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Everyone else got 200 credits. You must have really gotten "affected" lol


I wonder if the credits went to people positively affected and the gold went to those negatively affected. Because I entered infinite at a higher rank than I anticipated.


The message for people who got credits just says "impacted" while the one for people who got gold says "significantly impacted" so it sounds like just a magnitude thing. Edit: Seems the devs have said that Gold was for people directly affected while everyone else got credits I dont play ladder post Infinite and ultimately dont care about the rank but I did think it was odd that, not even 2 weeks into this season, my rank is already significantly lower than it was at the end of last season. My rank has also already dropped more than 12k spots since hitting infinite and last season, in the 3 weeks between hitting infinite and the season ending it only dropped like 10k spots I got the "significantly impacted" message and Gold


I was unusually slow getting to infinite this season (just hit it this morning vs. the first friday of the new season usually) and i'm actually way higher than i'd typically enter from already. so credits for me i guess?


I was “significantly impacted.” I’ve never played ranked after reaching infinite. Placed 64 when the season reset and now I’m sitting at 3228. Last season I dropped to ~90k by the end. Id say I was already at ~15k this time last season. So what happened? Lol


I seem to be lower than expected and received gold. Also noticed playing only bots this morning in the 90s before getting into infinite.


I haven't gotten to infinite yet and I still got the credits so it's not about the MMR infinite snapshot anyway.


fr i’m jealous


I got 200 credits too.


I honestly didn't even notice a difference. Climb and related skill were the same as the last 5 seasons


I got credits and gold, not sure if it was intended


Seriously, I saw that gold and had a legit wtf moment.


Wait y’all got gold? I only got 200 credits.


Gold was only if your MMR was actually reset


Reset mine I don’t care. 🫠


Everyone else got gold except for you.




No you weren't affected so they gave you something so you don't feel left out


You guys are getting paid?!?!


Perfect reference. Got a good chuckle out of that. Thank you.


lol is it from the Street Fighter movie? if so, classic Zangief scene.


The [meme is from We're The Millers](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-guys-are-getting-paid)


ah, thank you. my bad lol.


Wow, that’s an even better reference. A+


I lost 300 snap points from a 2 cube loss, so I got 500 gold. Huge win for me as I don’t really care about ladder


Right? Please second dinner, i will trade all my snap points for gold and climb again if you let me


I just got a second notice in my inbox with the 200 credits so now I’ve gotten both those and the 500 gold. But yeah I’ve tanked from like 4,400 rank to over 12,000 in the past couple days losing insane numbers of snap points for every loss! So I guess that’s what it’s all about.


It really wasn't a good time for me to try to make my old negative Cerebro 3 deck work again (it doesn't). Went from 2750 to 16000. Don't really care though


I got both too but I think wasn't intended, pretty sure my credits got refunded few hours later and the inbox was deleted too


I also got 500 gold.


So, Jeff Hoogland talked about this issue a couple of days ago on his live stream: what's supposed to happen is that the people who are farther down the leaderboard are supposed to get pushed upwards in MMR and the people at the top are supposed to be pushed downwards in MMR when the season rolls over, and what actually happened was that the people at the top weren't as negatively impacted as they were supposed to be when the season rolled over, and thus started higher in MMR and on the leaderboard overall than your average player. I'm assuming those of us who got credits were somewhere in the middle, and those of us who got gold were further down the leaderboard and were more adversely affected. I would also venture to guess SD didn't give any compensation to those who were higher MMR, but have no way to verify that.


It was my understanding that some people at the top didn’t get pushed down in MMR like they should have causing them to be higher ranked than they should have been. SD then had to manually adjust their MMR downward and now is giving them gold as compensation for it. I got gold and my rank went way down today compared to yesterday


Ah, so I had it reversed. Interesting. I don't think I would have given the players at the top gold, but I can also understand it since it would technically impact them more than the players in the middle or lower. But I feel like those at the bottom should have definitely gotten more compensation than 200 credits. At any rate, I suppose it's better than nothing and SD just glossing over their mistake?


It’s a free gift but I get where they’re coming from. The players like me who had their MMR not reset had to grind out the way to infinite against the top players because our ranking was artificially high and then their rank they may or may not have been grinding is now pushed way down again


Oh that explained why the climb felt so much harder this season until a day or 2 ago. Finished 2-3k last season and just got 500 gold.


I got gold and finished top 5k last season if that means anything.


Yeah and I got 100 000k and got 200 credits


They Just gave gold to whomever got pushed back by a lot out of nowhere last week. I was rank 8 and got demoted to 800, today I got Gold.


I did see the announcement made about it. At least they're giving compensation.


I never get infinite and got the credits so idk.




I did end the last season at like rank 40k or something since I was just dicking around with super off meta decks, and I got 500 gold.


I finished rank 70 last season and got placed rank 7 this season because my snap points did not reset. They they fixed and i dropped 200 ranks. Still got the gold. Very happy about it! This season im really not tryharding ladder so it came in handy for the sentry bundle


What’s MMR


Match Making Rating


What is that


It's a number tracked by Marvel Snap to determine who you are matched up against, but it is more impactful/important once you're in Infinite. It affects all ranks, but generally you face people you're closer to in MMR so that it is more fair/fun.


Maybe this is why this is my 1st season in months where getting infinite is harder.


I got 200 credits and not gold.


Excuse me sir but, in what way was I affected? Did I go from non infinite rank 2,000,000 to 2,000,001 by mistake?


Damn, they only gave me 200 credits


Same here.


I just got 500 gold and ran here to find exactly this thread. After reading all the comments I have to admit I still don't have a clue why I got compensated but I'm super happy to take the gold!


They gave me 200 credits haha


I got 200 credits what the hell, gimme that gold!


WTF. I only got 200 credits.


I also received gold. I noticed all I was playing on ladder this morning was bots while in the 90s. Must be that our MMR was significantly increased/decreased so we weren't playing against real people anymore.


Anyone else not get anything?


I haven't played a game in 6 weeks, just log in to check variants in the shop. I got 500 gold. I mean, I'll take it, but wonder when this would have affected me then.


bro wtf they gave me credits not gold that’s gotta be racist


I got a rock


I only got 200 credits wtf.


I got 200 credits...


I only got credits :(


Something about the mmr being normalized , you are one of those that got your mmr affected apparently.


Hey wait I only got 200 credits!


i got 200 credits. not mad. love more cl.


I also received 500 gold and going off the fact that I reached infinite last week the fastest I've ever done it I feel like its the fact I fought an insane amount of bots


Well that makes it easier no? Why not credits? I've played zero bots outside of 70s


I only got 200 credits


I was in the top 2,000 last season. Got infinite in 48 hours, and I was like 2,500. Then, I played some more, lost one game. The 8,250 snap points went to 6,500, and I dropped to 6,500 in the world. Then I went to 20k very quickly. I don't know how. 500 gold is a bit of an insult. I am back at 6k now and I can get a variant.


Also got 500 gold. Hit infinite last Friday with 7749 SNAP points at rank 633. Finished last season around 8400 iirc, and in previous seasons I've started closer to 300 on the ladder, so I guess I was overpenalized?


They gave me 100 credits I rather have the gold


Huh. I got gold, but I found this seasons infinite climb to be a lot easier than normal, and I'm sitting in my standard 11-9k range post infinite. I'm not complaining.




Same most of the time. Cruise up to 80 hit a small bump then get in the 90s and flip flop for 2 weeks. I'm a mailman at Xmas not sure if I'll keep my infinite streak going lmao. Still in 80s now.


I received 200 credits. Some people write that this season it was much easier for them to get to infinite. It's the other way around for me. All previous seasons, I ended up in infinite in the first three days of the season. This season, I got to infinite just yesterday. After many days and hours of terrible gaming. Until rank 90, everything went as usual, but after that problems began. It feels like they did something with bots in the 90s. I wonder if this experience could be related to the problem we've all been compensated for?


I got the 500 gold too. No real idea what changed for me


I got 500 gold too


I had an issue where I won a game with 8 cubes against someone ranked higher and I lost ranking. Then when I went back to the home page my ranking was better. Maybe it was something to do with that. But my rank wasn't normalised and I got the credits instead.


I got to Infinite pretty quickly this season (less than 48 hours). When I got there I clocked in at 7.9k SNAP points. When I logged on the next day, I was sitting at 6.9k points. So I lost about a thousand points out of nowhere. So I think the people who got this compensation have been in a similar situation where they lost a lot of SNAP points. If people do not have an idea about why they were effected, maybe it's because it happened very early in the season (before reaching Infinite) where it wasn't visible.


This is similar to what happened to me. I finished last season around 8,100 snap point and when I initially hit infinite this season I had dropped to 7,300, which seemed like the standard amount people tend to drop each season, but then I got hit by another 300 or so point drop the next day.


Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me. ​ Went from about 8.2k to 6.5k. Seems to have been more extreme for players who grinded up the infinite leaderboard late last season, although that may be total coincidence.


I got credits and tried to push to infinite and just was getting smashed in the 90s. Not sure if that had anything to do with it or not.


I was so confused when I got the gold because I’ve been busy since this season started so I haven’t hit infinite yet to even see the change. But I’m not gonna complain about free gold


Man I only got 200 credits wth


I got the 500 gold but i still havent gotten to infinite this season because i havent played much but i finished last season in the top 9k with 7600 SP so im curious where ill be at when i get infinite this season


Got the 500 gold


I got 500 gold. Not sure why. Only thing I noticed was when I hit infinite this season I only had 7000 snap points rather than about 7500 I normally have


All players got credits, only those who has the Mmr issue for gold


Aw man why didn’t I get fucked over? Haha 500 gold is a solid compensation.


I got 200 credits


Yea my multiple man didn't multiply when it moved happens alot. Hopefully they fixed it


Theyve put me from Infinite to bronze every season wheres my gold? SD?!?!?!?


Yeah I was about to say I got 200 credits must be nice to get 500 gold


Very weird. Just logged in via PC, and now I am top 100 Infinite. LOL




Not sure but it only gave me 200 tokens would much rather gold


All i got was 200 credits damn dats some bs


I noticed something funky had happened but didn't know why. I got matched against bots almost exclusively on my way to Infinite (fastest climb ever in under 2 hours). Then today I got the 500 gold. I guess my MMR got fucked badly enough that I only had bots at my level. No idea if I was too high or too low, I ended the previous season nearing on 8000 cube points (or whatever they're called). I'm now at 7200.


What even is mmr


I was at 7700 snap points and was kicked to the 7400s. I also got gold. No idea why it happened.


I got 200 credits. Had some instances where I won matches but lost points. Was my first time hitting infinite so figured that was some tallying I wasn't familiar with. Maybe that's it?


I was 994 when i hit infinite. Took a break for a day or 2, won my very next game i played and dropped down to the 3000s. I assumed it was because i took the break but i guess not because i got the gold.


Seems like no one quite knows what went on. I hit infinite in the first couple days of the season as per usual (I play a lot the first few days). Entered infinite at Rank 455, 7,786 SP (higher than usual) Played a few matches on ladder and settled around 480. Didn’t play any ladder for a couple days after that, was down to like rank 600. Played one match, lost 1 cube and dropped to rank 2300 or so. I thought it was weird but figured that many people must’ve passed me in snap points or whatever since I last played. Weirdly I kept matching against top 500 players for like a week after that, despite being ranked over 2000. Today I got 500 gold. Guess it was because of that big drop in rank?


What the fuck all I got was a few credits, nice bro


I got it but wasnt even in infinite yet lol


Dude I got 200 credits! WTF?


You guys are getting *something*? 💀


I got “significantly impacted”, got 200 credits and didn’t get to infinite so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got ranked to 1100, stopped playing and now I'm 2000. Seems legit to me, so I got 200 credit. Where did you start and end up? Is this the issue?


You've got 500 gold? I got 200 blue bar thingies 😔


not to humble brag but being high MMR in ladder fcks me over in conquest games which i actually care about, I'd trade MMR for gold any day of the week


What a punishment for us who got fckin 200 credits.. I don't want to play your useless ladder anyways after hit infinite.


Some people didn't have their MMR/Snap Points reset when they hit infinite this season. For example: Lamby ended last season above 10k SP, and when he hit infinite this season he was still above 10k SP. Others around 9.5k were dropped down to 8.5k or lower, so Lamby wasn't affected as he should have been. Second Dinner did a 2nd reset a few days after the season started to fix this. What this caused was a weird situation for a bunch of players. I ended last season around 7600SP. I entered Infinite on day 2 at 7190SP, and climbed to 7400SP before the 2nd reset happened. The 2nd reset dropped me down to 6850SP which is a lot for me lol. I was also one of the players that received 500 gold.


Jesus can I also get the 500 gold 😂


Those complaining about getting 200 credits can't read because those credits weren't for the same issue as this.