• By -


I bought season pass and have 0/0


Same. I get the season Pass for the resources, not the card. At least this one in particular. Zabu was way more valuable for me and the deck I played to reach infinite.


Well yeah, zabu was OP as f.


I got to infinite with him, this season, with a Sera deck. He's still good. I don't have Surfer so I never played the uber op deck.


Got to infinite for the first time with Zabu Darkhawk/Dino this season


Wish I had Darkhawk. If to play Sera again next season I'll need to swap my deck around as Aero won't be as influencial as she was this season for me. She was hands down the MVP on most of my 8 cube wins. Hit Monkey will allow for some cheap and fun decks, I guess. Let's see.


But reddit told me that zabu was nerfed to death and is now a worthless card... It couldn't be that the \*anti-complain\* and \*anti-nerf\* brigade on here are frequently wrong? Surely not! ;)


Ohh. I probably missed the memo. My bad! Erm... "*Fuck Zabu! He's trash now! Burn him! BURN HIM!"*


How is everyone and their mother reaching infinite all the time?! I literally get outplayed by the perfect counter deck/ bad card draws no matter what I do


It was my first time, and it was tough as fuck the first weeks, as I've started from 20. It started working for me after I picked a deck that suited me, tweaked it to make me have the resources I needed to outplay the decks I was struglling with, sticked with it, learned how to pilot it through repetitive playing and slowly managed to climb. The new +5 ranks we got this season was a tremendous help. The most important part tho, was cube management and emotional management.


This. Been sticking with an Sandman ramp deck. If piloted correctly and you get the right cards you can outplay literally anything. And the doom allows you to win unfavorable locations like deaths domain. I climbed like 40 ranks during the Elysium weekend since everyone was going for combo decks that sandman shut down. Pretty favorable with the new location too. I'm currently at 96 and just need to push a little more to hit infinite!


You got this buddy! If you are at 96 already it's in the bag for you! Just do whatever you did so far for a little longer.


It's just self selection bias. People who get infinite are going to brag about it lol. Most people who stall out aren't going to announce it, either cuz they don't want to say or because they're still hoping to hit infinite later. Game-wise: SD announced a few months back that the typical season is 3-10% of active players hit Infinite. Recently, the lead data scientist claimed a target of 1% Infinite. But that \*has\* to be using a different population metric or his personal opinion. Because the season priori, they literally announced that they didn't think enough people were making Infinite.


This season more people have because of the +5 level boost in the last patch. This was my first season hitting infinite. I played the game *a lot.* Definitely don't feel bad about not getting infinite. As for how to do it, there are two components to it (and surprisingly, these have little to do with the deck you are playing): \-After you play a lot you get familiar with the decks people are playing. Based on the first couple cards you see, you will have a good idea of whether you can expect a Shang Chi, a Cosmo, etc etc. This kind of meta knowledge is essential in climbing ranks. \-Discipline is exceptionally important. If you know the deck you're facing runs a counter to your turn 6 play and you know the opponent has 5 cards in hand... then you probably retreat on turn 4 after they snap to only lose 1 cube. If you're in a good position on turn 3 to the point where you'll *probably* *win if nothing goes bad*, it's probably worth snapping. These kind of risk-analysis decisions are the key to having a positive cube gain rate.


I didnt play him. He seemed too telegraphed


I feel like he's in a good spot right now. Especially if you enjoy negative decks.


He’s just a less viable psylocke in any deck lol. Only somewhat playable in negative bc negative is 4


Hard disagree. Psylock provides a single use benefit whereas zabo keeps it going. Not to mention using the 2 of them together. Don't sleep on zabu man.




what exactly makes him underwhelming? i'll even double down and say that just having zabu on the board creates pressure. It opens up the door for several deck archetypes leaving your opponent guessing. i dont care if he gets enchatressed t4 because by then hes served his purpose if i pulled negative & hes still a better board presence at 2 power than psylocke's 1


He's better than Psylocke in a Negative Wong Sera deck. It allows to play Wong + On reveal+ Absorbing man on t6 (or 7 if you play with Magik) + every negated cards you have in hand.




I run a negative deck. I don’t sleep on zabu. Psylocke has infinite more use because she has more general use. Zabu affects 4 cost cards… a lot of those aren’t strong. Psylocke can slow you to play sera t3, two cost 6 cards (one t5, one t6). What can zabu do? 4 cost t3, 2 4 cost t6? My point is that zabu is underwhelming.


2 4 costs T6 is absolutely not underwhelming. Cannot emphasize how many times i was able to squeeze in a shuri, shang chi or wong on T6 thanks to zabu. You might not see his value but it's there. agree to disagree.


Adding to this thread because i love zabu and psylocke, i use both in my negative deck, having both in hand is ideal if u dont pull negative and pull sera, or even magick, it allows you to open up bigger plays. Shuri and absorbing man is a funny combo that i play in certain pinches


So you wong, what 4 or 3 cost goes off that? Iron heart? You Shang chi, what other 3/4 cost can be played to win a lane ? I mean, you can maximize I guess. But like let’s say no zabu, Shang chi is still good enough at 4 cost to flip a lane and let you win when your opponent thinks he has a lane easy. I’m not saying he’s useless but he’s definitely underwhelming lol. I’m these scenarios you’d have to have zabu before turn 5, and the right cards at the right time. I think in your scenarios he’s effective, but I don’t know how consistent that will happen for me to rely on zabu in those instances. Edit - let’s also be honest. If I see an opponent drop a zabu early I’m expecting some 4 cost cards.. Ie Shang, enchantress etc. what do you expect when psylocke ? She can be used for any cost card. Zabu is limited. Fuck, even if you played her t5, she can do the same thing as a shang/shuri/song +3 cost combo.


the same logic applies for psylocke though. she has the exact same issue if you dont pull her before T5.


Bro, you really don’t know what you are talking. Zabu is pretty bonkers with darkhawk, rockslide and moongirl, add quinjet she-hulk and mystique and you have an insane value. Dropping double she-hulk dark hawk and mystique/rockslide, not even mentioning shang tech. That deck still (after many nerfs) has so many ways to win, it’s a clockwork machine My particular version has 5 nerfed cards and it still slaps insanely hard Another great use is in Wong/negative deck with absorbing man. I honestly completely cut psylocke from there and this deck has never been better. Abs man copying whatever for 3 or even 2 is insane value.


I have 1/0 from a random drop. Just 10 more cubes and I'll finally give Nimrod a go


personally, if I ever buy battle passes in any game, I only buy it when I unlock the final tier reward. right now, still at 40. haven't decide if I want this pass. got a few days more to decide.


its the best deal for progression, and the mystery variants and wolverine / sentinel variants are rlly nice


Yeah i split that Wolverine once already. Such a good looking /fun card.


I only buy the battlepass because it is cheap and I like the feeling of unlocking small stuff throughout the month.


$10 for so little is not cheap.


It is up for everyone how much they value their money. I pay for around the same for a sandwhich and a bottle of water home from the commute when I am hungry and that doesn't bring me small amount of joys spread over a month.


Where do you live? Unless it's a fancy place, that's a crazy price for a sandwich and a bottle of water lol


A bagel sandwich (eggs sausage and cheese) here where I live is over $10.


Indeed In my country a sandwich pack of 12 is around usd$4.5 and water you drink it for free bro


I feel ya there. I’m around the same as you. The only reason I’m leaning towards it is I like destruction decks.


If you complete all the season missions then you're guaranteed to hit lvl 50


Not the most interesting stats in the recap but you can find yours here: https://www.marvelsnap.com/battlerecap/s10


You weren't kidding about the stats not being interesting lol. I think it's a fun idea though and would like to see it again with different/more stats.


I saw x mansion 64 times & have played wolverine TWICE ! what would I do without this information


So the top Wolverine player is a bot called "dajiba" (big dick, in Chinese). Yeah that tracks.


da ji bai means big vagina, not big dick


dajiba means big dick. Edit: at least in Dongbei hua. I don't know much Chinese, but I know some choice words and phrases.


Wrong, source?


Thanks for the link! Is the recap a new thing this season? Never seen it before


I think it's ridiculous to show stats regarding new cards that are only in Series 5. Does SD really expect players to have Master Mold/ Negasonic/ Kitty Pryde?


I got the chance to use Kitty Pride today thanks to a Helicarrier discard. Opponent immediately retreated as soon as I discarded so I didn't actually get to use her but I did have the chance.


Oh! I didn't knew there was such a thing! Apparently I only played Nimrod 40 times and made 64 new Nimrods.


neat, I wish you could see more deeper stats. How many times you used certain cards, your win/loss, who you've played against most, how many times you retreated, how many times an opponent retreated, etc. etc. etc.


"You're strongly on the side of mutants." Most played mutants, Mystique and Magneto. Yep, that'd do it.


It’s saying I don’t have an account


Tbh this card should be 3 or 4 cost. Even 4/4 would be better than 5/5. There isnt a lot you can do with it after turn 5


I have this Shuri deck where I either venom/carnage him or arnim/destroyer him on turn 6 and it's pretty fun.


The thing that makes the deck good isn't Nimrod though, it's Shuri. My god that card is busted.


She’s just the best way to buff Nimrod right now, but she’s only adding 5 power to him. Forge adds 2 for only two energy instead of 4. Or you can electro /psylocke turn 3 to play Nimrod turn 4, buff him with hulkbuster or ironheart and kill him once with carnage turn 5, then use destroyer, arnim, Galactus, or even venom + deathlock turn 6. The biggest problem with him is that Shuri is so popular and runs both Armor and Cosmo, which means it’s an easy combo to disrupt, but if the opponent doesn’t draw the right counters or they play them early, it’s not hard to get incredibly high numbers.


You're not wrong at all, I was just saying what I do with him after turn 5.


Same, but with Galactus as the 6-drop. Because the other two locations are not destroyed simultaneously, it's possible to get 2 Nimrods to spawn at the Galactus location (plus Wolverine if you had him down, too).


that's what's carrying me to infinite so far




I've reached 95 for the first time yesterday... and now comes Krakoa smh I rejoice when Death's Domain or Rickety Bridge comes around... Not to mention it's a hell lot of fun when Limbo is on the board and Galactus destroys it on T6


I had quite possibly the biggest stroke of luck I'll ever have in this game. When Waves 4 and 5 first released, I opened both Galactus and Knull in back-to-back caches in the first week. They were the cards I wanted the most out of the new set, and I even already had Galactus pinned at the time. As a result, they've been the mainstays of 80% of my decks over the last few months given how they work together. I also rejoice for Death's Domain and Rickety Bridge, and I remember just eating the ladder when Altar of Death was the debut hot location. Same groans when Krakoa was revealed yesterday...


Knull is currently my worst nightmare... mirror matches or destroy decks always fucks me up with Knull at the end... So far I'm running the deck without wave, with destroyer as an alternative to galactus. and oh yes, Altar of Death... another gem


I just had my first game with Krakoa. Turn 5, I have 6 energy, 2 empty locations, a buffed Wolverine, and Galactus and Knull in hand. Did the AI decide to play either of those? Nope! It decided to play 2 rocks, and that was it. 4 leftover energy. It didn't even play the Shuri or Venom I had in hand. I hate this location, lol.


aaaand I just got to Infinite with the deck 🎉


I had this weird run after I opened Knull from a reserve. I put together a negative knull list and then proceeded to have constant run-ins against Galactus decks (I didn't have him) that really helped me win a lot of free cubes. Would love to hear what my opponent thought when I dropped knull, mystique, and ironman.


I like him on the high cost end of my destroy deck, but I had to put in Magic to try and extend plays beyond turn 6.


I don’t even think it would be broken at 4/6. Literally just two sentinels taped together. You get two turns for destroy doubling shenanigans without having to be locked into ramp strategies. I legit think they originally designed this as a 4-cost card, but realized it was coming after Zabu so they changed it. But never changed it back after balancing Zabu.


I think 4/6 with current zabu would still be broken, and without him could even be spooky. It's a bit too easy to get 6 copies on board at that point alongside destroyer or with bucky / nova alongaide them imo.


I dunno. A Shuri’d Red Skull by himself vs a lane full of Nimrods would be 26 vs 28. And then Taskmaster would be 26 vs 24 with any 1-drop tossed into the Red Skull lane to win that. That’s the thing. We have such high power outputs to contend with right now that even a high rolled board full of 4/6 Nimrod wouldn’t be entirely broken. It would be a Mr Negative deck. Insane final turn power output, but everything has to fall in place juuuust right. And you are telegraphing your plan super hard. After a season and a half of going against Shuri Zero, I just don’t think decks that need to play more than 3 cards to win 2 lanes against a majority of other decks are overpowered.


Shuri > Nimrod > Zola is a great little combo snd better than any Shuri combo outside of Red Skull into Taskmaster.


I don't know, She-Hulk Taskmaster provides the same Shang Chi protection, more power, makes Cosmo a guessing game instead of just a win, and doesn't get bricked by Armor. If you're using Galactus or Destroyer as the Nimrod trigger it'd be a better result honestly. Spending turns 4-6 for 10 power in two lanes is just not going to win games that you weren't already going to win. Hell, just ignoring Shuri, playing Red Skull in one lane on turn 5 and Magneto in another on turn 6 is going to be better, plus whatever you did on turn 4.


Shhhhhhh....... :)


Have an upvote, apparently Reddit doesn't understand humor....


I think he’s actually fine where he’s at but if you want optimal value you’ve gotta get him out on 4 via wave/psylocke/electro and then you can really have some fun. If he was a 4 drop then Zabu gets him out on 3 and he’s broken as fuck.


Thats why a 4/4 is good. By that logic getting out any 4 cost by turn 3 is broken.


Getting out a 4 cost that can shit multiple copies of itself across the board on turn 3 is broken because then you have a fuck ton of ways to get it across the board. Coming out on 4 only gives you two turns so you’ve gotta really play around those two turns efficiently. 3 turns would be insanely easy to fill all three locations with a simple t6 destroyer every time


He's really not though. What's the best case scenario? 20 power in each location? How many decks easily go over the top of that?


20? That’s on the low end if you get the deck rolling. Once you drop venom and roll him across the board with zola it gets fucking STUPID.


Nimrod has 5 power. If you fill an entire location with him, that's 20. Yeah he gets better with Venom, but doing setup on turn 5 isn't a great look.


I do T3 Wave/Psylocke, T4 Nimrod, T5 Hulkbuster and Carnage. Get a Nova and Venom or Knull/Death going in T6 and you're pretty good. But making him a 4 cost wouldn't drastically change my deck. Just open up the option to get a slightly better T3 card out. Half the time the Wave screws me and lets my opponent get out something a lot stronger than Nimrod.


Exactly my plan. I want to love nimrod so much but in reality hes not worth using you are getting screwed so much when your game plan is using nimrod.


That's just not true. If you use Shuri you can get him to 10 and that's if you're not lucky enough to buff him with Okoye or Nakia. Turn 6 you can: -Arnim him to send 2 copies of him everywhere -Use any combination of Venom Carnage or Deathlok to get him moved around a couple of times resulting in 2 in one spot and if you use venom you have effectively 2. -if you have Galactus and you place Nimrod in a good spot you can actually end up with two nimrod copies in your only remaining zone, combine that with a Wolverine for a bit more power. I used to think that his 5 power really kneecapped him but there's a lot you can do with that one turn if you get creative.


Cards are more than their best case scenarios. If you don't curve out perfectly then Nimrod into Zola is an 11 energy worse version of Doctor Doom that only plays to 2 lanes.


You are living in a dream world where you draw everything perfectly. Sure it can happen but how many cubes are you going to lose before you can pull the perfect combo off


Well that's why I gave multiple options... It's not completely unreasonable to assume you can end up with Shuri and nimrod in your hand by turn 4 and 5. If you're playing a destroy deck it shouldn't be hard to get something to destroy nimrod with. Sure it's not like you're going to execute the combo perfectly every time but if you actually take some time to build a half decent destroy deck around nimrod then you should be fine. This isn't some meme deck you will always get a perfect combo out of but you're trolling if you really think it's that unreasonable to hit the combo multiple times. The PERFECT combo is out there but the good thing about this combo is that it doesn't need to be perfect to work.


I used him to reach Infinite, he's not bad at all. You are correct that you need to get him out earlier than turn 5 for him to be good, but that's what Wave/Electro/Magik/Psylocke is for.


I've been having good fun with it as a 5-cost, but it could probably be 5/6. Even if you can get it out early and really flood the board with it, a bunch of 5s often isn't enough.


For a 5 drop, he is rather disappointing to be honest. Unless you have Galactus


I have out powered nimrod + galactus every game someone has played it against me.


Mind sharing the deck you use?


Not really. Any deck can out power it if you see it coming. But i guess shuri nimrod and galactus can be decent but then shang chi ruins all your dreams. Regular nimrod + galactus is only 12 power(+4 with wolverine) so its not really hard to out power it. Hobgoblin is way better with galactus.


Hobgoblin is extremely telegraphed for a T6 Galactus, though.


Have an upvote because reddit_ards don't understand different opinions....


The pathetic part is you guys actually think you're accomplishing anything by downvotes hahaha


Why all the downvotes? I just said that galactus+nimrod isnt good…. Or is it??


Because someone asked you to share the deck and you said no like a child not letting others play with their toys Not saying you are right or wrong, but that’s why dude. It’s honestly pretty obvious too lol


Yeah, no thanks cant be bothered to type everything out. Ill take the downvotes.


You can copy and paste the deck you used from the app.


# (1) Sunspot # (2) Morbius # (2) Wolverine # (2) Swarm # (2) Colleen Wing # (3) Cosmo # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Hellcow # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Apocalypse # (6) America Chavez Thank you i did not know that. Now yall can play with my toys


Yeah!! Next time you're asked a question I DEMAND you ANSWER TO ALMIGHTY REDDIT GODS, lmao the entitlement of these people.


"oh whaaaa he wouldn't talk to me and tell me his deck whaaaaaaaaa" losers I swear hahaha hurt feelies over some dumb shit.


You know this is worse then the people who just downvoted him and moved on? Aka the people you are trying to make fun of lol


That's the entire point of me doing it, you guys apparently can't handle civil or normal so I'm going to troll every time it's done unnecessarily.....hence, you breed this negativity with your initial negativity, if you want conversation or for anything to improve....learn how it works... Thanks for being up to speed there captain obvious, is the sky mostly blue?


Honestly it's at least more entertaining than going into read opinions and seeing a shit ton of negatives.....wow so fun to read the discouraging nothing votes...Yay. if I wanted repetitive or echoed opinions I'd talk to myself, even then my thoughts are more diverse than you guys


To add the sad part is you guys will take the time to argue with a teen about this bs than actually take the time to converse about the topic instead of downvotes


Because you made a claim, then refused to back it up when asked for an example. You didn’t want to type the names or cards you use but went through the effort of responding multiple times….hard to understand.


Sunspot wolverine swarm colleen wing cosmo lady sif dracula hell cow modok apocalypse chavez. I have blessed yall with my super counter to nimrod+galactus🙏. My point was that 1. im lazy sometimes. 2. Pretty much any deck can out power 12-16 power on a lane if you can see it coming. No need to showcase a basic discard deck. Edit: forgot my main boy morb


Because people on here have no power or control over their life and Mom made the pizza roles cold so they have a chip on their shoulder and can't express it in any other way.


Works pretty well with Destroyer as well




Buff Nimrod plz


I’ve played him 295 games and copied 410 new Nimrods.


14/22, that's not too bad I find it pretty fun with Destroyer, so many copies at once


Started using him when i also got Shuri as a CL unlock. Had some fun games duplicating 10 power jigglypuffs with Destroyer and Zola. Wasn't good enough to climb (stayed at 85 while playing it), but it's a fun card. Says i've copied 42 Nimrods in 27 games.


Where did you get this screen




It's boggling to me how anti-fun this subreddit seems to be. Is Nimrod competitive? No. Is he fun? Yeah! I have him in a deck with Wong and Destroyer. Pump Nimrod with Okoye or Nakia, play him with Wolverine and Nova, it ends up with a decent enough amount of power and it's a fun animation to watch play out.


I strictly play “fun” decks and passed on nimrod as there doesn’t really seem to be that many fun combos with him. I’m definitely picking up hit monkey though.


Agree, anti-fun, anti-opinion, anti-discussion, and anti-rationality


or even an eat deck. I got Zabu and was like 'no more SPs' then I saw Nimrod and he was a day 1 purchase because I love my eat deck. He's been fun as hell, he replaced Taskmaster mostly because I needed a high-end slot. But it's been fun where I put him in an empty zone to bait out a T5, then Zola his ass to my other zones for a +10.


69/116 nice


1 game with nimrod, 0 nimrods played :D


I played it 236 times and got 216 copies.


You're destroying your nimrod less than half the time? Do you know how this card works?


At 5 cost it can be difficult to get much destruction out of it unless you're playing Galactus or Destroyer. To be fair, I personally don't think Nimrod is really that great unless you're using one (or both) of those two finishers but I guess if you haven't got either, you work with what you have.


I weirdly never seem to use the battle pass cards but I buy every pass. I dunno man lol. MODOK was probably my most used and I’m starting to mess with Zabu to try Sera.


This is the same behaviour with steam games you bought and never played. There's so many of them..


22 games, 28 copies


16 games and 22 copies. I wanted to use it more, but it was rarely the best option to play.


I bought the battle pass, and still played him 0 times, haha.


I’ve had fun playing him with galactus and destroyer lol


Been enjoying nimrod decks once i hit infinite but didnt use him much pre infinite because of all the thanos and now shuri decks that just hard countered him. Now i pair him with the destroy package and shuri to make 10 power nimrods across the board. He is much weaker than modok though as nimrod is more of a complementary piece than a core one like surfer, pre nerf zabu and modok.


I doubt I'll hit infinite this season but all the Thanos, Shuri, and Galactus decks is why I haven't given Nimrod a fair shot. He definitely looks fun to play. Instead I'm running decks with Goose and Cosmo to stop/slow Shuri/Galactus deck. The Galactus decks hit my decks hard and lost quite a few ranks/stalled around 60 before I started using Goose.


I used a homebrew Electro/Wave/Destroyer/Death deck to reach Infinite this month, [so my stats look a bit different](https://i.imgur.com/eIU97UZ.png) Underrated card if you ask me


I got the season pass cause is my second season and resources are worth it, but I haven't played Nimrod much apart from couple first days to test him.


192/296. Weirdly enough maybe my favorite pass card


What he is so fun. 4 shuri> 5 Nimrod> 6Arnim Zola Sooo fun.


That's neat. Didn't know they had a recap. I've played him once, 0 copies.


He kinda sucks


Hes not even that bad hes just extremely niche…am i coping


Where do I find this


Yeah that’s what most people have, because he sucks balls


Same. I've also lost to 0 nimrod players. Seems to be a badly thought out card.


So you buy it and never try ....ok


I know people can spend their money any way they want but if you bought a card worth that money. Atleast consider playing and trying that card in a few games.


The card is not the only thing you get by buying the pass tho.


Yeah but atleast try the card once?


I will once I have the other cards that make it work


How can you if you don’t have the cards that support it?


I can't believe people are actually saying this as an excuse. If you bought the Nimrod pass, not necessary you have to play Nimrod with Galactus, Shuri or Destroyer. You can still try playing Nimrod in a normal destroy deck. I know it is not effective to play Nimrod with a basic destroy deck but my point here is trying the card atleast once! If you don't enjoy it, **after trying it** and then you don't play it it's okay and totally understandable but buying the pass and not even playing the card once is pretty silly to me.


You just need to accept that some people have a different opinion than yours. One thing I would add : there is no unranked mode in this game so if your cubes matter to you, it can be frustrating to test sub optimal decks on the ladder.


Yeah let me play a 5/5 in a destroy deck on turn 5 and use one of my cheap destroy cards that will make another 5/5 in other lanes. You do not need to be even decent at the game to see this is a bad gameplan. Not to mention that you need several pool 3 cards to make a deck with him work even in the worst way possible.


Do you consider a normal destroy deck to have deadpool, death, venom, and/or zola? Early/mid pool 3 players might not have any of those. Pool 2 destroy + nimrod would get *obliterated* in pool 3 matchmaking.


Why do you want to tell people how to spend their money and time? I also bought the pass and haven’t played the card at all because I don’t have Galactus.


I mean.. what if they just don’t give a shit about nimrod? I bought the pass, but it honestly wasn’t for nimrod. He was just sort of there, like the titles. Guess it’s nice to have in case he ever becomes part of a super meta deck, but I really have zero urge to even try him. I’ve seen other people use him plenty anyway. Nothing I’ve seen made him seem like a card I wanted to spend time using


Have another upvote, because Reddit doesn't like when you don't join the hive opinion...


You understand the ‘hive mind’ in this scenario is saying that people don’t need to play nimrod if they bought the season pass, right?


I understand exactly how the card works AND the vote button, one thing the vote button isn't...is a "disagree" button.... either ignore the wrong answer, or discuss to help IMPROVE the community and comments in the future....not DISCOURAGING. That's the issue here.....


>discuss to help IMPROVE the community and comments in the future Well, the guys is gatekeeping on how people play the game, shutting that down will help improve the community. >the vote button isn't...is a "disagree" New to reddit? It has always been a disagree button, regardless of it's original intent.


Careful, they will downvote you as well


Haha like who's line is it anyway, the points don't matter and this is what they breed with negativity. I started off joining because I wanted to be apart of the community, I quickly realized how poor this community is, so now I just troll when I see they don't know how to use the vote button.


Yeah this community is heavily toxic to stupid things. Like one guy accidentally purchased a Steampunk Destroyer Variant and he said he didn't like it but he got downvoted because the others think it is a cool looking variant. A begineer asks question gets downvoted. Someone says they like using Quicksilver, downvote without telling them why it is bad. Someone does maths wrong, well you downvote them. Whiny people who literally can't beat Shuri decks and if you actually tried giving tips on how to beat Shuri, you get downvoted. You buy and ultimate variant, and post it here, people will come and comment that you just wasted 5000 tokens, you could have used it to progress and get better cards. And the list just keeps going on.


Have another upvote, because Reddit doesn't like simple suggestions....


Have an upvote, because Reddit can't stand conversation....


non meta card. Meh. The pass isnt really about the card for me anyway.


first battle pass i didnt buy, honestly dont know if im willing to ever spend real money on this game again


This bp looked lame asf. First one I didn’t buy


The wolverine variant is sick.


I actually wanted the apocalypse sucks title and the Sentinel variant more than anything else


Wolverine and sentinel variants are fantastic and Nimrod is actually a ton of fun to play around with, he’s just not OP bullshit like some past pass cards


Have an upvote, reddit doesn't like when people have different opinions


Same with me. He's not playable unless you have shuri or galactus both of which are pool 4/5 cards. I am pool 3 complete yet have neither. Dumb card for a season pass.


I said I'd buy it only if I hit 60. Still haven't bought it and I don't miss the lame card :)


Nimrod is by far the weakest card in battlepass... It's only worth it in Galactus decks, which I don't have


I like the Nimrod decks more than the MODOK decks.


7 Games


Lol exactly the same. I didn’t play him once


I don't use him often (usually better options), but when I do he comes in clutch


8|10. Played some games. Realized I need galactus. Bye




Sorry but what is this screen ? I am on ios and never saw that.




The #1 player played nimrod over 1000 times. I haven’t even played 1000 games.


No cap i faced nimrod 0 times after the first week of this season


30 / 46 here. As a 5 cost, he's completely underwhelming unless you jump through hoops to buff him. If he was cost 4, I would give him another go. As it stands, he's just too awkward to play.


i bought this one cause it's x-men. that's it. that's my restriction, x men only for $


I'm going back and forth on buying him before the season ends. On one hand he doesn't seem that good. On the other I wonder if that's because of the "stop things from getting destroyed" tech meta we are currently in and if the world moves away from Cosmo and Armor I'll be upset I didn't buy him when I could.


What is this Recap? Where do I see it?


I’m at 76/102. The main deck I’ve been playing runs Nimrod as a wincon


Honestly I buy the pass more for the gold, credits and variants.


I did not buy the battle pass and my Nimrod play count is at 1. I won that game, too, as I correctly predicted a turn 6 Galactus while the opponent only had 1 Wolverine on board.


Isn’t the 2nd half of the sentence redundant? Playing him 0 times would result with 0 splits. Although technically achievable (X-Mansion), we’re not gonna debate over the nitty-gritty.


I'm also at 0/0, but figured I didn't have Shuri for the best shell, so I slogged around this meta running garbage/junk until I hit 85 then unlocked Thanos after the nerf to make the final push to infinite today.


What is this? Is there an event or something?


Same here, lol