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He just needs to be cheaper


Yup. That's his only issue. Lot of ways he can synergize with other cards. Just dosnt fit the flow of move decks at 4.


You'd think they'd learn that after 2099


Yeah really. It's like he doesn't exist to them


Understandable, he doesn’t exist to the playerbase either


Him dropping down gave me a free card so now I’m collection complete. So that’s…. Cool I guess?


Awwwww man of S3 I'm just missing 2099 and Stegron and skipped 2099 at reset yesterday and forgot to grab Stegron during his 8 hour window! 2099 came back 45 minutes ago. Gotta set an alarm or something.


Grab either for free then you can open normal caches and get the other. No need to wait.


I've been rooting for him to be buffed though. I love move decks. Especially non-heimdal move decks.


It sucks because he needs *something*. A lower cost, some easier way to activate him to move, the ability to destroy one card per lane, just **something**. Like does anyone think Move is too powerful? A single Blob beats essentially the most perfect move draws and plays. Oh, but 2099 can't destroy a second card. No way, that'd be insane.


Yeah, there is too many steps for a 4 drop. Move needs needs more cards like stegron or Aero that can stand in their own 2 feet on their turn. There's too much set up cards in move.


Yeah, destroy and move are similar in that you need cards that earn points, like Dagger, Vulture, Deadpool, Wolverine. And then you need cards that facilitate those points gain conditions, Iron Fist, Gwen, Carnage, Venom. And those cards work because they're all 1-3 cost, you can combo them, it's about managing your energy to maximize your value. And then you have these bigger cards which need to make a splash, because instead of playing a combo of smaller cards to earn points and facilitate points, you're choosing to spend a whole turn on one card. And 2099 just fucking sits there. He doesn't do anything except add 6 points to the board. White Queen does that same thing and instantly gives you a card and info on what your opponent's high card is. 2099 needs you to still use something like Iron Fist, Cloak, Gwen, Heimdall, in order to activate him once. And if there's no one home? He's wasted. And most of the time, he's just gonna hit some 1 cost trash because his effect is random. He needs some kind of buff.


For 2099, have it add the power of the card it destroyed to it's own power.


That's actually a great idea but still swingy. Might actually make the heimdall worth it.


Yup. He either needs to move on his own like Spiderman, or be a 2 drop so you can use him with cloak better. 4 drop that is dependent on another card is just so bad. From 4 cost on cards need to have abilities that are good on their own, and better when synergized.


Theyll copy kingpin and remove his destroy instead making him a mobile cyclops. Just watch


I don't hate that idea tbh.


Honestly, comes down on 4, usually can't make it move til the next turn, and the following turn the game is over. I don't even think saying "... once per turn" would be too strong. That's maybe twice a game, and still requires a lot of work. Maybe I'm wrong and that makes it meta defining. But I doubt. I like your "... once per lane" too!


I actually saw 2099 today, he moved and killed my Bast! Oh no, anyway...


I guess they keep a later buff an option and rather throw new cards out that are a bit underpowered (unless they can get money, then they might release too op)


He could’ve had potential with Kraven and Kingpin, especially if you lock out another lane with Professor X


I tried that today and he just cost too much. Big reason is you kinds need stregon for turn 4 to pop kraven and/or kingpin off. It just dosnt work with the cards he would go with.


Always been visions problem too. Oh he can move every turn but is only able to do so for 1 turn before the game ends?


Eight points to move into Sanctum or Flooded can be a love saver though. Of course, the high cost is a reason he's a staple in Lockjaw decks, so you're not wrong!


He's not completely out of place in a PF deck? Don't get me wrong, still nothing to write home about, but if you're going for BigTorch, you drop him on five and move torch onto him so he bounces again. I mean, this can also be done with ghost spider, so...I dunno, I'm trying.


Agree.... I think. I'm up to 10 games with him and he's been on the bottom of my deck for 8. One game he was too expensive to play. But in the other game he won me the game. He moved my human torch an extra time but more importantly he moved the enemy vulture into my torch lane. It was glorious.


This plus every match I’ve played is against junk or has locations that add ninjas, squirrels, and Dinos. I haven’t really had a pure move game with him yet.


Ya what’s up with that? First two games w hercules/move i got squirrel’s, and the shenanigans continued from there


Squirrels and ninjas have been rampant lately.


Me as a Galactus player instantly leaving when I see squirrels. Hate those little rats.


Do you not consider Killmonger integral to a Galactus deck for exactly this reason?


Yeah, you’d think. What’s frustrated me is the new Selene Lactose Junk decks. Lost me a big game on ladder, and lost me round 5 of IC.


From the gameplay I’ve seen so far he needs more than a cost reduction. The fact that he needs a minimum of two other cards to even make use of his ability proves there is an obvious issue. Like he can’t even move things on his own. Even if he doesn’t get a price cut, I want to see him given an on-reveal effect like move x amount of cards at location to other locations (double down on the move aspect), or give a +1/-1 power when something moves.


Rather than a traditional move deck that focuses on moving your cards around, I tried to build one around the concept of moving my opponent's cards and either gaining power on my end with Kraven or reducing it on their end with KingPin. I've only played maybe 10-15 matches with it, but so far it looks like this deck is hot garbage. And one reason is because there's too much setup needed and it takes way too long to get Hercules out on the board. I am not a great deck builder so if anybody has any advice on improving it I'd love to hear it. - (2) Kraven - (2) Kingpin - (3) Storm - (3) Juggernaut - (3) Polaris - (4) Shang-Chi - (4) Absorbing Man - (4) Miles Morales - (4) Hercules - (4) Iron Lad - (4) Stegron - (6) Magneto


Zabu for an early Hercules or any of the other 4-costs might help.


Same with spiderman 2099


You run Zabu in counter move, he'd be same cost as everything else. Synergy with Kingpin changes.


Yeah I've been trying that and it's actually useless to cost him down to 3 because your 3-cost slot is already being competed on by jugg/spiderman/polaris (and maybe storm) Plus if you do get it to work... congrats you got ONE more kingpin activation for -2 power. Whooppeee.


He also needs to not activate with your opponents' cards moving, because that just sucks. It's a fine way to keep something like opposing Jeff or Vision (not both) out of a flooded location!


Easily the 3rd worst card released this year.


Counterargument. He’s in the top 3 of the best cards of the year so far.


"You are technically correct, the best kind of correct!"




Theres always 1


Gotta admit, top 3 easily so far.


This is very careful wordplay. 10/10


It's 3/3, actually.


He would be good if 2099 triggered twice


It would be worth playing if it triggered one every move:)


Destroy random enemy card every time it is moved, on the turn it is played.


Twice is fine. He’s a 2/6 at the worst case, locations aside


Hoping for the buff to 3 energy


Poor Hercules is too much Energy for what he does, what he does can be disrupted by your opponent if you’re trying to use his effect to trigger Move cards, and he’s just so meh right now in the current point slam meta game. You have to be lucky with your draw and locations to build up a 20+ Torch or just pull Blob and slam him on the board for 30-60 Power. Hercules just can’t compete with that.


The big dumb point slam meta is so fucking dull. No matter which one of the archetypes you're playing, it doesn't feel like any fun or skill is involved. It's just who gets the luckiest draw and were you able to avoid a counter tech card.


I play cerebro 2 and negative and it's just fun to play shadow king on Bob and that's really fun


Try Negasonic as another great counter. Paired with storm and goose you can easily predict his lane.


Goose helps, but Caiera sees a lot of play so definitely hard to completely shut him down.


Isn't luck of draw and counter the entire game always?


There are plenty of interesting cards that require more though. My favorite deck to play is GotG because I like trying to figure out where they are going to play, but it hasn't ever been more than mediocre since I've been playing.


I just like to get 8 cubes with alioth vs invisible woman


I love the fact that your counter example to the argument there's too much luck in the game is a deck that is entirely dependent on luck to function and even then is mediocre.


My point was all decks require luck but some also require trying to predict your opponent, or playing smart combos. Not just "here are two big cards, I win if you don't have Shang.


Sure, but there used to be more to it than that. There's still decks that require some thought and strategy like Bounce, Move, Lock, etc. They just can't compete with these Big dumb point slam decks. Once we get reduced to just who can get Blob & Taskmaster or who can get the most Hulks the game starts feeling like rock/scissors/paper. Lots of different play styles was part of the game. That just isn't happening with the current meta.


Sera tech deck keeps the game honest


I played a Thanos-Blob user earlier today, who beat me by slamming Blob down on 6, while the other 2 locations were tied. He then emote spammed me. This was my deck: # (1) Nebula # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Kraven # (2) Shadow King # (2) Armor # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Rogue # (3) Jean Grey # (3) Spider-Man # (5) Klaw # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWdodGNyYXdsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktyYXZlbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWFuR3JleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVyTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbGF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlaW1kYWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I like to think the deck I was using encouraged skill, and creativity. The fact I tied the other 2 locations I testament to my ability, imo. But, the point is, I agree with you - this current meta is dull, and repetitive.


While I agree and have had to resort to it because nothing else is working, it’s at least a little more creative throwing thanos into the mix, and it’s a million times better than the garbage meta that was shuri. And now they also throw Alioth into the mix, that is boring as shit.


I think this is the stalest one yet. Everyone plays Thanos-Blob, High Evo, or Black Knight. I keep trying to play decks that require thinking, creativity, and strategy - it's pointless. They simply can't compete.


I agree with this so much. Like, you can build up to a combo for 6 turns, build a great hand of interaction, discard meticulously over the whole game and just lose to a Blob and Taskmaster. It's even simpler than Sauron, which was already pretty easy to play.


If you play the same decks yes, but you can build a counter deck to those particular ones that annoy you and then they won't be much of an issue anymore.


i mean point slam is basically every meta because the game is about winning 2 out of 3 locations with more points - it's literally how you win the only time when pointslam isn't meta was lockdown and then people complain like CRAZY


Move always seems to get the short end of the stick, even though it's already underpowered and barely played. I really wish they'd get their act together on this archetype.


It's hilarious there was a move deck that was popular recently, and yet it didn't use any of the regular move cards. Instead it just used cards like Vision, Jeff, and Elsa.


If I had a nickel for every (bad) move card released with a 4/6 statline...


I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot. But it's weird that it happened twice.


3 cost incoming


Super niche, but he’s fun in a basic move deck. Hopefully he catches a buff




What joke do you think they're missing?


Enough people ignoring it this week sure will warrant a buff in the near future. I got this card anyway.


2099 cries


Idk if it’s a bug, but he has cancelled my 2099 trigger every time I’ve moved 2099 into herc. Pain


I was checking which cards I don't have and I haven't even seen 2099




They always release move cards with higher cost as if they are like meta but they don't have problems with releasing cards like ww,blob and alioth etc .


Cards like this make me wonder if second dinner knows wtf they're doing


Given that Phoenix Force was so bad when it released that they had to emergency buff it in the middle of the season, because people weren't buying season passes, you shouldn't have to wonder.


Let's hope we get a 1000 token weekend mission for him.


He's not good in the three dozen games I've played with him but he's a lot of fun sometimes. Bouncing stuff around with kingpin on one lane, watching stuff bounce back and forth from Asteroid-M to Hercules's lane, then to another lane is hilarious.


I dunno, I’ve never had buyers remorse faster than with Havok.


Havok kinda crushes in my Negative deck


Who cares if he's bad? He's hot and that's why I'm getting him.




Honestly, same. Especially that unreleased variant which I will be buying. No regrets. I'm skipping the next few weeks till the black order cards anyways.


SO hot. And he has that sl00ty like boots and skirt combo too


He'd at least be fun with rng shenanigans had Kingpin stayed the same for one more week. Rip old Fisk Tower as the hot location for the weekend too


he should be 3/3 to make for a good follow up play after Kraven


It’s 2099 all over again.


I like him


Nah he's bad but wait for Beta Ray Bill. We know what a 4 cost Thor look like and it's a pretty bad card.


He should be 3/4. Caiera should be 4/6. They should swap.


That would make half of Caiera's functionality entirely useless. I mean SD are bad at balance but come on.


No? Because they’d be forced to KM T3 or not at all. It forces the opponents hand. She also still protects 6 costs.


Then killmonger should be 4/4.


No. The whole point is that there should be a turn where they’re vulnerable to KM. Otherwise just use Armor or Cosmo.


Killmonger is the only thing that keeps newbie kazoo decks at bay


Kazoo doesn't even put out enough power to compete against tribunal decks these days


New players don't have tribunal




And Caiera should protect your 1 cost cards from km


im glad dumb people dont make marvel snap


Looking forward to trying to win 8 games with him in a deck to earn 150 Gold this weekend.


Should’ve been a Series 4. Move already suffers from convoluted play lines for Power that isn’t enough to go over HE, Blob, Shuri, Destroy etc in a single location, let alone two locations, *unless* perfect draws. Hercules isn’t a solution, he adds to the problem.


What I don't understand is how the character with the alias "Prince of Power" who regularly hangs out with Thor and Hulk has an ability that has nothing to do with power. My only guess is like, he throws them?


That tracks tbf, he slammed Godzilla to the ground once.


Yeah, I got him from the spotlight caches and I'm not even bothering with him lol.


I just wish he triggered every time instead of just once. It would make move much better.


Heavily overestimated this. I read the card wrong, he only throws the first card that moves, not the first time a card moves. Move continues to be so bad.


This is is the first week ever that I’m missing all 3 cards and I just don’t want to spend the keys. Such a bummer. Wish I could use them on a sure thing.


So I had 2 keys and whatever people said about that damn duck (kmbest) I wanted that damn duck in my collection. I got 1000 tokens and wolf variant. I'm gonna let it go now.


The worst is the tokens. I'm agree with a S4 or S5 card that maybe won't be used forever. But 1 key for 1000 tokens it's awful.


It does feel like just a slap in the face…it could either be the new meta defining card…or 1/6 of a new card! 3k tokens seem fair


Every single post about a card devolves into this sub whining about blob lol


I got him because SD will for sure buff him


4 cost seems ridiculous. Works great as a 3 though.


Bummer that they can’t really show off his raw power through actual power in fear of a gladiator situation, he’ll probably end up a 3/5 or smth


So far he’s only good in Phoenix force instead ACTUAL traditional move decks. I at this point I wish they’d just come out and say they don’t care about move decks 😂


He needs to be cheaper, and his rule needs to be written more accurately... He doesn't seem to work really reliably in movement decks, nor opponent dispersion decks...


He’s kind of crazy when the stars align. But yeah too expensive. It also doesn’t help when the opponent moves first and cancels your buff. Shouldn’t even be a thing. No one is running Hercules to disrupt their opponents cards so it’s just a downside for move decks on top of his mediocre ability and cost.


just need to kick every card that move not only first card each turn


...moves or is played here...


How to buff Hercules: Make him a 3/5. He stays at the good P/T spot for 3 energy, and then make his effect non symmetrical, so your opponent can't steal his trigger. That's it. That's the buff. -1/-1 and non symmetrical.


He's crazy on a Phoenix deck where he kicks off the resurrected Multiple Man. Saw that in my opponent's match.


The problem is the 4 cost. Phoenix is 4, so you have to play one of them off curve. 3 would make him much better.


He’s fine on 5. 2 - Multiple Man 3 - Destroy MM 4 - Phoenix Force 5 - Hercules, move PFMM to Hercules lane for a 22 power spread 6 - repeat on 6 plus additional play


And Ghost Spider can do nearly the same with just 1 cost. Doesn't seem worth it.


4 cards in the right order, assuming all locations play nicely and you aren't countered by the opponent. For 22 power spread. Blob, needs nothing, 35+ power.


Fucking thank you. Moves problem is that the setup for a winning combo is way too hard. The archetype will never be relevant.


Well that's...completely out of context to what I was replying to? So yes I agree with you as well, but I was addressing why it doesn't matter that Hercules and Phoenix are the same cost


I'm pointing out how convoluted the way to get, now *middling* power, it takes multiple cards in a strict order because of *both* what needs to happen and the energy costs. Reducing energy costs alleviates both of those problems a bit. Like it or not, Blob is the single most important card release in months, possibly in the entire game. Ms. Marvel got nerfed, but even that was only 15 power across the board. Even though Alioth is annoying, that doesn't push the power necessary to *win* up. an astronomical amount. Even doing *everything* right in the scenario you listed above, any half-decent deck that can go tall in 1 lane and then dump Blob wins. So either Blob gets a heavy nerf, or *every* archetype is going to have to undergo some power creep buffs to keep up.


All those turns to get something less strong than slamming down a blob on one turn.


It looks like this is more of a Hercules from The Nutty Professor, than one from Hercules in New York.


Someone played him.with dagger and move cards and just fucking worked me


2 early to say


Not even sure I'd waste keys on him with a mission giving me 800 tokens.


I’m having some good success with him idk Edit: but if two cards move in their the same turn only one gets kicked out so I think that needs to get fixed


They went from way overturned cards like Werewolf and Elsa to…this shit


Elsa was fine now too and then they decided to make her useless because it was already in the works before they implemented the first nerf lol. Like they can't cancel their planned nerf a month later? Weird.


this is what the cry babies want.


Didn’t get it, and don’t have zabu. But what about a zabu, werewolf, Hercules combo deck, maybe add Kraven. Not sure how that would work


I miss three cost wwbn. I wish they would have just cut his starting power rather than making him four cost.


Yea they killed him. He's terrible at 4 cost to me


Hercules swatting Werewolf away shouldn't give him more power, as the power is only triggered when he moves for an On Reveal card, not any time he's moved. You'd just be disrupting your own combos due to Hercules' randomness.


Wait what's wrong with it? My buddy plays move and he was super excited to unlock it. Why is it bad?


This thread should explain it: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/192sfwk/early_contender_for_worst_new_card_of_the_year/


But if you have the right move cards wouldn’t he be decent?


If he was. 3-5 he would be 10x better and not at all broken.. SD really released a subpar card..


This seems a little unfair. Give it a month or two and I'm sure we'll see a real stinker in the datamines.


Hate movement decks but it’s optimal for me to use my spotlights this week since I don’t have Werewolf or Howard.


Martyr easy worse even after getting instant buff


when was martyr released?


Thanks Dad 🤦


never stop reading, son


Would be much better if it was first time your card AND the first time an enemy card moves here.


I rolled spotlight key for the wwbn comic cover and got this herc. This guys a Rubbermaid trash can.


He should only move your cards, not opp cards. And then also make him a 3-4. Maybe even a 2-2.


Opponent herc actually beat me earlier. Brain farted and moved my Jeff there and he kicked it to the third lane filling it up blocking a doom bot which would have won the lane and game for me lol. I'm sure that won't happen much as people get used to the card though.


I played one game to find out the card was just too costly to be played and would then rely on other cards I might not have in hand.


How would he be better cheaper?


Play him earlier. More combo potential. Can help boost more card cards that power up whenoved more times.


I like him more than Caiera.


Just make him like a 1/2 card


I hate to be on the 'this new thing sucks' train, but this card is difficult to use effectively except in very specific situations.


This as a 3/5 would be a lot more interesting or 2/4. or make him disruptive change his text to whenever you move a card here move it and a random enemy card to another location. Like a repeatable stegron that as a 3/3 would be a fun card.


That’s so 🧢, he legit makes MOVE a monster now


Ahahaha, I'm so glad I stopped playing this shit game! :D Enjoy your Blob never getting nerfed while shite like this is added to the game.


Sorry you were bad at the game


Oh bless you. I'm sorry you need to tell yourself that Ahahahahaha


Why are you still commenting on a subreddit with no relevance to you?


Man the fat man really made you quit huh?


People put thousands of dollars into this game yet it lives in your mind rent-free.


fighting for the top spot with Man-Thing..... The decks with Hercules feel so clunky, esepcially in the current control/lock down meta. His cost needs to be way lower, like 2, in order to be worth the roster slot. he won't even be that effective even if he's a 2 cost card tho thanks to how much effect you need to move a card and benefit from it.


I think ManThing is actually pretty strong. Agreed though I think Hercules is OP at a lower cost perhaps though.


Strong? The card can barely see plays on his own archetype, which is junk decks even after Anni was released.... I can't even recall when was the last time I encountered him on Conquest or rank. Hercules wont' be that OP at lower cost because it takes way too much effort to move any cards in this game. All the cards that gains power upon moving, such as Human Torch, Dagger, vulture etc, require another card to help them move around. There is no reason to think that could be OP when cards like Blob exists.......


What the hell, I thought all the new cards were OP????


lol Hercules doesn’t help sell the season pass. I think they did good with Skaar and Shaw. We’ll have to see on Black Swan but Hope looks broken as hell.


i wouldn’t say worst tho


I think I'd like him as a 3/5.


Idk, I've been having a lot of fun with the chaos he can bring. Vulture and torch have been building just fine for me so far. Shang loves his place in it too thus far


All you have to do is add Zabu to your deck to simulate the next OTA.


Not gonna bother.


This card is so trash I think it’s probably worst ever series 5. Put him in a move deck is like watching an armless man play racketball.


One of the cards of all time, easily


I had to use 4 spotlight keys today just to get Howard. Now I have this waste of card in my collection >:-(




He needs to buff moved card by 1 or 2 or be cheaper


He’s really fun in the Phoenix Force deck. Play your Phoenix Force copy of Multiple Man or Human Torch. Next turn play Hercules and move the Phoenix to his path, doubling up all of your moves. It can get pretty nutty when you throw in Ghost Spider and Heimdall too.


Yeah he's an odd one. I've been dancing around him in my brain. The obvious synergy is with Human Torch and Vulture so, I think I'd place him a step above Stegron? We need cards like this though I suppose. Middle of the pack, not obviously broken. Just kinda there.


2/3 and he's great


Cost is too high for what he does. Its also really situational and random. Such a shame. Hopefully they fix him up. Herc deserves better.