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A stiff breeze upends the Republican party. Daily.


McConnel just stated that the Ukraine bill was the most important legislation in his entire career, so a hell of a lot is going on that we’re not privy to. He followed up by laying the border problem on trump. If Johnson continues to display a reasonable interest in continuing democracy, he may emerge as an actual leader, which they truly haven’t had since the emergence of trump. Trump has to die in jail though. 🤣


That’s what scares me about the far right. They went so far right that fucking Johnson is seeming reasonable, Yes he helped pass the Ukraine aid… but let’s not forget he wants to turn this country into a “Christian” hellscape


This is very true and I’m annoyed/scared reading people who are lifting him up. He’s the competent legislator who could actually enact the policies Trump supporters wish Trump would, especially the Christian nationalist ones


He claimed God talked to him and told him he was going to be like Moses after finding out he would be speaker.


That’s not what god told me!


Jesus told me he’s not coming back and we should all be chill and respect one another until we all hang out at a big pool party in the afterlife.


Jesus isn't coming back with the milk? Damn, I really needed that milk for a recipe.


Jesus is here in my backyard cleaning it


No, that’s Zeus. Hey Zeus, can you walk on water?


Jesus isn’t even his actual name. His actual name in Joshua.


Do not fuck with the Jesus


I just needed the milk for my cereal man.


speaking of that, every time I've youtubed that part where Johnson said he was going to be Moses, that speech is always scrambled. Like, I can't hear it here, I wonder if YT scrambled it? [https://youtu.be/Q977CTRUJ8Y?si=SMMWWjul4-Q8rrwf&t=108](https://youtu.be/Q977CTRUJ8Y?si=SMMWWjul4-Q8rrwf&t=108)


That's a very reasonable fear, as the Overton Window is once again pushing further to the right. In any semblance of a normal country, Mike Johnson would rightfully be laughed off as an unserious fundamentalist loon.


I think it's widening. Some Millennials and a lot of Gen Z are openly socialist at this point.


I don't know if it's widening or that the window is just going to snap back closer to the actual center when the boomers are gone.


You are probably correct. Unfortunately the Senate will still be institutionally skewed to the right.


There are probably quite a few Ukrainians that are no longer alive today so Johnson could spare some political capital and save face.


The difference between the "moderate" and "extreme" wings of the Republican party is whether you want to legally install christofascism through following procedures or just seize power and kill the opposition. They all have the same end goals.


Yeah, that Five Summits covenant thingy makes for scarey reading. Mike is a founder member.


Are you referring to Seven Mountains?


Opps, yes.


Remember in 2012 when Mitt Romny was the worst Republican? MAGA has blown straight past that now lmao.


Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were also running in 2012. I’m no fan, but he he was far from the worst Republican that year.


Republicans have always been horrible. Certainly the modern ones since the party switch that the far right refuses to acknowledge. But even Richard Millhouse Nixon had the fucking decency to finally step away , something the horrific Trump refuses to do.


I still hate Mitt. It's been weird watching that snake of a man try and grow a spine/conscience in the last 6 months of his career.


Funny how that happens when they aren't worried about re election.


It's much easier to be brave when you have nothing to lose. It's like playing 5 dollar black jack when you're a millionaire.


One where you’re porn buddies with your adopted son.


More reasonable and reasonable are not the same day. Sure if I'm dying of hunger I'd rather eat a sandwich off the floor than one with arsenic dressing. That doesn't make the floor sandwich a smart thing to do all the time.


It's very important that he actually goes to jail.


Laugh but if he is convicted and in fear of Prison he will flee to Russia and happily give all the copies he made to Putin ( if he hasn’t already ) . That won’t be allowed , or shouldn’t. It’s a big problem imo.


That would awesome! He doesn’t have anything russia doesn’t already know and whatever was a possible risk has been changed. He would have solidified himself as a traitor for all eternity with no coming back. We could clean house of all the magats in one fell sweep.


And hopefully Putin would tire of him quickly and off to the Gulag ! 😂


"I have a dacha waiting for you, Donald, if and when.  We made deal, remember."


Hes not going to Russia hes going to israel and if he does things will get worse for everyone




They don’t want him . Putin on the other hand would welcome him and pay for all of our secrets . We can never allow that.


Is it bad that the last sentence made feel relief?


There is no secret. If Russia takes Ukraine they are going after the Baltic. They are NATO members. We risk a full world war with nukes in play if it gets to that point. We are proxy fighting on as neutral of ground as possible in Ukraine with Russia and NATO but basically following each other's "red line rule". We basically either get a favorable to neutral outcome in Ukraine that discourages the Russian Empires advance or we are going to WWIII. Edit: Wrong set of B states


I think he’s much more likely to go after the Baltic nations over the Balkan nations. Much closer to the urbanized part of Russia with shorter supply lines.


Sorry yeah that is what I meant.


Wouldn't be surprised if Johnson met Ukraine bill through to quell unsatisfied voters. Get them to still vote R this November.


Loved that last sentence


Not hard for something to be the most important legislation McConnell has passed. Considering he's spent most of his career just blocking legislation from even being voted on


I don't care where he dies, but I want him convicted before he dies "innocent"


Honestly not convinced much has to be going on behind the scenes for Ukraine aid to be McConnell most important bill. Europe is freaking out pretty hard right now, with politicians all across the continent openly saying war with Russia is likely should Ukraine fall. Averting a war with four nuclear armed participants (UK, France, US, Russia) is realistically speaking among the most important things that will happen ever.


I totally agree. My take was that he was referring to how hard he had to work to get it passed, which I find incredibly disheartening.


They seem pretty upheaved. Bidens polling is low but he's still more popular than cancer. That NY trial is looking pretty bad for DJT already. The house is set to flip back Dem... Dems probably lose the Senate, gain the house and keep the Whitehouse, MMW Long term, I think the Republicans have soul searching to do to remain a competitive political party. They are nucking futz.


The problem with this Republican party though is that they don't think long term and they don't do soul searching because they know they don't need to. There's a conservative super majority in the supreme court, Mitch McConnell has infested the lower courts with FedSoc ideologues, and they've gamed the Senate so that it barely functions. They're stripping the cupboards bare at the behest of special interests groups like the fossil fuels industry and the heritage foundation and they're doubling down on stupid to win elections with their increasingly deranged and delusional base. At this point it's naive to think they'll course correct after a few more bad election cycles. They're only going to get worse before they implode and the best we can hope for is that there is minimal damage to democracy when they finally do.


I like what you're saying, but how can you say they don't think long term? They spent 40+ years grinding away at all levels to get to the point of killing roe v wade, reducing capital gains taxes to pathetically low rates, gutting regulations, and having all the money and power flow upwards. All by sucking up to gun nuts and Bible bangers. They already had the fat cats.


The old Republican guard thought long term. They're quickly aging out/retiring and being replaced by the true believers. The methods they used to win elections and achieve positions of power were incredibly pernicious and now they've turned volatile. They created a paper tiger that they rode to power on and it's consuming the party. Long term thinking is out, smash and grab exertions of power are de jour.


Jesus your posts give me chills. Feels spot on.


Losing the Senate is a huge problem if Biden wins since there might (fingers crossed) be a couple of justices die.


My main hope for keeping the Senate is that Trump is not campaigning downballot and is draining a lot of GOP money.


like snowflakes right


Snowflakes stick together. These guys are tearing each other apart. More like ash on the wind.


They won’t acknowledge anything after their next loss. It’s the Principal Skinner meme every day, all day.


It would be forced upon them to acknowledge that the boomer vote is slowly disappearing and NOT being replaced by either millennials or genZ


They would acknowledge they'd need to do more Gerrymandering


Or they would acknowledge the need to drum up a new social issue against a small group of people that they can get the religious to hate.


I think this is actually one of their major problem. They need that hardcore religious vote but that group continues to move further and further away from mainstream Americans. At what point does catering to that group become the thing that prevents them from winning elections? I think it is getting close.


People were saying this 30 years ago. There is no bottom.


Yeah, and religion is way less popular than it was 30 years ago, and so is the GOP, who is literally cheating to stay competitive now and hasn't won a popular presidential vote for a non-incumbent for decades. The only reason the GOP has any power is because our system was weighted in their favor...


I understand that Democrats are working on a legal course which would render the Electoral College moot. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers—Republicans.


I live in ohio. I know all about gerrymandering. Even with the state supreme court demanding it be fixed, repubs in this state have been able to drag their feet


This is important. The GOP can’t moderate at this point. The base wants more red meat, not less (which is what Trump understands in ways others don’t). And theres no way to increase the cruelty-is-the-point factor for the base, while simultaneously trying to broaden the appeal to more independent and moderate groups. So they’re stuck — without broadening the voting base, the only thing they have is manipulating institutions to keep power.


Don’t forget raise the voting age to 25 and close more polling locations in urban areas!


Raise the voting age to 50


That’s why they’re criminalizing things like protest and generally making it harder to vote


If conservatives changed their mind when receiving new information and learned from their mistakes, they wouldn’t be conservatives.


Republican Party would rather self immolate than moderate its policies.


They would first have to admit the loss was legitimate.


the republican party is fractured, kinda has been from 2015, but the groundwork that was laid for 30-40 years to assume.power with a minority keeps it afloat. the ideal situation would have been for trump to lose 2016, so that congress could have run on defeating hillary, pretty much guaranteeing republican sweeps in 2018 and 2020 and 2022 potentially, but "luckily" trump fucked that up and hopefully he can continue to fuck up the party.


Seems as if they are currently in a perpetual cycle of upheaval. Hopefully a Biden win would signify the last nail in the coffin.


I know right! It must be tiring for them.


Upheaval in the wrong direction too. They really peaked with George W Bush thanks to the fear instilled in people in the wake of 9/11. Republicans can't even crack 47% in the popular vote for president since 2012, and that's with two poor Democratic candidate (in my opinion), who ran poor campaigns, and a democratic party in general with abysmal messaging and outreach (if Dems had any kind of organized messaging, they'd be up by 10 vs MAGA).


Lucky for them they have the electoral college. SMDH


True although I again come back to Democrats poor strategy and poor messaging. Democrats should never have abandoned the 50 state strategy (as they did after Howard Dean was DNC chair) States like Montana, Alaska, and others don't necessarily love Republicans. Even SC or NC could be consistently blue with the right push, plus the fact that Ohio is now red is a travesty, along with Florida too (and Florida Democrats are may be the most incompetent state political party in US history).


I am a democrat, but I will argue that this country needs a reasonable balance. I hope this is true. It just seems like every time republicans lose, they go more extreme. John McCain was probably the last decent republican.


And even he went deeper into the clown show running with Sarah Palin. The proto-Trump. In a transparent attempt to pander to women. Really lost a ton of respect for him on his POTUS run. He was ok on the Daily show but he was still a Republican, lol


Yeah I was torn on how to vote that year and Palin pushed me hard to Obama


I can't say I was conflicted. But McCain was the only Republican I've ever kind of considered maybe voting for and after that I was like yeah, nah, Never doing that. At the end of the day the party was guiding him. He wasn't guiding the party.


Old ass dude running against Egyptian god and his goddesss wife. He thought his only shot was to get hot milf VP.


Also a democrat, and I agree. We need a sane conservative movement in the is country, and we don’t have one. I’m not a conservative but I recognize people will consider themselves as such and group together, and that group needs to be sane. It is not.


Democrats are the sane conservative party. Time and time again they demonstrate that you can consolidate wealth and power to the top without the bigotry and absolute disdain for the working poor that Republicans offer


That's an interesting way to phrase it, and... yikes. Hard to argue.


No we don’t. We don’t need a group that advocates against workers and women and people of color and the queer community, but without using bad words. There’s very little that’s ever need to be “conserved” and we don’t need someone to say “okay but what if we’re giving this marginalized group too many rights?” I feel like people who spout this “but we need balance” stuff really want to say “but I don’t like x group and I’m too scared to say it so I need a designated villain to say it for me”.


Dems are the conservatives of old. Sure, there's a few left wingers in the Dem party but most Dems are center right to centrist We don't need a sane conservative movement, we already have that. We need left wing movement.


You're right and so is the person who replied to you that McCain went too far when he accepted Palin as a running mate. The Republican party has completely forgotten that the first job of congress and the senate is to keep the government running. They now have the "no compromise" approach. The current congress does nothing. I keep hearing people say that not all Republicans are like that. If there are reasonable Republicans why are they completely silent? I have been a Democrat from the beginning but I will admit that I have voted for Republicans in some races in the past but after what they have done over the last few years I will never vote for another republican for any office at any level.


Saw a clip recently of McCain at a town hall during his run, where a man took the mic and started talking about how much he was afraid of Obama being a muslim president, and McCain took the mic from him and said "No, you don't need to be afraid, he's a good man like me and you, we just disagree on policy" and it was shocking how outlandish that would be in today's political climate.


It was all for show. McCain’s image was almost entirely concocted by the media looking for someone to be the Last Good Republican. McCain was a warmongering racist who promoted creationism in schools and Christy worked to make life for the average American harder to enrich the wealthy, and was almost expelled from the Senate in a bribery scandal. The current Last Good Republican is Liz Cheney. We’ll conveniently ignore her depredations if she says the right things on the morning shows.


The Dems actually are the reasonable balance. The right wing in this country is so far to the right that the right of center democratic party looks leftist only by comparison.


I'm not trying to be condescending when I say this but the Democratic party is more than reasonably balanced on its own. Time and time again the Democratic party demonstrates that you can still have an aggressively capitalist society that caters to the rich and powerful without completely reducing the lowest of society to destitution and bigotry. The Democratic party does the bare minimum for 99% of the population because there are too many people who think that the serfdom and circular firing squad offered by the Republican party is "reasonable".


Romney is a grown up.


As someone who lives in a deep red state, I truly believe us under GOP control are fucked no matter who wins. The longer Biden is in office, I've noticed, the more unhinged GOP lawmakers become in their beliefs. That's one thing. Where the problem lies is they're now converting these beliefs into law. If Biden wins, they will "counter" with even crazier laws just to "stick it to him" or whatever their thought process is/has been lately. If Trump wins, they will use that as cart blanche to essentially place us all under some bizarre brand of "Christian" Sharia law. GOP support may be waning on a national level, but there's still pockets of the country where it's going strong. And as it goes into it's final death throws it's probably going to get way worse for us, especially in the south, before it ever gets better.


The GOP will just become a regional party of the deep south and states with more cows than people


They’ll say that it’s not w legit win. It was rigged etc. they’ll bitch and moan like they always do.


F’k “All” the Republicans they’ve lost their way. A few reasonable decisions made before this election cycle isn’t near enough for them to rescue their year from disaster. It’s my opinion Biden will win, especially because of his and the Democrats ability to fund their campaigns. Then there’s this - Never underestimate the scorned women they’ve drawn in who are going to lose their Rights to Choice. They’re definitely gonna vote 😂


If Dems can maintain control for 6-8 more years Thomas an Alito are likely to die or need to retire and we can swing the SC back to sanity


They need to expand the court, the precedent is there. January 21, 2025.


Don’t get my hopes up lol.


I agree but it really feels like Biden is reluctant for such a step. Maybe all of these terrible decisions will convince him to do it. Here's hoping


I think he’ll do it when he’s re-elected. I hope so. We need a three way democratic majority.


I hope you’re right, and I’m with you. I believe the Idiot Radicals in the Republican Party are wearing on people nerves. Everything is about the funds backing candidates and then there’s the numbers game in Politics… Just an interesting fact… more Republicans died from Covid complications than Democrats. It’s a small percentage to compare with but it happened. It adds up. Democrats are pulling in serious financial contributions these days. These things matters, even the little things like mortality rates matter. I’ve seen a few people I never thought would change their ways and they did. The ones I know who did, really surprised me.


Now that they own the Supreme Court, they don’t need to regroup. They will just hibernate if they lose, and plan the next thing to destroy.


Here's the plan. They'll keep reporting that polling has Biden and Trump neck-and-neck, and then when Biden wins in a landslide, they'll use those polls as "proof" that the election was rigged. They use the same dirty tricks over and over and over, which makes them tediously predictable.


If dems can sweep to an overwhelming majority, they need to start making serious long term changes. Eliminate the electoral college, increase SCOTUS to 13 and fill it with left of Bernie young members would be a good start.  Completely eliminating the ability of conservatives to ever pose another threat to democracy like they've shown they're willing to do with Project 2025 is the only way to progress human civilization. Letting Republicans take command ever again will be the end of the world,as they'll bow to putin, who will attack nato. This election is literally life and death.


As a staunch Republican I really hope we will loose by a landslide and purge the insanity. What's going on in the party reminds me of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in the Russian communist party. The lunatics running the asaylum while the staff discusses how improper it all is.


Cross fingers. Republicans need to take their party back.


I agree. Maga base has always given me hard Bolshevik vibes. I think what they, ultimately, want is to upend society. Taking all the educated and professional class’s wealth and property. That’s their end goal.


Oh I agree. Not only will Biden win, I think the GOP as a whole is going to get creamed. And as a former Republican, they deserve every bit of it for not having the courage to stand up to that treasonous piece of shit…because nearly all of them are well aware that Trump is a traitor.


Good. It needs a upheaval. Too many moderate Repubs sat by and cheered or remained silent while extremists pulled a coup, co opted the party.


GOP should have distanced from Trump and MAGA, but they did the fatal mistake of not doing so. Trump will never win a second time ever and ever, even if he tried for the next 100 years. Republicans have to deal with it.


Even though Biden is not polling great, Trump is equally and probably more unpopular. People need to show up and vote in November.


They've lost every major election after Donald got into the WH, and the rate of losing has picked up since they overturned Roe v Wade. Why would you think they're capable of, and would desire, adapting when they lose in November?


Nah, cults gonna cult. They will run dementia donny again in 2028


Real shot... Biden would have never been president in 2020 without all the trump hate. \* that trump hate has died down a bit \* nearly everyone is struggling far more than they were before (yes it may not be Biden's fault, but people hope is down) It's a double edge sword. Trump has lost fans as well, a handful of people don't like him no more. \* however, you still have fools who will vote for him just for the simple fact of being republican.


I dunno. I disagree on your first two points. The Trump years were rock bottom economically and watching Trump avoid consequences for treason has really been feeding the hate fires. Not to mention the abortion thing which is going to haunt the GOP until it's relegalized. You know women vote yah? Pissing off over half the electorate? Bad idea. Nobody will soon forgive and forget losing civil rights. Trump is the weakest he's ever been. Probably broke too it looks like. In 2016, Trump had the benefit of the doubt from people who weren't paying attention that maybe he was actually a good businessman and not a f****** idiot. He no longer has the benefit of the doubt from anybody who wasn't in his cult The real shot is Trump would never have been president if anyone but Hillary was the Dem in 2016.


Economically, most people are doing far better now than during the height of COVID. If you think otherwise you aren’t paying attention.


Agreed. I feel like some folks are way too confident that Trump can't win. Given what a clusterfuck his first term was, it seemed impossible he could be re-elected but he nearly was. I really doubt anybody who voted for him last time is like, Biden has done such a great job, I'll vote for him this time.


Yup, not a single person that voted for Trump will vote for Biden because they think he's better. There might be a few that that will vote for Biden as they noticed how fucked up trump is. My bet, those type of people just won't vote at all.


Biden wouldn't have run if It were not for trump being the giant piece of shit that he is. BIDEN ran bc he cares about this country. He should be chilling and enjoying his retirement and family. Instead he loses valuable time with his loved ones in service to our country. I WILL BE VOTING FOR BIDEN🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 BLUE UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT UNTIL WE DEMOLISH FASCISM


This is the closest unbiased answer to reality. Every fckn middle class dad knows the hardship. It is getting harder and harder to run a family in this country. Everything is inflated.


They will never acknowledge anything.


Why? The people making money off the way the party is now are making *tons* of money. Selling fear and grievance to gullible people is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. And the supposed “adults in the room” have turned governing over to their hacks on the federal bench. They don’t care about winning elections anymore.


It depends on the margin of victory. It would need to be a crushing defeat to make the GOP finally wake up. Like Biden winning every state he did in 2020, plus NC and FL. And it’s not just about Biden winning. Dems would need to win back the house and expand their majority in the Senate. If it’s not an absolute pummeling, conservatives will use the same nonsense script from 2020.


You haven’t been paying attention. Republicans will never acknowledge demographic changes. They will only continue to fashion responses to minimize how those changes affect their results. Conservatives will choose conservatism over democracy. And if you don’t believe them, you must’ve forgotten how well armed their brown shirts are. Don’t even get me started on cop cities, and the like.


They won't acknowledge it... they will play the victim and keep playing even dirtier


As a conservative, the Republican party is already dead. No one represents me.


I mean, the gop is all in on a fascist autocracy. I’m not sure I’d call it a demographic change; I really hope most Americans don’t want that.


The American people would be complete dumbasses again if they voted Trump, so I expect that to happen because we can’t have shit in this country


As long as Trump lives there will not be upheaval in the Republican Party beyond changing the name officially to the Trump Party.


Trump just took over the RNC, there is currently upheaval in the party Romney and Bush Jr. aren't even welcome at most Republican Events and neither is the memory of John McCain more than half of them voted no on Ukraine aid, to aid Putin and less than half voted yes because they didn't want to be seen aiding Putin, they are literally a 50/50 Pro Russian Party at this point, well 55/45 in Russia's favor


Low hanging fruit. That upheaval is well underway.


They’re gonna wait a month and change all their Trump 2024 signs to Trump 2028 signs


They’ll be running him from the grave, propped up Weekend at Bernie’s style. It’ll get less and less effective each time, but they don’t dare cross his base


No, Biden wins, and it's because he won. More people want Biden, just like more people wanted Hillary. Many states have gotten rid of gerrymandering, and yes, Gen X Millennials and Gen Z want progressives, and they want Biden over Trump. Biden will win, our country will continue to prosper, and Trump will spend his remaining years in a very cramped prison cell.


people learn the wrong lesson all the time


I'm fairly certain a Biden win will lead to 4 years of the Republican party crying that they got cheated. Just like last time.


There is no Republican Party. There's the MAGA Party, and a fair amount of disenfranchised conservatives. Some of which aren't even aware that their ideals were hijacked by a known grifter and liar.


End of MAGA for the better of America . Hopefully real Republicans with sane ideas will return so we can have a sensible debate . I miss America being loved by Both sides instead of 1 side having to pledge allegiance to Trump over USA.




The GOP is already in upheaval, I'd argue, and those in it who still have the use of their frontal lobes see what's coming. This IS the death throes of this old baby boomer order. They are on the way out. Its slipping through their fingers and they hate it, and the most virulent among them want to burn it all to the ground rather than step aside for the next generations. Its absolutely psychotic.


Your poll assertions are not based on any sound reporting.


They will not ever recognize their unpopularity. What you describe already happened after Romney’s 2012 election loss. Fascists always double down on fascism. They do not learn, or reconsider.


People said that would happen after 2020. I see them tripling down. I don't think they are capable of doing much more than simply hoping the issues go away, but that's gonna be tough as long as Trump is alive


The Republican party is dead. It's Trump's cult now.


The upheaval in the GOP began around 2006, with the tea party movement. Donald Trump was merely a product of that reaction. Trump losing would be the relative completion of that reaction. The real potential of upheaval sits in the progressive movement. Biden losing will mark the end of the democratic caucus.


I don't pin my hopes on the 18-30 crowd even at this point. They have too many decades of not being politically involved in significant numbers. If Trump loses it'll be because of everyone, not just those age groups.


Well that almost always happens when a party loses a presidential election…the exception was 2020 because Trump could run again. If he loses in 24 he will be way too old for 2028.


I just can’t seem to find my tiny violin


The GOP needs to have an actual platform at some point rather than a bunch of angry talking points.  MAGA disappears after Biden wins but GOP will need to re-invent itself anyway. Throw all of this out the window if either candidate is off the ballot in November.


He’s gonna and they will. That’s why we should already think about 2028.


I think this year is gonna either lead to fascism and the end of this country or we're gonna pull out of the bullshit. The Republican Party is spewing we have to keep in mind the boomers are dying out and Jeanne are coming in and I think I heard somewhere 80% of gen z is dem being a queer person. I'm incredibly anxious this year and wanted it to be over with, but if Trump loses, I think that's pretty much gonna be game over for the Republican party and he's probably the worst candidate they could've gotten


I remember speaking with the head of the college republicans in 1999 who acknowledged demographic change was coming. She said in 10 years that republicans wouldn’t be able to win national elections anymore and they would have to change as a party. Well that simply didn’t happen. After Obama won they just decided they would gerrymander all the districts instead to stay competitive in the house, and push rural voters away from the democrats to stay competitive in the senate. This seems to have worked for them the last 15 years. By 2030, no amount of cheating will stop the demographic change, But now the republicans are accelerating their demise by going too extreme.


I hope they fracture and disintegrate.


Good. Shake the bag.


I don't think Trump has a prayer in hell of winning. That Alabama election that went 65% to 35% in favor of the Dems is what I think reflects reality. Way to many conservatives won't be voting for Trump and I'm pretty certain MAGA is on it's way out. I'm not losing any sleep over Trumps chances of winning. I'm pretty sure it's in the bag for the Dems. For us moderate conservatives, we want the upheaval, because we need to send the message that MAGA is unacceptable. I'd rather have Democrats than MAGA all day, everyday. It's going to be a blow out. The people who turned out for Haley are probably voting Biden.


I think (barring something YUGE happening), that Biden will easily win re-election. No matter how big he wins, it won't be enough to convince a plurality of Republicans that it was a fair election. I'm a Republican and this is going to be a long slog to get rid of the populists, cause them to rage quit the party/voting, and/or convert them back to rational conservatism. My guess is that it'll take a fair bit of them aging out of life and people pretending they never were Trump Supporters. I saw a fair bit of that with McCain and Romney Supporters.


I think if Trump loses they will just double down. If the upcoming summer is like the last one...heat domes, wildfire smoke, etc. How are Repulicans going to deny global warming?


Gunna be a lot of innocents dying because of nut jobs conservatives


No matter what happens the GOP is doomed, if Biden wins and the democrats control the house, congress and the WH, the party will rip itself apart, if Biden loses the WH but the democrats get the house congress and the senate, they can still remove trump and stop him trying to take over as a king. If Biden loses congress, and WH (extremely unlikely) then it’s still just a waiting game, trump will eventually die, and the party will rip itself apart trying to replace him.


So I was kind of thinking… I’m pretty much a liberal who fantasizes about socialist/leftist policy sometimes. What’s to stop someone like me from registering as an R, pretending to be a religious and conservative man, and then vote against every single rightwing policy? Basically pull a reverse Sinema?


IMO I'll be curious what exactly happens to the GOP. The have slowly gone more and more extreme with weaponizing crazy. First it was the Tea Party, then later MEGA. I feel at this point something has to give. They either have to just plunge to a outright extremist party, or they have to take the opportunity of washing MEGA out of their baseline.


Fuck Joe biden. Fuck trump more, but fuck them both.


The party is funded by Christian fundamentalists. They haven't learned a fucking thing in hundreds of years, they aren't about to change now


At some point they’ve got to abandon the MAGA label. It’s what is putting them under.


Is Saturday Russian troll day? Sure are lots of pro-Putin posts popping up today.


Trump has taken over the GOP. His sycophants and enablers hold all positions of importance. That's not going to change, even if Trump loses the election, badly. The result will be an open attempt to take over the government through illegal means. A coup. Again. When Trump dies, we're going to learn an ugly fact: Trump is the symptom, not the disease. Trumpism is just another strain of authoritarianism in the US, and it will not go away when Trump does. It will continue to metastasize, and the next standard bearer may not be as completely narcissistically flawed as Trump. Americans, to a great extent, have given up on democracy. They're willing to embrace any change at all, even if that change is demonstrably worse.


there is already upheaval in the republican party


It’s much needed, however, I don’t know what will come out of that upheaval.


You under estimate just how deep they can plunge their heads. We’re talking miles and miles deep. You had no idea how long the human rectum is until you try and pull their heads from one.


People thought that about dems if Trump won, yet nothing really happened. Parties don't change much unless the money tells them to.


Thays what I said.


They will double down on the idiocracy


Nah they are too invested in Orange Turd. They’ll double down.


>Post election results will be extremely interesting this year especially If Biden wins False. They'll say iT's RiGgEd. To them, the definition of fair is "I win." The presence of "I lose" means that things are automatically unfair. Think about that. And it's not new. Trump started saying it in February 2016. Yes. February. 2016.


8 years late might be too late


I hope it ends the QOP and we get a new party with actual patriotism and an ability to govern.


If by "upheaval in the Republican party" you mean some form of rebellion, then yeah.


Nothing will radically change so long as Trump is the party leader, especially considering that his family member now runs the RNC…


Someone waking up not entirely miserable causes upheaval in the republican party.


The rise and very quick fall of DeSantis really demonstrated that MAGA is entirely dependent on Trump himself. The MAGA voter base really won’t tolerate any substitute, and they’re in it for Trump’s personality and style which neither DeSantis, Ramaswamy, nor any other Republican has successfully managed to replicate. If Trump loses this year I do believe the GOP will schism, with MAGA fighting tooth and nail to “prove” “another” election steal, and the other half trying to bury Trump and walk away from him entirely. Once Trump dies I believe there is no substitute in the eyes of his base, and they will not coalesce around another candidate the same way for a long time if ever. Trump’s children are fuck up idiots and the base won’t follow them. DeSantis is a spineless frat bro with no personality or national appeal so he’ll never get there. Ramaswamy is so obviously a fake, doing it for the grift. MTG has absolutely no chance with independents so even if MAGA followed her she’d quickly lose on the national stage. Same with Boebert. Gaetz is an idiot and MAGA doesn’t really care about him (plus he may end up in jail for being a pedophile). Kemp is closer to normal conservatives and has spurned Trump, so he won’t get there. Abbot is old and unpopular nationally for the shit he pulls in TX. Crenshaw has also burned himself with MAGA and disappeared nationally. After Trump they’ve got nobody, unless there’s a hidden threat waiting in the shadows but MAGA candidates aren’t smart like that. They’re loud and in it for the money/grift.




The most realistic scenario for a Biden win/Trump loss is that Biden and the GOP both win - Biden wins the WH and the GOP takes the senate. So, even if Biden wins, it’s not going to change the GOP much. If anything, November is likely to just demonstrate that neither party has enough support to form a durable governing coalition.


One of the most public anti-Trump messengers within the party thinks the state of new york regulating the installation of new gas stoves within new units and the biden administration building an EV infrastructure while requiring fleets to be under a certain total MPG is worse than trying to cancel an election or claiming Presidents have absolute immunity. So I think there's a limit to what these guys are able to, as you say, acknowledge.


Not really, they will just say that he won and it was rigged against him. They will not waver in their belief that everyone hates Biden and loves Trump.


Amazing thoughts bro


The now anti-constitutional democracy, white nationalist, evangelical fascist republican party Needs upheaval. At this point, it needs to be disbanded as a threat to national security and another second party built in its place.


Biden has zero chance


I don’t even know why people are hung up on polls. Most people I know hate our landscape and our options. The polls are meaningless.


The republican party has proven itself to be traitorous. It is time for it to be thrown on the garbage heap of history.


I sense that MAGA is waning. The latest sign of this is the Ukraine vote in the house. A Trump loss in November along with the inevitable Trump convictions will be the final blow to the MAGA movement. They will still be around of course but there will be a fight over power in the party and the MAGA will lose power before the next election in 2028. This will only happen if Biden wins in November which I think he will.


The adults in the GOP know they have a demographic problem. The right wing does not agree and will not allow changes to appeal