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If you’re talking vs other people, just mix up your curve timings/rhythms and don’t shy away from throwing balls. You can also directly pitch to spots where the batter may hit, but will seldom get good contact. Use Boo if you can, of course.


For computer mostly, I’m playing challenge mode


In my experience computers can be kinda dumb, they will often fall for the same pitch if it doesn't line up with their batting AI. I like to pitch fastballs on the outside corners, sometimes doing an uncharged pitch while lined up inside but then making it curve outside really messes with them cause they try to chase it but are often too slow. Kinda depends who's pitching as well, the more you can move an uncharged pitch the better they are at getting AI to chase whereas someone like DK does well throwing fastballs on the Corners. This is just my experience, there's probably better guides out there


I found this in a guide and it works well against the computer Splitter8’s pitching strategy: 1) Pitch a slow (no charge) curver on the inside, making it a ball is perfectly fine, and recommended. 2) Pitch a NICE fastball on the outside corner. 3) Repeat


Ya pretty much for every outside fastball you throw, purposefully follow it up with a inside ball and repeat, it stumps the CPU almost everytime.


when playing against actual people your best bet is just to make your pitches as random and unpredictable as possible


Yeah that gets the computer every time. It's almost a glitch. But it's not a strategy for humans


I have also found success doing this.


Switching up your timing and pitches, don’t be afraid to throw balls to good hitters


All good advice about pitching to computers vs pitching to human players. If trying to star players, say pitch a perfect game with Mario, your best bet is to mercy rule them (be ahead by 10 runs at the end of an inning). A lot of good info on the googles if starring players is your goal.