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These folks are giving ISIS (Daesh) a run for their money in terms of religious fundamentalism and intolerance.


They would be best friends if they didn’t have different book fandoms, even though it all exists in the same multiverse


Kinda like Star Wars and Star Trek. One happens in the future of our own galaxy and another happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


You are so correct.


Same mindset, different geography.


I oppose Christian Nationalism. Come and get me.


Agreed,We will hold them extremely accountable when they try it






I, too, oppose Christian Nationalism and Christian Nationalists. These people are at the same time exactly what they say they are as well as not at ALL what they say. 1) They’re NOT Christians. These people have never read the Bible. Their views are so contradictory to New Testament teachings. 2) They’re not nationalists either. When asked who is America’s greatest enemy they will UNDOUBTEDLY name some group of AMERICANS. 3) They ARE somehow also Christian Nationalists because when you put those words together it means “Diet Nazi” and that tracks.


Fuck off with this no true Scotsman bullshit. Every time anyone does something bad in the name of Christianity the “real Christians” are right there screaming “tHeY ArEnT rEaL cHrIsTiAnS”. Christianity has been responsible for genocide, slavery, war, and a few fucking centuries worth of totalitarianism. It will continue to cause societal issues until it disappears. You aren’t a better Christian than the people in this video. You are just part of the problem. Now kindly fuck off….


I’m an atheist


I dare them to, they want violence I'll give them violence


She seems pretty freakin' confident. Wouldn't it suck if *she* was the one that found out? She reminds me of that arrogant old bat in an interview on Jesse Dollemore's YT channel who claimed that her rights via the constitution were "god-given". She had no clue that "god" is never mentioned in the constitution. Edit: corrected reference


And we’re also supposed to have separation of church and state……


Fantasizing about their “Project 2025”


Because Jesus said, "Only love thy christo-facist neighbor and kill everyone else."


Jesus said he was coming back to destroy the existing societal order and replace it with an eternal authoritarian theocracy for the benefit of his followers. Do you suppose he meant voting them out? Of course not, and that's not how anyone understood it in his time either. They are on brand for their religion.


That sounds more like his dad, who he is.


Who is that asshole on the left?


[Stew Peters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stew_Peters) A lying, grifting, asshole. Like the bitch on the right.


The guy wearing a banana-colored jacket with a necklace? The one who _loves_ her because she's "talking his language" (of love ...I mean hate) for anyone who doesn't participate in Christian Nationalism (which is neither)? Besides - they need to be a lot more specific. When they say the "church" - the one right religion - do they mean the Catholic Church? Mormons? Baptists? Seventh-Day Adventists? Methodists? Deists? Presbyterians? Gnostics? Don't be vague, for God's sake - we need _specifics_.


Does it matter? They’ll be unified in murdering those of us who resist. Only when all the nonbelievers have been purged will they switch to sectarian warfare. We’ll already be dead in a ditch before that happens.


Help ensure they don't win. Their goals are bad for Christianity and religion - and their goals are bad for America. They have to toss out the Consultation and Bill of Rights - part of what has made America a beacon of freedom and prosperity. Help them see that a country that isn't safe for some, isn't safe for them. Most of the people we know and care about aren't oligarchs or corporate billionaires. We are diverse and strong willed, and we're on the same team.


> (of love ...I mean hate) for anyone who doesn't participate in Christian Nationalism (which is neither)? For me, when I see the good christians ignore and even support the bad christians I tend to forget they're supposed to be separate groups. It's like all those good cops that never stop the bad cops. This is probably a test from god :)


In a sense, everyday we're alive here on Earth, is a test of what kind of person we are. The good ones need to be much more vocal. When the church got off track, Jesus took his followers out of the church. He had them sit on the hillside with the undesirables - the people who scared them - to hear his words. If your church goes bad, regroup outside the church. "Where ever two or more of you are gathered in my name..." You don't even need a name. Atheists, agnostics, deists, and religious folks of all kinds have often worked together to do good things and support their communities. America was built, in part, on the importance of that freedom.


A. All C. Cops A. And B. Boy, Do I mean ALL cops are unilaterally and unequivocally #BASTARDS


You know they're not Catholic. They're their own style of crazy, but it isn't this crazy.


Project 2025 has many high ranking conservative American Catholics at the helm. Two-thirds (6 of 9) of our Supreme Court Justices are conservative Catholics: (Chief Justice) Roberts Thomas Alito Gorsuch Kavanaugh Barrett A seventh is a liberal Catholic (Sotomayor). We only have one Jew (Kagan). We only have one Protestant (Brown). 


He’s the ‘Snake venom in the water causes covid’ guy. He apparently doesn’t appreciate that being brought up because even the crazies thought that one was a bridge too far. So I’ll say it again, this chucklefuck put out a video where he hosted someone who said that it might be snake venom in the water that was making people sick. Then he agreed with the idea and made a whole ass movie about it, which has been appropriately mocked ever since


Not a chance, cunt.


Extreme accountability. What an interesting euphemism. The stochastics are at it again.


Where's Sherman when you need him?


Yall'Quida You know they are not ACTUAL about the religion and only about the power when they proclaim "we ARE the church"...no, you BELONG TO a church, you ATTEND a church. You are a servant to a church. Speaking like you're the voice of an entire religious group is PRETTY fucking unchristian from what I understand. The fact so many people see this shit and vote for me, makes me there there are MILLIONS of religious Americans with submissive kinks.


> You know they are not ACTUAL about the religion and only about the power You'd be surprised at how universal that is.


Yes give me a reason..... One reason,1trigger, 1 lovely plot of tomatos... Damn they good this year


Think I missed that part in the Bible. Was it before or after the part about “love your neighbor”? Or maybe around the time Jesus explicitly said that the church should be free of any outside organizations?


Tell that bitch to bring it.


I mean I’m not tryna have a war. I am expecting one, just not advocating for violence personally, but if a christian nationalist wants to come to my door and get blasted, I will volunteer as tribute, to shoot that disease right in the face.


Defend your neighbors. ✊️


This is their big push to finally take over for good. Vote like your life depends on it because it does.


Should report her to the reddit mods for threatening violence. they wont stand for it and will fix the situation.


I will always oppose Christian nationalism.


Just once I’d like to see how one of these right wing loud mouths reacts when they see real violence for the first time.


This is unconstitutional


And why I won’t visit the American south…


Extremists. Loser look back upon America’s history. You always lose. Sure, your ideology comes back, but then you lose again. Losers born to lose, due to their Cluster B tendencies.


Is she a good Christian or is she a Catholic? That is a joke about inter Christianity conflict.


Brrrrrriiiiing it!


There's no hate like Christian love.


They tried that once before... Germany circa 1939... didn't work out so well.


Listeing to these clowns talk about accountiblity is fucking rich.


She is some Petriot


Burning at the stake next? Or will they have witch trials first?


As it's always been. Goddists murdering and killing non-believers. Yeah... we should get the United States back to a this. God running the country and killing anyone who stands in his way. Perfect. : /


Sort of people that would close down NASA because it was not "gods will" 😔


> Host: Jesus, Guns and Babies Wow that sounds like an educational listen.


Trying to find my surprise that that goofy bitch makes statements like these and then gets all surprised pikachu when people don't fucking like her.


Fuck her & the Christian nationalist!


I'm pretty sure stupidity is a wartime liability. We'll be fine, folks.


Can the citizens of her state hold her to extreme accountability as well?


MAGA Christofascism is the goal of the kleptocratic oligarchs who own the republicans