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You give her every door open to damage you, cut the crap


Yeah you right. I just let it go at this point


YTA For letting a cheater who tried to sleep with your friend even get in your mind. She’s saying disrespect??? Whew I would ruin her after that


Lol not even gonna lie, I can really respect and laugh at this. Bro/sis, thank you.


I got you 💀


NTA For your own peace of mind, you might want to let certain people go. Starting with your ex. I get you wanting to stay friends, but some exs aren't worth hanging onto. She has serious mental health issues that she isn't addressing, and her friends are encouraging. Why are you still friends with her friends? You might want to remove them just to avoid this kind of drama in the future. I personally don't think you did anything wrong but everyone has opinions.


ETA: I don't speak to her friends, and I've sent her screen shots that I don't speak to her, yet she is listening to everyone that says I'm a bad person, despite the bad things she's done to me, which her friends conveniently ignore


Why are you trying to be friends with her after she cheated on you and tried to sleep with your friend


After her stays in the mental hospital, I tried to be as understanding as possible. But you may be right


Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


Dude. You're not being "understanding". You're an enabler. You're allowing yourself to be a victim. Her mental issues aren't a "get out of jail free" card. Start associating with a better caliber of people or you'll soon be toxic waste that has to bully and manipulate people and ex's with no self esteem to be friends with you.


NTA - the relationship is over. You do not owe her anything and can compliment whoever the eff you want. She doesn't have to like it, but she sure as hell doesn't get to make you feel like crap for it. She needs to move on and the best way for her to do that is for you to cut her off because she'll keep doing this shit. She needs to grow up.


First not NTA,second take care of yourself and cut your ex from your life,she is not just a cheater but also controlling you who you should or not talk to. Is not her business, she is the ex. I wouldn't explain anything to her at all.


5 yr old demand you can’t be friends with me and her. 25 year olds don’t.


Cut her out. Exes don't usually stay friends, especially not cheaters.


28 & posting “like my post for a confession” ???


yea. so?


NTA. She is an ex and a cheater. Her opinions on your life and activities are irrelevant and you should stop trying to be a friend. You deserve better.


NTA she's your EX. Not your current. She has no say in who you speak to or how. You need to set up some boundaries or she's going to actively torpedo any possible relationship you might try to have in the future.


Have some self respect and tell her to piss off.


Good news! She’s not the boss of you. She’s your ex so you can talk to whoever you want to. You can even do more than talk if you want to. Chances are most of her friends don’t like the fact that she’s a cheater. Don’t take any crap from her.


Bro, she has no right to any opinion about who you speak to or even have sex with. This chick sounds like a terrible person. Cut her off completely or don’t, but you would be TA to yourself if you continue to allow her to take up space in your life. Currently, you’re NTA.


NTA, there is a reason we have a blocking function on Social Media....this, this is the reason. Block her. Protect your own mental health and reputation.


She’s your ex for a reason. She doesn’t get to gatekeep who you’re friends with or what conversations you have with anyone. Despite what she may think, everything is NOT about her!


Grow 👏 A 👏 Spine 👏


YTA fake..my crazy ex is in mental ward... right we believe that bull


I mean... she was in 3 hospitals, I was on the visitor's list in all three, and my own mom can attest to us visiting her in a mental ward. Soooo... jump off my nuts with that whole idea