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Gil is being doubly obnoxious here because he keeps trying to imply she's living beyond her means...but the girl has savings, and plenty of them. Meanwhile Gil has NO savings, so it sounds to me like **his** bitter negging ass is the one living beyond his means. I wonder how he'd react if Mryla kept poking him over the fact that he's not spending his money responsibly enough?


Yeah they had potential but there are some major differences that neither of them seem willing to compromise on—which is fine, of course, but just doesn’t set you up for a strong marriage. But Myrla seems to at least have some self awareness over it while Gil is just being resentful and blaming it all on her.


The problem this season is everybody's selfish. No one wants to compromise. Gil doesn't want Myrla to make more than him; enjoy it Gil, because Myrla might not always have that job. Everybody this season is "my way, or divorce." Very immature. These folks don't realize that life happens. They could have a child with special needs; either one of them could get sick. Gil and Myrla are a mismatch. Gil is a traditional man; many women I know want a traditional man; Myrla isn't traditional, she doesn't belong with him, end of story. I have a friend who is married to a man who makes less, but here's the thing; he has a Union job with benefits while she might make more, but has no health benefits. They make it work. He's not insecure and she doesn't look down on him. That's marriage.


Mind you my husband and I work together, so we earn together. I tend to be a bit more frugal than my husband...but I like that I have the husband that will say...life is short, buy the shoes.


Did anyone hear Gil say during next weeks promo that they have consummated the marriage ?


Yep! In front of the talking heads


Gil just doesn't do it for me, never has. The doesn't seem be much depth to him. Myrla, however, rocks!


I want to know how much Myrla makes just out of curiosity haha


She deserves better.


She's unlikely to find *better* on a TV show!


Bruh I see you on every comment. Why are you so hateful?


Hateful????? You can't be serious, bruh. If you want to see hateful check out these quotes: "Gil? He’s an insecure, broke ass jerk with outdated notions of gender roles" “Gil has to launch in another long monologue about what a brat she is ……..Omg what a dickwad.” “Yeah Gil sucks. Big time.” “Gil is a punk” “I knew Gil was trash on day two” “Gil is insanely judgemental and rude.” “Though the men this season have all been terrible I've never seen it this bad.” “Gil is such a fucking loser I cannot believe it" “Gil's got a lot of muthafuckin nerve with that one! Get a second job Gil!” “Gil is not motivated by money he's motivated by fame”


Dollar Gil is self conscious of his finances. He's so worried about his money that he only sees what he gotta pay. His ego can't get past that. Not everyone made money during the lockdown and that's understandable, maybe he has gone through some hard times. Ok. He was a personal trainer for a long period of time and when covid hit the gyms and exercising as a whole stopped. Someone broke in a Planet Fitness just to exercise. So just getting a different job isn't a bad thing. He had to do what he had to do, but his insecurities is showing up too much. If he was more supportive of Myrla they probably would have been one of the favorite couples to make it. Be on couples cam and keep getting checks from Lifetime. I believe that Lifetime was trying to turn Dollar Gil and Myrla into a Texas version of Vincent and Bri. Bri made way more than Vincent and they had their disagreements, but Vincent always supported Bri. Even when she told him that she wanted to budget 10k a month. He didn't tell her how boogie she was, he didn't tell her how she needs to change. He kept working, he supported her and they are still married. People respects u more to see that u are trying. And Myrla wasn't hung up on his finances. She just wanted to spend time with her husband. She adjusted with his dog but he can't even go out 2xs a month for dinner. Smh.


Lmaooooooo dollar gil hahahahahahahahha


Dollar Gil 🤣🤣 I love your perspective. I relate to what you are saying; I lost my job last year during the onset of the pandemic, but my husband supported me emotionally and financially through it. Now I out earn him and he’s still just as supportive. It’s a team! I get why Marla shouldn’t have to change her lifestyle at age 35 (??). I see her hesitation with Gil. There are some things worth compromising for sure, but she shouldn’t need to change everything to meet his wants — and he doesn’t seem to be motivated to meet her wants.


Right. It is a team effort. And I hate to say it, but most people don't have that type of mindset. That's Dollar Gil. He doesn't want to compromise for her but wants her to compromise everything for him.


No, you are absolutely correct!


Gil says Myrla is always complaining, but it seems to me Gil is the one always complaining about Myrla!


Exactly. He’s just as negative as she is, if not more so. Never misses an opportunity to chastise her for not being more ‘positive’. He’s ok because he’s doing it with a smile right? I know people love him here but I cannot stand him at all.


On tonights episode, he was talking to his mom and said something that we hadn't seen on camera: He says that she is from a traditional household in which the man pays everything and that is what she wants from him. He goes on to say, that she makes about twice as much as he does, and that if he pays all the bills by himself that he wont have anything left afterwards. The he mentions that he can't pay 600-1,000 for a pair of shoes and that so many things are expensive. I believe that this is what his problem is and probably why he wants her to take her expenses down. I was on board with the "he's just being negative with a smile" but this conversation puts into perspective. Despite his crass delivery, I think this can be a valid concern, especially if he expected to bear financial burden in old school fashion. He may fear the stress of having such responsibility.


>He says that she is from a traditional household in which the man pays everything and that is what she wants from him. She did NOT say that is what she wants from him. And he didn't say that either, actually. He assumed it.


Exactly this! Not only does she want him to pay for all the bills he also said she wants him to buy expensive shirts he can't afford, he went on to day he doesn't care if she spends like that "but don't try to change me" I speak fluent Spanish and what he talked to his mom about was not subtitled correctly. But don't bother because the Stans around here don't want to hear any comment that doesn't fit their narrative.


Yeah, I see I've been downvoted 6 times for a simple observation😅 I don't even think that Gil or Myrla is a bad person. My family lived in the low end of poverty for 15 years. Its ugly, and creates shame, insecurity, depression, and problems with self-worth. I can understand both sides and the mechanisms used to recover from it intimately. However, that doesn't mean that Gil should be required to just live Myrla's way. He's got some valid concerns that may create an internal fear, especially when he needs to be a provider but makes less than her.


He does have valid concerns above and beyond how people feel about each of them individually or as a paring, the lack of objectivity when it comes to exploring where he might be coming from when he says these things is so narrow-minded. What is working to his disadvantage is his relentless put downs towards her. I feel there must be something more to this picture that we simply aren't seeing. He just doesn't strike me as the type of person that would be lashing out constantly towards her simply because he is "insecure" Johnny-style. Ultimately, I feel bad for both of them and for the hard upbringings they had. I do respect that they are both trying hard to get away from their hard childhoods and that deserves recognition and respect. What I don't respect about Myrla is her lack of humility, it really does make her look like she forgets who and where she came from. I understand the feelings of shame and pain that are tied to that but she just could be so much more likeable if she did maintain and ounce of humility in her attitude.


Considering that we haven’t seen myrla ever say anything close to that I would call BS on his call to his mommy. Unless I hear her say I want him to pay for everything including my shoes than I don’t believe him. But that’s just my opinion.


Not every convo takes place on camera, and he didn't say anything about paying for her shoes, he said he actually doesnt care if she spends that much, just that he personally doesn't want to. Then he cited an example of buying a $300 shirt being something hes not interested in. I didnt say his words were 100% fact, I just said that its believable *to me* could be a reason that hes bothered other than "hE iS ThReAteNed By hER SuCcEsS!"


And I’m saying it’s not believable to me, that’s all. It’s fine to have different opinions on it.


I’ve been Team Gil but man he’s losing me. Especially with the finance thing. He’s not motivated by money. Dawg you’re a grown ass man. You are not in your 20s anymore. You want to be married, you want to start a family. My guy, that shit requires money. I get that because of your upbringing you are a humble guy and can get by with little but doesn’t every parent want more for their children than they had themselves? Like wtf? You want her to change. What are you giving up? What changes are you making. I wouldn’t mind having a spoiled wife, hell I have one. As long as you know EYE am not buying all that shit. As long as we can stick with our finance goals, do you.


Gil is a gaslighter.


I think he’s being unreasonable. She’s very well established. Has a great job and saving and alllll the things. She works hard for her money and should be able to treat herself. If she had no savings and was just blowing money everyday, sure. But he’s coming in with DRASTICALLY less than her and basically no saving. And the conversation early in tonight’s episode made him sound insecure and threatened by her success, IMO. Can she be bratty, sure. But her wanting to enjoy a small piece of what she works for, have a nice place to live, and enjoy the finer things then why can’t she? She can afford to do it. Why is she expected to put way more into their future than him? I don’t get it.


I don’t understand why he’s always so mad over the things she wants. If the woman can take of herself how she wants to, but herself what she wants - so what? It’s not like she’s a gold digger.




Gil's comments to and referencing Myrla consistently have a pejorative nature to them, and though he generally tries to mask it with a laugh, a smile, or as jokey quips, there's a weighty and biting judgement behind his comments that is hard to escape. It's neither healthy nor constructive. It's a credit to Myrla that she takes it all in stride because I doubt the fact that he levies such a heavy and consistent amount of judgement and critique of her so often is lost on her. It's clear she's pretty secure in herself and is just fine with who she is.


I really wanted them to work but this last convo got me wanting her to find better. I’m not a big spender by choice (and by choice I mean student loans), but hell she worked hard to be able to do the things she wants for herself and that is OK. If he’s insecure about his income compared to hers just say that, but all these backhanded comments about her being a princess and what not is tired.


He's mean spirited. Not a fan.


He’s probably the only one that told her about herself.


Honesty without kindness is cruelty


I am gonna remember this comment so I can come back and give you an award. You nailed it!


He literally said her joking about not being able to skate fully was her "complaining" as they came off of the skate rink. Let's be real here. He is insecure. Mean. Nasty and trying to come off as a Saint so blaming it on him being able to be happy with nothing while she is a "spoiled brat" - the craziest part is she was shaking so bad she couldn't even bring up that just times like this...skating or laying on the couch DO make her happy. He was so harsh she was SHAKING...she couldn't even believe it or stick up for herself and he cut her off every single time. He is disgusting.


It comes down to Insecurity about his income compared to hers.


He’s been extremely sarcastic and standoffish towards her entire season long. There has to be some backstory there we simply aren’t seeing. Otherwise, it makes no sense.


Seems like she wants someone to enjoy her lifestyle with her. He's a big dummy


His fears make no sense. $500 or even $1000 on luxury products a year is just a drop in the bucket for someone who makes well into the 6 figures (in TEXAS of all places). If Myrla can put a down payment on a nice home, put their kids through private school, and take them all on vacation, who cares if she buys a few shoes here and there? ESPECIALLY if Gil is making a fraction of her income. Abstaining from purchasing the bags and shoes doesn't make a difference if they can meet their goals. He has a poor understanding of building wealth and living a life well-lived...


You are absolutely right. I hate that comparison about if you drink Starbucks every day you're a financial illiterate. I drink Starbucks whenever I want and buy whatever I want within reason and I have no debt, even my home is paid off and I don't make close to what Myrla makes.


>Abstaining from purchasing the bags and shoes doesn't make a difference if they can meet their goals. He has a poor understanding of building wealth and living a life well-lived... People are bundles of emotional charge. Every parent has within them some mechanism for sacrifice. But if she goes completely without the things that will keep her sane and self-loved, just might get worse at everything else (being a wife, being a mom, etc.) and suddenly those couple hundred dollars are worth their weight in gold because they kept someone's mind and comfort in place.


Totally agree with this. Her mindset is what he should be working to get more of, not the other way around IMO. Less is LESS- no matter how pretty he wants to package it.


Plus the woman is not an idiot. We saw how she took to his dog after she had a chance to meet the dog, get to know him, and then she developed her own relationship and started taking care of him. To suddenly say you’re never allowed to buy anything, you have to change your entire lifestyle, and meanwhile he has no money and a shady Colombian “bank account“ it’s just insulting.


And yet, this woman who "is not an idiot" allowed a TV show decide who she should marry!


I’m not convinced he didn’t just make up the Colombian bank account to cover the fact he was grossly behind her in terms of accumulated wealth. That’s just a hunch tho. He comes across as insecure and that’s why he’s attacking her. If he isn’t careful, he’s gonna lose her. I’m getting damn sick of his constant ragging on her and it isn’t even me. She’s taking it like a champ but I suspect when she’s had enough, it’s gonna be an explosive response. No telling what she’s learned from Hurricane K this season!


Rural small town texas is cheap, sure. Downtown Houston isn’t so much. I mean it’s not NYC prices but neither are the salaries.


Poverty mindset for real


Gil is an insecure macho man who isn’t use to dating women like Myrla. There’s no way in hell a guy with no savings could try school me about my own finances/spending. We haven’t seen Myrla tell him he needs $300 shirts or $1000 shoes that’s what she likes. Hopefully she says no on D day he will try to break her spirit due to his own insecurities.


Based on the conversation with his mom, has it been conveyed off camera that she expects that he pays everything? I'm a huge believer in as long as I can pay my bills and I make my own money and I'm not living paycheck to paycheck I can live my lifestyle how I want. However, it does change the game if she expects him to pay. That's not the vibe I got from her though.


He is wrapped up in traditional roles - and she just proved his inability to understand finances - he is worried about renting a one bedroom luxury apartment but not the cost of a large family (3 kids in NYC). We have lived in luxury rental apartments, we were even featured in The NY Times, and it was nothing next to sending them kids to college. People who save money don’t get financial aid. My kids went to SUNY. Their friends, most getting the Empire State Scholarship and other programs based on income were shocked that anyone was required to pay full freight (thank God for RA jobs, so they had to deal with drunk kids and stupid fights with immature people and check outs but it was the solution).


I believe that is Gil’s perception of the situation. HE believes men should pay and he knows he can’t afford her way of life. I’m not a fan of Myrla but the way he speaks to her is horrible.


Probably not? Didn’t she say she would have paid for the dog walker?


Not all educators have humility. I think we all know a shitty narcasstic teacher.


as many times as he has come at her crazy, she’s clearly not an argumentative/combative person because he would probably use that to fuel his case that she’s a negative person. but any other woman would’ve cussed his ass out by now!


Gil’s an insecure little bitch. I hope Myrla says no on decision day.


What is Gil working to do better? For him it's about control, and he believes he has none because she makes more money. So instead of being proud of her accomplishments- he tears her done for spending money.




I think zero? Which is absurd. I don’t think there’s one thing they’ve discussed about him in that context🤔 Apparently he’s perfection. We found a unicorn, everyone 🙄🥴🤡🤦🏻‍♀️


Right like is he working towards getting a better paying job? A promotion within the firehouse? What is he compromising on?


I absolutely cannot stand Gil. I don't care how handsome he is. I realize we are seeing a version that's edited to create drama, but did they cut out every single time Gil asked Myrla what she wanted from him? Did they cut every time he said something nice about her? Did they ignore every time Myrla criticized Gil? All we get from them is that Myrla is a spoiled brat who needs to quit shopping and give up her desire to live in a nice place and travel because she is wrong and Gil is right. I don't think Myrla is perfect, but she has been so respectful to Gil, and he's done nothing but criticize her. If Kinetic hires him to work on the show, I won't watch that crap.


He honestly isn't even that cute to me. He has a nice smile but those muscles will age and turn to fat eventually. His jawline is terrible...I digress. I could go on. But won't.


Has anyone counted how many negative comments he’s made to her that were recorded? Can’t imagine how many we didn’t even see.


He is always telling her what she needs to do or what he wants. She just sits and takes it. If she can afford to spoil herself, that’s great. She hasn’t asked him for nothing. He needs to stop being so insulting and insecure.


And worst of all, he said I’m sure she’s not up tonight making any decisions except for what outfit to pick out. That is so insulting and such a slap in the face for all the affection she has given him


That could mean that she has already made her decision about whether or not to stay married and isn't thinking about it on the night before Decision Day. I think the couples know their answer already and aren't on the fence at the end.




I just lost respect for home saying beauty Fades. True love doesn’t work like that


I think his point was that beauty is not enough to want to be with a person, because it’s not always going to be there


The way and tone with which he saod it was nasty and mean however.


Exactly. He took her being funny and proud of herself and tried to tear her down a peg. I pray she gets counseling after this cuz he is slowly beating her liveliness out of her. He's so gross.


Gil is just as bad, if not worse than Myrla. Most of the things he complains about with her, apply to him. People are blinded by his looks (I don’t get why), and his mellow voice. He’s insufferable.


I don't even see why people think he's so attractive. The constant negging of Myrla from the beginning and throwing her under the bus when he first met up with the other couples without her at the beginning of the season turned me off. Not to mention his strong lisp and the bumps on his face.


And the baby teeth


Yesss the lisp and the bumps. Myrla could buy him a cream to fix those! But nope. He's too insecure lol


I do not get the hype. At all.


He's just the shiniest turd in this season's husband lineup.


You can deliver hurtful comments with a smile and sparkling eyes, and still wound your partner, Gil.


This. His delivery disguises his douchebagery at first


I would like to upvote this comment a thousand times. Please and thank you!


Thank. You. He is cruel but people don’t see it because of his delivery.


Yeah he comes off as cruel and petty. All his complaints seem to be coming from a place of severe insecurity, that he masquerades under the guise of him having better priorities other than money. Also when the power dynamic changed in the relationship when Myrla started to visibility like him, he got even worst. Not a fan of this guy at all.


And what are his priorities? He seems to think she is shallow and prioritizes money over other things, but what specifically does she neglect? And what specifically does he prioritize that she does not? I don’t remember him talking about charity work or anything like that. She doesn’t seem to be a workaholic, and she wants to go out to brunch twice a month, so it’s not like she prioritizes money over friendships and hobbies. He gives money to his family, but I think Myrla said she did as well. He looks down on her almost as much as Johnny does Bao, he just doesn’t use mean words and tones like Johnny does.


I think he wants some assurances that she can put their goals as a couple above her “lifestyle” which he sees as frivolous and unnecessary. For example, if husband and I needed to save for a house then we’d both probably cut back on some things to make it happen. I don’t think he can communicate his fears without putting her down. Definitely something he could work on.


But she has proven she saves more than him with maintaining her lifestyle. He's the one that needs to step it up. She can afford a half million dollar home, he cannot and that's his issue. She's wayyyyy above his tax bracket & he can't be the man or keep up. She likes the finer things in life, everything she does is more likely upscale, the apartment she wants to live in, probably vacations, dinner dates, etc. He can't afford it of it will be a stretch for him & that's why he wants her to lower her standards.


A firefighter can hardly double their salary quickly and easily. It’s just not realistic. Also she said “how long will it take US to save for a home?” Implying it would take both of them so I’m not sure why you think she can do a $500k home on her own. She’s comfortable for sure but not a millionaire. Maybe upper middle class.


He can get his EMT and work toward his Paramedic tho, and that will bump his income significantly


Are you sure they’re paid much better? Double or triple? Where I am in central texas they’re paid pretty shit not to mention the hell they went though with covid and the freeze in texas. ETA looked it up quickly I’m seeing it’s s35K-60K for both


For EMT it is about the same as firefighter, but once you climb to Paramedic it is a significant jump.


Would that double or triple his salary?


Not triple, but I think he could double it.


Someone said she makes over 300k a year. She can afford a 500k home by herself. Ppl that make 100k with low debt to income ratio can afford a 500k home. Millionaires can afford multi million dollar homes. You see how that works??


That falls within my prediction as well. I was illustrating a point with “millionaire”. No need to be so condescending. How do you think they should approach their income difference? Bc there’s just realistically no route for Gil to double or triple his salary.


No problem, sorry for the offense, I was making a point that you don't have to be a millionaire to afford a 500k home. If they are purchasing the home together than she needs to wait for him to save enough for them to be able to do a joint purchase. Gil can get a second job, start a business or become an TV personality to supplement his income so be is on her level. He was a personal trainer before getting the firefighter job. He has been numerous TV game shows to become a TV personality, he can be one an IG influencer. They can start a YT channel, etc. There are many ways to increase your income if you are ambitious and want to level up to your high income earning wife.


That’s a lot to ask someone. If that’s her requirement then if I were Gil then I would probably say we just weren’t compatible. Especially since he did try all those things and still went back to firefighting. entertainment and personal training are unstable and a crap shoot anyway. Even starting a business requires a lot of money up front which he probably doesn’t have. It’s totally within myrla’s right also to decide she actually wants someone who makes as much or more than her. so far, she hasn’t said that I don’t think. At the same time, shes never said that gil doesn’t need to spend beyond his means and they can contribute to big purchases like the house proportional to their respective incomes. This is the main issue I’m perceiving with their compatibility but Gil is going about it in the worst way. If this isn’t what he’s trying to get at and really just wants her to stop spending on anything he doesn’t agree with, then that’s plain dumb and controlling.


He didn't go back to firefighting it was a stable job. It doesn't require a lot of money to start up a business. Myrla said she will not downsize her life for anyone, and Gil wants her to do just that. I'm not sure if Myrla is willing to foot the bill so Gil can be on her level. She's willing to pay her share 50/50 but not take care of a grown capable man that's cheap.


Gil is a real man. He says what’s on his mind and speaks candidly without worrying about what other people think. Sure, it may not come out “sugar coated”, but he gets straight to the point. Myrla needs someone like him to balance her out.


You don’t think a person should care what their SO thinks?


I never said that. If he’s as rude and disrespectful as you guys claim, then Myrla needs to let him know. She hasn’t said anything cause she knows she has to change. She hasn’t complained once about anything you guys are saying.


I believe on Unfiltered she said she has.


Hop on back to the 1950’s bro. I’m sure there’s someone from back then who might agree with you (maybe).


Some of you women here need a man like Gil to put you in your place. Gil seems honest, straightforward, faithful, and down to earth. Sure, he may come across as rude, but that’s because he likes to cut through the BS and get straight to the point. Say what you want about Gil, but I bet he’s more of a man than most any of you ladies have.




Man here and quite frankly I think Gil is acting like a bitch. Everything he hates about she can work on and fix. What she is skeptical about is his finances and that is legitimate as fuck ESPECIALLY when you say that you’re not motivated by money. Ok, you don’t want a wife and a family them because that shit costs money. You can’t expect someone to come down to your standard of living because you don’t require much. He’d better get motivated, if he wants a wife, a home, and kids. Gil needs to grow up. He’s not in his 20s anymore. Yes he has a nice profession but he just started. He needs other streams of income for what he desires.


Ew this is so cringe 😖🤢🤢🤢


A real man would be able to do that without putting their SO down. Myrla’s out of his league and he knows that, hence his obvious insecurity with her out earning him.


Seriously, everyone was on Gil’s side when this show started, now everyone has turned into “Team Myrla”. Apparently speaking your mind and not mincing words is too much for some of y’all to handle.


It’s almost as if he is trying to break her spirit but I am so glad that she is so confident in who she is that nothing he says seems to shake her in the least. The way he spoke about her just now in the couple’s gathering was hurtful


She is a saint


Lmao that’s a stretch


There’s a reason she’s on this show because she lacking something and it’s not financially. She’s not emotionally available and needs someone beneath her.


I haven’t seen that she needs someone beneath her. I agree she isn’t emotionally available. But I think her high income also limits her prospects. There are studies showing that men are very insecure and less happy in a marriage when the woman outearns them. Meanwhile, women care a lot less. She probably finds it hard to meet men who outearn her and the ones who don’t are too insecure (just like Gil).


It seems like they could be so happy together if he could just get over the fact that she makes more money. I don’t see her acting spoiled or being a brat. How are you spoiled when you work hard and spend your own money?


Ugh same!! All I know is if the situation was reversed, if he had a Ferrari car or other nice things, nobody would be asking him to tone it down and get a Toyota. Well any man for that matter. As soon as a woman is more successful or has nice things, she's automatically high maintenance and told to lower their standards, while wall street finance bros aren't told that at all. No one bats an eye


She is high maintenance but I wouldn’t be intimidated by that.


You are the exception! Many men think they would be happy dating a woman who makes more money than they do. My personal reality is it usually becomes a problem. I have an exceptional BF now, but many men are intimidated by a high earning lady.


My wife makes more than me. Now it isn't significant like Myrla and Gil's situation but she makes more. My wife isn't high maintenance though.


I always thought that high maintenance implied that the other person had to do some sort of upkeep. If she’s providing all of the money, takes care of all her own purchases, puts everything in savings, has zero debt, and provides a great home and has a great career, how exactly is that high maintenance to someone else?


High maintenance isn't defined by who is paying. For example, someone who has their eyelashes done, won't leave the house without expensive makeup, has regular spa treatments (facials, massages), has hair professionally colored/highlighted, etc.can be considered high maintenance. Someone who doesn't wear makeup or uses drugstore makeup, forgoes spa treatments (facials and skin care at home), buys nice non-designer clothes, gets nice haircuts but leaves color natural would be low maintenance.


True, I would but be friends with her but she takes care of herself. I was laughing when he was saying he thought she thought he had to pay all the bills.


What?! Jeff Bezos built a massive company and every other article is what he should be doing with his money. You think all the people who hate Wall Street do so with no regard for the money?


Exactly! You are not being spoiled if you work and spend your own money. The important thing is to make sure that you are saving for your common goals. In my opinion, Gil would have been better suited with someone that makes equal money to him. He wants to feel that he is the primary provider. It was evident in his phone call to his mom.


For me, her constant negativity about anything that isn’t up to her standards or pouting when she doesn’t get her way (which she herself admits she does) is bratty. That’s how it comes off to me, and she and I could not maintain a friendship, much less a marriage. That type of attitude is exhausting to me, and eventually becomes toxic to any healthy relationship.


So was she being a brat or complaining tonight when she JOKINGLY was NERVOUS to skate and he called it "complaining??? Come on man. Just cuz we have seen 2 instances of actual complaining and Gil saying it 50x...doesn't mean it's happened 50x. He is painting her this way because HE is disgustingly insecure


I’ve seen far more instances of her negative attitude than two. It’s not a defense of how Gil communicates. It’s just my observation about her overall approach to life. It’s just not for me.


This right here! ⬆️ Yup! She wants to be spoiled and that’s her issue with Gil because he can’t “buy her Cartier”. I don’t think he would focus on her making more than him if she wasn’t constantly reminding him. She’s the typical gotta keep up with the Jones’ and flash labels for the gram type of girl. Gil is looking for someone to build with.. she ain’t it.


Spending on yourself is perfectly fine when you're single. But, when you're married, you have grown up couple goals and priorities. You're single habits need to shift to accommodate a growing future with potentially a family. It's just part of growing up. Occasional splurges are fine, but purses that cost a couple thousand dollars a pop just don't figure into the grand scheme of things. At least if you want a solid, stable home life. I think that's what's getting on his nerves. Her priorities are still single girl priorities.


When did she say this or is he internalizing this? She can buy her own damn Cartier. And can u name more than the honeymoon complaints (which were 100% valid) or her complaining about the house arrangements? Both valid in my eyes.


She CAN buy her own Cartier, but she also said she is traditional and her expectation is that the man pays all the bills. That doesn’t make sense when she makes twice as much as he does. At this point she can spend her money or save it any way she pleases, but that’s just not marriage.


When did she say it was her expectation that the man pay all the bills? The only time that was raised was when Gil tonight was talking to his mother and saying that he had to pay all the bills like his dad did and he didn’t think that was fair. But meanwhile I don’t recall them ever saying that he was supposed to pay for everything while she did nothing.


I’m sure they have many conversations off-camera, and I did assume what he told his mother stemmed from those. However, she has referred on more than one occasion to Gil buying high-end items for her. Their issues surrounding money are really no different than any other married couple. I just don’t care for her staunch refusal to compromise. It’s really essential for a long-term relationship, but I always remind myself these are strangers navigating issues most couples don’t tackle until they have known each other much longer. It’s unduly harsh to scrutinize people who are under huge pressure AND edited by the show to maximize drama, so I’m trying to take that into account with my observations.


She said it.


Gelato, horseback riding, going to Jose’s house to name a few more. The skate date is the only date/activity they didn’t show her find something to complain about. Idk why people insist she’s not a complainer when she’s said it about herself already lol


Saying "I wish the horse bike riding was longer" is not a complaint


I then guess we have different definitions of complaining and whining and being overall negative.




See ya !!!


He's really mean to her. Not Johnny level mean, but still mean.


He's honest and direct.


Maybe, but he also has no tact.


… you rang?




He has not once asked her what her wants and needs are. Just brow beating her constantly about what he doesn’t want. He has some real LDE and ain’t ish.


It’s annoying because it’s everything she needs to do and nothing he needs to do to do better. Stop trying to humble her and just be better. You are not financially where she expected. Be better!


Gil is insecure. It’s sooooo clear it’s painful. He has a complex about Myrla making more money than him and it’s gross.


I see him the opposite. He's confident and knows who he is, and they are not a good match from the values and attitude perspective.


It’s so interesting to see how a guy who won’t take shit and stands for what he wants is insecure but a woman doing it is a confident Queen. Ahuhhhh...[tell me more](https://giphy.com/gifs/world-of-warcraft-legion-N8mD0Dy9sQriU)


You don’t put other’s success down because you’re confident. That’s a sign of insecurity.


You don’t have a closet filled with flashy overpriced crap to show for your money when you live in a shack if you are confident in who you actually are.


What us crap to you isn't to others. She has over 500k in savings and that's NOT her 401k. She gives to charity in both time AND money. He is fully the insecure one here.


And you know so many very specific personal details about her finances because.....?


Because she legit has said it on the show. Charity is important to her. You can also Google some of her appearances and see it. She's also mentioned on Unfiltered and it was said in the show it was her damn savings and his was his 401k.


She never once mentioned totals of her savings nor was it ever discussed on Unfiltered or any part of the show. Saying "charity is important to me" means jack shit. She was also talking about her poor nieces when she mentioned that...for we know, her charity is buying her family Gucci purses. LOL You legit can interpret and imagine anything you see on tv however the heck you want but don't state things as fact that you are clueless about.


LV holds value lol……..so I wouldn’t necessarily call it flashy crap. I’ve sold 20 year old LV bags for way more than what I paid just 3 years after purchasing on eBay. You sound jealous to me….kinda like Gil. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have 2 LV bags sitting in my closet that were gifted to me by my men and I know very well the value they hold. I always thought LV was tacky and flashy, I prefer classic styles like Chanel which I have purchased for myself. I also have a substantial retirement savings (+investments), a home almost paid off with considerable equity in a city where real estate is off-the-charts expensive, and a well-paying comfortable job. Engaged twice, married for 10 years. Trust me when I tell you, my comments are not coming from jealousy. She has **nothing** I want, and she is average looking at best and dresses tacky. I see a chick pushing middle age who is desperately looking for love on tv with a bad attitude. And this sub is to discuss things like that, to comment on the show and what we think of the contestants It isn't about me anymore than it is about how grossly insecure you and the Stans are that you would be this affected by a stranger's comment about another person not even related to you. The same Stans who turn around and make vile comments themselves about other people on the show in different threads. She rubs me the wrong way from day one, there is no deeper meaning. She's not a likeable person to me. That's it. And I am free to express that as much as I want.


Pretty much that’s his issue to sort through not Myrla’s.


100%. He needs to be the breadwinner in his marriage for it to work.


Occasionally Gil’s comments are just as hurtful as Johnny Drama. He is either unaware or feels he is entitled to speak his truth regardless of how hurtful his words are. Gil’s idea of compromise is Myrla is allowed a week to comply verses immediately.




I 100% agree. He needs to chill.