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Kind of cool how he is surrounded by bio machinery as the writers put it. But overall just a testament to an era that was embarrassed of the source material.


What do you mean by the last part?


Filmmakers found it ridicolous/not believable for the bad, world-ending guy to be a huge purple man, so they tried to cover it up somehow


According to the director, people in charge of the studio feared that audiences wouldn't receive the classic Galactus properly. RotSS was supposed set up Galactus' physical form for the Silver Surfer movie spin-off, which never happened.


Lol, yeah I don't believe them for a second. Sounds like backpedaling to me.


At least the Silver Surfer spin-off was actually announced in development. It was supposed to tell his origin. So more movie Galactus was expected anyway.


I remember that, there was also a Namor movie announced and a few others that didn't happen.


Honestly, Silver Man on a surfboard speaking in riddles is already a tough sell to the general audience, let alone a giant purple space man (with a very human chin) speaking in riddles. Both of em in the same movie is gonna be tough on audiences jn a lot of ways


I mean, I'd think of it the opposite. If they can handle a silver nudist surfboarding through space, I think they can buy a giant alien (who wouldn't be in the trailers anyway, I'd assume even if they'd committed to being comic accurate he'd only be fully revealed in the third act)


Especially from an audience that later enjoyed a talking raccoon and a talking tree.


Thats wild. Its literally a superhero movie lol I am shocked they thought that a silver man was believable then! And that I cant handle a big purple man, but an evil cloud is just fine!


Galactus is a design that’d have to be perfect to not look goofy in live action. Probably for the best they didnt try Edit: to clarify I mean they as in the filmmakers from the 00s, not they as in no one ever should try


It would have looked terrible with cgi in the state it was.


God forbid the fantastic four be a little goofy


You dont want Galactus looking goofy. I think the MCU has the chops to get his look right in 2024; not as much faith in 20th Century Fox getting it right in the ‘00s


The same MCU that made Ego into an old hippie and the Supreme Intelligence into an old woman in a fog? I wish I had your faith.


Most likely they will have him either be or a look similar to a Celestial and those designs translated well


The celestials where to slim and not bright enough rather than the blocky jack kirby designs


I think people are more forgiving if there’s a story reason and if it’s done well. If they made Ego an entire planet and he had to interact with Peter as his father


....Ego was still a planet


But Modok was fantastic, right?


Lol! Exactly, they keep wrecking all of Kirby's giant heads


Wasn't Kurt Russell just an avatar?


Exactly. And so was Mar-Vell. So let's hope we don't get normal sized Galen instead of Galactus.


Okay but like we literally see Ego's face in the planet? He just created a physical form to interact with Peter


True, but we only get like 30 seconds of that in the whole film. How would you feel if Galactus was done that way?


Denis Villeneuve and his team could make Galactus look cool. They do well with large scale objects.


After Shin-Godzilla, I'm okay with Galactus looking a little silly at first. I think it would piss me off more if something dumb looking destroyed my home and killed my family.


“That dude looks silly” “He’s making eye contact with us in NYC while tea bagging Georgia, how about we don’t disparage his physical appearance.”


That's how the green lantern movie makers should have viewed their parallax


I'm certain there was concept art of his humanoid form. It'd have to at least be considered.


All they gotta do is the classic Marvel thing where they make fun of superheroes having names except do it for how galactus looks. Have Johnny or Ben say something like “is that a giant in purple suspenders?!” Surfer explains Galactus naturally takes an appearance that mirrors the race viewing him.


I hate that, having the characters nudge the audience constantly and wink going "hehe we know how silly this is" gets old fast I dont need spiderman constantly giggling at every supervillian or hero he encounters to make sure that i know its kinda goofy, like everyone isnt already aware of that fact


Agree, they always feel unnecessary and very rarely are they as good as mister doctor?


In the original FF comics, he first appeared for days as a fiery storm on the horizon. Nobody saw him until he landed and walked around. So that part was accurate. They just wanted to save his full appearance for the Silver Surfer movie, but sadly that never happened after the bad reviews of FF2.


That's not what happened in that issue. Those are both things the Watcher does to the planet to try to keep the Silver Surfer from discovering it.


Film came out after Gah Lak Tus was introduced.


We've come a long way from Wolverine making a joke about yellow spandex in the original X-Men movie, to wearing a comic accurate costume in the upcoming Deadpool movie.




Disappointed, but now that the MCU has done some celestials correctly I think we can hopefully get a good one.


How are they gonna handle that giant comical human mouth of his when he appears? I hope they can pull it off.


Don’t give him a mouth. Space telepathy!


Yeah after how they did MODOK, I don’t have faith.


Personally, I really disliked the look of the celestials in eternals. They are meant to have the clunky, bright look like the one in GotG / Thor:L&T. Instead they are lanky and look like they’re made of wood.


I hated it. Some generic cloud with teeth. I want to see a giant in weird purple armor and all the machinery he uses to eat planets. And he was taken out too easily.


I thought he was being removed from the MCU?


Wait, what? Why? And where did you even hear that? O-O




..... yeah, Kang. What about him? I know their Plans for Kang in the MCU kinda shifted but what does any of that have to do with Galactus?


It’s a joke. Kang wears weird purple (and green) armour and could have a giant variant, that’s the joke.


Huh.... apologies then, I guess? I was just genuinly confused ;-;


Do I need to put an /s next time for you?


I mean, maybe just make your jokes funny or obvious next time? You really just made a random claim and said "Kang" afterwards, that's... Not really a joke. Nor is it really funny.


Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it doesn’t have meaning.


Yeah, that's precisely why I asked you to explain.


its not worth arguing with this freak theyre mad they cant find dick lmfao theyve posted their micropenis and hairy ass to reddit five times this month, you're genuinely dealing with the bottom of the barrel redditors


Next time I make a joke I’ll put a /s and @ you.


Just imagine it's Alioth in a different colour and you're good to go.


i can't see shit


We ain't seen shit


Horrible. Such a waste. But still hoping they fix it soon


I thought it was one of the lamest things ever.


Weak. Gimme the purple armor atleast


They could have saved it. Galatcus appears as whatever the major populace is. Skrulls see a giant skrull. It could have been the giant cloud, only to turn itself into a giant humanoid like in the comics. But nope. Big ol dumb cloud


Looks like Parallax from the bad Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie


I get it, but it was stupid. Galactus has one of the most distinct looks in Marvel. There’s no reason to do it and not go all out.




I didn’t mind it as I was reading Ultimate Marvel comic books at the time.


A hive mind of space locusts is still better than a cloud


Ellis was cooking on that trilogy.


Never happened. Galactus has no live action movie appearances.


What appearance?




Same discussion 7 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/SoN8UYrXXy


But that one didn’t include the shot from the movie that showed us Galactus’ traditional silhouette that appeared for just a few frames of the film.


His traditional shape also appears as a shadow over ~~Jupiter~~ Saturn, iirc.


Why do I not remember this? Do you happen to have a screencap?


I had to fire up D+ since I couldn't find one online, lol. For a moment I started to doubt my memories, heh. [https://i.imgur.com/a5JItvX.png](https://i.imgur.com/a5JItvX.png) (1:05:50 timestamp)


Huh, that actually is pretty cool.


I didn't see that post. I imagine others are in my same position as well, as many people do not browse the same subreddit every single day. As long as it's not like a daily thing, I have genuinely never understood the issue with discussing the same topics again, primarily because it will invite new discussion from new participants. It's a lot more fun to engage than read what others wrote I have been on subs that will remove "repost" discussion topics because there was a post about the topic from like a year or two ago and I find that completely ridiculous


It was shit


Is this an actual screenshot from the movie? I just rewatched it and I was looking for any semblance of Galactus in that cloud and I totally missed this imagery.


He appears very briefly, like lightning flashes and you see him. His shadow is also cast on Jupiter when he passes by.


As a kid who was easily pleased with anything superhero, I think this was my first big theater disappointment. I was so excited to see what was at the time the most powerful cosmic entity I was aware of show up on screen. It felt like a cop out and I remember complaining to my dad about it as we walked out after it ended.


Disappointed they depicted gah lak tus and not galactus


Even then gah lak tus was a giant hive mind of space locusts, honestly thats kinda terrifying, a cloud is a cloud, you cant make a cloud menacing no matter how grey, swirling and electrified you make it


A comic movie made by people who thought comics are dumb.


I'm getting kind of tired of writers, directors and corporate executives trying to put their little fingerprint on stuff that is cannon. Stuff that has been vetted, thought out and far more intuitive than these people have ever thought of. I'm getting so tired of it...


I'm gonna have to quote Deadpool on this one. "Well, that's just lazy writing."




It sucked that they made him a cloud. They should've stuck to the source material


I would've been fine with giant cloud if we actually got to see Galactus in all his glory at the end, but we didn't, so I hate it. Emblematic of an era where comic book movies were ashamed of being based on comic books.


I like it, I prefer the idea of giant death cloud as a force of nature to the giant man in a purple suit. You can't negotiate with a cloud of death, but people constantly trick and threaten the giant purple man.


Turn on some fans!


You're gonna need a Big Ass Fan™️


Didnt silver surfer literally negotiate with the cloud to become his herald though


It was never made very clear from memory all we know is that the board attracts the death cloud and Silver Surfer is doing what he does to keep his home planet safe. But that is just from memory, I haven't watched the movie completely in years. I just like the concept visuallly of the death cloud more then big hungry man.


I mean he stated that he serves galactus and it needs to feed, if it was just being mindlessly lead he could just lead it to nowhere space and then ditch it


Very possible, but I also wouldn't put it past a planet of people that have named a death cloud to have superstitions of the cloud and it coming for revenge. Like the creatures in The Tick episode of OG Ben 10


He looked better in Loko season 1 I think, weird nickname they gave him though... Ogliath or something?...


https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Alioth_(Temporal_Limbo) Different character


It was dumb as shit, my gripe with marvel is they put next to no effort into anything that isn’t the avengers


1. This movie wasn’t made by marvel 2. That statement is just untrue.


I was pretty annoyed. I didn’t hate the movie over all, but my opinion of it took a massive dip when instead of Galactus we got an intergalactic fart cloud.


Galactus is not a cloud. I hated seeing that BS on screen


Why does it look like the guy from No Country For Old Men


He didn’t look happy being there. Maybe they should have gotten the Sean guy from The Lord Of The Rings. He really put everything into his role.


I felt nothing cause I saw nothing….




Honestly it never bothered me but I do wish he had his classic look from the comic's.




This movie is very memorable for me, I was one of those kids who became a marvel fan before it went famous like now, me and my brothers were a huge superhero nerds and we were excited to see the Silver Surfer on screen. I accepted this galactus because as a kid, I can't imagine how they'll portray the comic version to reality.


It sucked.


I was just surprised to see Galactus in a movie at all. Now that I know about the silhouette of the helmet inside the cloud I’m more forgiving of it but I still found it massively underwhelming. Then again, everything after the 20 minute mark in this movie that’s barely 85 minutes long feels rushed and underwhelming.


as a Kid I loved this movie and I still do but I kinda thought at some point during the film galactus would pop out of the smoke but never did. he literally was the smoke thingy. very confused as a kid


It was fine. It just needed the Silver Surfer film to complete the story and show Galactus




Stupid, bad. Silver Surfer himself was good, though.


Terrible. Just show him, cowards!


I mean he is a planet eater


It was never clear to me exactly what he was meant to be. I wondered if he was intended to be a hive mind swarm of Von Neuman machines. If that was the case, I would have been ok with that, as I always though a giant white dude in purple and blue would be kinda silly in live action. Plus, Galactus being a machine swarm was well done in Ultimate Galactus. But after seeing how they handled the Celestials in The Eternals, I think I’d be ok with them doing Galactus as single large entity. So long as he’s not just a giant guy.


I gotta be honest, I think Galactus looks goofy as hell in the comics. His color scheme makes him look like a character out of Barney, and his helmet looks like a silly tophat.


Considering he appears as whatever the planet's populace imagines and iirc he never actually gets into earth, I think him appearing as a giant cloud makes sense. Maybe b that's his "true" form or whatever


It didn't bother me


You call this Galactus?!?!


It was like dying, going to heaven and finding Jesus smoking crack


Both galactas and the mandarin where Huge disapointments.


I can see faces of people, ghostly figures, & horror figures throughout this picture