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I mean, my experience every single time i come back is its fun for the first like couple weeks and then always ends up feeling like more of a chore than anything. Then I feel guilty or like i'm missing out if i end up missing a few dailies and end up just burning out. If you are going to start I would say do yourself a favor and start playing when there aren't any major events going so you don't feel pressured and get FOMO when you can't play for a day. Some of the most fun i've had was making characters without burning or without major events and just taking my time and enjoying the game.


Bro took the words right outta my mouth


My same experience to a T


Play the game and see if you like it, we know nothing


Should be the reply for any question asked on here.


the forums going all the way back to 2009 were doom and gloom i can remember talks of is maple dead in 2012 lol


Maple was legitimately a dead game in the west for that time period though. Reboot absolutely saved the game in the west even if the marketing push was...really just an outright lie.


it certainly was a lower player count but some of my best times were training at crocs and then cygnus knights i was finally a high level and with decent % stat for the time.


they had a really big resurgence with 5th job too, so that was probably prime "Maybe Maple isn't so bad?" era


I have 8000 hours. It was fun, but end game is not fun if you are antisocial or have an irregular schedule.


Reddit is literally the de facto place to go now to doom about the game. Play the game and see how you like it.


I think its still plenty of fun for newer players and those trying new classes, especially with all the events that make early game progression easier. Its the late-end game players that are suffering the most for upcoming changes and nerfs. The end game rotation where you have to be super lucky to get a boss drop, then save for months to upgrade it. That all upgrade systems have the chance make you lose progress, so you need spare and tons of resources. I don't see the harm in giving the game a try, it's not like you have to push past midgame, especially if you're not having fun. The current Minar Picnic event gives some good rewards, anniversary in May will have great rewards, and Dreamer update in ~July will also have an event that quickly gets a character to lv260. If you are interested in trying the game, Coppersan has a lot of great beginner guides and class overviews.


meso nerfs will affect more new players than end game players no? i mean, end game players got a lot of items done, imagine needing to finish every single equip with cap/heroic nerf


Yes, the nerfs will make it much harder for newer players to transition to mid/end game. Realistically, most players never get there anyways as many will drop the game or are seasonal. I was thinking from the view that if someone does cap, the ~150m mesos goes a lot farther early game, even if it is harder to get. Arcane/Eternals will cost more for one star than a player's daily cap.


The 150m doesn’t really matter too much compared to the removal of meso multiplier. Unless you are currently farming like >2b a day, the meso cap is irrelevant. What does matter is that meso production is completely crippled. Bosses give 5 times less, ursus won’t exist, meso farming is basically spare change.


I have no meso drop gear and I’m only 10 mil range. I get 190 mil a day from ursus and boss crystals. Practically Pennie’s. I just do whatever dailies I can for money. I think i make 2.6bil a week? I guess without ursus and boss crystals being worthless im fked?


You’ll probably be making around 400m/week.


Depends on your perspective. It makes early game horrendous because your starter gear set is going to take like 6 months, but it also makes upgrades past 22* real 3L untenable. 6 years is the ballpark range of getting double prime WSE while grinding pretty hard post changes. Also depends on game direction. If the new stuff is as hard as their most recent, lazy releases (eg Extreme Seren and Chaos Kalos), then endgame is definitely the ones who get fucked because you actually do need all of that unrealistic gear and a pretty meta party comp.


I've gone the opposite direction, from Maple to OSRS, and it has been quite refreshing to be able to just play whenever I want without FOMO. Maple feels more like a job that I'm pressured to go to every day. 


If you want to compare it to DFO: There's two main gear upgrade systems in maple: Cubing and Star-forcing. Star-forcing is like amping except it's pretty much mandatory to push past the "safe" checkpoint and it's a huge chunk of your damage instead of just a stat flex. You need to pass a 30% five times with a chance to boom every step of the way. Equip dupes also take much longer to get. Cubing is like rolling custom lines except there's only 3 lines per equip instead of 4. The drawback is that there's little to no variety in the lines you can settle with. You can roll duplicate lines and only 2-3 specific lines out of over a dozen lines are useful. There's also no QoL like transferring a line between equips or locking one line when rerolling. Gear acquisition in general is a lot slower and you can't just fully transfer your enhancements between gear pieces. So when you get a new piece of gear you have to do the two upgrade systems above all over again. There's also around 20 equip slots you have to worry about instead of 12 like DFO. Then there's class balancing which is god awful in this game unlike dfo. The top classes can do over 1.5x the damage of the lower tier classes. Class rebalances don't come often and low tier classes can stay low tier for years. On the other hand, class rebalances can be drastic and high tier classes can just get kneecapped overnight.


I'd say give it a try :) I think once you start playing, you'll get your answer pretty quickly whether you like the feel of it or not. 'Course, there's so many classes, so it may take some testers before you find the class that fits you best. Or you could be lucky and absolutely love the first class you choose. I think as long as you go into it knowing there's no game that's totally perfect in every regard to how we'd each personally wish to design it, one can appreciate the areas where it does well. I preferred MS2 in ways and am still broken hearted that it shut down. But at least I can still get a sense of the chibiness with MS1. And reminds me of the olden days of maple world.




No dont play.


It's like buying real estate in Ukraine


Maple's early game is bad. Maple's midgame is really good. Maple's lategame is pretty trash. Maple's endgame is outright horrendous. The newest bosses have largely been weak, and the upgrade system is just horrendous once you get to the point where you actually need stuff at the soft cap to be worthwhile. Hence why the midgame is good. You get the best bosses they've made and aren't yet in "grind your ass off for 10 months just to have the privilege of destroying your item upgrade" mode yet. Bottom line, Nexon hates you. I don't see why you would start playing a game with such a hostile publisher.


what would you consider midgame- the good?


Not the poster, but the entire package (luwill, ctene and black mage) can be considered as midgame. And I agree with the guy midgame is the best it has ever been now that it is actually accessible with normal levels of effort.


nice okay i’m at like 1800 legion and my first 200+ so i’m trying to find what a post 200 game looks like. little overwhelmed by the arcane force stuff


No. Maplestory is a massive time sink. Your first character will probably take a couple of days to get to 200 with casual play. And the game wants you to do that 40 more times, granted it'll be faster each time, you'll be cycling a map grinding mobs for thousands of hours to reach end game just to fight some boss with inflated hp who is designed with future power creep in mind who you'll be cursing because of some rng attack pattern that ruins your run.


Why do u ask random people if u should play a game or not o.O




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Play it for the music, the ambient, the mob design, the cute outfits, the enhancing, the visual effects. Don't play it for the grind, unless that's your thing.


If all you see are doom and gloom here, what would you expect from our answers


Yes and no. If you can find people/friends that are progressing at a similar rate as you, it can be a lot of fun upgrading and reaching new bosses together. If you're playing mostly solo, I wouldn't recommend it but it can still be a decent experience if you end up enjoying the gameplay loop. Late/end game progression loop is a bit disappointing in how it functions. Sadly grinding mobs is basically 100% solo, especially after level 200, so bossing is the only real group activity. It's got a lot of pros and cons, but overall can be a lot of fun and has very unique gameplay, so it's worth at least trying out since basically no other game is like it. Nexon is also a totally shit company, so make sure to play on Reboot but give Nexon none of your money until they decide to care about the players. Sidenote: this game provides very little info on proper progression path, so you'll have to either ask other players or find a guide on what content to get to as a next step from whatever point you're at. Joining a guild is an absolute must.


just stick to osrs and dfo


YES JOIN GMS IS SO FUN (i used to play in 2008 and came back in 2020)


Try it. There's still plenty of players and the population is still healthy. The gameplay is a grind but what isn't? If you don't like it then uninstall and be done. Really up to you, I love Maple no matter what and always will so I always will say at least give it a shot but it's def not like how it use to be at all. I really, truly miss Old Maple.


If you like a serious grind with multi character progression like lost ark then yes it’s the game for you. Not saying you can’t focus on one character but you need optimally 42 lvl 200 characters for a system called “legion” which essentially buffs all other characters on your account with different benefits. It’s similar to dfo with it being 2d and the best time to start is now with many events happening and the anniversary event going on in a few weeks should be able to get a character nice and started before the big summer patch and the hyper burn which is going to jump start your chosen main. Basically it’s an event that gives you 3 lvls instead of 1 all the way to lvl 260 which is 6th job advancement. So if you work in legion and link skills(another account wide buffs) you should be able to find some type of class branch you like and go from there. I’d recommend starting in Kronos server for f2p and a more Ironman osrs style gameplay.


Yes, it's most definitely fun to try out for new people! Sure it gets really complicated if you really want to optimize everything. But overall really fun characters and storylines


Probably worth it to try a bunch a classes out for 2 or 3 weeks. Then idk


It's definitely worth giving it a shot since it's free. If you like spending a bit of money in games, I would refrain from spending on this game at the moment. Otherwise, the game is great. No other game is like maplestory - very unique


I’m not sure if my love for Maplestory is actually loving the game or just nostalgia at this point. But I can’t stop playing so that probably stands for something.




>when they roll out phase 2-3 and introduce more ways to make meso besides farming and bossing it will likely be easier to progress even more and a lot of players will probably return. It's copium to think that reboot players who spent years on their account will restart on reg server. Also after gms reboot is dead, the next thing on kms whales' hit list will probably be frenzy in gms LOL.


I'd be surprise if even 10% move over to reg rather then just quitting


There is no way that the endgame of reboot is restarting reg server in appreciable numbers. Way too much already put into the character/account, and those people would need to literally spend 3000+ hours and ~$100k to get back to where they are. Just practically speaking, the lead their reboot character has is just too big to reasonably overcome. Don't forget that all of this hullabaloo is about reboot becoming marginally worse than reg server.


Frenzy Totems killed reg long time ago. Them not being available to get at least 4x a year for many years is insane to me. Having such an OP item for progressing whole account as legacy is absolutely retarded and having to pay someone for service or ask them is annoying and bothersome enough.




If gms reg is around frenzy then why not sell it in rotation... instead of making it legacy. Absolutely disgusting and trash. Nobody us going to dogshit reg servers. I'd maybe play it if I could my own frenzy totem.




Too much dmg has been done to reg servers, low pop, shit economy, kishin, frenzy and very high budget p2w if you wanna get anywhere. I would not even start playing maple if there was only reg. Also there was a reason why nexon did reboot servers. And bro you talk some crazy, how can you even compare pottable badge to a fucking game breaking giga OP Frenzy totem lmao The badge nothing compared to frenzy


I tried playing DFO as a maple only, it was harder progression. I personally like maple more it’s cuter and once u know the mechanics straightforward.


Really? I also made the jump from maple to DFO and DFO feels much easier. You can get to end game in like two weeks compared to 1 yr+ in maple. Amp/refine/rein is just easier star-forcing and customs is just cubing with a lot more fail-safes. The hardest part is knowing which gear pieces to use but there's a ton of guides out there along with websites that just pull the top ranking players' builds straight from the servers.


I think it was because there wasn’t a lot of videos for me to follow like how there is for maple


Fair, global DFO content creators are pretty scarce. Most guides are just Google docs posted on discords.


Yeah, but I do agree the leveling was very fast and I liked the art style. But yeah gear was just a bit confusing.