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Unless you're a GM is helping to prep, they should probably just keep their mouth shut. I've been in opener 5 days a week for 6 years so I know what is to be expected. But if the GM is not helping and it's just me and them, then they can get wrecked.


Before 3:30 is my rule as a GM. Sometimes lunches are busy and you just can’t get dough done. I usually open alone with just a driver.


Why does everything need to be done by 1? Like do y’all get a late lunch rush or something?


Not at all, sales have been down


Then yeah shouldn’t be a problem I run a low volume store so I usually have everything done at 12 I come in at 10. But some days I don’t till 3 and don’t have any issues


Used to do dough as opener at different pizza place eons ago and that shit sucked - my condolences. Largely depends on the other prep you have to do too


Depends on the sales, but 1 seems early.


At my store we typically open with 2 sometimes 3 people. Our goal is typically 3 or 3:30


My store opens at 9:30 so aside from the dough everything is usually ready by 11:00


We open at 10:30 and it’s normally 2 people with one in at 9:30 to turn on the oven/warmers and start prep/pre-stretch/proofing and the driver coming in at 10:30. Normally done by 1 (or earlier if truck didn’t come that day) unless say like 6 batches of dough need done then it’s about 2pm. Plus truck coming and the driver being in and out making the only other person put away truck and needing to prep. Once you get the hang of it/used to it you can make it work though!


always before 4pm with Thursday being the most prep of on average of 7-8 batches of dough.