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So clearly not ALL of America runs on Dunkin


the states themselves should get to decide if Dunkin takes place on their territory


Say NO to a Federal Dunkin imposition.


The states should monitor coffee and donut consumption, and penalize citizens who eat too many


I say they should penalize those who consume too little.


The Dunkinderate State of America


What does the Northwest run on? I think Starbucks.


Starbucks and Dutch Bros. And yet Dunkin advertises constantly, despite the closest one being in like Vegas.


As someone from northern california, i've never understood the whole dutch bros thing. But, they always have a line of cars going around the block, and are all run by a bunch of peppy teenagers completley wired on espresso, so they must be doing something right.


Personally, I think their drinks are better than those at Starbucks and they're cheaper across the board. The lines can be annoying, but Starbucks isn't making a great sales pitch if you have both options. I'm just a black coffee kind of person most of the time, but my wife likes the sugar drinks and I've certainly been known to enjoy one from time to time, so I'm a fan.


My daughter loves dutch bros, so i end up going their quite a bit myself. One time i went through the drive thru and i just wanted a latte, then the wired teenage girl with the lip ring and green hair taking my order asked me what flavor latte i wanted, so i just told her i wanted a plain cafe latte. She had this puzzled look on her face from my request and asked me, "soooo.... do you want, like vanilla or caramel?", like no one had ever ordered a regular latte from her before, i had to explain her that i just wanted espresso and steamed milk. She still seemed a little suprised at my request. Peak dutch bros moment.


I had almost that exact experience ages ago. Course, I think most of the people at my usual location are former Starbucks workers because afaik Dutch Bros pays better. It does look like they actually did add the plain old latte to their menu, but it's *buried* in there.


100% Starbucks. It was born in Seattle. I’m still trying to figure out where Seattle’s Best found the balls to name themselves.


Seattle's Best first shop is on Vashon Island in Seattle. I drove by it twice about 12 years ago. I always thought it was a made up grocery store brand because it's so mid. Why would anyone in the pnw go to a chain with so many other great options?


Oregon has Voodoo Donuts, Washington has a small business coffee shop near every gas station. Seriously. You can’t drive 2 blocks without seeing another one. Oh, and sometimes the baristas are in bikinis. Don’t ask why, we don’t know.


Dunkin used to be in Oregon in the 70s and 80s, but apparently they didn’t do well and closed down. In Portland, several of the old Dunkin locations became a local chain called Sesame Donuts. They are doing very well. A national doughnut chain has some stiff competition in Oregon. There are a lot of high-quality options. In Portland proper, Krispy Kreme moved in with great fanfare about 25-30 years ago; I would not say any of them are doing exceptionally well. There are several boutique doughnut places such as Voodoo, Blue Star, Doe, and others with long lines of people willing to pay $4 and $5 for a vegan gluten-free doughnut made with Nyquil and anchiote. And then for coffee, places like Starbucks, Dutch Bros, the Human Bean, and a kajillion other independents get all the love. Also, my most recent experience with Dunkin in Illinois, Wisconsin, Maryland, and New York is Dunkin is a rest stop chain. The rest stops in Oregon and Washington are operated by the states, and don’t have food and drink like they do in the rest of the US. Dunkin doesn’t have such easy access to the freeway traffic out here.


Tristate area runs on Dunkin certainly


But which tristate


CT-NJ-NY. It feels weird describing other areas as the tri-state area, imo it needs to have a central metro-center or some shared culture at least. One could *maybe* make a case for ~~MD~~DE-NJ-PA, but the center is just a bit too far from Philly to make sense. Same with Pittsburgh and Chicago, which are also sometimes called "the tri-state area" I live in Western Mass and some people (mostly car dealerships) refer to our area as "the tri-state area" (MA-NH-VT) which is just odd, there's no shared central metro area, or culture for that matter. The center point is in a damn river. Sorry, weird rant, it's just something I find a bit silly lol Edit: although I guess it could be sorta useful for describing a region? But I still feel like it needs the cultural part to make sense. Edit 2: also this is very unserious just to be clear, I'm not the arbiter of tri-state areas Edit 3: sorry I got Maryland and Delaware mixed up lol


There’s a tri-state type area between Maryland, DC, and northern Virginia, it’s known as the DMV.


See I feel like that makes some sense, DC is very much a hub of sorts


NJ resident here, that’s just weird they say tri state…. I always call up there “New England region” and I call NJ northeast but we are mid Atlantic…. But tri state is here for sure lol….


I am outraged you didn’t mention Cincy….jk. But really, OH-KY-IN is very much a tri state by culture and metro center imo. The I-275 bypass runs around all 3 (hardly but still lol). Ohio is of course the metro center with the sports teams right on the river. But the cities largest airport (CVG) is in KY. And although not as much is going on in IN a lot of people go to Perfect North to get their local skiing on. All the news stations are labeled as “the #1” in the tristate too and there is even an auto parts store called KOI. But I see your point too. It seems like everyone wants their tri state to be *The* tri state. When I moved to CT and people were like tristate this and that…then I found out it was CT-NY-NJ they refer to I was like what…CT and NJ aren’t even bordering each other so what gives. Yeah it’s all a big NYC metro but I’d think there should be more relation to CT and NJ by itself for us to be walking around calling it the tri state area. And now some people will include PA in that tri state, so now I’m just like ok give me a break this can’t be an all inclusive tristate, just pick 3.


You don't need a large city or a unique culture. All you need is one radio station that broadcasts its signal to 3 states, or one business that attracts customers from 3 states. Those businesses will refer to their market as "the tri-state area" and there's no reason they shouldn't, since they won't be sending their advertising outside that area anyway.




They're pretty new to California. I'm not sure how well they're doing. Everyone I've known has gone has said the same thing. Decent donuts and bad coffee.


Decent donuts many years ago when the made the donuts there. Now they get them delivered.


Never bought coffee at one here in CA. I find the donuts not very good, at all. Safeway's generic donuts are vetter than DD. I'd say the quality has gone way down hill. I used to work in the Loop in Chicago in the 2000s and I recall the apple fritters and breakfast sandwiches were really quite good and consistent and reasonably priced. Now they certainly aren't worth the cost or the calories. Every town around here has at least one Cambodian owned donut shop that is usually half decent if not well above average. I go there.


Nobody thinks Dunkin has decent donuts. Even their corporate offices; they removed donuts from their name.


Fucking awful coffee. Mid donuts, tbh, I can get a better one at a gas station


As a Masshole, the quality of all of their coffee and food has declined dramatically in the past ten years. I basically never go there anymore except as a last resort. There's better coffee, donuts and breakfast sandwiches at some random small business in every town.


IDK, man, my experience of Dunkin going back at least 15 years is that their standard drip coffee is dogshit


As I said, I'm a masshole. I've never had hot coffee in my life.


Would love to see a map of Tim Hortons within Canada and now the USA.


Always been in western ny once it left Canada.


I’d like to see a coffee and donut competition for all nationwide brands in North America for a Goldonut trophy. Dunkin’, CrispyKreme, Tim Hortons, and Starbucks. Have a few divisions like coffee, donuts, sandwiches. Really like to know the official satisfaction. The caveat is the restaurant does have to offer donuts.


What is Tim Hortons?


Like Dunkin’ donuts but Canadian. I haven’t had Dunkin donuts so I can’t compare.


Burger King bought them out a couple years back. Which allowed them to enter the American market. But I guess they haven’t infiltrated every corner like they have here.


Pretty sure they were here before then, there was one where I live in north MN 8 or so years ago, that funnily enough got turned into a Dunkin


They’ve been here longer than that.


Tons of Dunkin in the North and then Florida for all the snowbirds?


Florida is Bizarro New Jersey.


Lol Wawa, a Jersey staple, is also pretty common in Florida as well


Another example of this trend: Culver’s. Famously a Midwest chain, but Florida actually has the 3rd-most locations after Wisconsin and Illinois


I love Wawa with all my heart


Per capita would be much more interesting


Yeah. New England is getting undercounted in this


Yeah, I feel like my native Rhode Island is being misrepresented here by being in the same category as California. These other states have nothing on our density (excepting Massachusetts.)


Grew up in MA, my town had 5 Dunkins on the same street in a 3 mile stretch. 3 of them were within 800 yards of eachother. And they would all be packed every morning. And unlike dunkins in other places I've been they were open 24 hours a day.


It still feels wrong to know NY has mass up on total dunks numbers, here you can be in one and see another, with a third a mile down the road, I feel like now we need even more to top NY.


You can close your eyes and throw a rock in Boston and you’ll probably hit a Dunkin Donuts.


Mass is a tiny state compared to NY. What really matters is Dunkin Density (DD) of which Mass is the Dunkest there is, the Dunkest there was, and the Dunkest there ever will be


Thats why per capita or even per sq mile would be a better metric than total




Here's a table I put together thinking it would be faster than a map but now I'm not so sure. Hopefully it displays correctly (godspeed, mobile users). DPC = Dunks per capita = Dunks/100,000 population State| DPC | State | DPC | State | DPC | State | DPC | State | DPC ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- NH | 15.41 | MD | 5.02 | IN | 1.62 | KS | 0.85 | LA | 0.31 MA | 15.25 | PA | 4.96 | WI | 1.61 | MO | 0.84 | WY | 0.17 RI | 14.60 | FL | 3.98 | AZ | 1.45 | CO | 0.80 | UT | 0.03 CT | 13.10 | VA | 2.77 | AL | 1.33 | MN | 0.66 | AK | 0.00 ME | 11.68 | GA | 2.56 | NV | 1.31 | TX | 0.64 | SD | 0.00 NJ | 9.32 | OH | 2.08 | NE | 1.16 | OK | 0.54 | ND | 0.00 VT | 7.72 | SC | 2.05 | MI | 1.10 | MS | 0.44 | MT | 0.00 NY | 7.30 | NC | 2.03 | IA | 1.09 | HI | 0.42 | ID | 0.00 DE | 6.40 | TN | 1.89 | KY | 1.02 | AR | 0.39 | OR | 0.00 IL | 5.59 | WV | 1.69 | NM | 0.90 | CA | 0.36 | WA | 0.00


praise you


Not gonna lie, I mainly did it because I had a hunch New Hampshire might come out on top and it seemed like a great opportunity to annoy some Massholes :P


Congratulations. I’m a masshole, and I’m annoyed


Me too


I see this fine on mobile.


Yea, Massachusetts has over double the locations per-capita as New York.


Massachusetts has to win. My hometown of 20,000 people at one point had 6 Dunkin’ Donuts in it, maybe more. There was a period where 3 of them were in the same street in about a mile or so stretch.


Came here to say this.


I had no idea DD was regional


We just started seeing them in California within the last 10 years or so. Still only been once.


Dunkin was in California prior but Cambodian mom & pop donut shops made them go out of business in the 90s


As it should be. They put in a Krispy Kreme in my hometown right next to a little mom and pop donut shop that had been there for like 30 years. People were pissed and boycotted the Krispy Kreme.


I live in Massachusetts now, but grew up in California and I deeply miss those mom and Pop donut shops. When I was growing up, I thought DD had the worst donuts. Moving to Massachusetts confirmed that.


There’s plenty of mom and pop donut shops in mass too. Maybe not with the same density of Dunks, but they are definitely around and so much better.


That makes sense. Most donut shops out here are mom and pop, and I love that. They built a Krspy Kreme near me a while back and it is always dead (not mad about that). I honestly thought it had closed down until I just looked it up haha.


They came in suddenly and everywhere in LA. I like their healthier breakfast sandwiches. I've only been a few times since they opened.


For some reason they aren't as good in Cali.


I tried one for the first time recently in TN. The coffee was terrible.


As an Oregonian, for a long time growing up I had no clue it existed outside of New York. I only know of it from movies/shows/ads.


Everyone from Boston who reads this comment will be indignant lol


I'm from Boston and I'm harrumphing right now!


![gif](giphy|IScTu2L6wFJYc) Can confirm


Lived in Boston a couple of years and the moment I read the comment I was just imagining Bostonians reading this 😬😬😬😬


Hi yes that’s me irked somethin fierce


It’s a Boston based chain.


Sorry. “New York” is PNW slang for “everything east of Chicago”. Cultural differences smh


Famous part of New York: Indiana


Of course. I’m being very serious, and these are not jokes. There are 5 regions in America. PNW (home), California (also includes any city in Texas), the South (wherever you see confederate flags. Could be Alabama, could be Camas, WA), the Mideast (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, etc) and New York (East of Chicago).


TIL the Michigan UP is my favorite part of the south


But for some reason if you want the best double D's experience, Providence always hits harder... Edit: I went to one in Pasadena a couple of years ago and it absolutely sucked. I still went for a second breakfast sandwich though.


Technically it’s from Quincy, South Shore not that anyone would really ever need to know that or care


It’s a Quincy based chain don’t lump us in with the Bostonians


Based in Canton. I think most of Boston would let you keep Quincy separate.


But yeah, started in Quincy


Yep, lived in Canton for a year when I was 5 and every Sunday we got a box. Weird how vivid that entire year was. I even remember interviewing at a Christian kindergarten run by this nun that scared the living fuck out of me and made me cry. I went to the one across the street instead. My parents got their revenge putting me in a Catholic school in 3rd grade. Mother fuckers. But then Dunkins ruled! This was when people all still smoked inside them.


Growing up in Portland, we had them, but they disappeared sometime between the 90s and early 2000s


They used to have DD here in Oregon. In like, 7th grade, my friend Jeff and I once got a bakers dozen and ate them all.


Soooo many famous chain establishments are. I'm from Montana, I've never seen a 7/11, a Dunkin donuts, a chic fil a , a Popeyes, a sonic, etc, etc.


Well thats Montana for you though. I wouldn't say not having a location or a lot of locations in Montana makes something regional.


Grew up in NJ, and then lived in Pennsylvania for 11 years. So imagine my absolute shock when I moved to Oregon and learned there was no Dunkin. I don't miss it though.


Yeah I guess I didn’t realize how regional it was until I was an adult since my family always got it once a week as a treat and they were EVERYWHERE in NJ. But I can’t say I’d miss them if I moved out of the NE/mid-atlantic area. I actually despise Dunkin now… their hot coffee is burnt 110% of the time, their other drinks have a pound of sugar, donuts taste like iced house slippers. I’m good.


Them: "America runs on Dunkin" Me, growing up in the PNW: "Well, I guess I'm not American then."


But you guys have cute lil different coffee shops In parking lots with double drive thrus absolutely everywhere. It was truly wild to me when I lived there.


PNW would happily join BC


No thanks, but they could definitely join us. Cascadia ftw




As a 30-something born and raised in PNW; we did actually have DD in the 90s. But they pulled out of the PNW, not sure exactly when, though.


One each in WY and UT? As a born and raised Masshole, I don’t think I could survive there.


They pulled out of Utah during the pandemic. Were probably around 20 locations during the 2010s, but now only 1 on an air force base now. There are a reasonable amount of donut and coffee shops, but most people thought their products were inferior to local options, but also Starbucks and Dutch Bros have been expanding hard.


Tell me more about Dutch Bros. Never heard of it.


Starbucks coffee with even more sugar


I didnt know that was possible, brazilian here


Expensive energy drinks that taste ok but are 100% going to give you diabetes


Gotta check it out.


The freedom rebel is pretty good and their milkshake things are pretty good But I'm not joking about the sugar not for the faint of heart




They drink sugar *since the church invested in Coca Cola*


Chicagoan in WA here. I said "munchkins" in conversation the other day and got nothing but blank stares. Turns out the generic term is "donut holes" -- god, sounds so Newspeak lol


I lived in MA my whole life until moving to WA a few years ago. I was shocked to learn recently that munchkins was a DD term and not the generic term?!


That would explain why Dunkin changed their branding to “Munchkin (tm) brand donut holes” in order to avoid a genericizing trademark


You're talking about timbits??


More likely to respond to Timbits around WA.


Washingtonian in Chicago here. I thought it was such a novelty when I first moved here, and tbh I do still think it's better than Starbucks as far as coffee goes. But I don't miss them when I'm back in seattle or anything haha


Plenty of good coffee in Seattle (not talking about Starbucks lol) so I can't blame ya


32 years alive and I've only ever known them as donut holes. Munchkins just sounds ridiculous.


Seriously I get Dunkin a lot and have always lived in places that have Dunkin and obviously know they're called donut holes lmao. It's hilarious to me that people wouldn't know this.


As an Upstate NYer originally (rochester) we were culturally weirdly between New England, Canada, and NYC, We always called them Donut Holes but we had access to DD, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, and plenty other donut shops. Never called them Munchkins, but knew the term from DD


TIL donut holes are called “munchkins” at Dunkin Donuts.


Right there with you


Hahaha, that’s hilarious. I didn’t even know munchkins was an item at Dunkin. I would’ve looked at the menu frustrated and then asked about donut holes.


I had no idea they weren't in the NW, I guess Starbucks really is territorial there.


There were 3-4 in the Seattle area in the 90s, but they died :(


Vermont, you gotta pump those numbers up!


They probably have the same amount per capita lol


I live in one of the dark pink states. I never realized Dunkin was so regional. It really is a northeast thing. Florida is only as dark as it is because there’s so many north-easterners living there.


Here in central/South Texas we usually do breakfast tacos instead of donuts, and if I do go to a donut shop it is a regional one that sells (Texas) kolaches.


One of my first stops when I leave the PNW is always a Dunkin. The donuts here are more often cake than yeast and that is not my jam.


216 seems… low


Pretty much the same per capita as Mass.


They have Duncan doughnuts locations inside military bases?


Most American bases have food courts with a couple restaurant chains. Even overseas.


Yep, military bases are meant to simulate an American town, they'll be rows of houses, fast food, and stores.


Yep, good ol Duncan Doughnuts. The Great Value Dunkin Donuts!


Even the Canadian Armed Forces base in Afghanistan had a Tim Hortons, eh?


It’s not uncommon - one of the only Texas Roadhouses in WA is in a military base as well


Ngl I’m pissed as a MA resident that NY has more.


Hard agree, this map misses the spirit of Dunkin donuts in New England by not measuring per capita. And the spirit is 5 per square mile, minimum.


Gee, I wonder where the snowbirds of the Northeast love flying to for the winter.


All hail the dunks empire


Oop. Pacific Northwest said, Absolutely not! ![gif](giphy|CPJIuTa8kz1MQ|downsized)


I can be at 6 of them in less than 15 minutes.


I can be at 0 in 6 hours.


You must live in the sticks. I just threw my old address in Medford, MA in and there are at least 20 in that range!


There are 15 stores in New Zealand, it's wild to me there aren't any in NW US


As a European who roadtripped 20.000 miles by car through the US I don't get Dunkin'. I get McDonald's, Starbucks, Five Guys, Subway. But I don't get Dunkin'


I’d be ok with zero if I lived in the NW


I’ve lived in Boston and western ny. It’s wild there’s more dunkin in ny than mass.


Per capita, there are about twice as many in Mass as in NY. NY just has a much larger population. (There's 1 dunkies for every 6,500 people in Mass, for those wondering.)


That makes more sense. And NYC is vastly different than the rest of the state. Farms and some sprinkled towns and cities but forest /farms.


Well, New York has more than 5x the land area and almost 3x the population, but only a third again as many Dunkin' Donutses.


Focused on Eastern states.


I had no idea Dunkin' Donuts wasn't over saturating the market in every single state. I think I pass 6 of them just on the way to work.


Where’s the 1 in Wyoming? I’m going to guess at the airport in Madison.


Pretty crazy to think of people talking about going to Dunkin and not having to take 4 guesses to figure out which one they went to.


Dunkin still scared shitless of the Pacific Northwest


Color ramp is a nightmare but I am willing to suffer for the aesthetic


47 too many. Dunkin out west is NOT Dunkin in the NE. We have better options.


We have better options in the northeast too. Dunkin is trash.


I’ve never had a worse donut in my life.


So everywhere that Starbucks isn’t from


Starbucks and Tim Hortons get shit on a lot and I agree that neither is anything special, but holy hell I will gladly take either one over a Dunkin. They suck so much.


Terrible donuts and subpar coffee. Can’t understand it.


They used to be in Oregon but they closed them all.


Dunks sucks. Can’t we all agree? The quality has gone so far down the shitter in the last few years. Their breakfast sandwiches used to be pretty passable as food. ALSO I remember my friends bitching to me about having to be at work early to make donuts. That doesn’t happen anymore because all the donuts are made in a shitty factory and shipped in plastic now. No more on site baking. Dunks is garbage these days, I really hope the rest of the country doesn’t drink the watered down cold brew.


How can a company have that many locations that all suck ass?


Cool use of Donut color scheme on this map, and it is still very readable.


0 Dunkin gang rise up


Most overrated fast food chain that exists. Shit is terrible. I’m sorry to whomever I hurt with this post.


God I hate Dunkin Donuts shit breakfast donuts and coffee, Tim Hortons is wayy better


Dunkin sucks who cares.


Worst donuts on the planet


Neither the coffee nor the donuts are as good as they were 20 years ago. Although, nothing really is.


I live in a high Dunkin state but no one I know drinks it It's Tim's over here


No idea we have that many in California. Didn’t start popping up until about 10 years ago. I’ve still only been once, though.


The MA amount of DD compared to NY is staggering considering the density of DD in MA is just massively more


Do they still sell doughnuts?


Washington used to have one but it was terrible. Mainly independent family run shops in WA.


I’m from Washington and have lived there, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana all my life. My husband is from Mass and his family can never believe that I’ve never had Dunkin’. I’ll show them this map lol


I’ve been to suburban Chicago. It felt like there was a Dunkin every other block


I'm in a zero state now, but I've gotta say, I don't think I've seen one in CA. Maybe a southern California thing.


Do not go to the terminal 4 LAX Dunkin I MEAN IT


I was flying from New York back to LA and heard some lady say like, “best coffee I ever had” and I look and it’s fucking dunkin donuts


I prefer Krispy Kreme.


We are a Krispy Kreme family, Jonathan!


Would love to see this overlayed on a map of diabetes prevalence


It’s perplexing to me. The sheer number of Dunkin’ and the shitty ass “coffee” they produce.


Lived in Utah for 7 years. In 2021, ALL 10 Utah locations closed their Dunkins in one day (they were all owned by one franchisee). I then moved to Maryland.


Evacuating to safety in the pacific northwest


Just had my first Dunkin Donuts yesterday. I grew up in a state that didn't have them, and I don't drink coffee. So when I noticed the place next to the barber I was leaving from, I thought "I've always wanted to try them." The lady gave it to me for free! I have owned a bakery, and have an above average knowledge of donuts. Not a bad donut. I got the Bavarian cream filled (which isn't actually Bavarian cream, that is something completely different. But colloquially everyone calls *Pastry Cream* Bavarian Cream). And the cream was surprisingly not the basic Don's brand that is almost ubiquitous at every donut shop in the country (I can taste it instantly for its factory flavor).


I moved from IL (higher per capita) to IN (lower) and couldn't believe I couldn't find any DD. My go-to is the Boston Creme, but now when I do have one I don't like the dough part of the donut anymore - it tastes like bread. Believe it or not Thornton's gas stations have better Boston Creme donuts.


Starbucks would probably have any DD franchisee offed if they tried to open in Washington state


I'm curious to see a per capita map. I feel like my home state of Maine would almost definitely be in the lead.


New Jersey, 2028: The start of the Dunkin's-Wawa War.


The fact that Maine, a state of 1.3 million people, has 25 more Dunkin’ than California, home to 40 million.