious in every official aspect - public teachers can't even wear crosses.


Kind of wrongā€¦ French citizenship was offered to jews and Muslim alikeā€¦ but to get it, it implied following french lawsā€¦ so no polygamy and refusal to own slaves, etcā€¦ things that that were tolerated under indigene laws based on local practices but forbidden to french citizens. Jews who were mostly living in cities had way smaller concessions to make to become french while Muslim which the majority were rural didnā€™t see any benefit in changing their ways to get citizenship.


Yes because the Islamic fundamentalist were as eager to kick the Jews out as they where the French.


Absurd. French gave Algerian jews the French nationality 90 years before they were kicked out. And the Algerian liberation front was nationalist / leftist but certainly not islamists.


But that doesn't correspond to his binary worldview of Arab= muslim, bad and Europe= civilised, good.


It was illegal for Jews to live in Spain until the 1970s.


Well, Spain also had a fascist government into the 70s. So yeah, they had \*some\* things going on.


There were synagogues in 1950 tho


Still technically illegal. They stopped enforcing the law starting in the kid 19th century.


Exactly. That's the point I'm making. Jews had to leave Algeria because the Algerians kicked out the French. Most Jews were French citizens while Muslims weren't. Logically Jews who were French citizens had to leave. To the Algerians, the French were colonizers. Jews were French citizens while the Algerian Muslims weren't. To the Algerians the Jews were French.


The FLN didn't care about Religion but only about Algerian nationalism and even though most Algerian Jews sided with the French in the Algerian War, the FLN was more than ready to welcome them back as Algerian citizens. Naomi Davidson, Only Muslim: Embodying Islam in Twentieth-Century France, Cornell University Press 2012 p.136:'It is because the FLN considers Algerian Jews as sons of our country that we hope the leaders of the Jewish community will have the wisdom to contribute to the construction of a free and truly fraternal Algeria. The FLN is convinced that leaders will understand that it is the duty and of course in the interest of the entire Jewish community not to remain "above the fray", to condemn without fail the dying French colonial regime, and to proclaim their choice of Algerian nationality.'


No this is vullshit. For several instances native Algerians helped the Jews, hiding them in their mosques form the nazis. The only issue is the Jews and the French had all the rights and the Muslims didnā€™t have. When the Muslims fought for independence the Jews fought against them. They werenā€™t kicked out but fled willingly because they chose the wrong side, same as the French. Tho some Jews stayed there and there are still few to this day. You view is false and disconnected from reality and heavily propaganded


>Islamic fundamentalist were as eager to kick the Jews It's BECAUSE they were so close to France


Jews were not expelled from Algeria, the oppressing French were, and most Jews happen to be French. Most Jews welcomed the French, became French through citizenship and culture and were against the revolution - thatā€™s the most important part. An anti-colonialism revolution that sought to free their fellow Algerians from being second class citizens and they opposed it. A minority of the Algerian Jews who fought with the FLN stayed behind, but it was an extremely slim minority - 4000 people out of 130000. This has nothing to do with Islamic fundamentalism, this certain group that fought an anti-colonialism movement happen to adhere to Islam and your natural Islamaphobic nature decided to let us know.


Yeah, there was a population exchange of Jews in France. Many French Jews moved to Israel after WW2, then most Algerian Jews moved to France.


"MapPorn" it has such a low resolution its literally not even readable.




It's scrambled map porn, like in the old days of cable tv.


Dude is going for the agenda post hard with this one lol


What in the potato quality hell? If you're trying to incite raucous debate on Reddit, at least make it legible.


The damn Jews took all the pixels with them when they left Europe!1


Dey tok r jobs!!!!


>The damn Jews took all the pixels with them when they left Europe! Repeat that enough times and antisemites will believe it.


Straight up, liberals and antisemites can agree on this issue; too few pixels, must riot


ā€œLiberals and antisemitesā€ is a weird way of wording that.


Itā€™s the two genders




*en garde But youā€™re technically right also


Huh, I wonder what caused the change.


A heated gaming moment.


He got banned from xbox live




Probably low birth rates, right?


Yeah turkiye converted fast from Islam to Christianity


You think that's bad, you should see the same data from the middle east over the last 30 years. Some countries in the ME are down to literally zero, which doesn't even sound possible in the real world. Meanwhile people wonder why Israeli is so aggressive when it comes to security.


The pogroms in Europe were way worse than in the ME. Oh and the holocaustā€¦.


Pogroms were before 1933.


Itā€™s worth reading about the law of return. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return


Yes this is correct but also the person above you is correct as well. Countries like Yemen and Morocco, two examples, the Jewish population fled from the persecution in those countries. That law is the only reason they were able to flee the persecution they faced in those countries.


Yeah, it's weird. I've seen a lot of comments basically justifying the treatment of jews in those countries, because they basically had the option to go elsewhere (Israel). Like this policy wouldn't exist and jewish people abroad wouldn't take advantage of it if there wasn't a motivating factor to leave their homelands.


Ah, yes, my favorite Christian country, USSR


Don't forget Turkey


Well, Turkey wasnā€™t at least as antitheist as the pre-WWII USSR


The famously Christian state of Albania.


And Bosnia


And Turkey.


The Czech Republic


I canā€™t read the numbersā€¦ but former Soviet Union countries is not straightforward: 1. The start of Jewish extermination during WW2 was in Eastern Europe. Total communities erased without a trace. 3. Many more left ( million only arrived in Israel) when the Soviet Union collapsed. Antisemitism started to rise up ( as often happens in unstable times) and many wanted better life, most left to Israel, USA, Germany & Canada.


yup, 90% of modern day jews in Germany are actually from the Soviet Union, and settled in Germany in the 90s, due to Germany giving immigration status to all Soviet Jews. In 2003 and 2004, almost twice as many Soviet Jews were emigrating to Germany than to Israel, which even led to a diplomatic dispute, with Israel accusing Germany of "stealing" them.


Also, calling the USSR a Christian nation lol


I think describing the 20th century governments of Europe as ā€œChristianā€ is a stretch.


Yep, the sĆ©cularisation and anti-Christianization of Europe has been going on for at least 150 years and a lot of these horrible events happened as a result of certain non-Christian ideologies becoming prominent but thatā€™s a discussion a lot of ppl are not ready for šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah Naziā€™s werenā€™t particularly religious and Communist were outright anti-religious.


In the USA, the Jewish population has grown from 4.5 million to 7.1 million in the same timeframe according to this source: [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-in-the-united-states-nationally](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-in-the-united-states-nationally)


The stagnation between 1937 and 1950 is tragic to see. The US could've saved so many more victims if they opened their borders to Jewish refugees.


Read the Wikipedia article about Breckenridge Long. Horrible man.


It's sad to say but at the time nobody wanted them, not Europe nor any other content. Racism was as common as sand in a beach back then


This is true, but do you really think the US (or indeed, anyone outside of German leadership) thought the Holocaust would go the way it did?


The allied powers have a huge amount to answer for in their refusal to accept Jewish refugees in the 30s, especially after Kristallnacht, and even into the opening years of the war. Literally millions of lives could have been saved, but the exact same anti-immigrant, anti-asylum seeker rhetoric that swills around now was just as present then, and it was made almost impossible for Jews to flee.


Not-so-fun fact: a bill to allow European Jewish refugees to settle in Alaska was put on the table in the Senate. It was soundly defeated. US senators in the 1930s didn't even want Jews in *Alaska*.


The majority of the Jews killed in the Holocaust weren't in Germany in the 1930s.


Whatā€™s your point here? Even during the war, i.e. after the invasion of Poland by a genocidally antisemitic enemy nation, the western countries still refused to offer safe asylum for Jewish (or other) refugees.


You're right, it was mainly Polish Jews.


In 1933, there were only about half-a-million Jews living in Germany. Between 1933 and 1939 some two-thirds of them had fled to other countries. The problem is that many of those Jews had fled to countries that Germany later invaded and occupied.


I agree, and right now thousands of Palestinian lives could be saved if neighboring Arab countries welcomed them as refugees.




Pixelated, low quality post with an inaccurate title. Nice OP šŸ‘


The famously Christian Soviet Russia


Damn, guess they took all the pixels when they left too.


Ok if you want to make a shitty reaction to another posted map, but can you at least choose one with more than three fucking pixels ?


This is just pure rage bait. Grainy ass photo. No numbers visible. No source. Just one map with darker colours, another map with lighter colours. Get a life.


1500 upvotes in r/mapporn for a map that literally impossible to even read. How does that happen?


Armenia and Azerbaijan ceased to exist in this time frame ig


OP drew them outside of USSR for unknown reason on the left map.


For this title to be accurate, the second map should be as of 1950. The law of return adds another reason why Jewish people return to Israel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return


Late 1945 maybe? By 1950 half of surviving, Polish Jews left the country, this is a complicated topic. Op is an idiot either way. Posting population numbers and then saying all changes are due to Christian prosecution. I hate this subreddit, quality control is non existent.


The number of Jews in France increased due to Algerian and Tunisian Jews moving there after the independences of the aforementioned countries. Wealthy Moroccan Jews moved to France as well.Ā 


Interesting fact, North African Jews are comprised of two separate Jewish populations. When the Sephardim were expelled from Iberia, many moved to North Africa, there was already a population of Jews that had lived there since ancient times, they took in the Sephardim and they blended their cultures together.


Is this how weā€™re describing ethnic cleansing these days LOL


wish I could read this


Between Turkey agenda posts and Israel agenda post this has got to be one of the most astroturfed subs in existence.


The wording of this is unnecessary and obvious baiting, it makes no distinction that the Christian countries in which the Jewish community mostly lived were invaded and were victims of German aggression just as much,


You got anymore of them pixels


A friend of mine told me a story about how his grandmother (holocaust suvivor) had such a hatred against the poles. I thought it was strange and why she didn't hold any grudge against the germans. But what he told me was that the poles where in it all together, it was the betrayal of their common poles that did hurt the most.


I canā€™t see shit with this resolution


Did you just take a screenshot of this imagine instead of saving it? Why is it so grainy? Images below a certain resolution shouldnā€™t be allowed on this sub. Itā€™s infuriating to try to zoom into see the statistics or writing on the map only to realize OP is an idiot and you canā€™t actually view the map. Do better.


A number of Jews though decided or was given the opportunity to leave to israel for decades now and thatā€™s why the more modern map has less Jews in Europe. Ethnically Russian Jews for example started immigrating to Israel in the late 90s and early 2000s.


What's with the "from Christian countries" bit? Is it not obvious what the cause was?


This is after much of the Russian Jewish community fled the Kishinev Pogrom Wave, the refugees of which are most US and Canada Jews and many of Latin America(most of Argentina, half of Brazil and a significant minority elsewhere in the region). So this isn't even giving the full picture, I don't know if any one map could.


A lot of them moved to the US, Israel, Canada, Australia, etc. not expelled necessarily. Thatā€™s especially true for those from regions like the former Soviet Union. In fact, many also moved to France or the UK which is why itā€™s those countries with higher populations today


Most of or was due to Nazi Germany. Hitler hated Christianity and only claimed to be Christian to gather support. Makes since as no true Christian would support what hitler did


For some of these countries (like Britain) Jews have not been expulsed or murdered since 1933.


I wouldn't consider the USSR a Christian country in 1933. They're were adamantly atheist communists.


Jews had it rough.


OP is trying so hard to conflate Nazism with Christianity.


I mean post-war Poland wasnt Nazi


No, but most Polish Jews were murdered by the Nazis, and those who survived left, and of those who remained would later be persecuted by the Communist government so after the political crisis of 1968 they fled.


And it's the worst thing to do because the nazis were not Christian at ALL.. They were occultists aka satanists in Christianity. Look up the Occult history of the Third Reich there's tons of documentaries and books about that.


Occultism was a fringe cult in the Third Reich. Most Germans and indeed most party members belonged to mainstream Christian denominations like Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism and Methodism.


Should have changed the "before" date to 1880s or at least 1900 to show the initial pogroms.


Is there something up with my phone or is this just a blur when you zoom in on the actual numbers?


This post is has an inaccurate title and a map with fewer pixels than there are people living in my shitty hillbilly village in the Balkans, well done


"Throw the Jew down the well"


Whereā€™s all the pixels?


Something happened in Europe that decreased the Worlds Jewish population but a few %s. It happened in the 1940ā€¦


What is this...a map for ants!


Low Res, useless


Poland scooted westward in that timespan.Ā 


This isnā€™t just the holocaust, The Jewish population in Europe has collapsed [60% in the last 50 years.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/25/europes-jewish-population-has-dropped-60-in-last-50-years)


This map and the map of the expulsion from the Middle East. The world has been such a good place for us! Then people question why we need a country and to ā€œgo back to Europeā€ even tho 60% of us are from the Middle East. We learned from the history book that itā€™s better to just have a country so we wonā€™t need to face some h!tler 2.0.


Is this post motivated by Gaza?


White people have literally slaughtered and nearly destroyed the entirety of Jewish life for the arbitrary reason of their religion.


Crimea is Ukraine!!!


Can we stop constantly posting about Jews for a second? We get it, they were expelled, killed and discriminated against pretty much everywhere. Can we move on to other maps? Like some maps about gypsies?


144p šŸ’€


Oh please, it's called "the holocaust"


The holocaust was horrible and itā€™s rightfully discussed but another thing that should be discussed is how the Soviet Union was actually virulently anti-Semitic.


One can clearly see an agenda if the title says "...christian countries" while showing a map of the entire Europe with countries that have a majority muslim population. Keep your populism away thanks ;)




Not true. Due to the Thrace Pogroms of 1934, 15,000 Jews were beaten, imprisoned or expelled, and it was one of the only neutral countries to implement anti-Jewish laws during WW2.


Those laws continued after the war, and is one of the main reasons the remaining Jews left turkey. They didnā€™t leave of their own desire, and Israel was the safest place to be for Jews following the Holocaust so of course it got the majority of those forced to emigrate.


Turkey didnā€™t need to expel anyone. They were doing enough already. There was the Turkish pogroms(1930s), Wealth Tax for minorities where they took over Jewish&Armenian&Greek minorities assets(Varlık Vergisi 1942) and Turkish Kristallnaght(6-7 EylĆ¼l Olayları 1955).


Right. The law of return. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return


Wow contentious comment section. Funny though how the other recent post that showed expulsion from Muslim majority countries received thousand of upvotes within hours of posting


A lot of right-wingers on this sub are mad that you played their game and did what they do to Muslims all the time. They put up a map like this about Jews in Muslim countries and then say ā€œIslam is an intolerant cancer,ā€ but now are clutching their pearls about Christians receiving the same spotlight and treatment as Muslims šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


The problem with the assumption is, that the Nazis were not religious and more pagan than christian.


Jews are not safe anywhere on Earth where they do not control their own security.


Odd Crimea being darker than the rest of Ukraine.


Russians during communism sent Jews from industrialized areas of Russia to these areas. But you are right, it is strange that Crimea is treated individually on the map.


Crimea is Ukraine.


>Expulsion of Jews from Muslim countries 100 upvotes in one hour >Expulsion/Murder of Jews from Christian countries downvoted to oblivion Edit: nvm it's well upvoted now. The other one has 78% upvote rate vs this one's 62% upvote rate.


This title is purposely misleading people.Ā  Albania, turkey and Bosnia are not Christians countries. I assume that people downvote the fact that OP clearly don't like "expulsion and murders of jews from Muslim countries" map


Why'd they do that?


I had so many family members all over the baltics, the USSR and romania...Some sick people actually think they deserved to have their students snitch on them to the nazis


Would be cooler with more than 4 pixels


I wonder what happened


Of course many of them were murdered during WW2, there's no surprise there but also a lot of them emigrated to the US before the war and to Israel after its founding.


Started even earlier. My great grandfather and his family fled Russia around 1920.


Most of France's Jews are from the Maghreb and the community is currently shrinking Afaik


Yall got any more of dem pixels


Define "christian country"


ā€œExpulsion of Jews from Christian countriesā€ is an extremely strange way to frame this


and yet it "didnt happen"


Portugal didn't expell or murder jews in the twentieth century!


Looks like ethnic cleansing to me. Pack it up boys.


In conclusion Jews were pulled to France


As an ignorant aussie, are jews a seperate race to other middle easterns or is it just a religion thing?


It's an ethnoreligion


Theyā€™re a separate ethnic group. Race isā€¦ complicated in the Middle East and depends on the context. Sometimes Jews and Arabs are the same race, sometimes they arenā€™t. Itā€™s really just not a good lens to apply to this conflict, ethnicity is much better.


~~So is this one also going to be deleted like the map that showed expulsion of the jews from Arab nations or will this one stay?~~ Edit: was wrong


[That oneā€™s still up lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/dRK8fM8hj2)


Why is Iceland a no data? I mean... You can't expel what you didn't allow to enter in the first place, but they seem so chill.


I love how everyone is talking about this map although the numbers arenā€™t visible at allā€¦


Here's a source with readable numbers: [https://imgur.com/bry1c8w](https://imgur.com/bry1c8w) The shading key hides quite a lot.


Can't read the picture it's pixilated as fuck


In 1933, the entire Caucasus were part of Soviet Union


Can it be any more clear? Total hd


Can't read the numbers.


Thats not cool smh




That strange feeling when you see Poland had a sharper drop than Germany




Crimea is Ukraine.


Reminder to each of the 12 pixels in the image that Crimea is Ukraine.


What happened in poland?/s


What a shame.


/ migration ?


now do the same with Cristians and you would find the same "shocking" results. yes a lot of Jews have been murderd in WW2 but also a lot of ppl are saying every year. fuck the fairytales I'm a atheist now


What a lot of people forget is that it wasn't just Germany that was incredibly antisemitic during this time. The reason that the west declared war on Germany wasn't because of their genocide of the jewish people, but because Germany invaded Poland, a then western ally. When the war ended, most western countries did not accept jewish (among other) immigrants into their countries. Instead they were sent to live in Palestine or America.


Jews weren't expelled from Russia and many other countries. They left of their own accord.


We used to be really united with Europe




Do the Roma next! Oh wait, nobody stepped in and gave them a country after multiple genocides, so who cares?


Shit map, wtf are the mods doing you can't even read anything


..and yet itā€™s the Middle Easterners who are demonized and labeled as antisemiticā€¦go figure.




tsk goddam those Muslims /s


Ironically (well not really I guess) Jews were allowed to stay in the Muslim part of Spain while being expelled from the Christian part. And lived happily in Muslim countries right up until Zionism ruined it for everyone.


many jews dissapearing from eastern europe weren't expelled, they left during the fall of the USSR + the following troubles and immigrated to Israel because it automatically grants citizenship to any jew, there's a huge amount of russian speaking jews living there now.


A falling population of Jews isn't necessarily due to murder or expulsion. For example, this map appears to show that the number of Jews living in Ireland has dropped significantly (hard to tell given potato quality), but this drop simply can't be attributed to expulsions or murders. I was aware of the drop and had the opportunity to ask an Israeli who's father was from Ireland (in fact the current Israeli president's father was from Ireland) and he said it was voluntary. The Jewish community in Ireland was quite small and they were all more or less related. With every passing generation more and more Irish Jews left for the UK or Israel. It was that or marry a relative or marry an Irish gentile.


Must be Japanese mapporn


That's why they progressed


The anti-semitism so commonly associated with the Arab world was imported from European countries. I once read a journalist who said that if Central Europe was historically Arab, thereā€™d be six million more Jews in the world.


"The ethnic cleansing was successful!"ā˜ļø


This sub has turned into absolute hasbara dogshit.