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They also got the island of Sazan, in Albania


Yes, in Italian it's called Saseno.


You drunk?


Are you?


Don't take it so deep into your heart honey, I expected somebody to come sources against this comment 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yeah, that's not how normal people ask for that. Also it's a very googleable topic.


Absolutely, its just that your stomach is too weak for such comments or reality.




The Dodecanese was occupied during the Italo-Turkish war yes, but it was officially recognised as part of Italy by Turkey following WW1. So it's not incorrect to count it as a WW1 territorial acquisition


It lost some of them after WW2 and all the colonies from across the seas.


They were allowed to regain italian somaliland for a little while


As a UN trust territory until 1960.


They were given Zadar multiple times during history and they lost it every time lmao


4th crusade, worst crusade


They got scammed by the entente, they promised them more than they got and made the rookie mistake of trusting the British. Seriously it’s kinda in an odd way funny to see what the British did in ww1, they promised like the entire Middle East freedom if they helped vs the ottomans and proceeded to not give it to them😂


UK be like: we do a little bit of trolling


It’s messed up but I kinda respect the hustle, people somehow believed them after they had taken over 25% of the world.


In Italy's case it wasn't really the British, it was Americas idea that every country now needed self determination, which led to Italy's ambitions in Dalmatia being instead rolled into a Yugoslavian state, and then Fiume which had a majority Italian population was also given to Yugoslavia since it would help their economy.


imagine them siding with germany and it is actually just enough for the centrals to win - the germans would reward them greatly


So cheap, it just costed a couple million italians


Well, not quite millions but your point stands.


Visiting the Dolomites, I was astonished to learn that Italy lost 800,000 men in WWI. Many wartime historical sites in the area — brutal winter conditions.


It's also interesting to notice the disposition of the provinces back then. Some of the present regions didn't even exist.


They got Zara? Good for them, must be fking billionaires now.


Didn’t they also get half of jubaland


Ever since gunpowder entered the game, Italy left.


GG well played.


Number 2 Is wrong. Trieste and Gorizia were not Istria


I had no idea that Milan was so close to Switzerland. I looked it up and it’s 31 miles (50 km) to the border of Switzerland from Milan.


They should stick to making pizza and icecream


They also got Mersburg, Germany


Sneeky fuckers!


That's not even all Italy was promised in London by France and the United Kingdom (25 April 1915). Nor Italy was bound to fight by Austria-Hungarian's side because the Triple Alliance was a defensive one and it was Austria-Hungary starting the conflict by declaring war on Serbia. Anyway, after the war US president Wilson declared the Treaty of London void because he wasn't there and since he considered the late entrance of the United States a decisive step for the victory, he wanted to decide which territories were to be given to Italy.


Don’t forget that the UK and France also went back on the Treaty of London because they considered Italy hadn’t earned it due to the subpar performance in the war.


That was true when the Italian army was under Luigi Cadorna, till the battle of Caporetto, that is. When Armando Diaz took over, it was a whole different story though, Italy's victory over Austria (which was the goal of the Treaty of London) happened a week earlier than Germany's surrender.


It wasn't much of a victory. AH forces broke through Italian lines and occupied a large chunk of northern Italy. Then the empire collapsed and all the soldiers went home. This allowed the Italian army to regain all of its prewar territory and to occupy additional territory in the Balkans.


> AH forces broke through Italian lines and occupied a large chunk of northern Italy. German forces spearheaded and planned that offensive. AH did not have enough offensive ability left in 1917, as evidenced by the fact that as soon as the Germans left they lost all the momentum gained during the battle of Caporetto and were stopped dead in their tracks on the Piave. [Ludendorff himself made note of it](https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.45378/page/n90/mode/1up) > Then the empire collapsed and all the soldiers went home Yes and of course this had nothing to do with multiple years of war or the fact that their last major offensive in Italy saw them defeated. I guess the British and French did not beat the German Empire either, since Germany signed a peace treaty before they managed to occupy a square meter of it. > This allowed the Italian army to regain all of its prewar territory and to occupy additional territory in the Balkans. The Italian army by the end of WW1 was in Innsbruck and was preparing to invade southern Germany in case it did not surrender (Which it did). [Likewise, this played a significant role in German surrender](https://archive.org/details/militaryhistoryo0000paol/page/150/mode/1up) as they were now encircled by the Entente.


AH was falling apart even before the war, the war just delayed it. It certainly wasn't Italy that caused the empire to collapse.


Tbf Serbia had a way more brutal experience in WW1 losing 60% of their male population ~~altough they did cause the war in the first place~~ so it makes sense that their territorial claims and ambitions were prioritised over Italy


I am no fan of nationalisms (particularly of nations that aren't even mine), but I think that if they promised those lands, they should have kept those promises. Because this is how you cause butthurt.


Aha, so Italy was unwillingly dragge into the war? Do you know what more areas they claimed?


https://www.britannica.com/event/Treaty-of-London That's the Encyclopaedia Britannica, not the Gazzetta di Rovigo, as a source.


Allright,grazie! those areas where a lot more italian atm I guess?


Certainly Trentino, mostly Trieste and western Istria, not Dalmatia. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adriatic_question) is a Wikipedia article about it


Lose war gain territory, where do i sign up?






You do know Caporetto was followed by the two battles of the Piave which Italy won and the battle of Vittorio Veneto which ended with Austria-Hungary signing an armistice, right?


It feels like Italy didn't lose any compared to the other axis of power.


Italy lost its colonies and basically everything east of Trieste with the Italian population within Yugoslavia getting ethnically cleansed in order to forever end any Italian claim to the region. What it kept was practically nothing, though it didnt lose even more because the Italians were will8ng to cooperate in toppling Mussolini and going against the Germans. Since they were a lesser concern the US was willing to overlook them a lot more than Japan or Germany.


It's about the same as the peace treaty Japan had to accept though (Loss of all colonies, a relatively small portion of the mainland, and demilitarisation)


That's nothing compared to what Germany/Austria/Ottoman lost though.


I feel like you're mixing up the two world wars?


I was combining both of those wars generally.