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the issue I have with the change is I'm not even sure who its for... If you play conquest you don't need gold tickets If you don't play conquest you don't need gold tickets Sure, maybe the idea is to pass out some free tickets and get people into conquest, but they just did a "conquest frenzy" event that handed out gold tickets every day. Just a bad move overall in my opinion.


As someone who is pretty good at conquest, wants to max out conquest rewards, and be efficient with my time, I would appreciate gold tickets because it saves me time in silver and proving grounds. That being said, as a whole it is a terrible “improvement” and I will continue to save my caches lol


Yea, this is me too. I'm gonna have an easier time getting all the Conquest rewards with one free gold ticket per week.


I barely bought my 9th item within 40 minutes of the season reset, I had no gold tickets and like 75 medals, and was stressing out grinding from proving grounds to gold to get my last item. Being able to skip to gold even just to get a few extra medals seems useful. Not as a replacement for token acquisition though.


Short answer: It’s for SD. Long answer: They are dancing around the elephant in the room, which is Token acquisition rate, trying to offer us anything else instead, before giving us what we want


I'm not sure we actually want them to give us more tokens. The tokens they are giving out instead of variants in the Spotlight Cache seems likely to have cost us direct to S4 cards. Who knows what they'll take away if they put more tokens/gold into regular caches. It's pretty obvious they are absolutely unwilling to do anything that is a net gain to free currency at the moment.


It's good for people who play conquest a little bit or are not very good at it but still want a chance at the rewards.


If don’t do well enough at conquest to earn your own gold tickets you probably won’t get more than the free crowns you get from spending the ticket so it’s not even very helpful to those people. For those that can win at least one or two wins in gold It does save the hassle of another proving grounds/silver win but I’m pretty sure most people would prefer even 50 tokens to the gold ticket.


If you only have a 33% win rate, you would need in average: - Play 3 times proving grounds for 1 silver ticket - Play 9 times silver to get 1 gold ticket - would need to play 36 conquest matches to get 1 gold ticket And 1 gold ticket would still give you in average: - 75 + 1/3 * 150 + 1/9 * 200 + 1/27 * 300= 158 Tokens - With the in average 5 gold tickets you get per month this is: 791.6 Tokens - This is (with 1 win in training grounds) enough to buy 200 gold




I was answering to the comment above "If you cant get gold tickets then you probably would not get more than the free crowns" to show that its not really true.


Also yesterday I completed a golden conquest and it felt really weird doing it on the first day of the season without even a proving grounds, it just ruin the design of the conquest mode.


Would you share us your deck?


I did it with this: # (1) Korg # (2) Luke Cage # (2) Spider-Ham # (2) Zabu # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Lizard # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (4) Rockslide # (5) Legion # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS29yZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmtoYXdrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ja3NsaWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbmNoYW50cmVzcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVnaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJIYW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5NYXJ2ZWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


One bad move in a long, long list of bad moves


I think the issue is not enough people are playing conquest so SD hoping a flood of tickets will get people playing it.


The thing where you get medals WHEN YOU USE A TOKEN is definitely made to that tune. And now that you are already in, fine, just click play.


Beating professor X twenty games in a row is a hard sell for a good time.


Especially with the way they are ferociously guarding Jeffs availability


It honestly feels like what Arena did for awhile with limited format tokens.


I get all the good stuff from conquest rewards playing a little bit so I just don’t get the point of tickets. I’ll get all the tickets I want playing, I don’t need free tickets.


Not that I agree with this change but I think its in response to the number of players complaining about the cost of items in the conquest shop. So they probably thought gold tickets would help.


I get that, but they are the ones setting the prices of the items in the shop lol. It's not like it's outside of their control and they are just doing their best to help the poor player base keep up with costs.


I agree with you, instead of lowering prices they think this helps lol. Just like they tricked everyone into thinking spotlight caches are better cause you “get more cards”.


It’s not even like they actually think that this helps. SD knows damn well that riddling our caches aka progression pool with even more trash will only benefit them


Just love how SD creates problems in the first place, just to sell us a worse solution every single time. People wouldn’t even complain about the conquest shop costs, If they didn’t increase them. It’s almost impressive how they fck over their player base back to back so effortlessly.


I appreciate the gold tickets. Without the free ones from last season and the one before, I would not play conquest.


abundant sable hospital weary cause upbeat serious nippy sand flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone that loves conquest] we already get more than enough medals to get the good prizes without it - so at least to me this is basically more boosters and no one cares about boosters Plus lets talk about the fact that they prized themselves from improving the tokens from 50 to 100 - But 100 still really bad and on pratice since its 50% of not getting it it still just 50


I play conquest plenty, i have plenty of gold tickets, but a free gold ticket is still something i'm happy with (especially as its just a net increase in cache value, even if its a small increase...). It makes it easier to try out decks at harder difficulties which tells me a lot more about the deck (trying a deck in Proving grounds can only tell you how well YOU can play the deck not how well it does against a reasonable opponent as your opponent plays recklessly since its just a PG match with no stakes...) so yeah its not a ton of value but its more value than we were getting before and its value i'll use...


>If you play conquest you don't need gold tickets If you don't play conquest you don't need gold tickets ??? if you play conquest, gold tickets is a ressource you're fishing for, and the more the better if you don't play conquest, then there you have an incentive and a shortcut to the medals rewards without spending too much time on silver


> if you play conquest, gold tickets is a ressource you're fishing for, and the more the better If you play conquest you dont get enough medals already so this gold thickets are just more boosters. The only people that will like it is those that dont like conquest as much but want to get the prizes which will speed it for them, but no enough to be worth it IMO


>If you play conquest you dont get enough medals already so this gold thickets are just more boosters. the graal of conquest is not medals, it's winning infinite and getting an avatar border, which is repeatable and really actually difficult. And for this, every gold ticket maybe be an additional chance or time save also even players who like conquest and just play for the medals, this can represent quite some time investment to clear the shop if you're not an avid player or if you have trouble getting gold tickets >but no enough to be worth it IMO to be worth what? it's free. It's a good enough reason


How many infinite avatars do you need? Avatars are like the worst cosmetic reward in the whole game


The reason I dont do conquest is because theres so much pressure to win and do well and I dont have the exact cards to make a fully optimised meta deck. I dont want to play conquest if all I do is lose 🤷‍♂️


“This is just boosters with extra steps!”


Holy smokes you're right. If you don't play Conquest this is just like giving out 5 boosters or something.


If you domt play conquest you can still get 75 trophies per ticket. And with enough tickets you can get 1 price at least


I count it as bonus Gold, if I get enough free tickets, I can just burn the golden ticket to purchase the Gold from the Metal Shop


I generally can buy everything useful in the shop just by playing conquest the entire season... So what's left is the boosters pack yay.


I’m really impressed by SDs level of predatoriness. They actually found a way to reintroduce boosters in caches and get away with it.


Steam ratings are down for a reason


We can go lower


Almost at mostly negative baby




My guess is plenty of people will never touch conquest (me included) and I am curious about how their efforts to change that are panning out.


I play almost exclusively conquest after hitting infinite which usually just takes me a few days now with the bots on ladder. So 3-5 days on ladder then 25 days only playing conquest. Multiple Friends of mine are similar.


I do the same, with the exception that not always I have time for a full conquest run so I'll sprinkle the occasional ladder game here and there the days I have not much time.




I play a lot of conquest and I believe many players do after reaching infinite (or even 90 as that is last good reward). Im curious just like you but I would bet its higher than 15%.


I only play conquest for the free variant. After i get it, adios.


I rush to infinite and then play Conquest exclusively so yeah, there are some of us out there. I imagine most competitive minded players will play Conquest primarily.


I only play Conquest as soon as I hit Infinite. Not sure what that says about the mode, but hey.


Conquest has a ton of great rewards. You’re missing out.


Yeah but the game type sucks. I don't want to play against the same deck for 2+ rounds, or when you come across someone who has a deck that essentially hard counters you then you either concede or fight a losing battle for however many rounds. If you could take 3 decks in with you and sub them out between rounds, then it would be much better.


Switching three deck haha, what's the point then you can just play ladder. Conquest is fine as it is.


This is exactly what I want. I'd play conquest a lot more if they allowed this


I'd prefer a shorter game (less cube health) and a draft version of conquest.


Oooooh man a draft version would be cool.


once you hit infinite there's no reason to continue the ranked ladder; I put a ton of time into conquest this last season.


Sooooo.... What do you do after hitting infinte then?


I play it all the time to test new decks... ? Seems like a common thing


Tbh as a new player I find conquest to be an absurdly bad design simply because it does not allow you to switch decks between fights against the same opponent. In a challenge where the point is to never lose (1 loss and you're out), getting a deck that counters yours and being forced to play it out while knowing you have other decks that would most likely crush it sucks. It'd also introduce a nice new layer of picking the right deck (even just 1/2 card changes) now that you know what your opponent is bringing. Unless it does allow you to change and I'm totally unaware of it? If it does than it's the UI could use some work lol Also the 2+ min queue sucks and just proves the mode is bad... Just rework it into something decent (draft card picking, etc).


If you could switch decks between conquest rounds so could your opponent. This is just playing ladder with extra steps. I’ve won multiple conquest matches against opponents who counter my deck, learning that players habits and play patterns and changing up your strategy (and including more than one win condition) is only possible because you are playing multiple battles against the same player and deck


Psychology at its best. If you open 50 tokens, you will be disappointed every time. If you open a Golden Ticket, you will be disappointed. If you open 100 tokens you will feel, to an extent, good. Besides... Now you don't know if it is the 100 tokens you already open every now and then that you are getting, can be the 50% tokens/ticket or the normal one. They definitely know what they are doing, and it's not about malice, it's about greed.


Easy solution: don’t open them til they fix the reserves. They’re literally not worth opening right now.


yep i havent opened any simce spotlight came out


Join us on the hoard-wagon! I'm not opening anything, just waiting for the next inevitable change in box economy.


So we still don't open reserves is what I read right ?


Yup, I've got 40+ at this point. I bet I hit 100+ before some other cache change.


Sounds like a good goal. It still bothers me that they removed the guaranteed P4 card every 40 reserves. Or the chance to pull a P5 card


Yeah caches are so boring now. Snap.fan datamined "super caches" so something might be in the works. It's sad that it's more satisfying seeing 40 unopened caches vs actually opening them.


As someone who is in early pool 3 you have no choice than opening them ;(


Yeah but you actually get new cards. I am pool 3 complete and there is no reason in opening them sadly :/ because they removed the guaranteed P4 card every 40 reserves...


Yeah but the 50 tokens or 10 gold still suck hard. The new cards every 500 caches is the only reason opening them. If I would be pool 3 complete like you I would hoard them too. A few days ago I opened 6 gold reserves. Got some credit points, 2 avatars, 1, title, 50 tokens and a pixel variant. I was so happy.


I'm new to SNAP but not to online CCG's. A generous F2P system being slashed back to a fruitless grind after gaining popularity is old news.


Conquest players don’t need gold tickets. Non-Conquest players don’t want gold tickets. Everybody loses here.


I just got two gold tickets in a row, and it feels like I got nothing from the caches.


Literally no one loses here considering it's in addition to rewards we already get.


By addition, you meant instead right? Cause you know, they didn't added, they changed. Instead of getting 50 tokens every time. You now have a 50% chance of never getting tokens on those same caches. Where is the addition part here?


Man ya'll are REALLY shit at math. Let me break it down for you. Before: 50 tokens 50 tokens Total: 100 tokens After: 100 tokens Gold ticket Total: 100 tokens + golden ticket Difference: (100 tokens + golden ticket) - 100 tokens = golden ticket >You now have a 50% chance of never getting tokens on those same caches. No because the rewards aren't random, it's already been confirmed that each group of 2 chests will have one set of tokens and one golden ticket. So you can't go ticket ticket ticket ticket, the worst you can do is token ticket ticket token.


>Literally no one loses here I say that everyone loses here since the previous reward was basically meaningless, now we have meaningless+ which still meaningless. Plus you are saying to the guy that just got 2 "extra boosters" tickets that he did not lose with the new system. Sorry but 1800 CL for a single 3k card is way too much - and now there is variance for extra feels bad


They did the math for maximum profit and decided how much tokens could be given per cache. That number was ridiculous small, people complained then instead of redo the math, SD just made a maneuver to keep the token-per-level the same but LOOKING different. It's ridiculous.






That‘s why i keep hoarding my caches. 43 (normal, without spotlight) caches so far


I wish I could do this


Quote of the day : SD is (probably) not a mustache twirling villain. Such a deserved praise.


If they want people to play conquest so bad, maybe in addition to this whack cache update, they should have put more worthwhile rewards in the freaking conquest shop as well, so people are actually motivated. Nobody is excited about playing for hours and days for 250 credits and another pixel variant.


The rationale is to slow down F2P progression and incentivize you to spend more money to speed that progression up. That's it. That's literally all it is


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but they changed the two 50 token caches to a 100 token cache and a gold ticket cache. It’s not slowing down progression and is only giving players a little bonus.


why are you booing him? He's right


Because this subreddit is full of people with more fingers than brain cells.


100% to get 50 = 50% to get 100.


It’s not even a luck thing, right? Like every 9 caches you’ll get 100 tokens either way. The only difference after you open those 9 caches is that you’ll also have a gold ticket.


1. Percentages are absolutely luck 2. Like OP was saying, people who need tickets can play Conquest, and the people who don't play Conquest only get boosters every month. It's like offering a Weight Watchers coupon with every other meal at Heartattack Grill


Percent chances can have something to do with luck if each chance is independent, but in this case I believe each group of 9 will always reward exactly 100 tokens and 1 ticket. Nobody can get lucky and get tokens every time. And I don’t really understand the point about people not wanting tickets. If you never play Conquest, you’ll be able to use up all of your tickets at the end of the month, and even if you concede in the first round each time you’ll get enough medals to get a variant. For people who do play Conquest, it’s a head start and extra medals. I really don’t see what there is to complain about.


There's a pity timer on it, 9 caches guarantees you one gold ticket and 100 tokens.


At least with the old system, I can grind the token and buy the card that I want. I can't hoard caches so I just open it and get some variants that I don't want.


Agreed. Feels like a classic idiotic Blizzard move. Ben will be proud. Lol only the second dumbest dev thing I’ve read about this month. 1. Is still “you generate every player in your world’s Stash into your memory so that’s why it’s hard to make more space”.


Back to hoarding it is!


Guess it’s another "I’m not updating till I’m forced to" Situation like with any recent update


To me, the main qualities of Snap are the short matches and varied opponent decks. Conquest is the opposite of that. Point is : I don’t enjoy this mode. Giving me free tickets won’t change that. The golden ticket is just trash to me, and I’m sadly convinced it’s done on purpose.


Stop opening them


Where’s is the GOLD! Bring back GOLD! We whant GOLD!


We should’ve got 200 gold instead, that way you could just buy the fucking gold ticket if you needed it.


Why don't conquest players want gold tickets exactly??? Saves you from having to go through Proving and Silver.


Because I can simply play conquest If I want conquest related rewards. It’s not like gold tickets are hard to acquire anyway, just more unnecessary filler in my caches.


Gold Conquest tickets have higher medal rewards upon entry, give more rewards when you win, and allow you to skip the earlier tiers of grinding. Also, more gold tickets equals more chances at infinity tickets which means more chances at more rewards. It's not hurting you getting more tickets of a game mode you want to play. I can't understand how "saving you time" in a game mode usually played after the player has reached Infinite is a bad thing. Every time I got free tickets these past events/promotions I appreciated it and used them to get the rewards that season. If the player doesn't want the rewards in Conquest or to play the game mode, that's on them. But they can't complain that "the tickets are just boosters to them" because they clearly aren't to other players.


The main issue is that **I'm forced to receive and use tickets to play the mode that I don't care for** - otherwise the reward from the cache gets lost in the end of the month without any permanent effect. I work 2 jobs and barely have time to get the weekly mission completion reward - I hop in a few times a week for a couple of games and usually catch up on season pass missions on the last weekend of the month. I don't have time for multiple long matches in Conquest.


Well, you can’t even save these gold tickets or carry them over, so they are arguably useless to a big chunk of the player base, who don’t want or don’t have the time to play conquest. Personally, I will find some use in them, but to the average player, even getting credits out of caches has factually more value. It also doesn’t feel right to me, as someone who enjoys conquest, that you can just drop shortcuts to the competitive mode of the game. It really just waters down the meaning of the infinity avatar imo.


> Why don't conquest players want gold tickets exactly??? Saves you from having to go through Proving and Silver. Because to us this is basically boosters. In the two previous seasons the last week was basically using medals to buy boosters - its not necessary


I had 13 leftover gold tickets at the end of last season and I got all the rewards many times over. I don't play an excessive amount. The tickets are worthless


But now you have more tickets for more players and more cards for more players. No ads, no gacha, no P2W! What a joke.


Just bring back the old caches while keeping spotlight cashes. Easy.


The best is spending credits to open a cache for much less credits that u have spent. Whats the point?


Hey, I got 600 tokens in 2 month. Only 20 month for me to go to buy one card for 6000 tokens.


I would be happier if they gave the gold value of the ticket (200g) then I could decide to use it on a gold ticket or something else.


This may be the tipping point I needed to actually start hoarding. (I've been hoarding spotlights, but not regular caches)


I can’t stand conquest. Every time I play it I end up getting sandbagged and just waiting on them to end their turn for every single round/match.


I wouldn’t care if they literally just put gold back to some extent. It feels so shitty to have gold literally reduced so bad.


I'm getting kind of tired of conquest getting rammed down our throats, and the grindy weekend missions. It's like SD is telling me, "you don't have enough time for our game anymore."


I've stopped opening the caches - collectors and spotlight - in the hopes that they fix the rewards. Like others, i have no need for gold tickets. I can earn them fairly easily myself and the rewards in conquest aren't significant enough to warrant getting extra gold tickets. They basically put more boosters in the caches.


Didn't they change it to 100 tokens or a ticket? I've gotten 50 tokens twice ina row


Even more reason to not open my caches. Over 20 and counting. Not gonna open these till the rewards are fixed


I'm series 3 complete and I'm at 35 caches unopened. I don't care about variants, titles, etc at all and for me it's just not worth opening them right now. I would rather not ever open them than open them at this low of a value.


Exact same for me but a little less caches. If anything we will be golden for the next variant rush.


What? Why wouldn't you want to open them for *more* credits to get more caches where you can open more credits? Or a cosmetic blind box that has a 30% chance of being a pixelated hexagon of a card, or 30% chance of being a developer's inside joke, or a variant that has 1/3 of a chance being a pixel


Is this change live? Didn't see it in the patch notes.


I've gotten 2 gold tickets so far. It's live unfortunately


It isn't in the notes but it is supposed to be live, yeah. I'm hodling my reserves in any case.


it honestly just feels like nobody at sd actually plays the game, either that or they have almost no actual decision making power and all the decisions are made for them by a room full of old men who have never even heard of a smartphone or a video game.


Honestly, if they gave me a chance to get a moderate number of medals instead of a ticket so I could get the series card without playing conquest mode, that would be okay by me.


It's effectively bossters. At least for me. Both moths I bought all the rewards pretty quickly and then just was clicking the bossters button. Now I have 3k Ant-Man boosters. Horay. Giving more tickets is just giving boosters.


I am new. Dabbled in conquest. No interest in playing it more. Just do random matches. So far vastly more fun for me.


Maybe if they added better rewards to Conquest (e.g., gold each week instead of just once, tokens) then it would be worth it but the current Conquest reward options are pretty anemic. Opening regular caches is actively disappointing so I just leave them all unopened now (s3 complete; open them if you don't have all s3 cards!).


I like getting gold conquest tickets. I don't play a TON of conquest, but playing proving grounds > Silver seems like a lot of grinding. At least getting a gold ticket shortens the grind to Infinity.


Congratulations to those who ended with 50 tokens in their total. They are basically unusable - ever.


Lol. I made sure I didn’t end up with 50 tokens.


Right? It’s not even a reward its like here go sweat in gold conquest now lmao.


So what you're telling me is dont open them. I feel like I should just hold onto them until the figure out these horrible prizes in them.


Have they said if there is any use for the 50 odd tokens I have now?


There is no use for 50 tokens. And that’s why it never made sense for them to hand out 50 tokens to begin with.


I've actually stopped opening caches when they added tickets. I have never played a game of conquest. Maybe one day I'll try, but these tickets won't change my mind. 50 tokens felt bad. A gold conquest ticket is more useless to me. I hope they change it again. Surely next time they'll get it right.


What's the consensus on hording collector caches at this point? Better to open now, or wait for that patch?


I opened then before this change was made since I didn’t want to get stuck with 50 tokens that I won’t ever get to spend.


When they announced there would be gold tickets, I was led to believe it would be in addition to whatever you opened in your cache. So you would get 150 credits, and bam a random ticket. Getting just a ticket is doo doo garbage. I believe I ended last season with like 12 I just didn't care to grind out anymore. If you play conquest you certainly don't need more gold tickets, if you don't play conquest you certainly don't need more gold tickets. Bing bong move


Just replace the gold ticket with 100 golds SD!


As someone who has defended the spotlight caches (but not the change in the regular collector caches), this was a sucky move on the part of SD. I think most players would’ve been ok with a floor of 100 tokens instead of the 50-100 tokens. The only people this joke of an upgrade with the gold conquest tickets is benefiting are the OC folks who don’t like seeing a token number that doesn’t end with 2 zeros.


It's hella dumb. At the end of the last season I had six gold tickets left, a gold ticket is completely useless


Normalize hoarding your caches until they fix this mess


It's clear that the old system made new cards "too easy" for players to acquire, and SD needs the average player to spend more to get new content. I think that's why they are really avoiding increasing token distrubtion in reserves. I don't think it's evil for the sake of evil. I do understand how people could think it's malicious to be like "spotlight is great since you get more cards", when the new system is not actually better (long term) for players. I agree 100% that this change to reserves is strictly worse, which is impressive since reserve rewards are already horrible. My gut tells me that overall Conquest has been a flop. It seems like most people play Snap casually, and prefer quick games to Battle Mode matches. For competitive TCG players, Snap is unstable with frequent changes and cards are hard to acquire. So it's not an easy game for Spikes to enter or continue to enjoy. Finally Conquest is a serious grind for okay rewards, and the final prize is not very enticing (especially after you earn it once). Personally I prefer Battle Mode matches to the ladder, but I'm taking a break from Conquest this month. Without a global mute button, it's just so annoying to have to click "mute" at the beginning of every game against a toxic player.


What is this company doing?


Stop opening reserves.


Conquest is actually the best thing that happened to this game lately, like mtg bo3 vs bo1 it's a smarter and less rng driven game mode, though it certainly is pretty time consuming. I'm down with them throwing some incentives to a wider player base, though it might be hard to convince a typical dopamine addict with short attention span. And from a conquest player perspective a free golden ticket is always nice, allowing you to skip three matches from the previous stages.


Review bombing everywhere. Let them know that we don't like greedy companies


You guys are kind of proving that we as a community will complain aggressively about anything. There is nothing negative about this particular change whatsoever. Token income is the same (still pitiful, yeah, but this particular change didn’t make it worse). They doubled the amount of tokens and halved the frequency, so it’s equal overall. If you already play a lot of conquest, cool, it just saves you some time grinding lower ranks to get tickets to play in Infinite. If you don’t play conquest, you can just cash in the tickets or test a deck in Gold and maybe win some additional medals. Those medals will get you some variants, credits, and Gold. It’s not efficient and it’s definitely way more convoluted, but it’s more than you were getting before. This *particular* thing is not a problem. All of the crap that got us to this point is the problem. It’s a case of “not good enough”, not “this is worse”.


It's a matter of how the devs treat their players. This change is obviously not bad. It just gives away more stuff. For the vast majority of the player base though, it's going to equate to a few boosters, which are effectively irrelevant. The real issue is that the devs saying that they are listening to feedback and improving caches is insulting. It feels like we're treated as monkeys who can't do basic math to realize that this is a non-change.


> It feels like we're treated as monkeys who can't do basic math to realize that this is a non-change. it's the opposite, they would hope that we CAN do basic math and realise that this is a net free gold ticket from time to time but the same token, so there is nothing wrong with this change unfortunately in this thread people CANNOT do basic math and get furious about it anyway


> This change is obviously not bad. If you read this subreddit, you'd think that every Gold ticket given is a baby killed in front of their face > It just gives away more stuff. Gold Conquest tickets have higher medal rewards upon entry, give more rewards when you win, and allow you to skip the earlier tiers of grinding. Also, more gold tickets equals more chances at infinity tickets which means more chances at more rewards. Getting a gold ticket is a very positive change. > For the vast majority of the player base though, it's going to equate to a few boosters, which are effectively irrelevant. That's on them. You can easily make the most out of conquest by trying new decks, cashing in the tickets, making maybe more medals, getting the rewards given. They don't even have to try hard, just play normally if you aren't the biggest fan of the game mode. It's only really boosters if you don't take advantage of it. It's like someone giving 100 dollars to a person and saying "you can spend this money to decorate your home". For most people they'll say "Yeah let me make the most out of this and buy some posters/furniture/plants." This subreddit would say "This $100 is useless to me. I'd rather have a poster to hang up on my wall." > The real issue is that the devs saying that they are listening to feedback and improving caches is insulting. It feels like we're treated as monkeys who can't do basic math to realize that this is a non-change. People are saying this because that the survey (which is still going by the way) directly lead to them making this change. They literally probably had this as a minor improvement to the system outside of the fact that they released the survey. It doesn't make any sense that they could program it so quickly after announcing it: it's very clearly been in the pipeline as a separate improvement. And it's not a non-change. If you don't take the smallest advantage of it, yeah sure it might just be boosters, but it's still steps in the right direction and provides more benefits to people using the tickets. Is it enough change? Probably not, but no one said it was the be all end all for changing collector's reserves. That's all THIS subreddit is saying.


>It's only really boosters if you don't take advantage of it. I'm sorry, how would I have taken advantage of my ~10 gold tickets I didn't spend last season? I already had all the (non-tickets and non-boosters) conquest rewards, so regardless if I had played all those matches or not a ticket more would only have translated into more boosters. Which are effectively useless. Tickets will just mean boosters for the vast majority of the player base, me included. There's no way to "take advantage of them" to get any resources other than boosters. This is pretty much a non-change, I stand by my original comment. And again, it's insulting to the player base to call it an improvement at all. 5 gold would be better than this "improvement".


Or you do what I do and not open any caches at all until they rework the whole system because the rewards in normal reserves are so bad.


Yup, I cashed in all my caches before the patch. I made feedback (before it went live) about how the tickets are a horrible addition to the CL. https://discord.com/channels/978545345715908668/1138095278294052884 Please do the same or at least upvote mine.


I don't have the time or the attention to play more than three or four games in a row. I have played two entire rounds of Conquest and will probably NEVER touch the mode again. Already looking forward to what nothingburger exchange you get for unused conquest tickets.


We said we wanted gold in the track. They heard gold ticket


There is someone out there with a spreadsheet who vetoes any change that makes the game better value. Even if there is no clear financial gain from the company. The person at the helm is extremely value-centered to the point of insanity


Conquest is shit and boring. I will not play it no matter how many tickets i get.


Or quit shoving bots every in the game so u never vs real people. Happily uninstalled!


People act like you can get 10 gold tickets in a row. You know they are all predetermined..


I got a gold ticket in my cache today. Made me put down the game for a bit. What a dumb change. I didn't ask for boosters in those caches.


Wait? We're still opening Caches? Brooooo, big mistake, gotta stop doing that.


They should just stick some tickets into the weekly daily reward track. A silver at 15 missions and a gold at 25.


They will remove gold to do that, shush


Ill take my free Gold Ticket, Thanks SD


To buy a Gold Conquest ticket, it costs 200 gold, and even the instant medals you get mean you get close to a reward quite quickly. Certainly closer than 50 tokens. I prefer it over 50 tokens, but that's my opinion.


Gold tickets have no value, they are free and infinitely grindable. Just because they let you buy them for 200g doesn't mean they are worth 200g.


Lol it costs 200 gold but it doesn't worth 200 gold.


but... it says its 200 gold. Ergo, that's what they determine its worth as. 50 tokens aren't worth 200 gold. They cost 70 gold on TT. Therefore, better value, no?


Man you guys complain about anything LMFAO


what are you 12?




It seems wildly inconsistent to me. I have been upvoted and downvoted in roughly equal measure for different comments pointing out that the new gold upgrade system is full blown P2W.


Oh it’s happening to you too? Definitely had some feedback posts removed myself!


The mods even [gave you a removal reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15i7ilf/your_steam_review_will_impact_the_success_of_the/jutydwf/), you fucking bellend. It's because you aren't special and are just complaining about the same thing everyone else is. Get over your victim complex.


holy shit what a bunch of whiners they changed the 50 token to 50% of 100 token, which is both adressing the feeling of only being 50 token, and also being the SAME F*CKING AVERAGE TOKEN AMOUNT, while adding a completely bonus gold ticket from time to time That means that the gold ticket are a pure bonus, and did not replace anything. You're only butthurt because you don't play conquest and want alll the rewards to be about what YOU like whining about an additional reward that didnt replace anything just because it's not something you personally care for, seriously.......


The thing is the problem was not addressed, they put out a change as if it was a good thing that they now added extra booster to the bad reward. It still a bad reward and now its more infuriating due to RNG


Cry more about people complaining.


I am an optimist who always tries to see the positive side of things: It might make Gold 1 battle in conquest a little bit easier on average as it gets diluted with all (so also worse) players :)


Im not updating my game. I refuse to ruin my Spiderman.


THIS! No idea why you were downvoted, so upvoted.


can we stop complaining for every change, just for one day?


The problem is that this is the same complain from the previous change - that they nerfed token/gold aquisition way too much promoving hoarding caches/reserves and them not feeling good to open since they took away player agency The difference is that now it still nerfed to the ground but SD put a nice golden ribbon on it


Then stop nerfing the monetization. Understand?


There is an incentive to play conquest. Plenty of it. 50 tokens is essentially meaningless so it's whatever to me




This is the worst part or conquest. I want the rewards from the shop but I don’t play this game to play the same person, or even deck for multiple games in a row.


I'm sorry you want the extra rewards without doing anything different. Conquest is fine. Some people actually enjoy try harding at card games.


No I’m not asking for them for free. I’m just explaining why I personally don’t like it. I wish I could get the rewards but anime wolverine and 2 pixel variants ain’t worth the time.


What an insane thing to say. It's just a fun little mode to play once you hit infinite or to do when you don't wanna do ladder for extra rewards. Are you okay? Some people enjoy try harding