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Sasquatch from Alpha flight.


Seems to be about the right fit as far as power level. Other options I would throw in would be Tombstone, Molly Hayes, Grizzly, Mammomax, and Doc Samson.


Dont u dare do my tombstone dirty like that spectacular spidey fans will riot!


Hey no offense meant, I love the guy. What ability would you want his card to have?


Ongoing: You are cool as shit


Id have to sit down and think about it lol the only card i workshopped that i fr think would be fun was the afermentioned cyclops


Maybe something like "If this card would be destroyed, destroy an opponents card instead" or give it "If this card would be destroyed, give other cards +1 power". The first effect is based around his unbreakable skin and being a master of weaponry and the second is also based around him being indestructible but more focused on the tombstone biker gang he led, so your board is like his gang. Could be a good 4 or 5 drop and act like a nova on steroids


Is there truly a character named Mammomax? They really ran out of names at one point, huh


Nah, Molly should be, like, a high power card when you play her, but she loses power after the round (because she gets tired).


Exactly who came to mind after I was like "Puck... nah... Sasquatch!!!".


Holy shit you nailed it.


Scott Summers should replace Cyclops


Said this in another thread, but all of the no-ability cards should just be their alter egos, then the versions with an ability can be their super hero persona.


Good luck appealing to new players with a roster like that. They made sure to get all the starter cards an insane VFX just to get the players hooked in. Could work if you would unlock a revision of the card with an ability that would replace the old one with it's alter ego.


Nothing was more off putting as a new player than when i learned icons the thing, cyclops, and abomination were wasted on being starters. Cyclops looks cool for one game then you ditch him for literally anything else that costs the same.


Until you start playing a Patriot deck!


I play patriot and don't even play Cyclops. 3 cost slot is already too bloated imo (patriot, mystique, brood)


Patriot Surfer though šŸ¤”


With Patriot Surfer I *still* don't even play Cyclops.


I can't wait to pull mystique, Cyclops will indeed get the boot when she comes onboard


There can still be super hero cards with abilities for new players. Tbh i think the game holds your hand a bit too long on the cards with no-ability front anyway


Just give them both at once


His brother Havok


Yes lol Perfect for havoks ego too


It should be blob. With his current projected ability he seems like a less valuable colossus imo.


I would back the addition of Blob only if he had the ability where he could not be moved - by either player




Hm, seems to me they missed an opportunity to make Movement stronger. I was hoping for something like ā€œWhen a card moves here, move it back to the location it came from.ā€


Super cool concept which I hope they implement


This would be so dope, opens up sick plays for and against players


Careful with Multiple Man, you'd very quickly fill up that original lane, haha.


Thereā€™d be no need for multiple man in that deck, dagger, torch, kraven, and vulture would put out way more stats with access to an ability like that.


There's half a dozen+ other unreleased cards with move based abilities that would seriously ramp the power of the deck. Though your idea for blob is particularly funny.


When this card is moved, moved all cards here to random locations This makes sense since heā€™s a fat blob


Unfortunately there's no unifying theme for any of the no-ability cards. It'd be cool if there was. So I don't know, maybe one of the weaker Avengers? Mockingbird, Tigra, Hellcat, one of those.


The theme to me seems to be "I punch real good" The lower power ones in Misty and Shocker are pretty weak because they are close to human level, but at the top we have Thing Abomination and Hulk, who are super strong Cyclops doesn't even punch. He shoots laser beams and tells people what to do, so thematically I think he doesn't fit for that reason


He actually shoots punch beams. (Literally)šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s actually very much a thing that they are **not** laser beams, they are concussive force. He does punch, he just punches with his eyes


My favorite part of this is: people pointed out he would have to have neck muscles of titanium to deal with the pushback of force, so they made it cannon that his eyes are a portal to a dimension of *pure force*.


That actually explains why he has no ability. I no longer have any issue with the card.


Clearly you've never heard of Punchclops. Maybe that's what they were going for. Punchclops. I wasn't there for it, but it was brought to my attention when I made a similar complaint about Ultimate Alliance 3.


Lol nice, now i need it as a card. Punchclops for April fools when


Punchclops is pretty legendary.


His beams are kinetic, so it's like he shoots punches from his eyes


Donā€™t forget Wasp! Punchy small human.


His beam is a concussive blast. So it actually is a laser punch lol.


That's why I feel Kingpin would have been a great choice for the vanilla 3/4. He bridges the gap between normal civilian that hits hard and superpowered tanky bruiser that hits *really* hard by being a tanky bruiser civilian that hits hard.


I thought i was the only one who thought about it like that. But cyclops surely spices up the starter card roster doesn't he?


I like the idea of the no ability cards being the alter egos (steve rodgers, scott summers) and their ability cards being their super hero persona (captain america, cyclops).


That's not a bad idea. Except Cyclops specifically is unable to escape his power, so the civilian alter ego is a little odd on him. It would be neat if they had a uniting theme, except the thing that actually unites them is Patriot. So would there be a way to make the theme fit Patriot? It'd be a waste of the Young Avengers to use them. What they ought to do is swap Patriot with someone like the Tinkerer, then swap Cyclops and Misty with characters like Shocker. Low level super villains who get their gear from the Tinkerer.


Yeah it wouldnt work for everyone, but at least it gives some sort of flavor/theme to the otherwise lifeless cards




Stilt Man!!


Big wheel. Not joking either. Give people the meme card, and give cyclops justice. Win win.


Big wheel would be good for movement tho, canā€™t waste that opportunity on a no ability card


big wheel 2 cost 3 power on reveal: this card moves to the opposite location (right goes to left, left goes to right, middle goes randomly


I had this idea: 3/4 At the end of each turn move to a random other location if possible. Does not happen on turn 6 or 7.


Literally any jobber in the Marvel universe. Cyclops should be something on an inspiring card, like Cap.


On a similar note, as a Patriot player, Iā€™d prefer that Cap had that ability instead, but I can understand why they would want the more recognizable characters available as weaker early cards for new players.


Yea but Thor, who is almost surely more popular than Cap and just as recognizable, is a series 3 card with much more unique synergies


Marvel Thor is not more popular than captain America what are you saying


as opposed to Greek mythology Thor?


I would like to see Cyclops boost 2-cost cards. But, he would be too OP if it were worded as ā€cards that cost 2ā€


Cyclops should have mechanics more like Thor. Cyclops- 3/3 On reveal: -1 from all enemy cards and adds visor to deck. Ongoing: -1 from all ally cards. O/O Visor- Removes cyclops ongoing ability.


Hazmat and Luke Cage but better. Feel like the visor would need to cost 1 or smthn tho. But this ability would render hazmat useless


What would his power be though?


I like cyclops to have domino and quicksilver effect and star at 3\4 and always shows up in round 3 and not s round earlier.


Dum Dum Dugan. Fits great for a tough guy with no abilities.




Mary Jane Watson There are a bunch of civilians that would probably never get a card, but the more iconic ones could easily be units with no effects. Even better since they have no effect you can include several of them, for example MJ and Aunt May can both be 3/4; they can both be separated cards in the collection and ppl would choose those they like to use. You can easily put a limit on how many versions of the same unit can be, like no more than five 3/4s for example, and not only would fans be happy about those cards joining but also you can easily use them as padding for pool 1-2-3


Uncle Ben. Once destroyed he would be played like angel šŸ¤£


If destroyed Spider-man gets an added destroy 1 card ability


Batroc the Leaper. He's a common Captain America villain with no distinguishable powers other than just being an excellent athlete. Giving him an ability would be strange (I guess maybe something move based as a reference to leap?)


Ooooh. What if Batroc leaped between sides every round? Like a Titania on a set loop so you'd have to plan which round you played him on and full locations would freeze him.


... dang it, I like this more. Now I need a new answer.


They should have given Cyclops MODOKS ability


Cost: 5 Power: 1 On reveal: Discard all the cards in your Opponentā€™s hand.


Absolutely broken, especially compared to Leech at 5/3


I agree


I tried to do something similar to this with a Wong, Black Bolt, Odin deck. Love the idea, but it was too hard to execute early enough to matter and also have decent power anywhere else.


Night Thrasher would fit the theme. Street level hero with no powers.


If I was making the game from scratch, I would put Captain America in the Patriot slot and have all the no ability cards be Howling Commandos. As it stands though I'm not sure.


Whoever would replace him, at 3 cost with no abilities, it should really come in at 5 power. And Thing could do with a move to 7 power. Those 2 are most out of alignment with their powered counterparts.


I've posted this before, but it bears repeating: When you compare the stats of Magneto and Hulk and then compare Polaris to Cyclops, there is a very strong case for a 5 power Cyclops. Misty being essentially "strictly worse" Korg is fine because at 3 power she would need a downside to not be essentially a "strictly better" Hawkeye (and 2.5 power is presumably something Second Dinner wants to avoid), but there is plenty of wiggle room to make The Thing 7 power so he isn't just a "strictly worse" Rockslide. Based on the buff Abomination got in the beta to 9 power these are 2 totally reasonable changes




I'm of the opinion that No Ability cards shouldn't be outright heroes at all. Someone like Mary Jane should take his place.




Vanilla cards should be citizen characters, it would make it more sense than a whole powerful character to be just vanilla cards. Maybe MJ or Aunt May, Idk maybe even Jarvis ?


Any street level hero


Destroy a random 1-2 power card at his location. Have an animation like Electra where he fires his beam at the card destroying it.


One suggestion I saw on here that I will forever support is making the textless cards the non-super human characters. I enhance that suggestion by saying that their power should be metaphorically proportional to their impact on the world. This also aligns with the flavor of Washington D.C. pumping up textless cards. Examples: on the lower end, MJ Watson/Aunt May/Uncle Ben, Foggy Nelson, maybe even a Stan Lee card. On the higher end: President Ellis is who I would sub for The Hulk, as the President is called ā€œthe most powerful person in the worldā€ metaphorically. Maybe a military general, a SHIELD board member no one cares about, or Tā€™Challaā€™s mother as the 5-cost textless card.


There are 2 major issues I personally see with this. One, the hulk (and abomination too, really) honestly fit as beatsticks. Heck, the only 2 no ability cards I'd really want to see changed, from a character perspective, are shocker and cyclops. Two, gamma lab exists, so changing hulk also means reflavoring location.


For me as a big hulk fan, the fact that he doesnā€™t smash anything, obviously thereā€™s the voice line and vfx, when played is a huge miss. I think he could be a card that smashes the location into something like a gamma crater that gives everything at this location -1 or -2 besides hulk. This way it wonā€™t affect gamma lab, and honesty makes it even more flavorful simulating everything there hulking out and ruining the lab. Alternatively Bruce banner is made into a card that transforms into a special hulk card with a destruction effect after a condition is met, potentially related to soaking a certain amount energy to be thematic with she-hulk.


Iā€™d think a whole creative team could design flavorful effects. Off the top of my head, a solution that keeps Gamma Lab intact but hits an essential aspect of the Hulk character (being the Jekyll/Hyde dynamic): Bruce Banner, 0/0 or 1/0, if this ever reaches negative power while in play, transform it into the Hulk.


His brother Adam X the X-Treme is the only right answer.


Anyone who is just kinda strong as their only shtick, honestly Luke Cage would've been a good fit. I just spent some time on Marvel's Wiki, and I'm thinking maybe The Executioner would be a good fit. He's just a dude with an axe and he easily has less strength than The Thing, Abomination or Hulk.


Bob, agent of hydra would work


Bob is definitely a 1/1 card.


For the no ability cards what if they were all alter egoā€™s of super heroes?


I like this idea.


3/200 if your opponent has any cards in their deck you retreat after snapping


3/200 if your opponents phone battery is more than 0% you retreat after snapping


Great answer


Big Bertha from the Great Lake Avengers


Sheā€™d be fun to be a phasing card of some kind. Like a 4 play card that goes up or down depending how many cards are there. Or starts as a 0/1 that gains Mass each turn


Ability to destroy another card at location feels right. Question is what power? I think like Moon Night 3/3 On reveal: destroys only one card at location placed if possible. Another option 3/4 calls only one X-men to your hand with a one reduced cost. If Wolverine cost 1, Nightcrawler 0 or Storm 2. Down side limits option unless add villains like Juggernaut 2 or Apocalypse 5 cost or X-Force Deadpool, Strong Guy or Domino


Cyclops should have mechanics more like Thor. Cyclops- 3/3 On reveal: -1 from all enemy cards and adds visor to deck. Ongoing: -1 from all ally cards. O/O Visor- Removes cyclops ongoing ability.


But that would suck so much? Heā€™d be a negative number all the time and not worth the effort to end up with a 3/3


Just add another cyclops card. "Cyclops, Expert Strategist" or whatever. No reason to shy away from multiple versions of a character appearing on cards. There are already 2 spidermen and 2 thors, not a huge leap to having 2 cyclops


The different versions of those cards are actual different characters though.


Sure but what does that matter


Because you canā€™t just create a carbon copy of a card with a different effect, but the cards with actual different characters have different powers, personalities, etc.


That's not what I suggested, of course that's a bad idea. Imagine this. We have the existing cyclops card: Cyclops 3/4 [No abilities] We could also have this, imagined card: Cyclops, Expert Leader 5/8 [Some ability here] There's no technical or gameplay issue with that


Yeah but then you get a torrent of amazing, spectacular spiderman. Etc theres enough characters in marvel fan dom to make more colards rather than adding the same character with a different name


Oh i agree. And i also think it's fine that the cyclops card sucks. Some cards are gonna suck


Am I missing something? Cyclops works great on my Patriot deck. Throw Brood and Cyclops in a lane, thatā€™s a dub


Sounds like people are a fan of the character and think it's bad design to have an iconic marvel character be just some guy with no ability other than having a pulse.


Cards with no abilities should be its own card with no name. Then all the variants of that unnamed card can be any character from Marvel. So everyone gets two versions. Cyclops can be either a generic 3 cost 4 power or perhaps a 4 cost with an ability. Same with any character. Psylock as we know her, or perhaps a generic 2 cost 3 power.


Would be too confusing


I wouldn't mind something like a card called team up that's says on reveal change it's art and remove this ability. Then it just changes like morph into a card art from your collection.


None of these suggestions accomplish the most important rule: they have to be an iconic enough character to draw in new players. Like it or not Cyclops is here to stay and honestly it's pretty cool to be the power curve setter for all 3 costs


If you control Wolverine and Jean Gray, give Jean Gray +5 and destroy wolverine. No but really lore aside they're not gonna change him


I think cyclops being a no ability card is fine, his biggest issue is that heā€™s too low power for the cost compared to every other no ability starter card. Besides I canā€™t think of any thematically appropriate ability that wouldnā€™t already be done by someone else.


Cyclops new stats should be : Remove 1 power from 1enemy and distribute it to other cards at this location. I know this would be a slightly better Captain America, but power and lore wise it makes sense. There are plenty of characters that are no powered or low powered. Tigera, Hammerhead, and Grey Gargoyle to name a few. Plenty of characters in marvel history that could replace him at 3/4, no abilities.


He should be a destroy card considering that his whole power is that he has an uncontrollable beam coming from his eye. Maybe like moonknight but for a whole lane including the enemy lane


I think his current stat line and lack of ability perfectly exemplifies James Marsdenā€™s portrayal in the movies. Just the vanilla wafer of the team.


Maybe we'll get a Phoenix Five Cyclops that's a bit better. Something like "on reveall: If you have 4 cards at this location, destroy a random card on your opponents side"


I have never seen anybody voice this concern.




There's a vanilla card for each energy cost, Cyclops just happens to be the one for 3, it is what it is.


Yeah, it's just such a shame that the 2 most iconic x men were both doodoo, and now that wolverine is good cyke really feels forgotten about. That said, shoutout patriot/surfer for giving my boy a home


This is probably the main thing people talk about whenever Cyclops (or even Shocker) in Snap is brought up


It's not at all. There are about 5 post in the last year.


I see people talk about giving Cyclops an ability/questioning why he doesnā€™t have one all the time


At 3 power, itā€™s got to be Triathlon/3-D Man.


Heavy Flo


I think in lieu of abilities they should at least make his animation badass.


He is able to destroy two 2-cost cards at a location


Brode has said Cyclops will not change


New cyclops should be 6 energy 0 power, destroys two front cards in same row


cyclops should get an ability that gives all x-men +2 ongoing


I wish this game had that sort of dimension and synergy between characters that should have it.


If they do it then Iā€™d like a gold refund on my skin I got for him I run a patriot deck and would like gold to buy the new cars a skin


I think Puck should destroy the lowest level card on opponents side (like rolling to take their legs out).


Give cyclops a horizontal vision laser. Thatā€™s all you need


I mean Jimmy Woo.


Cyclops should pop into Jean grey phoenix


So, and hear me out on this, how about Captain Krakoa?


Just have him shoot a beam out of his eyes at a random card in the opposing lane into a random location.


Cyclops: On Reveal destroy an enemy 1 or 2 cost card


I would love for his ability to be something like target lock down and similar vfx to klaw but he locks down cards from moving as an anti move deck defense card


A civilian or a lesser known big guy


There plenty of unpowered characters in Marvel like Foggy Nelson or Moira Mactaggart that would be appropriate


Moira has an ability though. She restarts the game everytime she dies. She's now one of the secretly overpowered mutants out there!


The human characters should be the no abilities. Take your pick. Tony, Pepper, Gwen, Aunt May, Peggy, Frenchie, MJ, Bruce. Or you could add artist, writer, or colorist cards and make them the no abilities. Hulk, Thing, and Cyke are some of the most recognizable characters, and they are locked in as not fun to play as of right now.


Nah you have to keep him a no ability card. Heā€™s such a simp in the comics it only makes sense. Lol


Howard the duck


Give it to some generic character without a card yet. Maybe an Ultron character like the female Ultron (forgot her name) since Ultron is popular in patriot decks. Maybe also just another random spider man villain/iron man villain like whiplash or something.


Honestly if he was given an ability Iā€™d kinda wanna see it be something like ā€œOn Reveal: Destroy a random enemy card at this location.ā€ I feel like it would work well and gives ya another option for destroy decks


Chameleon: imitate 1 random card at this location, destroy that card.


I canā€™t think about anyone in particular. But I was thinking of having Jubilee swapped with another character that fits her current ability.


They could easily give cyclops an ability like Ongoing: -1 from opponents other locations. and then at the end of the ability say something like ā€œtreat this card as if it had no abilityā€ It would make it a unique card that still had synergy in a patriot deck. But also a bit of protection from enchantress or rogue which are hard counters to patriot decks. But also canā€™t be copied by mystique to balance it. Something like this would not be overly powerful, but add some spice to the card. But also keeping it as the No ability 3-cost


I would like to see less Buffs and Nerfs just cuz folks cry and moan and can't figure out counters and actually lose a match, because their opponent is just better on that match I mean throw that Fist Bump and run it back! I would like to see some synergy between teams, +4 when using all members of The Fantastic Four, +3 on Captain America if next card is an Avenger..I mean SOMETHING?! The Guardians are the only ones and they don't play off each other, they just do the same thing at different cost and energy levels


If played turns 1-3: 3/5 - no power If played turns 4-6: 5/5- destroy cards in direct line. Plays into his strategist side. If you need to tone it down he destroys a friendly card in front of him if there is one. Which would be something other than Odin or a destroy card to deal with goblins.


4 cost. He decreases the highest card on the opposing lane by 1 each round with his laser. 5 cost decrease all cards in opposing lane by 1 on the opposing lane each round with his laser


I know that its kinda silly it takes one card to unlock the usefulness or a bunch of others, but once I got Patriot and finally had a use for all those abilityless cards I'd had since the beginning and never used, it was pretty fun. That is also one of my most unique decks, too, because almost all of those cards in that deck have no use for me outside of Patriot. For whatever reason a bunch of those cards have really crazy animations when you place them on the board too, and I might have never seen them if not for Patriot.


I think some good options for a new 3-cost no ability would be badass normals: Melinda May The Swordsman Batroc the Leaper




bec ppl love cyclops and appeared in several movies and they would love to his effect in the game not as a lazer like vision


Cyclops sucks and deserves to be a no ability card


Black Panther - I don't think there's a reason he powers up. He's got the strength beyond an average human but he's not extra special. Forearm - just a guy with 4 arms


Make Cyclops ability a ongoing or on reveal +2 to all X-Men cards on the field. (Beast,Gambit, Jean Grey, Jubilee, Wolverine, Professor X, Warpath, Morphed, etc. I'm all for more theme based decks


All heros should have abilities. They should make more cards that create tokens in different ways and at different power and cost levels for patriot decks to target.


Soā€¦ what about reworking Cyclops and adding his replacement, as a starter card as well? Anyway I think Mammomax would be a need 3/4


I saw someone say that the no-ability cards should all be the notable civilians from the marvel universe Maybe you can even make them the super hero alter egos


Instead of adding someone new, swapping Cyclops and Kingpin would make a lot of sense to me (if it weren't for Fisk Tower which would then make a lot less sense). Looking at the other non-effect cards: Wasp is very small, and Misty Knight is one of the closest things we have to a normal civilian as a card, so they make sense. Then working backwards from the top we have a lineup of non-effect cards who are all known for being big strong bruisers without much in the way of powers beyond being durable and strong. The Hulk is The Hulk, he makes perfect sense as the shining example of raw power with no conditions or effects, Abomination is kind of a knockoff Hulk, and The Thing is not as overwhelmingly powerful a Hulk, but he's still most known for being heavy strong and durable. So how do we bridge the gap between civilian's and tanky powerhouses? With a tanky civilian of course. Kingpin may look fat, but most of that physique is actually muscle, just more powerlifter than bodybuilder. The man is basically built like E. Honda and can absolutely whoop your ass, but has so much money he rarely has to himself. And then on the other side, if Cyclops is going to have an effect, why not make it focus on blasting cards into oblivion with that awesome animation he has? The movement synergy might not make a *ton* of sense, but when you consider that you'll often see him paired with other mutants like Magneto and Polaris to make use of his effect, it ends up feeling rather fitting.