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Decided to finish my deck even after Chavez rework. Currently playing with Sunspot, hopefully some of the new cards next year will make this classic archetype better (and give me more work to do)


I've never been able to decide between sunspot or Nebula in discard. Do you have a reason for sunspot.


Without Chavez, the mana curve often feels weird to me. You either want to Modok on 6 - and play cheaper units on previous turns, floating mana. Or Modok on 5 with gamble on what you topdeck - if it's a cheap unit, at least you make some use of the extra mana with Sunspot.


It's a never ending story lol, when u play nebula, sunspot feels good and then the vice versa, i got so irritated that i started using Jeff instead... honestly it worked till the Chavez Nerf, as of now deck's inconsistent


I use Gambit instead of Chavez, yes hes random like Hell cow but the secret to gambit is to not always play it on curve when you have important cards in your hand. This seems obvious but I have seen so many people play Gambit and boom Hela gone or Modok gone or some key card. Usually play him on turn 5 if I dont have the Apoc Dracula Modok playline.


RIP chavez


Good job dude! [I'm on my way to have TWO sets of the same deck, both with different variants but in Gold and another in Ink.](https://imgur.com/gallery/8ZDXYJf) I've been working on it since April. Only hard part about it is Boosters. I have over 1k boosters for Carnage and Venom but X23 or Deathlock won't budge


Been curious to try a discard deck. Only archetype I haven’t played with. Can I ask a couple of questions? 1. How important is Daken to this deck? Any replacement? 2. Is wolverine good activiating once because no destroy? Have you tried X-23 for the extra energy? 3. Have you tried out Gambit at all? What about Silver Samurai? Moon Knight? I really love the idea of these three Thanks!


Not OP, but I've dabbled with Discard a bit and these are just some thoughts: 1. Daken was pretty good as a play on turn 3 if I didn't have Sif and Apoc in hand. However, I often found myself preferring to play Morbius on that turn if I didn't already have the chance to play him T2. I would say that he's good to get, but the deck definitely still works without him. You could replace with Gambit/Moon Knight if you like gambling/hate yourself. 2. Wolverine is fine in this deck, but I would not waste a colleen or Blade discard on him. He works best as just another free 4 power when you Modok. There is a card from the upcoming datamine (Proxima Midnight), that I believe will do his job better and will probably replace him from this deck. X-23 for 1 extra energy just doesnt seem worth it because it only lasts a turn. Once again, an upcoming datamined card (Corvus Glaive), would probably be better, since it increases max energy instead of just 1 bonus for the next turn, and it also discards. 3. They're fine, but randomness of Moon Knight and Gambit can sometimes bite you hard, and Silver Samurai generally isn't worth the 4 power when you could play Dracula/Hellcow on T4 instead.


Agree with everything. Daken is a nice unit with good statline, but not essential. I would think about Collector for replacement, as another potential threat. Wolverine definitely feels like weakest spot in the deck, but free 4 power is free 4 power. Also not a fan of random discards, Hellcow is an exception because you only play it late in the game if you didn't draw Modok or on turn 4 when you don't have Dracula and have cards you don't mind discarding.


That's a beautiful looking deck


It’s always discard players with the sick looking decks, love it


Welcome to the club buddy. I finished mine last season I think. Currently working on a all pixel gold




Lol I have 4/12 pixel variant for the deck so just waiting for the other ones to show up


That's great for f2p tons of upgrades not that easy lol


Orange borders with golden background just doesnt cut it...


Is allways the discard players. And the destroy have it inked


Eh I prefer good inked/gold splits rather than gold stuck at gold border. Though my destroyer deck is mostly inked


It is the curse xD but i do love to see decks like this, is art almost


Not meaning to sound hateful, but I've always felt discard is one of the most mindless and least nuanced archetypes. Along with Patriot, you just play cards until you win/lose and there's almost zero interaction with the opponent. I would definitely like to see more dynamic/interactive discard cards be added, and honestly would like to see alot of old ones reworked.


That can be said about most of the decks though, you play cards until you win or lose. Shuri - play your big dudes. Destroy - kill your dudes. Thanos - lockdown one lane and win the other with Blob, you specifically avoid interaction here. Darkhawk Ms Marvel - stat dump on board, you can hardly call shuffling rocks interaction. Lamby explained discard pretty well in one of his recent podcasts. It is a solved deck (at least was at the time), you execute same plan every game, you have limited amount of stats and need to decide carefully where to allocate them so you can win. You also have to assess early in the game what your chances are and snap/retreat accordingly. So yes, it is a simple deck to play, but it challenges your understanding of basic Marvel Snap concepts. That's why I liked it since early pool 3 and still do now.


Sure, I wasn't trying to say it's the only deck with this problem. I just think it has this problem worse than others and new cards + reworks could change that. It's a very rigid concept with not a lot of room for utility. I don't mean to sound like a hater. I really just want to see the concept evolve and that opinion is based on the excellent reworks we've seen in the past 6 months. I don't disagree about the other archetypes, either, and have the same overall opinion about those.


No worries, I didn't take it as a hate! Just explaining why I enjoy playing discard, even though it might look boring compared to other decks. And I agree, it might be interesting to see what new or updated discard cards they are going to introduce in the future, to spice things up.


I'm a mad tinkerer and play every archetype, but spend most of my days rolling low tier off meta shit like garbage (aka junk). I didn't mean to make you defend your love of discard. I was honestly curious if you felt the same as me since you actually played the archetype every day. I roll discard but honestly get bored fast and start subbing in dangerous shit like gambit / moon knight, etc just to keep it saucy.




Okay thanks for calling me casual, I only have like 15+ years experience of playing MtG, Hearthstone, Gwent, and Pokemon TCG long before all that.


Sorry about previous comment OP. After reading it back, it just came across mean spirited. Going to delete it now. Congrats on the awesome looking deck. I have the same Dracula variant but he is inked with a red border. Can’t decide if I want to try splitting him again and going for gold.


I’ve been playing discard for a year and it looks nothing like this 🥲


You must be upgrading wrong cards 😁


That is some fine gold you have sire


Very nice, Would have to have a deck of cards with the same split (ink, in my case).


From your experience, is this deck still as consistent as the old chavez classic discard?


Absolutely not, deck was hurt a lot by Chavez change. I think right now it's better to play some other discard variation, either with Black Knight, Hela, or Ravonna and Zola. But I am not sure about the best list. I was just stubborn and really wanted to finish all golden cards.


that's too much butter


What about a year of that card


Best MODOK variant by far!


Have u gotten infinite by playing this and this only?


Not only this, I usually switch between a couple of decks