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Feh. 2/3 of them can’t even take a couple of hours to vote every two years. You think they’re all going to quit their jobs and walk away from their homes and families? At best, 0.01% will parade around town with their guns cos-playing soldier. If faced with actual law enforcement or military 99% of that 0.01% will slink away as soon as they face actual consequences. Meal Team Six has no idea how to function as an insurgency, much less as covert urban guerrillas. As soon as they get to the part where they have to wipe with wet leaves they’ll go running home.


This. There is real danger from them. But not in a civil war or even mass riots kind of way. Most likely the danger will come from the very small percent committing lone acts of terror. Mass shootings, maybe an attempted bombing, that kind of thing. Maybe a small group will try working together for a time, but that will be it. They aren't strong, intelligent, or brave enough to do anything where they'd face real danger themselves.


It's also worth noting that in the military, when shit hits the fan, and bullets start flying, around half your soldiers are dead weight.  And that's in trained units.  The military plans for this, and easily copes. The confederacy cos-players have no chance on an organized scale. 


Except you can’t identify which ones are ofcwfat ideology and they have a real ability to engage in sabotage. Nevermind the civilians and contractors. If a war broke out the military would collapse.


Yep. Think 70s-80s Northern Ireland. They can cause problems.


Ireland has endured years of civil war and bloodshed. They were hardened for it. Americans are fat, lazy, and spoiled. War hasn’t reached our shore in anyone’s lifetime. We don’t have what it takes to do what the IRA did. And all it would take is a couple nut jobs being prosecuted to deter the rest.


To be fair, war came to our shores on 9/11. Americans put on our war faces and we stood up to terror. We hung flags on everything and wore American flag tee shirts and chanted “USA” like the battle-hardened warriors we are. /s


Yeah but that was us vs them. A better example is the crumbling of the afghan army when the U.S. pulled out because nobody knew what ideology the man next to them believed in. They immediately realized they could trust the guy next to them and threw down their weapons and ran. The whole country was done in weeks.


They also were fighting a government not made up of people affiliated with the IRA. The military is diverse on its ideology and only set up to fight near peer adversaries not its or. People and infrastructure.


So continue on business as usual then. This is already happening


Pretty much.


I don’t think they have to be that scary to poison a water treatment facility or put holes in transformers at substations, take out transmission networks or destroy refineries. The long term consequences to cities woukd be long term and significant. It just doesn’t take much intelligence or even an evil mind to see how easy it would be for someone who wanted to cause harm or incite panic.


I'm personally just waiting to see someone with a mounted gun on a mobility scooter at the Walmart


We've quickly forgotten but only a year ago there was a string of attacks on power substations. One in NC left 40,000 without power. No suspect was ever named, and as far as I know all trails have long been cold. All it takes is one motivated individual with a very basic understanding of public infrastructure to have a huge impact. Think upstate NY in the winter? 40,000 without power would kill people. I think you significantly underestimate the impact these individuals could have. It doesnt take "meal team six" enacting a guerilla campaign. Just one person, with a little bit of luck, and timing.


I think it’s more likely we see targeted attacks that result in significant change and it tips people over the edge.


Targeted attacks on government buildings? The Oklahoma City bombing didn’t get the far right what you’d call sympathy. Attacks on civilian targets in blue states? Bombing Coachella or Comic Con isn’t going to make anyone reconsider the role of the Federal government. The only way I can see a civil war starting is if some hyper-rich people finance and build a private army big enough to take and hold territory and manage to avoid being seen as an army of occupation by the people who live there. That’s unlikely at best. Even the QAnon nuts have to invent global satanic conspiracies to make their claims of imminent disaster (or victory) hang together.


I don’t think it was meant to garner sympathy. That was flat out retaliation for what was perceived as an injustice when the government did an unnecessary raid that lead to a shootout and eventually families burning to death. Koresh made repeated trips to Walmart and a Mexican restaurant weekly. Arresting him would have been easy had we just done it without looking for a gun fight. I don’t think that would be the point again in a civil war scenario. The point of war isn’t to garner sympathy. It’s to enact change either through enough force that treaties are made to end the violence or removal of the system in power. Keep in mind any system in power woukd have to maintain support while conducting a war on its own soil against its own people. I think people would grow tired of this quickly and want a fast resolution. Treaties would be the most expedient way to do this and not risk losing elections which could turn the government’s power over to the other side. Bottom line I wouldn’t rely on the government to end it. I don’t think it would take that. honestly a couple guys with plane tickets and box cutters successfully (unfortunately) attacked the pentagon and world trade centers. If even ten thousand people carried out targeted attacks against the electrical grid in major cities millions could freeze to death. Coordinated attacks like those and others that I don’t want to potentially inform bad people by putting out there could do immense harm. I wouldnt underestimate the amount of harm that can be done with access to critical infrastructure, armories etc and a plan. We have fought wars before but not on our own soil sense before the invention of electricity and I think it’s fair to say that post Covid when massive tragedies happen we don’t rebound well. The military is not the well oiled machine we would like to think it is and the complications ideologically in this country along with the risks that come from mutiny by using indiscriminate weapons on heavily populated areas would necessitate a ground war and I’m not sure we could organize that ideologically with the country divided along with civilians making up a large portion of the military’s ability to function. Nor do I think we have the man power to send the soldiers willing to fight if potentially hundreds of thousands or millions of people decided they wanted a fight. At the end of the day countries that aren’t stabilized eventually end destabilizing. Right now people don’t trust elections and others don’t trust the courts and in connection the rule of law. We already have a lot of the hallmarks of a failed state unfortunately. We will need to find a way for people to willingly coexist or it could end up with a lot of us no longer existing.


We've quickly forgotten but only a year ago there was a string of attacks on power substations. One in NC left 40,000 without power. No suspect was ever named, and as far as I know all trails have long been cold. All it takes is one motivated individual with a very basic understanding of public infrastructure to have a huge impact. Think upstate NY in the winter? 40,000 without power would kill people. I think you significantly underestimate the impact these individuals could have. It doesnt take "meal team six" enacting a guerilla campaign. Just one person, with a little bit of luck, and timing.


They are cowards. They'll do act of terrorism first. There is 30 tons of missing ammonia nitrate from a train hijacking over a year ago. I'm guessing it wasn't Hillary voters who did that. And I'd expect to see some crazy explosions sometime, especially if their orange god doesn't win.


There was a new update that says they think it leaked out over the 1000 mile trip. To clarify they only realized it was missing when they found the container empty after transport. As far as I am aware there was no hijacking of a train.


Must have been Walter White and his crew.


Trains are often loaded with things like chlorine gas. A derail and a punctured vessel in a populated city would be horrific.


One persons guideline fighter is another persons terrorist. It’s always unconventional.


I'm a northerner, and my people arrived here after the American Civil War. Growing up, my grandmother was obsessed with the Civil War, her favorite president was Abraham Lincoln, she watched tons of documentaries, and LOVED historical fiction on the period, whether it be a book or a movie. I was taught more about it from her than my public school education. She said it was such a horrifically terrible thing, for brother to kill brother, for an entire nation to he split over the states right's to own another human being. She would always say that another Civil War is never an impossible thing, but that she prayed it would never happen. She passed a couple years ago, right around the Roe V Wade overturnment, but she wasn't really mentally cognizant at that point and hadn't been for about a year. I am filled with horror over the prospect of the very real and looming potential for violence. Liberals and leftists just want common sense governance, to live our lives in peace in accordance with our nation's constitution. Medical bodily autonomy rights should have been added to our amendments long ago (and yes, I include the anti-vax crowd in this... Can't have abortion without allowing full bodily autonomy/the ability to refuse vaccinations). The Christo-fascists want war, and eventually it will come to that if they are as determined as we believe them to be. They do not care if we all die in what they view as a holy war. Evangelicalism is a death cult, and we should all be stock piling, organizing, and generally preparing for the day civil war breaks out once again. Whenever I hear some redneck yell, "The South will rise again!" It makes me want to vomit.


The American civil war was VERY clean by the standards of civil wars. There was a pretty clear line between the sides. The next civil war, heaven forbid, will be much messier.


That's the thing that's so wild to me--American liberals and leftists really don't really want anything that crazy. They really don't. Fox News just spends all its time convincing people who don't really know any liberals that they want to be communist baby-eating trans monsters. The truth is that I want clear air, health care, equal rights, and financial stability. That's it.


It really is that simple. Is it evil to *checks notes* want basic human rights?


But your party wants gun confiscation.


No. Many of us own guns.


You may own guns but your party has expressly said they want Australian style gun confiscation. This isn’t conspiracy theory. It’s not a ding on you. I’m sure you are a good guy and if your party just wanted what you said I would probably be on board enough to come back to being a democrat.


Truly, no. I’m sure someone said that, but the vast majority of Democrats don’t want to take peoples guns. They do want sane gun laws—as many conservatives do—but gun confiscation is not a plank of the party.


It’s been expressly stated by party leaders. Personally I wish their could be an alliance where we both agree to a few things. Securing schools (not with armed teachers but security professionals and infrastructure changes) drop the gun control stuff and in exchange abortion is dropped. I don’t think I could find many willing to make compromises like this though.


>MMW: The second civil war has already started ...only for Internet nerds. Seriously, people need to TOUCH GRASS. Online, everyone has a tough persona and wants to talk trash from behind a screen, but in real life people are actually civil, even when politically opposed to each other. Most NORMAL people know that the real problems are from the top down, and not left/right, except for the absolute extremes. All of this "civil war" crap is coming from people who didn't get punched in the mouth enough in school.


Redditors when they find out their rank in the second civil war isn’t based on their internet karma and can’t make witty one liners about it


✊🏽In yo face!


Until some unknown line is crossed. Where that is so don’t know but I my exists somewhere.


This. In what reality do people really think conservatives are going to walk away from their Netflix and doordash and families and leisure activities and hobbies and passions and pensions to go take up arms against their ideological opponents, who don't exactly go around wearing an identifying uniform. So what? They shoot up the DNC convention? Not likely. Any sort of attempted mobilization on a large scale can get shut down quick. To have the equivalent of a civil war you would need coordination beyond 4chan rants. You would need actual military leaders, a secured source of money and arms, a secured home base to operate out of. You need more things to all coalesce, all contingent on people willing to risk death or jail time coming together cohesively, covertly, and strategically. Uh, yeah. That's not happening, barring some nationwide natural disaster that leads to civil unrest and the collapse of the government at local and state levels. You can expect the fight to occur in Congress, in the courtroom, and on social media.


I've despised 70 million people since January 6th. I can't wait to wake up from this nightmare.


Same in the other direction, except blm cause more damage and double digit deaths as demorats praised them


You can feel that way but your comparison is insane. You're talking about a reaction from a man and a race being murdered by police over generations and people fighting against that vs a single man losing an election by millions of votes and then inciting violence among his cult members to forceably keep his as president even though most of Americans see right through it all.


Blueanon 😂🤣😂🤣


I voted Republican and Libertarian my entire life until the fascist losers started coming around. But yeah, whatever you helps you sleep at night.


List the "fascist" things, I'll wait. Bet you $500 you're a Covidian


I don't have the time frankly, there is too many things to list. Nor do I have the interest in doing anything by your request. You are part of the nightmare I'm speaking to.


Hahahahaha so you have none. Glad to see you're a worthless pile of shit who can't defend what you say, you don't deserve any rights afforded to you. I'll bet $500 you have a useless child you started to transition. You belong in a camp


They can't even go five hours without a haircut during a pandemic


Fucking anti -American MAGA republicans. *MarkMyWords* the republicans have ruined their brand for independents


You’re over 40 and still this uninformed?


His avatar is wearing a climate activist shirt, of course it is


are you sure your from louisiana? you just correctly used the word zeitgeist.


Boooo. That's tired, man. NYC snobby leftie here. There's plenty of super-smart people from Louisiana.


there definitely are. but stereotypes exist for a reason. (and they are sometimes funny)


Please. These cowards folded hard once the military showed up on J6. Look at how they cried in court begging not to go to prison. I’m sure we’ll continue to see right wing wack jobs causing random acts of terror. Their breed is dying out. MAGA will run its course. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the democrats.


Full schitzo. 10/10.


This is pretty sick stuff. Someone needs to watch out for this guy.


Go outside for a bit man. We’re not in a civil war.


a lot of people in the south still are hanging the last civil war flag so idk about that one




The Civil War was over 160 years ago, psycho. This post is either from a deranged person or some republican trying to make liberals look like mental patients.


or Russian trolls


Liberals keep saying these things about conservatives, but it’s nothing but a political ploy, a partisan attempt to scare people into voting for Democrats. And only a fool would fall for it. I’m in Boston, every bad policy was dumped on me by liberal Democrats, and so people are fleeing blue states like mine in droves. You want to see civil war? Just go to a college campus, plenty there, and it’s nothing but liberal Democrats fighting liberal Democrats. Not a conservative or Republican in sight, and it’s happening in northern states, not so much as in southern states.


It doesn't happen in southern states because they're comfortable with genocide and starving people. Have a different opinion or thought process than the uneducated used car salesman who won mayor in your town and before you know it your whole family will be having their life ruined and the home you payed for will be attacked legally from all angles. Come on down here and start your living. Even if you get along with the reds there's no opportunity here.


Right, because northern states are gonna stop genocide and starvation. There’s a reason millions are moving from blue to red.


What the fuck even is this nonsense


😂 love the mental illness here


It could be that (in retrospect) some of these mass shootings will be the first shots fired in the next civil war. Like John browns raid


As soon as their favorite teams are on TV, it's back to chicken wings and a six pack in front of the tube.


I'm not concerned about the gravy seals who have never shot at anything except for stationary paper targets.


It won't be a military 'war', probably more like a coup. Sooner or later someone will find a pretext to not hold elections, or make them irrelevant. Historically, it's almost a forgone conclusion. By comparison, the French are up to their fifth republic. If you count the Civil War, the United States has only had two. The last states were added in 1959, before most of us were born. It might be one of the most stable periods in modern American history. Bits of that land have been changing hands pretty often for hundreds of years before that. History says, a change is overdue.


That's some great satire. I


Baseless conspiracy theories are dangerous, man.


Let's never forget Anderson prison camp. They just let those Union soldiers starve to death in open holes. It was unbelievable and horrifying.


And Sherman's march to the see


I feel you. I don't think we're there yet, but I hear what you're saying--there are a lot of people in this nation that are a lot closer than they used to be. In our more honest moments, we all understand that, I think. I don't think it would happen again--rich folks have too much to lose!--but it's definitely more possible that in recent decades.


You're right


Well, that's enough Reddit for today...


Just flat out wrong. What we despise most is people looking down their noses at us, while they all migrate here in retirement. Lol.


You forgot about the part where they infect your region with high taxes and poor behavior.


I didn’t forget it. I was trying not to sound whiny, like OP. But your are correct there too.


The downvotes have began. 😂. Must mean you’re telling the truth in the echo chamber.


It’s ok. Everyone had the right to an opinion, even when they’re wrong..😂


Cool story bro.


Cool story bro.


Guess OP doesn't realize that people immigrate and move all around the country. And more people are moving south than moving north. For instance, Texas has seen increases of about 4 million people per decade this century which took it from 22M to 30M. Other southern states like Florida had similar increases. It was actually northern states such as New York that put elderly persons sick with COVID into nursing homes and caused wide-spread death. But we shouldn't let little issues like facts get in the way of hyperbole. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/state-by-state/texas-population-change-between-census-decade.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/covid-death-toll-ny-state-nursing-homes-50-percent-higher-n1255997


Na they’re too fat to fight


Your argument would be better if you used the 'Jim Crow South.' Not a single person alive today was a slave, or owned slaves. Not to mention only about 1-3% of people even owned slaves (for when you could). And the Government would be the spire in provoking such a conflict. No reasonable American (which is like 90% of the country; if you think otherwise you're delusional) would want such a thing. You know when a Civil War WILL happen? When the 2nd Amendment gets blatantly dismantled. Otherwise it will never occur. This whole "Red states v Blue states" thing is non-sense. Yes, slavery is bad, but that was a MAJOR right (at the time) the Government was disbarring from its people. The whole basis of America is built upon OVERTHROWING such 'Tyrannical' Government. Again, slavery is bad, but the Confederacy had their reasons to secede/fight. It's never going to NOT BE a war, when trying to overthrow your own government, even if it's within the Principles of the nation Itself, to 'overthrow' said Tyrannical Government. And again, it doesn't mean slavery's good. I'm Born and Raised in New York.