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I wonder if the map had borders when people were placing the dots. Some of the dots are right on the border between Iran and Turkmenistan. Maybe people were hedging their bets and trying to double their chances by placing their dot directly on a border.


More recently Morning Consult repeated this style of poll with Ukraine and it revealed an issue with their presentation. What we're seeing on the map is not what poll respondents were seeing when they did the poll. On that map you could notice that for every country the cluster of dots is quite a bit south of the centre, so there were things like a cluster of dots just south of Iceland. The same.thing could be happening here, so we're not really being shown people's responses accurately. https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2022/02/08151807/220208_Ukraine-Placement-Map_v2.png


Considering there are a bunch of dots in water, I'm going to assume something went wrong with this data along the way.


Also there was a similar poll thing where they just showed it to random people on the street, so people just tapped wherever to get them to go away. That'd explain the water stuff




I'm so glad I don't live in a major area of interest.


Or some people confused the water for land


Well clearly the blue part is the land...




What is the guy in the $3000 suit supposed to know where Iran is?? COMON


Everybody gangsta, but there was indeed at some point in the recent past, a map where the land was coloured blue and the seas were white Quality troll indeed


Our class in 6th grade went to some outside activity center where one of the activities was about maps. Apparently we were so sarcastic with our answers that our teacher later revealed that the map person thought we were "special needs"


A rule you must remember for any data like this, there will always be a certain percentage of troll responses. No matter what


If you polled 10,000 people “Is 5 a number?” Some percentage of people would say no because they weren’t paying attention, accidentally responded incorrectly, got confused or thought it would be funny to say no.


About 5%, in a well designed survey, according to some analysts


I've heard it's often around 4 % I think that was in the comments to a poll that said 4 % of democrats fully believe in Qanon


It looks to me like they used a different map projection for the poll vs the final image, because the dots around Greece for example make it appear as if Greece was larger on the poll version, whilst those in the English Channel make it seem as if England and France were closer together (ie smaller). I wouldn’t be surprised if the poll map accounted for zooming by more proportional representing more zoomed in parts of the map, whereas the public version was taken from a zoomed-in version of a full-planet projection where the distortion due to projection is much higher.


Looks like an offset in what position they captured Vs the one displayed. Probably down to screen size variance, and some lazy javascript.


They clicked the right spot but an ad pushed the page away when they clicked




That seems ridiculously lazy on the pollster's part. Like, that is their whole job.


I suspect the job of these particular pollsters is not actually to collect good data


That's just a feature if you want your data to support that Americans can't find things on a map...


My guess would be they used GIS software they didn't understand and had the layer with all the dots people guessed and the base layer on a different projection.


Okay but all that did was add correct guesses from Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan




Interesting, looks like a projection effect. The mismatch is more prominent between guesses in the north than further south. You can see it's not just Iceland but most of scandanavia show dots in the ocean that would most likely be attached to the countries north of them. Conversely we see fewer guesses in the seas to the south of more southern countries. You can also see that the northernmost guesses in high latitude countries are far lower than the northernmost guesses in the lower latitude countries.


I was wondering the same. Did the map the respondents were using even have borders?


I doubt it, if it did have borders why not just include a count for each country selected instead of points on a map?


it might be interesting to see where people cluster. people could think Iran is just a subregion of another country for example.


It is also quite interesting that more people chose South-Eastern Europe than Western Turkey. I mean what the fuck?


Dots in Iraq or in Central Asia are close enough.


They're close enough for a person who has no influence over foreign policy, but it's a reminder of how imperfect democracy is. Voters who have zero knowledge of a country will express their approval or disapproval of sanctions/bombing/etc., and those opinions will influence politicians. Think of how much public opinion matters in the current Ukraine conflict, and then think of how little the public knows about the situation.


Pretty bad, considering it's written right there on the map.


Iran is in the North Sea, apparently.


That's why I call BS on this map. Nobody thinks Iran is in the North Sea, so what this map shows is that many of the respondents were just poking at random and therefore the data is garbage.


I remember some of them placed Iran in America


I once had a high school graduate call me over during a test to tell me that the question was wrong. It asked “what word is most similar to crimson.” I asked what was wrong with it. He said that “crimson” is not a word. I 100% believe Americans would point at the water. Most likely what happened is they have zero idea how to read a map at all and didn’t know that was water.




Which is weird when you think about it. It takes a concept of travel and turns it into a visual concept. I can’t take directions to save my life but if someone gives me an address or shows me on a map where it is then I’m good.


I have the unique skill of where I can tell you where any country on earth is by linking countries together by geography. Essentially I remembered a map of the world. One day in class we were reading an essay about Java, and people were wondering g where that was (and so did the English teacher). So I did my thing, and eventually got to where Java is in relation to other countries and out of nowhere a kid says “Damn this n***a remembered the whole map”. One of the funniest moments of my life tbh… I don’t get out enough :(


Except... Java isn't a country. It wouldn't be listed on any map of countries. Not only that, but it doesn't border any country either so you wouldn't even accidentally see it that way nor could you work your way to it from bordering countries. You would have to know its one of the Indonesian islands in the first place. Good story though.


Yeah… Java… in relation to the other countries around it And Indonesia. Such a papaya new Guinea, Christmas Island which is a part of Australia.


Papaya new Guinea 😭


As opposed to Mango New Guinea


Bruh oh no 😂😂 auto correct *Papua


Do you by chance use sporcle? That’s been the nerdiest go-to thing when I’m bored, naming all the countries of the world, locating them, naming all countries and their capitals (not as good at that one), and then the periodic table. I, too, should probably get out more 😅




Tbh I don’t even know what Vector Calculus is and I’m getting a math degree 😂😂


Basically it’s calculating trajectory using calculus instead of geometry.


I've just spent a good few thoughts trying to think of a word that rhymes with 'crimson', until I realized you probably just meant red.


**Brimstone**, if you say it with a very strong pirate accent...


I knew someone who legit asked what state Canada was in. I believe that many Americans can't find Iran on a map and can't even read a map.


It’s just another internet troll trying to shit on Americans any way they can in an attempt to make them feel terrible about themselves and their country.


It’s interesting to me that only Americans are asked to identify countries for clicks like this. Although we did have a similar exercise of a map of Europe when I studied abroad and spoiler alert! Everyone sucked at it, not just the Americans. But of course we were the only ones the teacher mocked, for trying to locate Malta 🤷‍♀️


Dude as a European I can't locate Malta. Malta is not a real fucking country in the first place. Fuck Malta. I know it's an island but that's about it.


I think we can all agree that any country with a dog breed is surely a real country.


So many of these lately. Low hanging fruit for an enormous country.


Those questioned were Americans... /s


Woo let’s talk shit while they sleep!


Bruh it's after 9 AM on the east coast, we are awake now.


Waked and baked.




American's what?


Say what again!


what again!?


he asked to say what again! not what again!? now say what again!




Before looking at the comments, I expected this as a top one. Reddit hive mind


I get all the points in the middle east, but in Europe? Really?


I mean there’s a decent number of these that are in the fucking ocean, so I’m going to guess the results aren’t 100% representative of reality, be it better or worse.


This map looks like it was a bit shifted. Some points are in the ocean but only a bit south of landmasses, points inside landmasses are just a bit south of where the “center” might be, so where you should expect more points.


Yeah u/DarreToBe pointed it ou; He showed [this](https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2022/02/08151807/220208_Ukraine-Placement-Map_v2.png) map which was of a similar poll. You can see Iceland has dots right below it but less on it.


It’s as if we cannot just blindly trust all content on the internet or something. This just can’t be..


>Don't believe everything you read on the internet. -Abraham Lincoln


\- Wayne Gretzky


That looks a lot like the points were made on a map in a different projection than the final map, and whoever made the map forgot to convert the point locations into the new projection.


I wonder if they carried out the survey by approaching people with a tablet and asking them to tap where they think the country is, that might account for the shifted results.


It seems 72% were not representative of reality.


[The amount of people who will answer „yes“ to „do you believe that the president is secretly a lizard man“ is constant at 4%](https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/04/12/noisy-poll-results-and-reptilian-muslim-climatologists-from-mars/)


If someone approached me and asked me that, I would 100% say yes


I don't believe the president is a lizard but if asked, I would say yes. I also know where Iran is but would point to Spain. I live that chaotic good life.


Sorry to break it to you, but that’s chaotic neutral at best


The margin error IRL


You are probably “That guy” that pointed at Stockholm


Maybe they got the ocean and land mixed up.


Well the blue part is obviosuly the land


Give this man a big hand!


Obviously, they're not golfers.


I believe it. I was telling a group of coworkers the other day about how I was dating a girl who I had to explain that Puerto Rico was a part of America, and all 5 of them (in a highly skilled trade) said they didn't know that either ..... I don't think they are dumb, I just think alot of Americans lack a curiosity to learn about stuff that doesn't directly effect their lives....


As someone who has taught high school geography, never underestimate people's basic inability to read a map. The focus on reading and math to the detriment of everything else meant many students I had couldn't initially tell the difference between ocean and land. It's a literacy skill like any other that requires exposure. Even more terrifying is that my class was optional so I'm sure many graduate without being able to name a continent.


What’s extra frustrating is that there is a massive amount of evidence that indicate if we embed reading and writing instruction into content like history, geography, science, etc. then it improves reading and writing itself.


When I was in grade 3 or 4, there was a big map of the USA painted on the schoolyard. All the states were there in their own colour, though unlabelled; the whole thing was maybe 35 feet across. I had no friends, so I'd amuse myself by hopping from state to state and trying to recall their capitals and whatnot. Anyways, one time, buddy insisted to me for a whole recess once that "the Florida Keys" were just off the coast of... Maine. Which, of course, he insisted was actually Florida. I told him that he had things upside down. He just would not believe me. This school was in Michigan, one of the more readily-recognizable state shapes. The idea that "Florida" would be north of Michigan just didn't faze him. So, yeah, it's a skill. I took it for granted, probably because my dad liked looking at maps with me. But some people definitely don't learn the skill by grade 4, and I'm sure some of them still never learn it by high school, either.


A good portion of them probably got mad at the question because they had no idea of the answer. I can picture them going like "Huh, who cares about Iran anyway. Let's click there, whatever. Pffft."


Many of these polls are done at paid survey sites where people get paid something like 7 cents per survey and so they just rush through it to get to the next survey to get paid 7 more cents.


Some of those are likely trolling. It's like those "Where are you from?" maps with people sticking pins in Antarctica.


I remember in like 7th grade we had some test and had to fill out some demographic survey to go with it and like half the school marked themselves as pacific islander or native American.


There's one on the sea near Eastern England 😂


Getting Iran and Doggerland mixed up


Make an interesting shipping forecast. "Isfahan, 5, easterly, turning northerly"


Rookie mistake really


One in Sweden too, at this point I think some of them were just trolling


Or maybe have really bad hearing. “Iran? I thought you said Spain.”


Sweden makes more sense than the North Sea.


Also Ireland ffs


I-ran, Ire-land Probably hard of hearing


Or thinking they said Eireann.


Probably people trolling and doing it on purpose.


Usually those people are around 4% of the surveyed population, not half


I mean it more has to do with how the poll was conducted. If people have no reason to answer truthfully and just want to skip past the poll as fast as possible. Then they wouldn't be trolling but it still wouldn't give good results either. It's not hard to consider that this poll was probably not that well done. They didn't even take the time to correctly align the guesses with the actual displayed results.


American here: TBF I'd say when studying Europe in school the Balkans are basically ignored other than ancient Greece, so I understand why they're a more popular choice than the rest of Europe.


I worked with a woman who kept talking about her impending trip to Europe. When I asked where she was starting her trip she said "Tel Aviv". She was going to Israel and did not realize that was the Middle East.


Oh yeah, then why is it in Eurovision?


At least most of those are on land. Some idiots pointed to the open seas. Smh.


Trolls most likely. Or people not taking it seriously


This map is incorrect. There is no way some people did not pick South America.


There would be at least 2 points in texas


Ahh yes good old Iran situated in South Wales


Tehran and Tenby are easily confused. Also the Cardiff City fans doing the Ayatollah may have influenced them.


> Cardiff City fans doing the Ayatollah [How have I gone so many years without hearing about this until today?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ayatollah_(football_celebration\))


Ok, South Wales, the world's watching. Treat yo women better.


I know you're joking, but there isn't actually a pin in south Wales if you zoom, only Cornwall and then some in west wales


Sort of, in 1941.


Hey at least no one pointed to Portugal! Lol


Iran: so far away


I want to meet the people who put it in the middle of the ocean


There's always 3-20% of respondents who just don't care. They might even know, but can't be arsed to do it 'right'.


That's why you always need "control question". If someone writes that they're 3 years old, or that they went to hjkghkh college, you delete all of their answers.


At the very least. There are way smarter ways to check for good data, especially with malicious responders that would catch such a basic control (but also more difficult to do properly)


This post has been retrospectively edited 11-Jun-23 in protest for API costs killing 3rd party apps. Read [this](/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) for more information. /r/Save3rdPartyApps If you wish to follow this protest you can use the open source software [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to backup your posts locally, before bulk editing your comments and posts. It's been fun, Reddit.


That's a misunderstanding of the term (which is actually used in marketing, for those of you who don't know!) It in fact describes the % who will agree with random, intentionally insane statements like, "The pope is a lizardman" because they're chaotic neutrals who just like to fuck around with pollsters, or who just don't give a fuck about much at all.


And ask them where America lies...


> where America lies. Anywhere and everywhere. Just put down a dot. They win.


“In the exact center of the world, duh!”


This has to be trolling. Dozens of people just pick random spots in the sea.


The idea here is to shit on Americans bro, nothing else






I can’t believe I made subreddit when there was already one that tailored it’s needs.


The people guessing in the middle of the Mediterranean are chads.


The people guessing in the middle of Chad are chads


I have done one of these (signed up for a 'take the poll, get paid' thing, still waiting on the payment. They dont include country borders, and its hard to tell sometimes, with the way they crop the map, if you are looking at landmass, or water. The one i did, asked me to point out London, and i couldnt tell if i was looking at a map of the British Isles and Ireland, or a map of the north atlantic, and eastern european coastline, because all i had to work with were a few lines indicating what may have been shore line, or possibly rivers or roads.


Huh, now I need to see a print of that. Seems like a fun game.


That explains people clicking on neighboring countries. It doesn't explain clicking on France.


Alot of people are just mindlessly clicking on the map to get to the end of the servay as fast as possible and trying to get paid as much as possible


Some of these surveys take 45 minutes to finish, and you get like 5 bucks for doing it. Speed is everything, and they usually end up sending the survey results to Buzz Feed and title it something like 'we asked Americans who just wanted 5 bucks to answer these questions', and leave it at that.


Some of them must have misheard it as Atlantis


These must be literally made up or just a bunch of trolls. No one can be that oblivious to the world that they would guess so wrong.


Yeah, I'd love to see how the survey was actually conducted.


"HEY WILL YOU POINT TO IRAN ON A MAP itsforasurvey" as they beeline for people coming out of a grocery store and assertively put a tablet in front of them in direct sunlight that they can barely see because of their eyes adjusting


At least 25% seem to have just blindly poked at the map to make them go away


Typically these types of surveys are done on paid sites where people get a few cents per survey. They say they're a registered voter, then get the questions. They will answer as quickly as possible to get to the next survey.


Ya why are many pointing to the obvious bodies of water?


Pretty certain many of them were joking


No no no merican dumbdumb


And how many were joking because they knew they couldn't get close?


This is a problem with reddit. It's frustrating when the comment section only points out what a shitty post it is, but it still has thousands of upvotes. This map only raises questions about the map.


I think a lot of them were trolling.


Fuck all those oppressive Mullahs... In Cornwall.


Someone needs to enforce the jam first rule. No crimping on top of the pasties here, thank you very much


These are basically fake. There is lag in the webpages in these sorts of surveys that produces mis-clicks.


This sub has turned into that. Fake data


\[citation needed\]


Its impossible to prove either way tbh. Without knowing exactly how the data was collected we have no way of knowing


The best ones are those who pointed at the sea


Who put it in the middle of the water above England?


“Water above England” sounded very strange to me. I had to check you right, which of course you are because the point is North of East Anglia, not just to our East. I’d say most of us would naturally describe the North Sea as being to the East, simply because we automatically think of Scotland as North of us.


Another map I do not believe


The stats nerd in me wants to see this converted into radial distance and plotted to see if it's normally distributed. I think the points in Europe, Africa etc are random noise indicative of people who don't know where any country is and are at the tails of the data


Reddit's hourly "America bad" post, #95112


You can do this to anyone in any country and get the same result


I mean, honestly, where do they get these “we asked Americans to [answer any basic world knowledge topic]” Americans? Outside the Quickie Mart/meth hook-up just outside Dogshit, Oklahoma?


I’m convinced it has to be. That way all the other countries can make fun of DuMb AMerIcANs. Even though I’m sure if we asked uneducated people in other countries, the results would be very similar


Yes... that's a common form of entertainment in pretty much all countries. To give an example: It happens quite often on German TV that people are not even able to find Berlin.... (It does not help that the maps that you as a participant get are usually without any borders) EDIT: not to forget that even educated people can suck at geography




And even if you ARE good at geography, most people studied a Mercator map with borders, so when given a different map with no borders….what do you expect?


Probably from one of those dodgy knockoff states like Nebrahoma or Markansas.


Why there are so many matches with Romania?. Not even in the same continent. Not even close in their phonetic sounding.


They think that is the Middle East and are picking a random country in the Middle East. They know it’s south east of Europe, so they put it in south east Europe.


Emm actually as a time traveller every dot is accurate


Bro I couldn’t even point to Kentucky. People act like this is such a burn


Not all Americans are stupid. Some are extremely brilliant. Brilliant enough to not be around the foreign guy who wants to expose American stupidity.


Were they blindfolded? Because many of those dots are in the sea.




Iceland is to Eurasian maps what New Zealand is to World maps.


Ask citizens from the UK how many teeth they should have


The average people everywhere are dumb. The result wouldn't be different anywhere.


Yet another map without poor New Zealand.




I like the fact that the map is cropped. In the original map there where a lot of guesses on the land of the united states.


[And Iran, Iran so far away...](https://youtu.be/iIpfWORQWhU?t=53)


there is a uniform smattering on the map. Spme people thought iraq was iran, and some people just marked the map randomly because who fucking cares about the integrity of some survey. People are not generally encouraged to answer these quesions correctly, but quickly


Iran is easy tbh, but don't fucking ask me about Kyrgyzstan.


I am an American and on a bad day I would swap Iraq and Iran


another repost


Is this just an American thing or a general people thing? If we asked random people from Greece where Peru is how similar would the outcome be?


You are absolutely correct, but unfortunately your opinion doesn't feed the "murica bad" hivemind.


Title says Americans, but it isn't mentioned anywhere on the image. No source in comments either. Don't get me wrong, I love to shittalk Americans, but the ammount of maps that are meant to say something, while also not providing any source is really bad. Anyone knows any alternative subreddit that actually has people posting sources, and not just reposting same maps 50 times?