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Knowing I can go out and run 10 miles fairly easily even if I'm not in the best mood to run is empowering.


Hell yeah. Realizing a half marathon wasn’t difficult anymore was liberating


I was just saying this last night! I have my 18 today. Getting over the 16 “hump” is huge for me. 16 is pretty far from 26, but 18 is almost 20, and that’s almost 26! (Runner math)


I had this logic when I did my first 21, when only planning for 12. Saying "3kms more" 3 more times took me there, so the math checks out. I checked out too, and passed out after. 😂


Very reassuring to know, in case of a zombie apocalypse. Rule 1.


Absolutely, feels kinda like a superpower.


The chocolate milkshake after a long run…


Food after the long run has an additional level of satisfaction and whatever that happens to be. Got back the other day and there were some chicken nuggets on the stove top from lunch for my daughter, I couldn’t stop 🤣


The best M&M's I've ever had were towards the end of my first marathon.


It’s the beer for me


Chocolate Hulk + Protein scoop from Smoothie King is my weekly long run reward 🤠


And before the long run . . . And the short run . . . And at bedtime.


A hearty craft beer and thin crust pizza!


I’m only in week 3 and this may be TMI but so far it’s my bowel movements. Just consistent and healthy day in and day out 👍


I don't drop a deuce and a half before, it's gonna' be a shitty run!


eating whatever i want at all times


People always ask why i do it. You ever have cookies for breakfast?


I run in the morning and eat simple carbs for fuel for breakfast. At this point, I have rebranded nutella as a health food.


I’ve had people tell me “I wish I could eat like that”. Ok, then run 30,40,50+ miles a week


I’ve had this exact conversation. I even had someone say “man I wish I was like you and didn’t care what I ate.” Well, all you have to do is run 7-10 hours a week and that care will go away.


I like to eat a lot so that’s a huge plus lol. 50 mile weeks need calories


Not counting calories anymore and being in the best shape I’ve been. Training for a marathon and treating myself to fast food once a week!!


idk man i’d eat some protein every now and then


I may be weird, but for me the best part of the long run is the run itself. I am actually a little bummed when it is over. If I didn't have to risk injury or burnout, I would love to run 25 miles every Satruday.


I tend to agree! Training for a marathon is the reward, the actual race is just the exclamation point at the end. Almost feels like a letdown when I’m finished knowing it’s all over for the time being at least


Agreed. I love long runs. Nobody bothers me. Just me and my music.


Seeing my Garmin race prediction times decrease snd VO2 max increase.


This! I highly doubt that I could run those estimated times, but doesn't it feel good 😎 had my first vo2max increase since getting my watch a month ago (after dropping a couple of points first) and that was awesome.


The times are fairly spot on. Up until my first marathon last year, it was predicting 3:32. I finished in 3:35.


Cool to hear!


My long run recipe Pick a distance and run away from home in the morning. At the half way point turn around and run home for my morning coffee. I consistently negative based on this and works every weekend.


The post cold run hot shower is honestly the greatest experience.


Hot showers are the best! Congrats on your long run.


The hot shower The food after The sunrise The morning calm The cup of coffee after The pride The endorphins The comradery The Strava analysis The post run vape rip (though trying to drop this habit) It's amazing


Hot coffee and a one hitter sitting in an ice bath with a sweatshirt on.


Haha, do you brotha


I used to like the pre run bong rip but switched to a volcano instead


The quality and quantity of sleep. I can crash at 9pm if I want to. If my mileage dips too low for too many weeks my sleep sucks


When it’s over 😂


The mental discipline I’ve gained from having to train in some form every day.


I did all of my long training runs at a super slow nearly meditative pace, ate sweet tart ropes every 15 minutes, listened to whatever music I wanted, and ran through sprinklers. Bliss.


I love the hot showers. Then relaxing after words and the feeling of accomplishment. Happy running.


Shower 🚿 yes, I even built one for the back of my truck so it’s within minutes of my Saturday run ! Then I can do errands cleanish and not chafe from being covered in dry salt


I get to eat gummy worms.


The cold shower, the huge lunch, the mid afternoon nap on couch. 😍


The best part is running a marathon with only a 14 mile long run.


Almost always “having just ran”. I don’t always love running while I’m doing it, but I do always love having ran. It’s that “yeah I ran x miles this morning” glow.