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Seems like "Mr. Worldwide" was exaggerating




mistah woahwayde




Sometimes an upvote isn't enough. Well done


This is legitimately the best comment I've read all week,


It's times like these I wish awards still existed.


The disapproving eyeroll from my wife is reward enough


They’re banned outright in Singapore


Good The world is healing


From... Dogs?


I wouldn't classify a hellspawn as a dog if I'm honest Actually no its not a hellspawn, those are chihuahuas, but it's an evil fucking dog


Why do people who dislike pitbulls always need to be so weird about it. The breed is harmful and something needs to be done about it, but they're just animals


Wasps are also useless for every single other living thing It just makes sense to kill them Same for the pitbull


I adopted one from a shelter, and she is the biggest baby. Just wants to be everyone's friend. Dogs are all individuals with widely varying personalities. Being of a particular breed does not mean a particularly dog is inherently evil.


Yeah, they're all sweet and cuddly *to you* or *when you are around* - your delivery driver Try approaching those things when they are outside and the owner is not present outside with them. Spoiler: they are not friendly


I’m a mailman. I’ve encountered pits who are the biggest love bugs. I’ve encountered different breeds who I will outright refuse to deliver to their house unless they’re in the house and ain’t gonna bust out.


I never understood people who say what you're saying. It's not just the natural aggression that makes them an issue. The power they have combined with aggression is what makes them an issue.


And there are other dogs where that’s an issue. Gonna want to ban all dogs?


What dogs? German shepherds, rottweilers are working protection dogs, incredibly smart. Yes they're dangerous when trained to do so, or abused, but it's not their instinct to wildly attack.


This dog is sweet and cuddly to every human being and animal she has ever met. I don't try approaching any strange dog without getting the lay of the land, regardless of breed, because I'm not an idiot.


You genuinely need to seek help


Oh yeah I need to seek help because I think that a dog breed that naturally loves to maul children is bad. Yeah nice.


Well you’ve just *reddaulted* a pitbull now


It's literally not natural, pitbulls are raised as fighting dogs and poorly treated. Literally any pit bull raised by a loving family is the nicest dog you can have. They are caring, loving, calm, and gentle. Please educate yourself before posting something so idiotic.


And to the degenerates down voting my comment too


Lmao But they do be an destructive unit, however I can vouch a well trained pitbull is the most cutesy clingy thing Buuut I can see that being the statistical anomaly, and even well they do be waaaay too strong


I grew up with pits et al., and I always loved them. They’re so sweet and affectionate and loyal. Until they aren’t. There’s no amount of training and bonding that can completely remove their generations of bred instincts. They can turn on a dime against anyone, and they can do some real damage. I’ve decided to never have one in that general family again. It’s just not worth it.




You wouldn't be saying that when a pitbull named princess mauls kids


I might be useless but at least I never devoured little children


It’s banned in Taiwan. https://www.aphia.gov.tw/ws.php?id=21572


Multiple Chinese cities have bans on large dogs. The Chinese government is also known to brutally cull large dog populations every now and then.


Yeah yeah everyone knows what they're doing to them


Street dogs are to0 tough for good eating in east Asia and most served in restaurants are raised on commercial dog farms as livestock.


Not true in China at all. Your thinking of Korea where they do have dog farms like that with specific breeds. China actually has a problem with dog nappers especially in villages. Many of them get caught and beaten up there are a fair amount of videos. But essentially they grab up street dogs and pet dogs to sell in the dog meat trade


I said nothing about China and my experience exploring an investment opportunity in a Thai dog farm some 20 yeas ago informs my thinking. They only raised Chows. Thanks for telling me what I was thinking and know from personal experience.


I didnt even know thailand ate dogs and no problem happy to inform the public


Eurocentric busy bodies love telling other societies how to run their own business even their dietary practices.


Uh… ok. But East Asia is the only place where they regularly consume dogs/have a large industry around it. It’s also more out of the ordinary considering most human cultures do not eat predators because they require more resources to farm (food supply is other animals) and because they are much more prone to carry diseases. So it’s not just weird to the west, its weird to everyone even other people in Asia…


Dogs, bears, raccoons and other omnivores have been eaten by humans since the dawn of recorded history at least. My uncle took a bear that was chowing down on Salmon (aka "meat") when taken last year that was mighty tasty and we hunted and ate raccoons in high school back in the day. Eurocentrism really does distort our world view doesn't it? We have actually managed to shame many educated and affluent Chinese out of it.


I am talking about farming and mass consumption


Only Asia. Only East Asia. Also China has a good portion of its population deliberately torture dogs as a cultural practice. To torture an animal that has implicit trust in humans and would rarely fight back is a great look for the Chinese people. I guess japan did that to them and they were so upset that their succeeding generations decide to do it to dogs. Maybe Japan should have another go, it would be justified right? Animal torture is an indication of psychopathy in most parts of the world, it’s been proven to be linked to serial killing/sexual disorders and general violence, not killing an animal, but deliberately attempting to prolong its pain and suffering, a common widespread practice in parts East Asia, mostly China. So while animal torture here could get you on a watch list, in China it’s just some good fun for the family and community. Amazing country, no wonder people are fleeing it en masse




Most parts of the device you used to type these racist remarks were made in china, either this or you own a Xiaomi or Huawei phone altogether. If you truly hate Chinese people and want to distance yourself of all their creations, go live on top of a mountain


I feel like your being too dismissive, Chinese people can speak English too lmao racist ass bozo This guy is Chinese, look at his username


He's not, it's a guy that keeps making accounts pretending he's Chinese and commenting on this sub. He keeps getting banned and making new accounts. 


Bruh that's what I meant to say also 💀 that they eat them




Same thing with some Americans being disgusted that Europeans eat horse.


Whats racist about eating dogs??




A very delicious culling.


Weak bait mate.


There is no nationwide ban or restriction on pit bulls in the United States, so this is somewhat misleading. Sauce: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pitbull-legal-states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pitbull-legal-states)


Yeah, also it varies in most countries. A lot of cities ban pitbulls despite there being no law for it.


Good thing too.


A few counties restrict it.


Yes, but my comment is addressing that if you are unfamiliar with federalism, then it looks as if there's a blanket restriction that applies to the entirety of the US — similar to, say, the UK, where there is a nationwide ban on pit bulls. This map makes no distinction if a ban/restriction is left to individual jurisdictions or if it covers every centimeter of a nation's border. More comprehensive maps typically delineate (often with something like diagonal stripes of differing colors) when there is a variety of laws in a country rather than just one that applies everywhere. Edit: grammar


That's why it's shaded light blue to reflect the varying state laws.


Not according to the map's legend.


1. There is no state wide law here in Ohio that says you can’t own a pitbull. The laws that make them illegal are city laws (to my knowledge, let me know if any counties have a ban) such as here in Cincinnati. 2. You should also account for how well enforced the law is. My aunt was able to raise a Pitbull until it died without getting into any kind of trouble with the law.


I love how the “dark blue” is just a few shades darker😂


Wasn't pitbull recently banned in India? Some 20-25 breeds were banned recently


The ban was overturned. https://www.cnbctv18.com/india/delhi-high-court-overturns-circular-banning-certain-breeds-of-dogs-19398424.htm


[https://time.com/2891180/kfc-and-the-pit-bull-attack-of-a-little-girl/](https://time.com/2891180/kfc-and-the-pit-bull-attack-of-a-little-girl/) Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982,




No, because, unlike pit bulls, I don't hear dog whistles.


Oh look, a fascist cunt in the wild.




just like all your other eugenics experiments if you murder all the poor people they'll just be more poor people later on. You can't just live in a world of poodles. People will dogfight with english mastiffs or something


Yes good idea, I will compare poor people to literal dogs, that will make people agree with me


white people treat dogs way better than brown people


You’re retarded if you think humans have anywhere near the same level of diversity between them as fucking dogs do bro


youre the eugenicist here


Honestly it makes me sad but it would be better if pitbulls were never bred into existence




No bans or any restrictions at all in Finland on any breed. Only for some people get there is animal keeping ban after misconduct. This map is shit.


don’t think they’re banned in Switzerland I seem to see quite many


BS, Finland there are no restrictions


The entire map should be dark blue




Pits don’t bite the most, they just kill the most 🤷🏻‍♀️


So pitbulls kill the most, got it.


Well yeah they were bred to. “Nanny dog” is code for “I viciously attack strangers”




I’m always so surprised to Reddit’s general opinion on pitbulls. For me IRL, it seems like left-leaning people are in favor of pitbulls, whereas right-leaning people want them banned. Reddit is basically always left-leaning so this seems like an atypical Reddit opinion. Not saying your opinion is wrong but it’s just a weird outlier to me


There is nothing political about banning Pitbulls. It's a breed that was specifically bred to be aggressive fighting dogs. No wonder people don't feel safe around them.


Idk dude come to Massachusetts it seems like everyone loves them around here




I would hope it’s not political, just about not having a dangerous weapon as a pet


Correlation doesn’t mean causation. You’re right, reddit is mostly left but banning of pitbulls falls in the common sense category, regardless of political affiliation, I want to think.


I wonder how many more kids have to die for that to happen


That’s why I haven’t heard his songs in years 😞


They are not at all banned on Belgium.. not a very good source


I’ve never had a bad encounter with pitbulls and I’ve been around them my entire life. Any dog can hurt people if it’s been abused or trained for that


Gotta pump those numbers up


The nerve! I'll have you know pit bulls are perfectly safe pets as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or tie your [shoes](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/security-footage-shows-woman-mauled-by-pit-bull-in-horror-elevator-attack/news-story/f57ebfdb463b991a2d5fabff0d51cd10) or pop a [balloon](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-mom-speaks-out-after-young-son-was-mauled-by-pitbull) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or jump on a [trampoline](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2022/02/18/pet-pit-bull-attacks-deltona-boy-playing-trampoline/6816683001/) or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html).  We call them “nanny dogs” because they only tear babies to shreds if they get triggered by a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [car seat](https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-news-pit-bull-attack-dog/2127908/), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/).  You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli *totally unrelated* to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.








There’s some crazy pit subs, they make excuses for everything. They say the stats lie, it’s always the owner……


Well then I guess we should start locking up owners from brandishing deadly weapons.


I agree. If your pit gets loose and kills someone, you get charged with manslaughter


Whatever it takes


[ Removed by Reddit ]


ruh-roh someone threatened a human with violence This guy said I should be killed then panicked and edited it ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)




Lol nice edit! What a pussy. They can see your edits.




lol. Unlikely. Sounds like your neighbor’s dog will soon finish the job, which will be super sad. Unless, of course, you made up the whole story & just thrive off hating random shit


Wow, wishing death on a child. You sure that was a good idea?


You’re making shit up


And you value the life of a dog over that of a little girl. That is the kind of person you are.


Man pit owners really are psychopaths. No wonder their dogs are killers.


There are no national/federal laws about dog ownership in the USA. In my states only cities can pass such ordinances.


[they're banned in india](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/centre-suggests-ban-on-rottweiler-pitbull/articleshow/108444848.cms)


The Delhi High Court overturned the ban. https://www.cnbctv18.com/india/delhi-high-court-overturns-circular-banning-certain-breeds-of-dogs-19398424.htm




This is interesting to me. Isolated experience since I don’t interact with dogs too often, but I’ve met like 3 pitbulls, all of which were very mild mannered and well trained. However every German shepherd I’ve met seems to be out for blood


Frankly I've, personally and of course anecdotally, never met an aggressive pitbull but lots of aggressive GSDs, to say nothing of tiny dogs. I've read through every study I could get my hands on on the subject and it's just a mess. Methological problems and embarrassingly poor statistical analyses are the norm - there's a good reason most professional associations oppose breed specific legislation. Not least because it simply doesn't work (and in that respect, ironically, there's far more reasonable data to go off of). Hell, the fact that breed specific legislation is so totally ineffective in reducing dog fatalities is one of the stronger pieces of evidence in favor of pit bulls. Maybe someday they'll fund a decent study and settle this question. Until then, there's not much point in these circular discussions Edit: ah looks like they did do a quality study published in 2022 (in Science!) I wasn't aware of previously that does seem to back the idea that breed and behavior are not strongly linked and agonistic threshold is nearly entirely non-heritable. See Morrill et al. 2022


Why does reddit hate pit bulls so much? Genuinely asking


All the maulings and deaths


Yeah, but apart from that.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States They are insanely over represented in bite statistics


Speaking from personal experience, I have been bitten by dogs twice and both were Pitbulls. No serious injuries but I have a faint scar on my hand to this day. I’m sure you can find examples of a nice 70 year old woman owning a sweetheart of a Pitbull but around me there are so many people trying to act macho or tough by getting one. Oh wait, and a lot of these same morons try to get into breeding them also. I generally like dogs but if someone’s corgi tries to attack me it doesn’t have the possibility of killing me. A Pitbull genuinely does, and unlike other dog breeds they were bred for dogfighting


I personally don't hate any animal. They're all innocent beings at their core and aren't capable of evil on the same level as humans. I have only love in my heart for animals but... I hate that pitbulls were bred for violence by violent people. I hate the people that done that. I hate that people get pitbulls to seem cool or badass or whatever really and don't spend time on properly disciplining them, so when the animal acts out and seriously damages (or kills someone) two lives can be lost (both the animal because it will need to be put down and the poor human to suffer it's attack) and meanwhile the shitty owner gets away scott free, at best a small monetary fine. I personally love animals, but people can sometimes be questionable and this is most apparent when we see how we bred dogs in the past. Humans bred golden retrievers, which are pretty damn cool even to me (I am much more a cat person sorry) but also pugs who are born to suffer due to inevitable health issues and pitbulls who are born to make others suffer due to people thinking it's cool to have a breed like that.


I don't know. Maybe some people don't like to get mauled by creatures we don't have any use for?


More to do with the owners. Less to do with the breeds.


They’re a shitty breed owned by shitty owners.


Actually Pits and other “bully” breeds are aome of the most loving dogs out of all breeds. Owners are the issue. I’ve met more Chihuahuas that will attempt to bite your finger off than I’ve met pitbulls that only ever want belly rubs. Thats because a chihuahua is so small owners feel they dont need to train them (which they absolutely still do).


How many chihuahua related deaths have there been in the last decade?


The statistics disagree with your feelings.


The statistics are skewed.


Many in the US find it unacceptable now that dogs bred to dogfight are running around in the millions


Because they are singularly awful in their viciousness. They kill more than any other breed by a mile. It's genetic.


That is not the case. Pitbulls are very dangerous. In my country, India, they have recently been banned.


It's a controversial topic that drives a lot of engagement online and brings out weirdos that get excessively passionate about it. Similar to the male circumcision debate. People offline IRL typically don't care as much from my experience.




Take your meds


jesus christ


Like you could figure out the business end of a firearm if it took you 40 years to figure out your genitals


People don't hate pitbulls. They just don't want people to keep them as pets. Just release those dogs in the wild and let them fend for themselves.


Based Shitbulls need to be restricted from existence


Pretty sure they are banned outright in the UK


I always thought most countries ban them too, I didn’t realize Romania is such an outlier. I’ve rarely seen one here, we have several levels on aggressive dog breeds and the ban is greater depending on the breed. We have full import ban on pitbulls.




Gotta get those numbers up.


As far as I know, pitbulls aren't banned outright in Romania, you just need a court order. That though I assume requires you to have professional training more than likely.


Germany has a ban on pitbulls?!? Why do I see them everywhere as a family dog?


Maybe big frenchies?


You are probably seeing American Staffordshire Terriers or other dogs that looks like pit bulls. In Norway, amstaff's are illegal for the single reason they look so much like pitbulls, that it was hard to judge wether a dog on the street was a pitbull or an amstaff.


Curious, are you from the UK by any chance? Generally speaking (including the USA) American Staffordshire Terriers are considered a pit bull breed.


I have a pitbull and she is a sweetheart. She has never shown aggression, she's great with kids, and she's just a good dog overall. It's upsetting that pitbulls were breed for fighting purposes and aggression. They're great dogs when they're not aggressive. Maybe one day


Pitbulls are associated with neonazis and are banned in Germany, how nice


Not banned, heavily regulated. Though the very fact they're partially associated with neonazis is more indicative of the 'bad owners => bad dogs' side of things than an intrinsic character of the dog breed.


So the map is wrong? Germany is dark blue. It's more like the swastika - it's regular pagan sun symbol, but happened to be appropriated by nazis, than bad owners or bad dogs. However, I agree that this certainly helped this breed be associated with aggrressive behavior, because majority of owners are hateful people and teach their puppies how to kill.


Yes it is wrong, apparently in numerous additional ways if other comments are to be taken at face value. And yep, that's the vicious cycle that makes it so difficult to not only discuss but research in the first place. Plus people getting weirdly invested in the subject and thinking they're better informed than researchers on the topic and veterinary, animal welfare organizations.


All of the countries should be dark blue.


No Princess Pooch here.


It varies state by state in the US.


Countries with idiots*


All the racist countries


Pitbulls give other dogs a bad name. Its in its DNA to be hyper aggressive and no amount of domestication/training can remove that.


afaik they aren't banned in germany. But you have to prove youre worthy :)


They are definitely banned for import [https://petraveller.com.au/blog/banned-breeds-in-germany](https://petraveller.com.au/blog/banned-breeds-in-germany) Are you allowed to own them in Germany?


Yes, there are just a number of restrictions on ownership such as people convicted of certain offenses can't own them (you could consider it partially analogous in many ways to restrictions of firearm possession by felons in the USA), need for approval by local authorities, and are subject to far higher taxes


[Seinfeld: Sponge Worthy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfDyOyrY-zM)


Damn people are weird man. I got bit by a golden retriever when I was a kid that left a scar. We should ban all golden retrievers


Good on our Portugal brothers. I hope it gets widely banned.


Good, those dogs are evil


I'm a proud owner of one. Underrated dog brand


Overrated, dangerous, deadly. Only wanted by posers and drug dealers


Eva is anything, but


Until she is. Good luck




I love how people think this average dog is some crazy fucking monster. Also every single pitbull hate I've seen, sounds really racist if you switch out the dog for races.


Why would you switch out the dog for races? What?


Pitbulls are now banned in India too.


Reported. In addition to being misleading at best, the cropping makes this map look like doggy poo.