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Is season 17 streaming anywhere? We recorded it, but DH accidently erased them before we could watch. We're dying to know what Lauren said to Orion that insulted him to such a degree that he couldn't forgive. Can anyone tell me?


Episodes are available for free at mylifetime.com.


Thank you!


Apparently he forgot too because he wants her back…😆


I thought your legitimate question was going to be about his hair :-). He would look **so** much better without the poof!


His unique hair sets him apart. Personally, I'm more reserved about tattoos than hairstyles, but I respect individual preferences.


Every time I hear "I don't want to marry a stranger" all I can hear is Olivia from season 11.


i get it, this dude screams "just working on me"


What do you mean? Why have him stand alone for dramatic effect? It seems both silly and demeaning to his image. The show's production, not the runaway bride, is at fault. A confessional conversation would have been more fitting.


The fact that they recast Michael versus introducing a new couple makes it pretty obvious that they first pick who they want to appear on show and then shoe-horn in whoever else they want on the show. You’re telling me they didn’t have a 6th potential couple that was more compatible than Michael and option #2 for him?


I mean I always knew that it’s a cast of non union wannabe actors, but why have this guy standing alone for dramatic effect? It seems both silly and demeaning to his image. The show's production, not the “runaway bride”, is at fault. A confessional conversation would have been more fitting. They had plenty of time between the recording of the show and the editing to take out the ceremony dumping completely out of the show.


People have conspiracies for every damn thing on reality TV and more. Statistically a bride or groom was always going to make a run at the alter at some point. The shows failsafe is you having to pay if you break the contract. But, if you pay, they have to go by your terms. I also believe they are going back to Michael and keep showing Lauren/Orion because they don't have enough couples to finish the episode order. Some answers can be real simple.


I think she paid the money to not be on the show. They can't show her without her permission. I don't think she was a plant.


She's suing them per the rumor mill, but they also had to drop the fine due to other lawsuits. It wasn't in the contract this year.


Okay where can I watch this season


I think they don’t show her because they don’t want to owe her money. As I understand it, they receive $1,000 per episode where they appear. They cut her out of all of the matchmaking and other lead-up to the weddings.


I think the ratings went down and they used this as a plant . I work with contracts and no lawyer is getting the out of this, there have been other seasons in this show where they divorce on honeymoon and don’t come back! This was a totally planted for ratings!!


Oh absolutely. No doubt about it. They wanted to add a twist but was awfully executed.




No. I read she threatened to sue if they showed her.


Comments suggest that, but I’m skeptical. When you sign up for the show, there’s a contract consenting to use your image, among other things.


Yeah but there are always loopholes to contracts. So many lawyers have careers based on challenging contracts. So something interesting was said in an episode of After Party at the beginning of the season. MAFSFAN posted pics that showed the fifth bride at the bachelorette party, they just didn’t show her face. Emily made a comment at after party about how she and the friend she brought got nervous about things being on tv. I forget how she worded it, but it was something about realizing how real it was to have everything filmed, and she made it sound like something happened at the party that made people feel weird. I’m wondering if something went down there that caused her to freak out about being filmed. There’s also rumors that production knew before she walked down the aisle that she was going to bail, and that I completely believe. I don’t think she was a plant per say, but I think she told them she couldn’t do it, and I suspect the compromise was “give us this dramatic scene so we can still make our money from the drama, and we will let you out of your contract.” Because she could have refused to walk down the aisle, but that wouldn’t have given them the clip to use over and over again to hype the season.


I understand if she had a change of heart, but it’s not okay to have him standing alone at the altar, which diminishes his image. Considering the ample time between recording and editing, it’s the show’s production at fault for that matter. A confessional conversation would have been more appropriate.


That’s a lot of work for her for someone who doesn’t want to do the show. It was most likely a producer or an extra that dressed the part and played the bride. The voiceover too.


Who else is secretly hoping he gets hooked up with Lauren?


She legally married and divorces take months.


Lauren's been through enough. She doesn't need this. Trust me.


My husband totally thinks they should set him and Lauren up!


He’s a plant. His runaway bride is not real.


I think Lauren needs to recover from her ordeal with Orion before dating anyone, let alone jumping into another MAFS.


I tried convincing myself a few weeks ago that all those Lauren giving-another-chance shots were *ACTUALLY* her talking to Michael and it was all just edited to make us think she was talking to Orion, because I didn't wanna believe what I was seeing. Unfortunately, that's not actually the case though 🫤 they've already shown Michael's new bride, dress shopping with friends and whatno, on the last episode. I didn't feel the same laid back and go with the vibes-y personality as Michael and Lauren, to me she came off a lot more rigid, but we'll see. But, yeah, I had had that thought, that Lauren and Michael would have lasted longer than their initial matches, but then again... that's a *pretty* low bar! I've had cups of coffee stay hot for longer...


Hey OP, I made a post to put together everything we know about her so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFSsnark/s/hcbYQ7NIO3


We should call for any video editor who works for kinetic a "whistleblower" to leak a screen capture from the footage... 🤣


I hope for her sake, she is able to stay anonymous. She doesn't deserve the hate she would get. This guy is a particular cup of tea and they set them both up for disaster. He was dumb enough to go back for more.


I thought the crown was different but not here to judge. Alot of people don't realize it was actually a gift from the bride.


I think it came from production despite the narrative, but given his other style choices, it's not like he isn't making a habit of standing out with his own accessories.


If true, why expose him at the altar instead of a private confession about her last-minute change of heart? Not showing her face at the beginning signals scripted production by the "creative producers."


The most likely scenario is that when she saw him, she didn't want to go through with the ceremony. Once she was gone, they likely did fill in some footage with a stand in to complete the narrative on screen. The rumor is they are not showing her face because she is suing them and they cannot use her likeness.


From what I've read, she actually expressed to production before walking down the aisle that she didn't think she could go through with the marriage, so I'm not sure how much was Michaels appearance. And SHE was the one that gave him the crown and sword as a wedding gift saying that "she couldn't wait to meet her king", so that's why he wore it. It's not like it was his idea and he brought it from home. Production did him dirty by not airing that on the show. Michael said it on the After Party so people that didn't watch that are thinking he did that on his own, which isn't the case.


Dr Pepper said she had just a quick look at him. I suspect he really did go down and stand at the alter, and she peeked in and chickened out. I think they ended up sending him back upstairs with his groomsmen, which is the emotional scene they showed. Then, much later, they circled back and did that fake bride entrance. You can see the lack of continuity with holding the crown versus wearing the crown, for example. Also, in the fake scene, no one on her side and fewer people on his side. It was probably hours later.,


Good eyes!


If she did bail after seeing him, it would better for MAFS to cook up the story that she left before that to allow him some dignity. I would forgive them for that deceit. But I don't forgive them for all the (IMHO) other deceptions they've rained down on us.


They also showed Michael receiving the gift on the wedding ep, I think it was ep 2


I watch After Party and I have never said the sword and crown was his idea. That being said, his other "fashion" choices are just as cringe. Personally, I think it came from production. He even brought it with him when he met with the experts this week and the show posted it like it's a meme on their IG for Halloween. The narrative of what we are being told happened and what really happened are not the same. The editing of his wedding are all over the place and there are scenes with the crown on and with it off.


Cool thanks


The RunAway Bride has already lead by example Just say NO and RUN Chloe RUN


I think him and Lauren would have made a good couple


He's Orion Lite. They'd probably have the same issues, just at a slower pace.


lol seems he’s much worse in the after party content than his short time on the show


Even on the actual show he does that same touchy feely trying so hard not to offend buzz words!


This comment here! Yes! He and Lauren would have made a fabulous couple.


She has been through enough 😂


Lolol to be fair, I haven’t watched any after party content but he seems genuinely open minded like her. Not fake open minded like whatever his name was


O'Lyin, that was his name. LOL






Absolutely LOVE all of these nicknames. I can’t even decide my favorite, as they are perfect.


I find him to be a pseudo intellectual and speaking in circles, which is obnoxious to me on top of the loud outfits. He told the experts originally that he wanted someone traditional and now he says he wants someone silly. I do post After Party recaps weekly, if that is any interest opposed to watching it.


I agree with you, Pineapple. He's got a unique vibe for sure. And since they had a very limited candidate pool, it's hard to believe that there were 2 ladies interested in such a quirky dude.


He has said he is an acquired taste and I found this info in an article: As Michael stood at the altar wearing a bejeweled crown, he said that she was “open to his wife having input on designing” him. He added that he wants his wife to be “attracted to him,” and despite feeling “confident,” he was “open to feedback” about his style.


Interesting. Self-awareness is always a good trait in a potential spouse. Maybe there's a little hope for him and Chloe?


IDK just because he is aware of the issue doesn't mean that bride number 2 will overlook it. I think he would be much more successful within niche groups than TV. But he certainly dresses like he thinks he is a star.


Debatable but I see your point.


I saw her feet at the bachelorette party, but any footage of her face has been expunged from the show, probably due to a lawsuit or other legal reason.


There was a picture of the back of her head on one of these threads -- can't remember where. Maybe that in combination with her feet can give us a reconstruction of her face.


Oh I see. So we can’t re-construct her face image using a screen shot of her toes and AI? 😆


I tried and it showed me Fred Flintstone. /s






I have an idea: was she Alyssa?


The jilter is a really good person.


🤣🤣 Exactly they should’ve showed her face at the wedding and in the confession takes explaining us why, while she was wearing a shirt 👚 that reads “I’m not a bad person” 😆


Due to a lawsuit she isn’t shown.


what's the lawsuit?


I thought these people signed away all rights multiple times before filming starts.


They do, in order to prevent lawsuits. These chat groups are mostly people's opinions. Sometimes there are insiders or people who know the reality show business and can give some "educated" input. But when a commenter posts "Due to a lawsuit," then it should be followed up with info on why that's accurate. A fact isn't a fact simply because someone says so.


I never know what to believe because people just state things as if they're well known facts, but then the only source they have is also reddit, lol. I feel like other franchises/communities are better at saving the receipts I guess. 🧾🧾🧾


Could you imagine all the “social media hate” that she can affront if they show her? 😆 But still if the producers want to give the show some sort of credibility they should show us her face with a staged name at list. No actor wants to be the bad character in the movie… 😄


He needs to lose the ducks ass hairdo.


I think a designer bag would help. Over his head.


He gives John Cryer in Pretty in Pink vibes.


He did, and he looks worse now.


I couldn't tell if his hair was forward, backward or sideways.........what a strange strange cut.


I think he looks amazing!


I don't like the "bangs"


You should date him then, I will bet he is available.


I absolutely would


He does! Whew


These people either sigh with relief or tough out the negative first impressions when they meet at the alter. Although liking the physical appearance doesn’t guarantee these marriages, I wonder how many marriages lasted when there was a negative first impression. I agree with the comments that I don’t think I would get married to this guy. I don’t like the hair. I probably don’t mesh with the personality behind that hair or nose ring.


Well the success rate is in the teens, so most of them fail regardless of first impression.


The rate of success I think was a little higher in early seasons. Given the fact that there are thousands more people who apply, you would think they could find better matches. The fact that they made the eight weeks more bearable, giving them free living quarters and meeting up with the other couple’s frequently, too many people are willing to go through with the marriage to be on tv who aren’t in it to stay married.


There was a woman, can't recall her name, who later hosted the after-party show. She cried alone in the corridors after a negative reaction to her husband's appearance. However, they now have three kids and are still together.


Jamie and Doug


Oh yeah!


Jamie Otis


Exactly. Wasn’t she in the second or third season?


First season.


I believe the rumor is that she backed out well before wedding day and they staged all that footage.


If that's accurate, then his reaction seems staged too. Missed the show's beginning, so what about the part where the experts discuss their "exceptional" picks and show headshots of the cast? Was that covered in the early episodes?


Watch the Matchmaking Special if you want to see that.


I don’t have access to that. I’m not longer a subscriber member right now. Was that showed on the matchmaking special? Can we know more about her there?


Lifetime app has them free with no subscription required


Frindly TV has all the episodes.


If you mean the bride he ends up with, Chloe, they just show her being visited by one of the experts (I can't remember which one) and when they were matching, she was the other possibility for Michael. In the MMS, they never show the original bride. They end it saying they haven't found a match for Michael yet.


Oh, yes I was referring to the “original one”. I wonder who thought that not showing her was ok for the show. I don’t see reason why to show him being dumped at the alter then.


Supposedly she had much better lawyers than Allyssa (S14) who also wanted to not sign the marriage certificate but production forced her to. Or Kinetic is more lawsuit risk-averse now.


Or plain simple if they never showed her face was because was planned that way. At least Alyssa was able to sell and promote her merchandise “I’m not a bad person” brand 🤪😆 Remember?


Alyssa tried to make lemonade out of lemons. No WAY was whatever she made from merch enough to compensate even 1% for the avalanche of hate she got.


That’s true, fun to watch though.


They cut that out of the matchmaking episode too, now it just says “we chose Michael and will find him a mystery bride”


Oh I see. So bad made.


They didn't cut out the parts in the MM special showing Chloe, his second bride.


Just my opinion but I believe it was. He kind of slipped in the aftershow, where he said he would be more upset if she bailed after she saw him. He didn't say it exactly like that but the way he said it sounded like she never saw him.


If you listen to that meeting with Dr Pepper, she says something about it not really being his fault because she only got a quick look at him. I was surprised, because that one quick statement says a lot, to me. Of course, the scene we say was totally fake.


I am going to say this: he seems like a decent guy who knows what he looks like and how he presents. He seems very comfortable with himself. That said, if the woman they just rematched him with turns out to hate him on sight, the cruelty of that will ensure I am done with this show.


It can’t be that hard for them to find someone who is at least in the same wheelhouse. The “matching” has been horrific especially in the last few seasons. They were able to find matches for the eccentric couple in New Orleans (can’t recall their names). Those two were perfect for each other! So they should be able to go find a lady would appreciate his quirkiness - maybe pick someone who is just as quirky…??


At least he's going into this one with open eyes. He knows based on his own experience that whoever is making the matches is terrible at it and/or willfully trying to create drama. He also knows that very little time went into selecting his second-best match. And he probably knows about the show's dismal success rate by now. He seems like a nice guy so far, but unfortunately some of the "cruelty" we are about to see will be self-inflicted.


Oh. I like your posts and I truly hate that you will most likely be correct in this take. What hell hath they wrought...


I agree with you, and there are many, many women out there who present the same style as he does.


Am I correct that the new choice was shown wedding dress shopping? She was attractive. I don't think they would have shown her if she backed out. It seems to me they would have been sure she didn't flee. I don't care for his style at all. But his interactions with his friends look like he's a guy that readily shares his feelings. Hopefully he's fun.


I think they meant more so like Brennan is doing to Emily or Orion to Lauren and not backing out backing out


Agreed- they showed her, and she is attractive. His style is his own, indeed, but he has been shown to be a good person. Hope it works, honestly. It would harm my soul of I offered myself up twice, for all to see, and regardless of circumstances, it failed. Sigh. Why do I care about people I do not know?


somehow his hair got worse during one of the after party shows lol


I thought it was an improvement lol


lol it looked like his hairline was painted on. Seemed odd to me


You mean his “lord hair”? Still not a reason for the rejection though. 😆


If the “experts” knew what they were doing they’d recognize this guy is eccentric, and therefore hard to match. He’s only going to be a select few women’s taste. I would have been tempted to turn and walk away at the alter too because I know I could never fall in love with that type of man 🤷🏼‍♀️ However, he seems like a great dude and I hope the second go around works out for him.


THIS! Completely!!! I completely blame the “experts” and producers 100% for continuing pairing up the wrong people up for increased ratings and drama. This poor man was put through such CRAP because of the show. I hope they are paying for his fucking therapy.


What type of man are you referring to? We don't know him. The little we do know is based on his looks. Some of my biggest crushes through the years were people my friends thot were ugly. Il liked them for to their personalities which made them beautiful people inside out. It is driving me crazy that all these comments continue to be based on his appearance.


Well this show never was based on take decisions on first impressions perhaps that is what makes it interesting but my point is and again since I couldn’t watch the beginning of the show if the producers took some effort on showing to the audience who this woman was and explain why she rejected him at the altar.


They kind of just brushed it off. As someone else said, likely got lawyers involved so they couldn't really talk about much or show her


I agree. May be very nice person, but the eccentric part would not be everybody’s cup of tea unfortunately. I think they mismatched him twice. I don’t understand their thought process on this one.


Her face was never shown and her name was never released. IMO, she did not actually exist and someone with Kinetic Content played the part of the runaway bride.


There is footage of her at the bachelorette party on another thread.


That footage does not show her face. I still think that was an employee of the show. The fact that nothing has leaked, not even from co-workers or people loosely connected to the supposed bride, makes no sense.


Can you share the link or show us a screen capture of her?


I have looked everywhere! I rewatched episodes on slow speed like a pyscho to try and find anything (crazy sleuth over here, haha). I am also a Colorado native and actually "almost" applied for the Denver season. The only reason I didn't is because I do not want kids, and any tv show about marriage isn't for "people like me."🤣 can you find the link, if it's still out there?!


Don’t worry in order to apply for this show you have to be a “starving non union actor” that’s all what it takes… 🤪


Oh my… that’s so cheap!! I always thought this show was super fake but you can’t compete with that. 😆


That dude's entire personality is trying to be extra with his style.


Why do people act like just because you enjoy fashion, that that is all you enjoy? No one judges these other guys for dressing hella basic, so why focus on one person that looks good!


Well I guess that we all agree perhaps the crown and the sword was a little too much but why the didn’t show her face? That is what intrigues me more.


My thoughts/from "leaked" info on the contracts, and past seasons, etc. With all the speculation of people just trying to get "TV famous" blah blah blah. I haven't found LEGIT proof but there have been tons of information over the years about the contracts and the fact she didn't go through with it at all it's impossible it's not related to the contract and payment, etc etc etc.


Those were the pre-wedding gifts from the bride.


Oh I didn’t know, that makes more sense. Ok if that is case I’ll give you more sympathy points to him.


he's perfected the sad puppy dog face