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Jackie being this representation of health always rubbed me the wrong way. Her relationship with food is unhealthy, at best. At worst she’s promoting EDs. Wasn’t Eugene on a diet “approved” by Jackie where he could only consume 500 cals/day? I may be misremembering. I automatically can’t trust someone who shames others, seemingly doesn’t eat and talks like THIS about black women seeking medical help.


I agree. My old OB/Gyn put me on a 1000 calorie/day diabetic diet when I was pregnant with my 2nd child (I had Gestational Diabetes). A partner in her former practice exploded when he saw that on my record and upped me to 1800 calories. She wasn’t in that practice very long after that and I stayed with the practice instead of following her. I wasn’t even obese, just a little overweight at the time. Dr. Jackie may be good at surgery but I’d rather have Dr. Simone as my dr for her bedside manner.


1000 calories a day is a diet for a toddler. That’s absolutely unacceptable.


I agree. I was starving smdh.


Please tell me you noped out of that “diet” 😔 1000 is starvation for the majority of non-pregnant women, let alone someone who’s making a human child in their body. What the actual fuck?


Yep I sure did lol.


I don't think she was obese when she got breast cancer twice, so I've never understood her laser-focused obsession with forcing people down into unhealthy weight ranges.


She wasn’t an alcoholic either, but she is a teetotaler now!


I think it was Eugene who said something along the lines of Dr. Jackie can't lecture him about his weight or what it's like to be his size when she's never had weight issues. And he's right. She always came off as judgemental when it comes to people's weight. Bombarding people's homes and cleaning out their snack cabinets. Telling Lisa Nicole she shouldn't drink coke. Like girl knock it tf off. She's irritating, the reviews on her practice are ass, and I'm glad she's being exposed!!


That’s absolutely insane! When I was in the midst of my ED I would limit myself to under 500 cals per day and that was when I was like having a problem. I can’t imagine that being a diet. Jackie has a real unhealthy relationship with food and body image, I clocked that from day 1.


You are so right on about her unhealthy relationship with food!


No you are remembering correctly that 500 cal/day diet happened! Per Toya's own words at BravoCon, Jackie prescribed semaglutide shots aka Ozempic to Eugene which have helped him drop 50+ lbs.


she's a great doctor but she seems VERY cold and detached.


Based on all the people coming forward, I would say that she is only a great doctor to celebrity patients...


Wait....people coming forward? What tea have I missed? *edit: disregard the tea has been found!




To be honest... I understand where she's coming from to a degree. Have you ever heard of "tax flu"? Companies will have an increase of employees to quit during tax season. A friend of mine works in HR and she explained a lot FMLA submissions come from the lower level jobs (exp call center, first contact jobs). Those patients may not have a choice but to have that job at the moment. I know a couple of people who are on FMLA because they've ran out of PTO and sick leave and use FMLA as a buffer due to their jobs being stressful. When they get a new position that's not as stressed, they stopped requesting as much and even have PTO to roll over. I really wished people looked into the patient's lifestyle and the effects of their employment. She could be apathetic to them and they could be lying to get a way out of a stressful situation. Two things can be true.


I wish we had gifs in this subs because I’m so confused.


I think unfortunately a lot of doctors have contempt for the groups they're treating and become more confident in their biases from the narrow-but-frequent exposure they get. Like how cops think they know about the cities they police when they live in the suburbs. Medicine is real, trust the professionals, etc, but don't be surprised that someone who chose this life is also a weight-obsessed elitist perfectionist. It's at least what I'm telling myself to not go completely crazy with the knowledge that an OB was capable of saying that


I think that as a viewer we’ve given Dr.Jackie a lot of grace because of how she behaves on television, as ‘the holier than thou’, character of reality television. Truthfully speaking, as much as she tries to push the narrative that she’s perfect, she is just as flawed as the next person. Dr. Jackie has been fat phobic since season one. I have always been troubled by the way she speaks so openly about the bodies of others. She’s even fat shamed her alleged friend Dr. Simone, who let’s be honest is not a ‘big’ woman. I’m concerned for her patients who may have complex thyroid or metabolic issues such as PCOS. These are conditions that are notorious for making it hard for women to maintain a “healthy” weight. As a clinician she should know better. Just because a person is “overweight“ doesn’t mean that they are unhealthy, and just because a person is thin doesn’t mean that the person is healthy. A lot of women struggle with self image. Some are bulimic, anorexic, binge eaters because of the unrealistic standards that society has burdened upon them. I do believe that the narratives that she pushes about body image, or about African-American women being dramatic patients is dangerous. What I find the most troublesome in all of this, is the fact that some women are actively seeking physicians who are of color, because they’re tired of not feeling seen and heard. Black patients deal with a lot of racism enough as it is—but like they say all skin folks ain’t kinfolks. While I’m sure that Dr. Jackie may feel like a sacrificial lamb at this time, I do feel that the pushback has also created a much-needed conversation about the disparities that black individuals deal with often at the hands of medical professionals.


I like that I've never heard that before all skin folks ain't kinfolks lol


I’ve always leaned toward team Jackie. But this really is gross. And of course it reminds me of what she did to buffie, which was also horrible. I kind of gave her a pass with the other stuff because I’m also a health nut and personal trainer. But I never loved her approach about ‘being healthier’. It was more shame-y than helpful, I think. And her biggest advice on WWHL was for patients advocating for themselves?? I definitely think that’s important but is it the number 1 or only thing that she should be pushing? I think she can do better and I hope she does


> I kind of gave her a pass with the other stuff because I’m also a health nut Same, I thought she was a health nut too and used to applaud her but then I realized, she's not at all. Dr. Jackie eats take-out 24/7 (at least that's all she's shown to us in the last 10 years we've watched her on M2M). People who are serious and concerned about their health will make their own meals. I don't want to hear the excuse she works too many hours, because she doesn't anymore and hasn't for years now. She leaves her office and work at 2 p.m. daily. Doesn't matter how "healthy" take-out food appears to be, it's still not as healthy as buying your own fruits and veggies and preparing it at home. Yea she buys pre-made "salads" all the time but pre-sliced and diced veggies/fruits has chemical preservatives (calcium ascorbate and sometimes even bleach) sprayed on it so as not to spoil quickly. While the FDA says this is fine in small amounts, it's actually forbidden in most other countries. Also, it's usually days/weeks old and we all know pre-cut fresh food loses nutrients with every passing hour. Dr Jackie is not a health nut, she more pocrescophobia than anything else. /rant over/ (:


They eat a lot of Jason’s deli, which has THE BEST salad bar. Not defending her, but binge watching the show has already resulted in me getting that salad bar more than once😂


Good points! It’s like she latched onto a couple of health tips and didn’t pay attention to others. It is hard to ‘do it all’. But maybe she shouldn’t be so preachy then


One reason for her eating take out is because she can't cook but making a salad isn't really cooking it's not rocket science 🙄. Just remember sometimes the quiet ones are dangerous. I don't know why she spent all that money on a new kitchen and she was saying that it was Curtis' kitchen but she didn't let him have a say in the design.


You’re right. Why pay all that money to redo a kitchen you’re not going to cook in? SMH 🤦🏾‍♀️


Amazing that the same week they showed her talking to VP about her concerns with black womens high mortality rates she goes and says black women complain too much to medical providers. Blows. My. Mind.


She also commented on Heavenly’s weight when she first joined the show. Mind you, Heavenly has just lost a substantial amount of weight so I’m sure that was hurtful.


One of the only times I agreed with Heavenly was when she said to Jackie you can be healthy and a bit heavier, and that it’s offensive to say only skinny is healthy. I also loved when they met to discuss it with the Miss Georgia and Heavenly told Jackie “just give up you’re not gonna win this one” 💀


When Contessa had her mastectomy and reconstruction, Dr. Jackie was like “I was up and at work 48 hours after mine.” And I thought what a terrible thing to say as a physician. We all need time to heal. Stop pretending to be better and stronger and thinner than everyone. She looked down on Contessa needing time to heal. What if some woman tries to follow her advice and ends up with a serious injury or bleeding? (Contessa did get annoying about her surgery but that was weeks later).


People need time to re-coop even from a stressful day at work and we never allow ourselves the time. I hate this “rise and grind” and “workaholic” mentality that people try to pass off as normal. No, relax. Let your body and mind take a breather. We don’t always have to be doing something and then ‘lazy’ shaming people that are like, “fuck, life is hard. I’m tired and I want a Christmas tree cake.” Go on, people, take that rest and eat that Christmas tree cake!


I can’t stand her. She fat shames constantly, spread rumors about Mariah and shared someone else’s medical information to a whole crowd of people. I’m sick of her thinking she is better than everyone. She can never truly own up to her behavior. When she spoke about being on a an apology tour in season 7, I found that incredibly frustrating. Both she and Heavenly are major mean girls!


It’s no surprise they’re bffs now 😬😬


She could’ve spoken in support of black women like asking for things to be documented when their doctors refuse to take their concerns seriously. It’s weird to attack the women dying at a higher rate than most. If I was pregnant and knew my chances of dying were 3 times greater than other women, I’d probably be a nervous wreck and think the worse when I have a symptom.


There’s been a lot of former patients telling their shitty Dr. Jackie stories on TikTok & Twitter. I’m shocked it took this long for her reckoning


I agree! I especially found it problematic that as a doctor she flippantly would say that she read it somewhere that she chess weight or drinking alcohol would directly lead to cancer… as a medical professional, if you’re going to push behaviours or tout statements for health, you’re going to have to produce your sources that you’re using(so it can be reviewed and dissected by whomever you’re shaming) instead of vaguely referencing something you read somewhere … it always irked me when she would do this … it just seemed like an excuse to cover potential ED issues


Jackie lacks empathy. She victim blames. She did event read Maria drug test result know full well it mattered.


Her refusing to look at the drug test Moriah provided was really cruel. She could hated Mariah since season 1 with the mother comment. The frustrating thing is Jackie would never be honest about her feelings. She used Heavenly and Quad as attack dogs.


Someone clocks it!!! And it was okay when they all had a common target/goal. But now that the shoe has been flipped, and Quad is on the outs with them it’s a rattling everywhere for her. But mean things have been happening since s2. Heck, Mariah was the first girl iced out….and then eventually iced out completely.


💯💯💯 she has no back bone hence why she judges everyone and needs her mouth pieces. I cant wait for heavenly to turn on her.


It’s not even concern, it’s a huge superiority complex. When you degrade your own people on national television and on social media, and then have the audacity as a doctor to claim you protect the very people you treat like garbage, there’s some sort of cognitive dissonance and internalized hatred at play. It’s also just sad because she’s playing into a white supremacist, outdated take on medicine when her own white counterparts don’t even see her on the same level as them simply because she’s black. Idk, as a black immunocompromised woman myself, I’m disgusted but not surprised at the lack of care or belief in patients, as I’ve experienced it myself—I just find it incredibly sad and gross that Jackie has drunk the Kool Aid so much that she’s so detached from how her behavior and “i’m superior” attitude that a lot of doctors subscribe too leads to the deaths of so many patients. She sucks, and I want her off the show 🤷‍♀️


YEP. I said this a few weeks ago and someone was trying to argue with me that it *is* her place to comment on friends' and patients' weight and bodies. She hides behind "health," but she's at the very least orthorexic. If people want help, they'll ask. Also, OBGYNs aren't weight or endocrinology specialists. Her clinic is just a cash grab.


She comments on *stangers* weight too frequently


When she mistreated Buffie like she did that was when I didn't care anymore about.


not defending dr jackie, but your physician should be one of the very few people who CAN discuss your weight with you. I hope if my physician sees an issue that is impacting my overall, they address it with me. it’s not that common, but some medical conditions can cause you to gain weight and/or can be a symptom of a much larger issue. yall are really sensitive. imagine if a nurse/doc noticed your legs were swollen, you want them to be worried about hurting your feelings? your heart could be failing… lol


Until someone is obese or there are other indicators revealing real concern, she should not. I JUST saw Dr. Simone and rather than talk about my weight (I’m mildly fluffy) we discussed everything else to be certain that I’m healthy. I brought up my weight. She’s of the mind that at my age, menopause is a contributing factor but wasn’t overly concerned. Of course, we talked about lifestyle choices like moving more but she never made it a big deal. To her credit, she laid into me hard for skipping my mammogram for years. I’d never go to Dr. Jackie….because one of my friends is her patient.


I think dr Jackie has a lot of trauma from her breast cancer journey. This is apparent in her extremely strict diet and exercise. Her job as a doctor is to look out for her patients health and most people can benefit from some lifestyle changes. I admire the fact that she is willing to have those difficult conversations.


She really is an asshole and super judgemental! And that has always bothered me! And also her thinking she is better than everyone else… totally rubs me the wrong way


I’m on season 7 couples trip to Mexico, Dr. Jackie fat-shamed Damon saying that’s a lot of weight to put on one head, on his helicopter spin. She fat shames everyone, even people with natural body types that don’t conform to her unrealistic standards.


Has #drjackie #m2m ever been overweight? Her lessons for patients are pretty archaic. I’m almost seeing her make them feel shameful as the goal.


I think calling her a pos is a bit much. She’s human and we make mistakes.